Goga Bitadze isn’t a house hold name but he was outstanding as a rotation player for the Mgaic this year.
May 26, 2024
Goga Bitadze isn’t a house hold name but he was outstanding as a rotation player for the Mgaic this year.
I wonder what goga is worth on the market because teams going to throw him a bag this summer I’ll S&T to the highest bidder and get something in return don’t let this become a Mo bamba situation where you gave him up for nothing but, also I’m not saying we could’ve gotten a star for Mo you could’ve started him when WCJ got hurt and made his stats look inflated.
There are so many teams that need a solid big man. I would love to keep him, but he’s 3rd on our depth chart and he doesn’t get enough minutes for how talented he is.
I think it’s likely he signs for a team that needs him, and gets a well deserved pay day.
I wonder what goga is worth on the market because teams going to throw him a bag this summer I’ll S&T to the highest bidder and get something in return don’t let this become a Mo bamba situation where you gave him up for nothing but, also I’m not saying we could’ve gotten a star for Mo you could’ve started him when WCJ got hurt and made his stats look inflated.
There are so many teams that need a solid big man. I would love to keep him, but he’s 3rd on our depth chart and he doesn’t get enough minutes for how talented he is.
I think it’s likely he signs for a team that needs him, and gets a well deserved pay day.