Miami Heat: 5 Worst Decisions of the Jimmy Butler build | Five on the Floor
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Ethan J SK five re of sports I got Greg sander you can follow him at Greg sander so this is part two of a two-part episode I don’t know what happened to Alex maybe he just didn’t want to hold the organization accountable it’s just me and Greg today and let’s review because in the last episode if you haven’t heard it the three of us again I don’t know where Alex is uh nominated the best decisions of the Jimmy Butler build and we got it we Whitted it down to what 10 11 something like that and this is how it turned out uh the number one best decision extending Eric spoler the number two best decision was trading for Jay Crowder and Andrea guadala at the deadline of the covid year Well prior to covid uh before Rudy goar ended the NBA then the third best decision uh was drafting haime hakz the fourth best decision was keeping Goran dragic in the Jimmy Butler trade even though I would have thrown that one out uh because I don’t think that was initially their intention and it happened simultaneously to Jimmy Butler coming in but whatever okay I mean to me if we’re going to say that we should have said getting R of Hanan white side but because that was all part of the same transaction but whatever uh and then number five was my my nomination one of my nominations which was not trading for Bradley Beal and that owner is no trade clause so now we’re going the other direction here and we’re going to pick the five worst decisions of the Jimmy Butler build and I actually think that this is harder and I know some Heat fans who are down on the front office are not going to agree with that Greg but like we don’t have quite the same list that we did before but we’re going to give it a shot anyway we are and I I’ll start with the obvious one everyone can just uh I think that this is the easiest of all and that is drafting precious auua over Tyrese Maxi if we’re gonna start with the things in the Jimmy Butler era that you wish a decision had gone a different way that is it because Tyrese Maxi would have completely Chang the trajectory of what’s happening right now so that uh we’ll we’ll let that start the the bidding here in terms of the the ones that we’ve come up with yeah that’s a definite nominee I mean this is like uh alucino is in a movie he’s nominated uh that that’s that’s how I would look at this um doesn’t mean he’s going to win but he’s nominated uh we’ll get into the specifics of that and we’re actually going to do a full episode on that by the way because we’re going to review some of these uh recent drafts all right I’ll uh I’ll do uh another one um here and I I I I it’s taken me a while to come to this one so I’m not gonna say that I I would hit it uh right away but the aversion to size um I think and and you had this on an opening list and and I just think that it’s unavoidable at this point that this team has just not gotten enough functional size um over the over the years of the Jimmy build and I think that has led to some of the wear and tear there’s no way to there’s no way to say that specifically I mean you can’t identify it but it just seems natural that if you have guys who are having to play up in positions most of the time that it’s going to affect them in some way and I just think that and this is again this is one place where maybe I’m not totally aligned with our expoler which I usually am 99% of the time but we know that it’s I think if Pat Riley had his way there would be more overall side on the roster um but Eric doesn’t use a lot of it and then when they have brought in some guys they haven’t really worked maybe the way that you’d hoped or you know they or they’ve maximized what they can get from them like they got Dwayne deadmond off the couch Co you know they got Zeller off the couch you know Thomas Bryant was a player who didn’t really play for Denver uh you know during their Championship run when it mattered you know so it’s like okay they they’ve tried in some areas but as we talked about the last episode they really just have gotten Kevin Love and he’s he’s been one of their better decisions but I will just say that the overall aversion to size on this roster I think has affected it does not necessarily mean that bam needs to play the four but I just think that they need more size on the roster and I think that that that would have helped as they gone deeper okay so that’s one of my nominees go ahead I agree wholeheartedly that the the size is a big one um we I mean just Nico potentially being the the four next to Bam at least gives a little bit of uh light to that scenario if you think that that’s the long-term fit there but you’re dead on that they have not addressed size overall I’m going to go with uh bringing this exact same team back after the the Dame Saga everyone was in trade talks everyone knew they were in trade talks they brought the same team back I know that there were reasons why that took place but that was one where I felt like this team was stale uh they then played kind of like that and so that’s the one that I’m going to lean into here I think that after the Dame trade talks I know that there’re it doesn’t I’m not giving them enough Grace probably because there wasn’t much to do after that but that entire scenario just um it rre of a missed opportunity and so I’m gonna go ahead and and try to find my way into to listing that maybe it won’t end as one of the the top ones but that that’s that’s on the list all right uh I’m going to go with one that is completely counter to