Remembering Bill Walton | Colin Cowherd + Jason Timpf

welcome to the official YouTube channel for the Colin coward podcast go on hit the Subscribe button there you go right down there if you want to be among the first to hear my weekly takes NFL college football more right there you know I was thinking so much today about Bill Walton the passing of the great Bill Walton so I grew up in the Pacific Northwest you know that so the first time I watched basketball was 7273 the Lakers had Weston Goodrich a very old Wilt they were very good back then so I don’t remember the Knicks winning a championship that was like 7172 I started watching TV in 72 I was like seven eight years old so I remember um the old west Goodrich Lakers the 77 Blazers the 76 Sonics The Warriors and about 7778 won a title Washington with Elvin Hayes West UNFI but Bill Walton really was for people you your age you’re more of a basketball encyclopedia but he was he was pre-ic that’s what he played like that and I said this today on Fox Sports that if Walton didn’t have injuries I think there’d be a debate today he would be in the debate for the second best center to Kareem of all time I feel that strongly he wouldn’t have been the scorer of Kareem first of all he’s a consensus three-time uh player of the year in college basketball not an All-American and remember in the era back then it was full of NBA guys he was the consensus player of the year three straight times so there’s that the second thing was that Portland team really was not terribly talented offensively it was a lot of Dave tsic and Henry steel and Maurice Lucas so I mean to win was very much about Bill Walton but I thought one of the interesting things was that we’ve talked about this before um many it’s surprising how often many of the great players in basketball have such unique games now Kobe clearly copied a lot of Michael but generally nobody played like Kareem nobody played like George gerin there was no pre- bird to bird LeBron was a Swiss army knife magic was totally unique Bill Walton was unique there was no arvita sabonis there what he was the first player that came out and would gladly I if the Blazers would have had multiple great offensive players he would have been more robust and dynamic as a distributor but Walton and I remember watching him the games weren’t National remember you only got like the finals National and that was on tape delay so you didn’t get the regionalization and I lived in I lived two hours between Seattle and Portland but we got Sonic games so like unless I went to Portland OR they were on the Sunday game with CBS Brent mber you didn’t see Walton so I only probably saw him six to seven to eight times most of it against the Sixers in the finals and I just remember thinking the hair the headband I’m like I’ve never seen anything like that even as a kid you’re like what is that you know he had this he almost shot it like a guard the way he had his hands perfect so I there are certain things in life as an old guy I wish young people could have seen I’ve said this before I wish people in their 20s understood how great boxing was 40 years ago just how great it was like the Super Bowl um and and and when Bill Walton passed he he he touched so many lives so many of the feed things on the feedback today on the internet were so touching um I think Bill Walton would have been he would have worked today he really is a today player there’s my there’s my take he he was 40 to 50 years ahead of his time A lot of people are eight to 10 years ahead of their time I honestly think I honestly think Walton was 50 years ahead of his time who do you have a player that you watched when you were eight n years old that literally is imprinted Dr J and Bill Walton stand out to me you know LeBron was always that for me when I was growing up and it’s it’s very interesting because the way you put it it’s it kind of a piggybacks off what we talked about last week in the sense that like all of these alltime greates they’re almost all weird there’s like a weird element to them and I I agree with you that bill Watton I think would have done really well in today’s NBA because he was that connective piece and so many NBA teams now are running five out of offense which I’m not going to get into it but the gist of it is it depends on a big guy that can make decisions that can set screens and read the floor the ball’s in the big guys hands a lot in in a lot of these modern uh NBA uh offenses right and like you know it’s funny though for me Bill Walton for everything mostly comes down to what he was as a broadcaster like and like was just weird what’s so funny is I had a buddy uh his name was Matt horek he played at the University of Arizona and I remember he was uh he was a um he registered there one year and he played behind those awesome front lines with like Aaron Gordon and Stanley Johnson and and Caleb tusi and then but I remember he he came off the bench for those guys he had a big game against Stanford on the road and I remember he got a throw it down big man one time from Bill Walton on the call and like me and my buddies were razing him about that forever because that’s like the dream like you got Bill Walton talking about you being the big man dunking down the lane like he just was always iconic as a broadcaster and like he always just brought this insane energy uh to to to that environment even when youd go to m center because I used to go to a lot of University of Arizona games like you’d sit up there and you’d actually see him on the on the sideline and he stand out from the crowd because he’s so damn tall and he’s like waving his arms and he’s getting all active and well we are getting closer to crowning an NBA champ and with the action heating up on the court hotter than ever download the draftking Sportsbook app it’s great I’ve got it you should takes less than 90 seconds official sports betting partner of the National Basketball asso iation okay now we got the Conference Finals Pacers 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UCLA’s campus like he was um we had some track and field athletes that were socially conscious conscious um bill was one of the first outspoken athletes I can remember I there’s a there’s a great story about him so U he was close to uh John Wooden until John wooden’s passing John a very humble man lived in a very bill plashy of the LA Times wrote about it today that Walton would call him a couple of times a week and he called him on his 19 90th birthday and plashy was there and and and John Wooden said you know I don’t do much of the talking but Bill calls regularly and he goes you know just no more enjoyable phone call I get than a couple of times a week from Bill Walton but when he got to UCLA Walton wouldn’t cut his hair and so he said coach I very iconic clastic I’m not gonna cut my hair and and John Wooden said well we’ll miss you so Bill got in his bicycle and bicycled across campus to a to a barber but I I we lost for I went and looked at I went to watch YouTube highlights of Bill Walton today I went back and I do this when somebody passes could be you know Glenn Fry the Eagles or you know anybody in in sports and bill today I sat there before the Celtics game for about 30 minutes and I went back and watched some college stuff and then his play stuff and for a kid from the Northwest bill was really special [Music]

Colin Cowherd & ‘Hoops Tonight’ host Jason Timpf talk about the life of Bill Walton and the legacy of his NBA career with the Portland Trail Blazers, Los Angeles Clippers, and Boston Celtics.

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