Things are picking up FAST…
rumors are picking up as Dave pangat of the fourth period says that the Habs are prioritizing the draft over any kind of move but at the same time some Marty Nature’s trade rumors have been escalating we’re going to be getting into all of that plus the athletic most recent mock drafts and Prospect rankings leave some Habs fans in shock with some of the players that might be available plus a shocking well maybe not so shocking but a sneaky choice for the Habs later in the first round all that plus Owen Beck’s MVP performance at the Memorial Cup all coming up on this live stream episode of habs digest welcome everyone to the stream thank you so much for tuning in we got 63 people and I got a few things to clear up before we get into everything so if you’re watching this as a VOD feel free to skip forward there will be time stamps I promise there’s a lot of interesting stuff uh but just to do a little bit of housekeeping here first thank you all 7475 people you I see some channel members here we got plco we got Jay we got rram we got some awesome comments there thank you all for stopping by um clarify see some questions saying where is Jesse so let me just clarify some things we’re we’re going to we’re going to do this to open up the Stream So this past week I was traveling from last Saturday until this Saturday I was traveling across the country basically from you guys know I live in Quebec City to Toronto to St John’s back to Quebec I was with some family doing a lot of events with my girlfriend and her family so there was a lot of stuff going on for me personally and at the same time Jesse has been moving he’s been in the middle of a move and it’s part of the reason he’s not here today so first of all in the chat I want to see you guys send some love for Jesse he’s going to be back very soon it’s just a matter of figuring out all the stuff that goes along with moving I’m sure a lot of you guys are familiar with that so that’s just to clear the whole air um I’ve been seeing some comments saying you know we we missed the consistent uploads we missed Jesse it is what it is but uh we’ll be back both of us hopefully tomorrow if not that very soon this week so thank you all for sticking through that rough schedule and we hope you stick around long into the future but with that said it’s time to get into the news and what better news to start with then Owen Beck and we’re going to bring this up of course he won the Memorial Cup MVP that’s right Habs Prospect Owen Beck went off in this Memorial Cup now he only had three points in his first four games but he had two goals in the championship game and it was unbelievable unbelievable his performance I actually got some stats I’m going to bring up right now uh for his face offs I think I still have it yeah so I want to go game by game I don’t actually have the championship so if someone wants to get Owen Beck’s championship game Faceoff stats it’d be really appreciated cuz I actually forgot to do that before the stream but 14 for 17 on the draw 15 for 20 15 for 25 13 for 22 going into the championship game he was 77% on the draw he had three points in four games and he went on of course to score those two goals in the final and guys I just wanted to to give some other examples of players that have won Memorial Cup MVPs we’re talking the likes of Mitch Marner we’re talking the likes of Leon dry settle we’re talking the likes of Nathan McKinnon and we’re also talking the likes of habs Legend y Teasdale so not every single guy is going to go out and be a dominant Force at the next level but what we do know is that the Memorial Cup uh MVPs when you look at that list more often than not they have decent NHL careers now there are a lot of guys who obviously don’t and there are some guys who who Fade Away Now tale had some bad injuries is what it is but you also have the stars of the Stars the elite level players who win this so for him to get this kind of award is actually really really amazing and it’s incredible news for Habs fans and if you guys were watching these games right it’s not just the scoring cuz sometimes these Memorial Cup MVP winners they go out and they have a ton of goals a ton of assists whatever but that’s not necessarily Owen Beck’s game is he going to go put up 40 50 points a year in the NHL I think he could I think it’s very possible that he could get there but I think we we should temper our expectations maybe 30 to 40 points sort of like a jake Evans type production while also being hopefully Elite on the dot with that goal scoring upside which he really flashed in that championship game like his goals are not these Scrappy goals in front like low velocity shots he actually has a good few Snipes So Owen Beck has been unreal just add him to the list that incredible list of Memorial Cup MVPs and I’m seeing some people talking about that already it’s really really amazing um if you guys have any comments on that let me know and before we get into the rest of this I wanted to remind you that we will be answering chats in priority order for channel members or donations but otherwise I’m going to try to get to these messages as quick as I can I’m just going to read a few right now before we move in so again thank you everyone for tuning in and again apologies for for not having