what Alex was trying to do on the last episode giving Kyle Lowry three-year contract and I know it wasn’t their preference I know if if they had things their way they wouldn’t have done that but that was the cost of doing business there for two reasons one because there were other teams interested like New Orleans Etc I believe Philadelphia at the time there was another maybe it was Dallas there there were a couple of other teams that may have been willing to to go uh close to that close to what the heat did or or where the heat went uh but also and this is going to again run counter to what a lot of fans think you know they I I think they lean too much on their star players’s opinion on that um and and it it just didn’t work out and I when and look Alex is gonna counter that well they had that run where the guys were out during what was it the 2122 season and Kyle played a big role in there and then he had some big playoff moments I’m not arguing with that um but that’s not what they were paying for like they they were paying for a guy who they thought was going to be still be a top 10 to 15 point guard and was gonna gonna be happy here and they even acknowledge and even people around Jimmy acknowledge he never was like I what I had heard was he liked the city of Miami but it just wasn’t a cultural fit with the organization and you know when he kind of went back at Pat about the weight about the conditioning thing and all that you know as someone told me very high with the organization they said yeah he got in shape for his last season because he wanted another contract well if you’re paying a guy $90 million or whatever it was over three years he should have gotten in shape at the very beginning um and so this is again when we start to talk about Jimmy Butler and how much you lean on him for decision making you know this is an organization that hasn’t typically done that with its star I mean with they didn’t with Braun I guess shabaz Napier on the way out the door but then they also got Josh McRoberts and daddy grer the way out the door for LeBron and I remember uh I will say this just flat out Mike Miller texted me that day and goes they did [ __ ] what he not even like those guys so that was you know so I that’s you know again sometimes you listen to your star sometimes you don’t in this particular case I I understand why they did it um but it it never clicked and usually when they bring in a guy whether it’s Jimmy Butler or any of the free agent Chris Bosch guys they brought Goran dragic like they they have a sense of whether the guy’s going to be a cultural fit for them and Kyle Lowry was basically Dwayne Wade in Chicago like he just he was he never got past being in Toronto and he he never looked happy until he got to Philadelphia so yeah something something was a Miss with that so I’m gonna say trading for Kyle Lowry and giving him the three years I’m going to take lwh hanging fruit and say the Avery Bradley how could it be mo harkless off season that was a pretty rough one uh if and it was a condensed off seon what were they in on I don’t even remember I mean harkless I they when I’m talked to about harkless like they’re like look it was basically a minimum guy you know it’s it’s not a big deal I think the problem was there was nothing else done and it was a condensed off season and so we built mooh harkless up to be something he wasn’t like in the media like I remember even well yeah I was like okay this is good lowbudget Edition boy was he awful like just for the very start like did he have a basket I can’t even remember he even started at the beginning of that season didn’t he like was leard W even tweeted like he goes to Miami for less money to take a a role as a key contributor like they were pegging him as a starter and then we saw how that went that that must be one of W’s agent sources that he was trying to take care of we know how that we know how that goes all right so uh we’ve got five but I feel like we need more here and again I this is harder and I do think that speaks to the fact that you know I think people have made too much of the front office’s mistakes although you could argue that the one that turns out being number one here may actually be a better number one than the one we came up with on the on the best decisions um this is this is a controversial one but you put this one on here so I I’ll nominate it should they have just G should they have given Tyler herro the extension in retrospect that’s kind of an open question yeah and the way that it was um on Discord check out off the floor everybody the way that it was positioned uh there was trade him before the extension and I don’t know that that was so viable maybe it was maybe you could have got something for him but you’d had to combine him with another person’s salary and there’s there’s intricacies to that but I just think overvaluing Tyler hero in general is probably what a Heat fan would say is a um an overall theme that maybe the front office has held Tyler too close to the heart just a little bit it’s it’s not going to make my top five um I I understand why some Heat fans feel like it should be on the list but Tyler was given what players of his type were given at that time if you remember um RJ Barrett was in that category I think Anthony excuse me Anthony Simons was in that category Desmond Bane ended up getting way more by the way you could throw not drafting Bane over precious in there also because both ban and Maxi went after and actually it was Bane that I wanted and if you go back to the pre-draft episodes and I don’t follow a lot of college