Marco Rossi’s 2023-24 Report Card! #minnesotawild #mnwild #nhl
on today’s episode of locktown wild Marco Rossi found his footing in his first full season at the NHL level so it makes all the sense in the world to trade him right we [Music] discuss you’re locked on wild your daily podcast on the Minnesota Wild part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s happening everybody Welcome in to another episode of Locked on wild your daily Minnesota Wild podcast part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day we thank you for making lockdown wild your first listen each and every day make sure you subscribe on YouTube and your favorite audio platform so you don’t miss out on any new episodes throughout the week today’s episode of lockdown wild is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks with any winning $5 bet visit locked on to get started on today’s episode of Locked on wild we evaluate the 2023 2024 season for Marco Rossi after a struggle last year both with his uh play and with the situation that he was put in by the team a much better showing for Rossi this past season so we’ll take a look at the stats we will take a look at your comments as to rossy’s Performance this year and talk about the uh rumors that are swirling that Rossi is on the trade market and why that uh probably not a good idea my name is Seth toall your daily Minnesota Wild Insider it is time for Marco rossy’s 2023 2024 report card and uh let’s just look at the numbers because obviously Rossy got the uh 19 game get your feet wet uh last year in 2022 2023 and it did not go particularly well just one point for Rossi in 19 games played mostly on the fourth line uh played up in the lineup up sparingly and uh was eventually sent down to Iowa where he spent the rest of the season just trying to work on the uh other facets of his game was an absolute Menace in Iowa the rest of the season and then came to the Minnesota Wild roster last year and played every single game was one of only two players on the Minnesota Wild roster that played all 82 games this past season him and Brock Faber and so Rossy goes from zero goals to 21 from one point to 40 and just look at these numbers all across the board 21 goals in 82 games 19 assists 40 total points he had 47 penalty minutes in the 82 games 19 even strength goals he had two Power Play Goals um and six to total Power Play points shot 12.6% with 295 total shot attempts 167 shots played 16 minutes 44 seconds per night on the ice his Faceoff percentage was 44.7% 37 blocks 35 hits 33 takeaways 21 giveaways and some of the other numbers as well possession metrics Cory 4 percentage Mar Cori’s Cory 4 percentage in all situations this season was 57.1% and so standard being 50% that being average uh rossy’s Cory 4 percentage obviously 57 that’s where you want to be um Rossi was on the ice for 61 goals four and 51 goals against so uh was 10 better in the goals for department and some of the other numbers just about one goal per 60 Minutes sat at 0.9 um for the season 1.7 points per 60 Minutes um on Ice goals four per 60 of 2.7 on Ice goals against of 2.2 per 60 minutes and let’s go to the point shares as well 2.1 offensive point Point shares for Marco Rossi 1.4 defensive point shares for 3.5 total Point shares and where does that rank amongst Minnesota Wild players this uh entire season well that uh is a good question uh total Point shares Marco Rossi was 10th on the team behind the likes of carrill Capri off Matt baly juel Eric sck Brock Faber Philip gust of Jonas brodine Mark Andre flurry Matt sarell and Ryan Hartman um and so a lot of good that Marco Rossi was able to accomplish this season uh number one let’s count the fact that he played every game this year and yes as a young player or in Marco rossy’s case a rookie you’re going to have those ups and downs throughout the uh the course of the season but Rossy handled it because I think think he had the mentality that was the appropriate one to take for just his entire experience of uh of being an NHL player and it it was summed up in a quote that we referenced quite regularly on the show Rossy after a game um after one game in particular talking to Kevin gorg said I just come to the arena every day and work hard and try to do my best hey if you bring if you bring that at minimum night in and night out you’re going to be all right you’re you’re going to put yourself in position to impact the outcome now whether it be from a points perspective or simply putting the team in position by making winning plays winning battles along the boards winning a faceof uh blocking a shot you you name it if you bring your full effort night in and night out you’re going to put yourself in a good situation and Marco Rossi one of the players who really hard to ever question the effort that he brings to the table on a nightly basis uh dude battles he he showed some uh some Bulldog mentality this year which was kind of uh one of the areas that he improved