consistent videos over the past week but glad you’re here so we got plco saying aoy Jay saying hey hey guys how’s it going so excited to see this team grow expect big huge things coming in the offseason ladies and gents we got a show coming yes we do aam we’re going to get into a lot of that coming up very very soon on this episode Joel’s Matrix hey Joel it’s been been a while I think since I’ve seen you like in in a live stream chat but good to see you again hit that Thumbs Up Button what what better time than now guys we got 168 of you in here but only 27 likes you guys know that we like to get that like button up you click the button you see the number go up it helps us out it helps other Habs fans find good Habs content so if you could hit the like button right now it’d be really appreciated Matthew says where’s Jesse at I explained that at the start if you want you can rewind to see where he is I see a question is he moving back to gatso or closer to Montreal um Jesse lives somewhere else in the world he doesn’t live in Quebec I I’m not going to give exactly where he lives but he’s just moving to a different end of the city he currently lives in so just a just a bit of a a quick move across town I guess but there’s a lot that goes into it so hopefully he’s back and all set up very very soon people say Beck is going to the second line in Laval I actually think that’s that’s an interesting take because I can see Owen Beck getting that but at the same time lval does have some very very talented players there now Brandon jinak I could be wrong but I believe he’s still under contract for next year and I think he’s de facto kind of their Topline guy and you have a guy like Philip masar who could play very well play Wing right will he play with Owen Beck but he’s going to get a big role regardless you have a lot of forwards coming in and out of Laval but honestly it wouldn’t shock me to see Owen Beck be that second line Center and even move his way up to the first if things go right but that’s the thing the Owen Beck doesn’t have that gamebreaking kind of offensive style that you typically see with a number one Center yeah obviously we have guys like Patrice berso but don’t forget in his prime he’s still 2530 goals 8090 points right Owen Beck doesn’t quite have that ceiling I don’t think but his defensive ability his face off you put him on the penalty kill you can put him in any situation he’ll be phenomenal so but we’re going to move on from Owen Beck because we actually have some more interesting stuff to get into and I wanted to talk about some recent mock drafts now you guys know we love mock drafts here on the channel we love to talk about everything NHL draft and we’re going to get into some of that right now and I’m going to start with this and I wanted to start here with Scott Wheeler’s most recent top 100 Prospect rankings list now Scott wheeler and Corey prman along with others at the athletic have been going all in on their draft stuff releasing different mock drafts which we’re going to get into in a minute releasing their own rankings of top prospects and some of the results are very interesting so we’re going to compare Scott Wheeler’s kind of right here around the Habs pick range with Cory promin and Scott wheeler of course has demov going a bit higher but he has zaye parck Landing right at the Habs pick but you can see here it’s a lot of defenseman boyam parck Dickinson and Cole Eiserman and the funny thing is about his list is that he actually has Kaden Lindstrom at 11 Tia ginla at 12 in tier four and cona helenius at 10 above Lindstrom or t ainla while lindstrm and nler are two of the people that a lot of habs fans and I’m sure a lot of you guys actually want to take with that fifth overall pick so it’s very interesting and one thing that I’ve noticed throughout this whole process of looking at different mock drafts different people’s rankings is that there is no real ranking there’s no hard ranking for these guys so many players are jumping up and down depending on the person some people have Anton salv as low as 16th some people have him as high as second some people have demov at number two and some people have him much lower as we’ll get into in just a second second when we’re looking at the pure Habs picks I wanted to go back to this one more and more I’m seeing topend defensemen actually Landing where the Habs are going to pick and I’ve been seeing Kaden Lindstrom fall down a lot of these boards what does that mean it’s hard to say right now especially since we don’t know how he’s actually going to perform at the draft combine where we’re going to see all these physical tests right that is the big problem with Kaden Lindstrom right now is that his physical ability is what’s in question with his back injury right because he had a great season when health but the concerns for injury at a guy that young when it’s your back right there’s a lot of problems you just never know and the draft combine will help shed some light on it for sure not as much as the medical records will I’m sure if the teams have them but it will at least give teams an idea of where those injuries maybe lie specifically I’m not going to claim to be a doctor what I will say is that there are legitimate concerns about Kaden Lindstrom I’m actually going to bring one