basketball but I’m like that looks like a Heat player like that that looks like a Heat player like we we talked about him extensively so I’ll just I’ll throw that one in um on that one but uh I I wouldn’t put the Tyler thing in the top five I I guess when was Duncan’s extension signed um that was was during the Jimmy it was it it was after that first season right I believe so so you could throw that in too although I think that I think that most people kind yeah yeah I think that they bten away from that all right I’m going to go with one that I think actually uh Pat Riley would agree with because he spent his entire press conference on this that internally uh they they let the culture slip again Pat gonna devote if Pat’s gonna devote an entire press conference to it then I I think it belongs in the top five right like I I I remember the press conference before Jimmy came right when which was a combative one too I remember him going back at the beat writers and uh he said we let the culture slip right then they brought in Jimmy Butler they rebuilt the culture around Jimmy’s Uber competitiveness right like that’s where they went with it and it worked I mean that first season was magical in a lot of different ways even with the the struggles they had preco break but then the way it built back up you know Jimmy pointing at Pat in the crowd you know up in Orlando and all the things that happened that year but I mean it’s something to say the culture has slipped back uh in some ways because players are not playing enough and I I know they’re doing their own Deep dive on it but you could argue that if the players were playing more then Jimmy Butler’s not in a playin game and then doesn’t get hurt in a playin game and maybe they would have seen Boston in the Eastern Conference Finals instead I don’t know that they would have uh made the finals anyway but but again if they’re gonna mention it I’m gonna mention it uh it was a Miss it’s been a Miss in terms of kind of recognizing okay you know just because we have ultra competitive guy and Jimmy if he’s not going to play a lot the other guys are kind of not going to know what the deal is like they take their cues from him at this point and so I I I think they’ve let Jimmy get away with a little too much overall and I think that’s part of what this push back was at this press conference and it’s not just availability it’s other stuff we’ve talked about it that LeBron didn’t get away with that Jimmy’s gotten away with and again I understand why they’ve done it because Jimmy’s a volatile personality and it’s a it’s kind of touchy on how to get the most out of him right he’s a contrarian all this stuff but clearly there’s been uh there’s been some slippage there um your turn now we’re starting to get dicey and we’re starting to have to split hairs but I’ll say never replacing bubble goran’s production from a play type perspective they never brought in another guy who did what goren did during that run and I think that that would have really helped the Jimmy ban build going forward that was you know you had different kinds of guards that had been shuffled in and out of here after Goran so to me that would have been a big one to replace Goran dragic after that bubble run with a player that um put pressure on the rim was as crafty as he was found guys in their spaces and could hit shots um you know he he was great that entire run and they never really got a player to play up to that level of production after that at the guard spot well they they tried this trade deadline with Rosier that’s the closest that they’ve gotten and then he showed some signs of it and then got hurt but I’m with you overall the other thing that kind of happened with Goran is that he injures his foot in the finals and it just I think it just kind of snuck up on them a little bit you know um he probably had more productive time left if that hadn’t happened of course he tried to play through it and and that didn’t end up working out very well but I I I’m with you in terms of just overall kind of Rim pressure type stuff uh they they’ve struggled to find those guys Rim pressure and athleticism and size like those three things uh have been problematic well all of that together right so that’s and we kind of saw that uh we kind of saw that this year now here I’m gonna I’ll throw this and then we’re gonna actually debate these on the other side I know the Heat fans are going to listen to this we’re 18 minutes into this and they’re going to be like well they missed all the guys they missed on right they’re going to be like missed on Dayne for some of them missed on Beal again I don’t I I think they made the right decision there um missed on Drew if they want to say him Miss there’s a whole bunch of guys in that in that case and I’m actually G to eliminate most of that because I’m not blaming them for damee like I I’m not blaming them for not putting all the chips on the table at the beginning I feel like the agent mismanaged it more than they did um I think that and obviously they were not dealing with an honest broker on the other side I I I’m just I’m never going to hold that against them I’m sorry I I don’t I don’t know what else they could have done with that be thing we’ve talked about I think they made the right decision Drew if you look at it and I know they had interest there but like and I know that J Jimmy had interest there um but if you had gotten Drew like he has not been great in the postseason offensively and as much as he is still a very good Defender and he’s a great team guy you want to pay him that kind of money going forward