upon down in Iowa after the uh or during the 2022 2023 season just a little bit of abrasiveness learning some of that from juel Erics e but just not being a a pushover out there if if somebody rubs you the wrong way uh don’t be afraid to Dish it back to them so Rossi really improved in a lot of those specific areas now it is fair to look at his offensive production over the course of the Season which there were certainly some bright spots there were certainly some uh lull points uh throughout the course of the Season as well um but you know it’s been pointed out by many in the comments uh Denny in particular uh but uh but others have uh have also pointed to the fact that like as a center you you can make the plays and if you set a guy up for a great feed for a potential goal but he doesn’t hit on the shot that’s you know that that that reflects in the uh the lack of points so I just want to go kind of month by month for Marco Rossi and look at how his numbers did um each month so the first nine games of the Season Rossy had three goals and an assist he had four total points in the first nine games of the Season we move to the month of November so three points in nine games rossie then in 12 games in November he had three goals five assists so he had eight total points and so the first 21 games of the Season Rossy had six goals and six assists let’s move through the month of December rossie in the month of December he increased his production uh to five goals and five assists in the month so he had 10 points in 14 games in December and increased his numbers to 11 goals and 11 assists in 35 games let’s move that through the month of January Rossy then goes to 13 goals 15 assists 28 points in 49 games the month of February Rossi gets up to 17 goals 16 assists 33 points in 60 games the end of March Rossi up to 20 goals 17 assists 37 points in 73 games and then the month of April he finishes with the 21 goals and the 19 assists so there were obviously the month of December was great for for Rossi but you know let’s let’s not let’s not dismiss the fact that a guy who pretty notoriously did not shoot the puck was one of his primary um one of his primary Puck handlers uh down the stretch and from the All-Star break on Rossi in 33 games he had eight goals four assists and 12 points but let’s keep in mind what that let what the big switch was there that was when we started to see Carill Capri off Matt baly and juwel Eric zck deployed together more frequently before that Rossy was getting playing time with Capri off and zarell he was getting Top Line Center minutes he was getting second line Center minutes did kind of bump down down further into the lineup and eventually settled in as that second line Center um as the the rest of the season unfolded but you know if you are a Center trying to set up your teammates certainly helps to have somebody that can shoot the puck which is why we have been so vocal about trying to get somebody on that second line that actually lets it rip because there were certainly opportunities there are certainly opportunities for Rosy to improve his scoring but get somebody that can shoot the puck on that line to uh help him out a little bit so overall was impressed by what what Rossi brought to the table um just you know these are things that young players this is the part of the process for the young players is is learning how to kind of adapt to what the NHL level is doing and learning how to be more consistent and some of those other things that you can bring to the table now that you have seen how the NHL product works and you’re ready for some of the curveballs that get thrown your way uh let’s get to the voting we’ll get to the letter grades and we’ll hear from you as to what you thought about Marco rossy’s season this year all that coming up as we continue today’s episode of lockdown wild after this today’s episode of lock down wild is brought to you by FanDuel 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that you can cash in on 100 50 bucks in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet visit locked on and make every playoff shot count FanDuel America’s number one sports book welcome back to today’s episode of lockdown wild once again we thank you for making lockdown wild your first listen each and every day you may have seen it in the comments we are currently in the works of lock wild 2.0 coming to you here uh in a matter of days um some new content coming out uh on all social media platforms uh trying to take this to the next level and uh continue to give you as much Minnesota Wilds content as we possibly can so stay tuned more details coming on that let’s get to the votes let’s hear what everybody has to say about Marco Rossy 2023 2024 season uh we’ll go to the votes first and foremost uh we’ll start on YouTube because we had a bunch of comments um 120 votes we had 33% of the vote go a for Marco Rossi 57% said B 8% said c and 1% of the vote said f um so that was