up I think I still have this here from Scott weeder a while ago he said the health argument would be an acceptable one talking about picking Beck at senica over Kaden Lindstrom if they or any team don’t feel comfortable with what they learned about lindstrom’s back as the player upside you have to take the big strong fast skilled Center in Kaden Lindstrom but again these concerns are still there all the time so if you’re the Habs and you’re picking and you’re looking at all these all these mock drafts I’m sure the Habs are not the ones looking at these mock drafts to say oh this is what Scott wheeler said so I think we’re going to make these picks that’s not what Kus is doing but at the same time these guys have Insider information a lot of the time they’re talking with Scouts they’re talking with people around the league it’s not just them some of these lists are their own personal opinion which I believe this one is but they have a bit of Insider information as well so we don’t know when it comes to Kaden Lindstrom why he’s falling I’ve seen him now at 11 and I believe 12 on multiple different mock draft well Prospect rankings I should say so maybe a little bit of air for concern because I know a lot of you guys love Kaden Lindstrom but CNM slip is really interesting so I’m gonna pose this question to you guys now if Kaden Lindstrom does have an injury that concerns Montreal and Ivan demidov is not available I want you to comment right now who you would take because this is the big problem with Montreal the defenseman in this draft are top tier right there are some rumors that Aram lunov a guy who’s going second or third and basically every mock draft could fall all the way to Montreal if things pan out a certain way and if that happens like you have to take him right so let’s just say I again I ask again if Kaden Lindstrom Kaden lindstrom’s back is a problem and you say that Ivan demidov is not available who do you take what are your options well we got of course tiha ginla we got Berkeley Kon we got Becket senica and I don’t think there’s really any argument for anyone else you could pick someone like a cona helenius who has that lower ceiling I mean I’m not one to say whether that’s true or not but he’s kind of viewed in that way right he’s not viewed as that top end guy however his hockey IQ is work ethic those are things that are going to take him a long way those are things that are going to translate very excellently to the next level so take a look in chat I already see so we got Bon Suzuki that’s righton we do we already have our own Bon we don’t need another um rram says Berkeley kten katton is a guy that I love the only problem with kten is that we’ve heard some Rumblings that the Habs have just not had him on their draft board now we’re still holding on to a tweet from melier bodw from a while ago that said that that said the Habs wanteded size they didn’t want someone small like a Berkeley katton so I’m I don’t know if that’s true but if it is right the whole Becka senica stuff seems to it like he also said the Becka senica to The Mont to Montreal stuff in that same tweet and that stuff has seemed to hold true up to this point so if that is true and there is Credence to the Habs not wanting to take Berkeley Kon I’ve kind of erased him from my board I don’t want to because I think Kat’s extremely good it’s just his size like will it work at the next level it very well could his skill is incredible I think he can be an amazing player I’m a little more skeptical on I see a lot of people saying t ginla as well seems seems to be ainla and Ken I see Carter yemchuk that’s a that’s a hot take right there yemchuk is climbing climbing climbing on certain people’s mock drafts I think Cory proman had him as high as number three which is crazy as we get our first Super Chat of the stream here we got Memphis sander let’s get the Super Chat animation up Liam Green Tree size and skill with a pretty complete Game well Memphis that is a really interesting takee because Liam greenre is a guy I quite like and he’s not a guy that we talk about a lot but he has been slipping and a lot of these Prospect rankings a lot of these mock drafts do I know why not really cuz honestly I have had a tough time keeping up with every Prospect especially over the past week and where their rankings are fluctuating up and down but when it comes to Liam greenre I think you’re right I think he has some great potential however if you want size and skill with a pretty complete game I still think you’d probably take a guy like Becka senica now he has the size he has incredible skill he has amazing upside he just needs to kind of put a lot of things together smooth out his skating a bit he needs to kind of just bring it all bring it all in and turn into that complete player that’s the risk you run with Becka Sena and I think even at the low end he can be a solid impact player in your bottom six that’s not what you want with the fifth overall pick right but in my opinion Sen’s ceiling is much higher than someone like a Liam Green Tree but I’m not an expert either I have only watched a bit of tape on all these players I’m sure a lot of you have watched a bit more on both but I’d love to hear some people talk about that as well um I take a defenseman and a worst traded defenseman for a