like he can’t be your third offensive like Drew is your third guy with Jimmy and Bam I mean you’re just doubling down on defense but you’re not solving your Rim pressure is any of those kind of issues three level scoring not with Drew holiday at this stage of his career um so I don’t have a problem with that one and and again others that they missed on like people are GNA talk about like porzingis yeah nobody was really calling for that I call I mean I tweeted that in Washington if you’re going to go after one of the two of them I I have the receipts on this go after porzingis not Beal but I didn’t hear a lot of other people saying that and I didn’t really suggest a way for them to get it done so Boston made a good trade like I that’s that’s fine but is there is there a miss that jumps out to you enough from a free agent or trade perspective that you would say and they haven’t had a lot of free agent options but that you would say okay this should be in the top five not should be in the top five they missed on Josh Hart they could have gotten Josh Hart a couple times and they didn’t get him and I know that that’s small and again we’re around the margins here um he would have been a great addition along the way but again I’m splitting hairs like they Heat fans I think generally are gonna say they missed on Dame um but that’s not fair to them uh maybe they could have came in with a all-in offer from the get-go but that’s not how you negotiate so I I do think Heat fans feel like they’ve been left at the alter by a couple Superstar Pursuits recently and um and so that’s gonna get flagged here probably by some fans but I agree with you that we need to exit that um from the conversation I don’t think that that should make the top five yeah I I just there’s not the Dame one I’m I’m not putting on there uh but I’m just trying to think of who else it could have been I mean then you have Heat fans well they could had Kelly UB they could had Dennis Smith Jr they could had a lot of them wanted Christian Wood who did nothing this past year there’s a lot of minimum guys that they could have gotten but some of those were tied to Dame [ __ ] so you know they weren’t going to add UB without him and then you know the other thing that people going to talk about okay is there some are gonna say okay you missed on not keeping Gabe I mean that doesn’t really look like a Miss at the moment I kind of feel like Gabe’s gonna end up back in Miami on a minimum at some stage of his career people are gonna say well the Josh Richardson move didn’t work out that well but I thought Josh played well enough for a minimum player so I’m I’m not g you know we can always talk about the guy you didn’t like what the opportunity cost is but when you’re talking about minimum guys it’s kind of like you know and and the other thing okay here’s the other thing that people will say so I have to throw it out there not just because this is the overriding theme this is not just the acquiring the star not going all in on Jimmy and paying the second apron and paying over the second apron and spending that money and what I’ll say to you Greg is somebody needs to tell me what the move was that was going to put them into the second apron that was worth it it was available and worth it at the time and nobody has told me that they just say like well they won’t spend money on what like right now the wave is Kyrie which is completely ridiculous in revisionist history it’s like crazy they don’t remember time and score at that moment at that moment I mean that was the controversial thing to do and if someone has a particular political view I know that they may say well why didn’t you take a chance on him and there a reason that this ownership didn’t want to take a chance and I’ve heard all of that stuff and some of it gets you know laced in a little bit of uh I don’t want to say bigotry but it gets laced in some Prejudice okay and I and and so I I don’t want uh to even get into that because I I don’t again there was not a a a ground swell for Kyrie at that point there was a ground swell for Harden at certain points now would that have made sense I don’t know he played reasonably well in the Clippers it sort of amounted to nothing again so I I’m just again for people listen to this podcast and they get irritated at us for like killing them for not spending and not going and getting Stars I again want to ask what were the opportunities to get stars and what what were the chances to spend that they didn’t take I sort of feel like and I I don’t want to bang on our guy trilly too much but I sort of feel like heat Twitter just F like he just does Jersey swaps and then it’s like after he does that okay the pitch for come out pitch and it’s like okay but it didn’t make sense to go get that guy in the first place you know I mean like I remember him putting out the stuff on Zack LaVine like okay does anybody want to pay that contract for Zack LaVine is that worth limiting your flexibility in the second apron it’s just it’s it’s not so we’re trying to get a little bit more specific here all right but we’re going to try to do is narrow this down to five so we’ll do that here in a second do you want to tell you about a couple great sponsors the five reason Sports Network prize picks use the code 5 FIV get that initial deposit matched up to $100 it is legal again in the State of Florida play the lineup game we’re going to do shows for every game in the NBA Finals okay so I know I know some of you don’t want to watch it’s Mavericks Celtics it’s kind of lesser of two evils so at least win money use the code 5 FIV get