
FINAL: 4-3 Cardinals


Postgame Wrap


  1. Hope everyone from Chicago had a great time visiting St. Louis this weekend! Glad they could enjoy some time in our city!

  2. I didn’t get to see the game but was watching the chat . Sounds like the Cubs tried making things interesting in the 9th but we shut them down . Sooo happy we won !!

  3. I’ll take the win, but what I really want is for the offense to do numbers at the Small Park so we can get Kitt, Romero, and Helsley so well deserved rest. They need it bad.

  4. ┏┓ In
    ┃┃╱╲ this
    ┃╱╱╲╲ house
    ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we
    ▔▏┗┛▕▔ Fuck the Cubs
    ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲

  5. It wouldn’t be a Cards Cubs series without HBP, 1 run games, controversial ump calls, and unregulated clenching. Feels good to come out on top twice.

  6. No better sight walking out of Busch than a group of sad Cubs fans. Just a gaggle of fat losers in their dorky pinstripe jerseys who know they have a five hour drive back to their shitty ballpark and their shitty suburban lives. Couldn’t even tie the game in either of Helsley’s two worst outings of the year. Just beautiful to see.

    What a bunch of fucking losers.

  7. a second straight buttclencher? fucking hell, helsley. you’re gonna be the death of me

    # THAT’S A (SHORTENED) CUBS SWEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I caught the game in the bottom of the 6th, why was Gray pulled after 74 pitches?

  9. I could really use a blow out win where my blood pressure doesn’t reach 180/90 but I’m never gonna complain about a win, especially against the cubs

  10. Is Helsley going through something personal? He looks tired/worn. The guys seem to be really propping him up – that’s pretty awesome.

  11. but seriously, what happened with sonny gray? another inning or two would have been great out of him.

  12. As a Cardinals/Orioles fan the beginning of this week was conflicting, but going undefeated against the city of Chicago this weekend definitely made up for it

  13. 🎵 Sonny Gray’s🎵

    🎵Blowin’ the Cubs away!🎵

    🎵Goldys gonna stay 🎵

    🎵Where the air is green!🎵

    🎵Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Stadium and Clark Street? 🎵

  14. I think I’ll have a drink to celebrate this redbird winner

    Edit: I’m a believer by the Monkees is a banger

  15. ryan helsley giving up 2 runs with a 3 run lead and 1 run with a 2 run lead because he’s an adrenaline junkie, respectable.

  16. The Cards have 25 wins and Helsley has 17 SAVES! Definitely could use more offense so we don’t have to rely so heavily on the ‘pen

  17. Glad we won, but i hope we aren’t overworking Helsley 😬 he needs a phat break

  18. Yeah fuck the Cubs. I’m disappointed that we didn’t make them wear a Helsley fast ball after intentionally hitting our guys twice, though. Maybe Oli is on his best behavior given the recent ejections. Better happen next time though

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