Patrik Laine contre le premier choix des Jets et Harris/Struble : la suggestion de Grant McCagg

Patrik Laine contre le premier choix des Jets et Harris/Struble : la suggestion de Grant McCagg

  1. 26 years old, but hasn’t played more than 60 games since 2019-20. When healthy and rolling a 35-40 goal pace guy even over the past few years.

    2 years left at 8.7M per. UFA after that. I know they talk about CBJ retianing salary too but that’s a BIG ask.

    I mean, I’m not opposed. A lot of question marks but if he pans out he is an elite level goal scorer. And at that price, why not? A late first and a young dman? Seems like real good value.

    But I don’t see Columbus accepting that. And I’m not fully convinced this helps the rebuild long-term since he can just walk in 2 years, and if you wanna keep him I don’t see him accepting to take much less money than he’s currently making. But you never know! That’s the thing, to get a top end talent you gotta take a risk in a trade or contract eventually. But again, just not totally sold on Laine being THAT guy.

  2. Pourquoi pas, de toute façon Harris ne fera jamais l’équipe de Montréal qui se rendra loin en séries et on a déjà un autre choix avant celui-là

  3. Absolutely worth it to roll the dice on this guy if the price is reasonable.

  4. Could he be an option to retain salary on not next deadline but the one after? I believe the habs will have another retention slot available and the price of a 35 goal man at the deadline for under $5 million would probably get you more than you gave up. I don’t like the idea of a guy with substance abuse issues going to Montreal though. Might be a repeat of Zack Kassian.

  5. I’d expect whomever trades for Laine to do a ton of homework before they try to acquire Laine. If he hits, he’s a star, but if he he’s not ready he could be a huge cancer in the locker room. I hope he is recovering and can get back to playing soon, but I’m not sure if I want him in Montreal

  6. After careful consideration, that’s a No for me.

    Let’s list a couple of CONS:

    – Laine is 26 already.
    – Availability is the greatest quality, and Laine just can’t play full seasons anymore. Missed 127 games in the last 4 seasons. That’s around 32 games mised per season in average.
    – 2 years left at 8.7M, and then hits the UFA market. A 2-years rental for a team not contending is a waste of assets and cap space.
    – Limited mobility, for a team already low on speed up front.
    – Limited usefulness when not scoring and lately hasn’t been scoring at a rate worth 8.7M.
    – Huge unknown about his off ice issues, and Montreal market might be the last place he needs to be to get his life back on track.

    The only way I can see this benefit the Habs is if he comes at a discount (salary retained, not costing much in assets), we build him back up and pump his numbers up, and then can flip him for a premium in his last contract year. Which is all a big gamble that could just as well blow up in our face.

    A bird in hand is better than two in the bush, so I’d just skip all the extra steps and keep those assets or trade them for a younger player that we can actually build with for the long haul.

    EDIT: word

  7. That’s a pretty low price for a player of his caliber even with the potential personality/commitment/health issues.

    Salary is a bit steep but not impossible to manage.

    CBJ would want much more though.

  8. If he truly has acknowledged his mental health and is moving past his dad’s tragic death then he could absolutely light the earth on fire.Remember when drafted people thought Matthews might not be the best in the draft after all

  9. Well, a quick read yields quite a few reports of locker room issues/mental health and/or substance abuse issues, so I would have to err on the side of not adding him to the team dynamic.

    That said, everyone deserves a second chance, so I wouldn’t weigh the substance abuse question too heavily.

    Ultimately I think the risk/reward is slightly balanced toward the reward side, but the AAV pulverizes that slight positive. Ultimately, no.

    Edit: I didn’t realize a lot of his issues are a result of his dad passing away. That makes a difference. It’s not some sort of lack of character, it’s a completely understandable situation that anyone can understand, and that he will I am sure work through.

    Given that, I would be very curious to see how he would progress in our system. I could see him taking an opportunity to gat straight in Mtl and maybe even taking a cap-friendly contract if he thinks we have a shot at the cup once his current contract is up.

    Tough call! I’m directly on the fence.

  10. I wouldn’t say no to it because he could definitely help Caufield in his office! But I’d wanna have CBJ retain cap since we have RFAs & UFAs that need to be signed. But im good with whatever, In Kent Hughes we trust!

  11. Big risk but if all we give up is Harris and a late first I do it. Marty is the x factor.

  12. People comparing him to Drouin and PLD are idiot that dont watch hockey / dont look into player properly.. his dad died 2 years ago and it affected him big big time.. he tried to get over time but he couldnt.. legit I hope we get him.. he his a game breaker.. and he has the best wrist shot on this planet

  13. PLEASE DO IT.. please want Zegras.. but this dude is legit insane.. go look his fucking wrister compilation.. he makes Matthews wrister looks boring.

  14. I think this is a risk you take. He’s big, he’s got a wicked shot. He will also be closer to Finland in Montreal and Montreal has had a lot of happy Fins here. He’ll also have MSL to help him. I think we’d have to lower expectations though and accept that he’ll be overpaid probably for a couple of years.

  15. Laine js great player but he is in program because of reason you really think coming to market like Montreal will help him if he is 24/7 on eyes?

  16. 2nd round pick plus Kovy or Barron and I am good with it. This is MTL taking all the salary on as well. They have the space to fit it and there are only two years left if he doesn’t work out. 

  17. Crazy double down idea, get laine and then aign Puljujarvi. And hope for WJC ?? success.

  18. Obviously the trade is cheap, but the contract isn’t great. Never mind that he’s been a part of weak team cultures in Winnipeg and then Columbus, now proving himself to be incapable of playing at the level we’d hope for a full season. I thought we were looking to younger, more team culture-focused players?

  19. What are the odds of us drafting a player as good as Laine, issues and risks included, with the 26th overall pick? Infinitesimally small.

    He’s got two years left on his contract, and we don’t need the cap space in either year. He’s got 4-5 years left of his prime. He missed most of this year primarily due to a broken clavicle. Last year he “only” played 55 games, but scored 52 points. Maybe I’m crazy but I don’t understand what there is to talk about. I like Harris and all, but if CBJ is willing, easy yes.

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