your initial deposit matched up to $100 also check out better Edge excuse me better Edge is a social betting Marketplace what makes it different from the sports books is you don’t pay a vig and you can find the line that you want so a lot more flexibility and they don’t take money from you for nothing legal in 45 States including the State of Florida check out better use the code 5 RSN and again you get $20 to play when you do so all right so let’s start to narrow here all right um let’s El start eliminating all right here’s what I’ve got drafting precious over Maxi overall aversion to size which is a little it’s kind of what I’m saying it’s it’s not so nuanced it’s kind of bigger picture but whatever bringing the same team back after the Dame Saga training for Kyle and giving him years and listening to Jimmy uh bringing in Avery Bradley and moar uh I mean even that I think they would just laugh at now uh uh I mean Avery Bradley like people were heralding that move I will say that uh not trading Tyler before you extend him not trading Duncan before you extend him or giving him the extension either way letting uh the availability culture slip over the course of the build not replacing goran’s production missing out on Dame and other mystical magical imaginary stars and not going into the second apron would would eliminate eliminate two for me here we we’ll go two at a time um let’s go ahead and eliminate the not going into the second apron that’s complete garbage um and then also not going and getting the superstars that’s gone Okay so we’ve got those two all right so my turn um I’m gonna take the Duncan extension off the list smart I mean they’re paying him what you pay a shooter of of his type now hopefully the back heels and either becomes as productive as he was for them earlier this season or they’re able to move him um and again we’ll see how that goes so I’m taking the Duncan extension off and I’m gonna take the Tyler extension off I I I just that was the going raid and it’s not like the guy has been unproductive he’s improved every year marginally but he’s improved every year so I’m want to take that one off all right so now what we’ve got left not replacing goran’s production drafting precious over Maxi aversion to size bringing the same team back after the Dame Saga trading for Kyle L and giving him three years uh Avery Bradley Mo harkless offseason and letting the availability culture slip oh man um Le let’s get Avery Bradley and mo harkless out of there yeah there just wasn’t really much to do honestly looking back at it all right I’m with you on that all right so now my turn um I’m gonna go with the gor I like the Goron production one um but again I think they again they were blindsided by kind of they tried to replace his production and this is why I’m not eliminating this one they tried to relace his production with Kyle lry correct right un fortunately Kyle didn’t drive past the three-point line anymore he just kind of passed and pointed and then I don’t know I’m not really sure what he did after that so I’m gonna I’m gonna take off the not replacing goran’s production because so you’re not letting the Kyle Lowry one get out get out of the top five right no you can it’s your turn we’ve got uh how many we got left we’re down to five right now actually so we if you dig your heels in there I I have one that I’ll dig my heels in and that letting the culture and the availability slip that has to make the top five no you’re not goingon to get an argument for me on that so you can eliminate one drafting precious over Maxi bringing back the same team after the dam s bringing back the same team okay now you know they’re gonna argue they didn’t yeah you know that that’s why I want to get rid of it because it’s more of a of a sound bite that’s floated around other than reality right but it is number five on our list which again tells you that there has been an overreaction I think from the fan base here a little bit but okay because they will say no I mean yic played we brought in hakz Kevin Love wasn’t in training camp the year before uh we let Max go we let Gabe go we brought in Josh Richardson we brought in Thomas Bryant For Better or Worse like they will say this was not the same team but for the purposes of this discussion it’s number five all right then I’m gonna say number four is the aversion to size which I suggested um and uh and they’ll probably argue that no we tried I mean we we we tried with Thomas Bryant we tried with Zeller with deadmond um but I’m talking again more about functional size of the overall roster it’s not just about a backup five uh you know there are not a lot of great backup fives and they sort of turned Kevin Love into that and he was a pretty damn good backup five for them but I’m just talking about the overall roster like they just look small all the time they look small all the time and so I’ll say that’s number four so we’re down to three drafting precious over maxi letting the Jimmy letting the availability slip during the starting with Jimmy but with others uh trading for Kyle and giving him three years you get to eliminate one well not eliminate which is gonna be number three three will be Kyle because Jimmy asked for him and they listened to their Superstar okay fair by the way that might be yeah I had a top three I could have gone any of the top three um and so I I’m going to I’m going to flip this up now since I guess I get to make the final decision yeah two choices are letting the availability culture slip and drafting precious over Maxi look there’s no question Tyrese Maxi Desmond Bane would