kind of how the vote broke down as far as the actual votes go uh let’s take a look at these uh Tyler Bach got it started he said B+ with his prior pedigree I expected slightly more but I’m also a noob hockey fan I won’t consider myself seasoned until a few years down the road that said I think that Rossy needs to stay for the love of the North Stars Do not trade him please so B+ from Tyler Gary says gave him a b but really leaning towards an a if he could get a Little Help from his friends Lin mates he’d be right there uh douge a minus commitment and effort to get where he’s at after the handy was dealt is second to none has room to grow and show more of his skills with experience give Marco quality line mates and he will likely Excel as he matures I worry if he’s traded he will become one of the ones will’ll kick ourselves for letting go IE Brandt Burns Darcy keer the list goes on and on John B+ grading Ross uh grading really showed a lot but faded in the home stretch probably due to playing with Mr Johansson no way he should be traded if Bill Garen does that he is an idiot Trav Rossy gets a b to B minus he did better than I thought he was going to do but he was a ghost for stretches too he does fine with better Talent around him but he isn’t a game changer yet uh the Dune 9210 a minus exceeded expectations please don’t trade him uh Denny the captain Marco absolutely gets an a from me when you’re playing with Mojo who is on vacation all year just think how many points he would have had uh Ron I would probably give him a B+ just because he was the only one on his line that excelled zarella would get a c minus after his split with Capri off and Johansson would probably get nothing higher than a z minus and a permanent role in the Al Shaver Press Box uh Urban solid B he did more than I expected definitely helped he got a real shot which urban didn’t expect there’s definitely more room to grow his game and be a true top six guy uh the big V 8644 much needed improvement with better opportunities still had some ups and downs but I think his Downs for points can be attributed to some of the guys he played with having horrendous years I still think he gets traded though and I wouldn’t hesitate if the right draft situation comes along or chance at another proven younger top six player so pretty consensus in the B and the a range as far as the Twitter votes go 30 votes 76.7% said B 23.3% said a so let’s take a look at the categories here um let’s start with the offense and with the fact that Rossi was tied for fourth on the team in goals with 21 tied with Ryan Hartman for uh that spot he finished with 40 points which also puts him near the top of the leaderboard on a team that just quite frankly did not do a ton of scoring like points wise Rossi is seventh on the team trailing only Hartman Faber zurell Ericson Baldi and Capri off and factoring in that um factoring in that linemates didn’t really carry their weight for Rosia at points throughout the season I’m gonna go on the offensive side I’m gonna go with a three and a half out of five um Rossy did some really good things he was a net front guy like just defaulted to the net which I think is a fantastic spot for young guys especially centers to start and we did see as the year wore on we did see him start to pull his shot from a little further away uh now obviously that’s that’s an area that he can certainly improve upon going forward but we did start to see some signs of that as the uh the year wore on now just need to see it more consistently so I’m going with a three and a half I could certainly be SED into a four um you got to take weight into the fact that he was arguably your fifth best option for goals on the team and the fact that he played the entire season so I’m going three and a half there defense honestly I’m gonna go four I I think Rossi brought a level of physicality especially for his size that was just not consistently delivered by teammates like how many times do we see Rossy get involved in after the play scrums or just even going and battling along the boards for a puck um it it’s just something that did not consistently happen for many Wild players throughout the season so I’m going four on the defensive side and then on special teams Rossy was part of that second power play unit for a large majority of the year that unit did absolutely nothing um for large parts of the Season it was basically a one-unit power play um and a lot of that stems from the players that were most commonly utilized on that second unit um not necessarily having anything to do with what Rossy brought to the table himself and so I’m just going to go I’m going to go three out of five on special teams but I’m not throwing a ton of weight in there because just wasn’t utilized a ton in uh in that position and so for the overall grade you know I I think I’m GNA go I think I’m GNA go BB Plus um there’s definitely room for improvement but we need to factor in that Rossi played 82 games