have absolutely changed the trajectory of this thing but Tyrese Maxi was drafted 21st okay this is not like one team missed two teams missed they all missed and by the way I’ve been told over and over this was not a clutch thing they will bring in a clutch player I know everybody says that’s not true they haven’t done it and all of that but I have been told no if the pl we deal with all kinds of Agents we don’t have a problem with clutch we okay that’s what they will say all right but I I can’t make the worst decision something where again we’re talking about two guys picked in the 20s and also you had Tyler Hero at the time so I I get I get it we could talk about Max here quickly I mean obviously Kentucky guards okay that you know and they’ve had success with Kentucky guards but when you’re talking about an organization that is hit on bam hit on Tyler hit on hakz seems to have hit on yovic like all 13 or lower but 13 down to 27 they miss one guy I mean and it’s not like Precious is is like a a a useless NBA player he’s basically played to his draft spot I mean he’s he’s on what now his third team he’s okay like he’s not gonna now I I think they mistake on this I remember asking Riley about it after the draft and I said how much can he and Bam play together and it it seemed like that was not really a plan he’s like well we think they can do it like you don’t I mean you you’re not there to draft Bam’s backup or Bam’s clone okay and it kind of felt like that whereas with hakz and Jimmy it’s like okay yes haakas has a lot of Jimmy like qualities but I think we felt okay they probably could play together um and I I don’t know that they and they did last year but with precious and Bam we never saw it consistently and um you know and then of course they included precious with drage to get Lowry which is fine and now precious not not even there but I can’t make that number one so to me if if Pat believes it I believe it I mean this is an organization that For Better or Worse guys played okay and we can talk about how it’s League wide or all this and it started with San Antonio and it’s trickle down but like they haven’t always done what the league has done right and and I think now there’s a recognition of it and I think Pat gave voice to it and I think he’s also speaking most likely for ownership and others in the organization that like okay your asses on the floor right so if so I I think maybe I’m wrong okay and maybe they’ll tell me I’m wrong I think if they went through our list first thing they’d probably argue with three quarters of them but if they went through our list I think they’d pick the same number one I think you’re right right they’re saying it right now we’re taking our cues from them in this particular instance right so to me that’s number one um that’s number one and that needs to change this year so whatever whatever studies they’re doing on it okay and however they need to motivate guys where they don’t have just two playing 71 games okay and one of them is a rookie who shouldn’t be playing 75 that’s the guy hit the wall this year Haw is okay like that so I know he’s got young legs and all that but like I If you know bam at 71 bam always tries to push through and Duncan probably would have gotten into the 70s uh but it it it needs to change overall and I think they’ve hit it so our top five worst decisions or worst you know outcomes or whatever and again the transaction groups are gonna hate this podcast because they’re gonna point to all the guys they miss but we’re gonna say letting the availability culture slip number one number two drafting precious over Maxi it has to be up there I just don’t think it’s number one um trading for Lowry giving him three years when they you know it didn’t seem like they got him to buy in uh aversion to size overall and then also something they will definitely disagree with bringing back the same team after the Dame Saga so everybody start texting me now on both sides I know we’re getting that all right Greg’s gonna be taking a few days off um Alex and Brady I don’t know where the heck they are so we’ll find them this week we’ll also be bringing on others uh one thing we’re going to do this week too is we’ve got a new Orlando Magic podcast no we’re not killing our heat coverage we’re just expanding a little bit one of the things we’re going to do is uh bring them on sometimes to just talk about the two teams in the State of Florida so we’re going to talk about who is better position for the future the magic or the heat we’ll bring on Jonathan Ron Lon and his crew uh early in the week have a good one everybody thank you for listening to the five on the floor on the fire reing Sports Network after all someone needs to listen to my dad
We did the five best decisions already. So which are the five that the Miami Heat should like to have back? Maybe not what you think. Ethan and Greg nominate and debate.
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1. Lowry
2. Lowry
3. Not trading Herro when his value was high.
4. Lowry
5. Lowry
Ducan, Lowry, and Herro’s contracts.
I don't care that Jimmy wanted Lowry he was old and past his prime. They have to be more aggressive at getting top tier guys they fall in love with there own and think they can coach the best out of cheap contract guys like Dedmon and Bryant smh you have to have TALENT in this league. if u look at pure Talent we have one of the least talented rosters in the league
Heat would be wise to go ahead and pay Jimmy Butler, but offer a contract that's incentived based. This in my opinion would be fair to both parties. Let's Go Heat!!!