that he became a guy who just was one of the few that you uh didn’t worry about you know I I know the scoring production dipped and was was up and down but I never really worried about what Marco Rossi was doing on the ice because he just he just kind of put his his head down and just did his job so that is something that I think is really uh a good spot for him to build a good building block for this season um and something that with better line mates around him uh that could be certainly um an area for him to improve so I’m going BB Plus uh with Rossi this year like I said he he was impressive uh the scoring I know up and down but for a young player the consistency is the big thing that they by and large need to work on um and so no than Matt baly like if Rossy can just develop some consistency he’s going to be just fine which is why it would be a bad idea to trade him right we’ll talk about that to finish the show today uh as we finish today’s episode of lockdown wild after this final segment of today’s episode of lockedown wild once again we thank you for making lockdown wild your first listen each and every day uh let’s take a look at the reports that the Minnesota Wild are at least open to the possibility of moving Marco Rossi if the right deal pre presents itself and here’s all you need to know about why this came about so it it has been reported by Michael Russo that um the Minnesota Wilds are at least entertaining the possibility of trading Marco Rossi for somebody who can offer um a like somebody who can offer more I guess in the size department for one they’re looking to see if they can kind of capitalize on rossy’s year and bring in somebody similar to how the Anaheim Ducks uh acquired cutter gotier from the Philadelphia Flyers but here’s the thing with that is this just is a further extension of I think where this team is at the athletic put out a piece that looked at what you need as a contender uh Dom leusen was the one that wrote it what you need is a contender um you need to have you know those that that unquestioned number one top line you need to have good Center depth you need to have a great goal tender you need to have this and this and that and just in pivoting off of our conversation about juel Ericson e as a onec obviously if you got somebody that was a Bonafide 1C like if you added Jack eel to this mix if you added rupe hints to this mix if you added Conor McDavid or Nathan McKinnon to this Minnesota Wild roster they’re the unquestioned one SE which means that juwel ericc would slot in as the two and Marco Rossy would in that sit situation be the third Center um and so I understand that line of thinking but here’s the problem is look at the leap that Rossi took from his 19 game stint in 2223 to this past season and look at all of the things on a team that has just so many so many different spots that need to be fixed trading him to bring in either a prospect that you hope could be a Bonafide 1C or bringing in a veteran to try to help you more win now like you are making a shortsighted move in the Point you’re making a shortsighted move and getting rid of a guy that could really be something for you uh down the stretch now in a situa if a situation exists in which you get somebody that has a lot of what Rossy brings to the table but is like 64 or 63 then obviously that’s something you could consider but th those types of Trades just don’t happen like you can’t just say hey we need to find everything that Marco Rossi does but just find it in a bigger bigger frame like okay cool go do that on NHL 24 um and so it’s either that the front office is really like looking at this as a possibility or in my hope they’re floating this out there with the hope that some GM kind of panics and overpays now one trendy scenario in which this could be a possible um this could be a possibility is if you’re looking to move up in the draft and instead of offering a pick um in addition to your first round pick like a pick swap if you’re looking at doing pick swap into the top into the top 10 from 13 uh say to around the six or the five area then that would be where throwing in a young player like this could potentially be appealing uh this was brought to my attention on Twitter about the possibility of just doing a pick swap with the New Jersey Devils and offering them Philip gustofson to make it work that would certainly be a possibility and that would be a great way to move up and to grab somebody that could be a top six guy borderline and a Topline guy further down the road but um it just this is just the part of the equation that I’m not a huge fan of is you take a guy like Rossi who has battled a ton of adversity just came in and came in and did his work day in day out played the full 82 Game season um and then you’re going to turn around and you’re going to say we we got to find something we got to find something better for a top six center with his like one full season of work uh in the equation without knowing if he could take that like let’s let’s consider this if there was some crystal ball in which Marco Rossi like you you look out on the rest of his career and you see that his ceiling is a 20 goal guy maybe 40 to 45 points under that circumstance would you be open to trading him to add something that is also a young player that maybe has a higher ceiling sure but that’s one scenario there is also another scenario in which he goes on the same sort of run that juel ericon e has and he turns into a 25 30g goal guy and he starts to add points with better skilled linemates around him he starts to to creep that point total up towards 50 60 70 and so that’s the part of it that I can’t really get behind is if he continues to improve you’re trading away a smaller version of juwel Erics e now maybe Rossy has a little work to do to get to that level defensively but we have spent years we spent decades just groaning over the center depth groaning over how this team is stacked up down the middle and now all of a sudden you’ve got juwel Ericson firmly entrenched and Marco Rossy took some nice steps towards potentially being another guy in your top six and guess what if you end up acquiring somebody or drafting somebody that vaults all the way up to the top of the lineup Marco Rossi as a 3C in a properly proper depth lineup that would be a massive pain for anybody that you would play against but you would only know that as a possibility if you continue to keep him around you’re you’re going to just add him to the list of players that have success against the Minnesota Wild as former Wild players if you bail on him at this point but this is kind of this is kind of par for the course and so me personally I would much rather see Rossy stick around and continue to build off of what was a really solid season for him and um just continue to try to cultivate that young Talent so that in a a year from now you have a bunch of just young level players that are ready to step in and to take care of business so um the continued circulation of that um is annoying to me but obviously where there’s smoke there’s fire it’s not going to be reported by somebody who is as plugged in as Michael Russo is and let’s be clear here Russo is against it too like he’s he’s not he is not advocating for a trade of a guy like Marco Rossi he thinks it’s as as bad of an idea as all of us do but it’s it’s not he’s not putting it out there for no reason so I hope it doesn’t happen but as we typically do we will continue to keep you up to dates now before we go where would Rossy slide in on a playoff team where would he slide in on the Dallas Stars Colorado Avalanche I think in a playoff team he is as of right now a three SE with proper depth of Center but let’s classify him as a player that certainly has the capability to rise into the top six in a playoff team but I I think right now properly lined up depth with a playoff team I think Ross’s a three seat um but he’s he’s got a a lot of time in front of him to hop higher in the lineup and I certainly hope he does that here that’ll do it for today’s episode of lockdown wild once again we thank you for making lockdown wild your first list in each and every day uh make sure to hit the like button if you have not already and uh make sure to follow along on your favorite audio platforms so that you don’t miss out on any new episodes throughout the week we’ve got new episodes for you every Monday through Friday as part of the locked on podcast Network
On today’s episode of Locked on Wild, we evaluate Marco Rossi’s 2023-24 season! We look at the strides he took in his first full season in the NHL. We also discuss his hard work ethic, and that memorable quote early in the year “I just show up to the rink everyday and work hard and try to do my best”. We look at some of the factors that led to his production fluctuating throughout the year, and hand out grades in the following categories:
Offense: 3.5/5
Defense: 4/5
Special Teams: 3/5
We give Rossi a B+ for his body of work this season while also being excited for what the future has in store. We look at why it would be a bad call to trade him, and why he is even being considered to be traded in the first place. We also look at where Rossi logically slots in on a playoff contender.
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#NHL #KirillKaprizov #MinnesotaWild
Hi Seth is this live?
The reason for my grade is there is a ton of room to grow. Giving Rossi an A is basically saying Rossi is as good as he can get. If Kirill is an A Rossi just isn't. Can't be.
Any one here?
Rossi came to work everyday, it's too bad he had to play by himself, for most games,as a rookie he did better than most expected, I Love his Game, with some help on the wing's
He could easily become a beast,
Rossi is the second rookie to score 20 or more goals in there first season only Kaprizov scored more 27
Gabby scored 18
Boldy scored 15
Just to give everyone an idea at what he accomplished