forward look what happened with kinami better to take the best player available so that’s the thing who was the best player available right so if if demidov is gone if lindstrom’s back is a problem and you don’t want to take Ken because he’s too small and you’re looking and you don’t rank tler Rebecca senica up that high who’s the best player well it’s going to be one of these top defenseman it’s going to be someone like a Sam Dickinson a Zayn perck it’s going to be someone like an RM lunab whoever is left there right and at this point this might sound ridiculous to a lot of you guys but I’m not opposed to the Habs taking another defenseman there’s so many good players in this draft in the top five especially I look at that list of the top five players and I got to say there’s not a single one where I would say I just don’t want them on the Montreal Canadians yes I do have a preference for a high-end scoring Talent someone like ad demidov of course I do but imagine a team with a defensive core when you have Lane Hudson you have Kaden Gul you have David Ryan Bacher and you add a top three defenseman from this draft in a defensive heavy draft my gosh your Decor is set forever and I know you’re going to say well how far will that get you without you know Elite goal tending and some really good scoring I hey I I understand your point very very much but there are other ways to get that goal scoring is the hardest thing to acquire in free agency is the hardest thing to acquire by trade because teams just want to keep their goal scores it is what it is if you want to compete you have to have your goal scores and let’s be honest here the hab system right now doesn’t have any high-end goal scoring talent coming up through the ranks I mean the best goal scoring talents already on the team of course in Cole Coffield SLA ksky and Suzuki are right up there new hook and dock are okay but they have seen one or two more of those like 20 goal kind of guys at least to add to their depth to be able to support the rest of the guys because the problem right now is there’s no death scoring with Kirby doc out the whole year and even he’s a primary playmaker new hook started to step up in the second half but he was injured for a lot of it and his game in the first half was still a little like still trying to get his gears going he looks like he’s going to end up being like a 15 20 goal guy 40 50 point guy and I’d be thrilled with that but you need more of those guys you need more of those guys if you want to compete and I I know we’re we’re doing this hypothetical now with Kon Lindstrom gone but I see some comments here we’re talking about t ginla who has that 30 40 goal upside now that’s his up up upside if he all pans out because there’s a world where he he doesn’t quite click but I think at the very least he be a solid player but that was a great discussion I I see IAM saying I think the combine will be the Difference Maker time will tell but I’d imagine right now Lindstrom deav are obviously at the top best player available has to be Ken at that point I think that’s best forward available I think that some defensemen are going to be much better we’re going to go back to this because I’m just going to show some of these again like imagine if a boam is available to Montreal imagine if Zay per now people have concerns about parx’s defense because players of his style don’t always translate to the NHL yeah he was like a 35ish go defenseman in the OHL he was phenomenal but he’s not that big he’s six feet tall 180 pounds he has crazy gamebreaking offensive skill but is that really going to translate like do you really want another one of them when you have a guy like Lane Hudson I don’t know Sam Dickinson to me is is very very good and we’re talking about guys like cardia kemu too and again like some of these mock drafts some of these rankings you’re starting to see some of these forwards slip down and while there are a lot of good forwards while we’ve heard Marty the point even say that there’s a ton of really really good forwards in this draft the defenseman might just be better and that’ll bring us over to the Cory prman one here and I wanted to show how low he has some of these forwards now he actually has Becket senica quite high he has him at number seven but he has demidov down at number eight and he has Zayn parck at number nine Lindstrom at 10 with a defensive heavy top six the only guy still up there is mlin celebrini and I believe he has actually I don’t even know if he has Ken up there I think you’re seeing guys above here like Dickinson he has yemchuk up really really high because of his goal scoring prowess and because of his size but we’re looking here like senica climbing above demidov is actually kind of insane to me let leave your comments right now about that about having senica over Dem because it’s a bit it’s a bit crazy um but yeah like as you can see the the defense is the big thing in this draft so when it comes down to I’m going to put a poll because this is going to be a lot more fun and I see Ram saying if we drafted defenseman the big big decisions need to be made on the back end already need to make big decisions on the back end I think it’s almost certain they draft a forward that’s why they drafted Ryan Bacher true and I’m seeing a lot of people complaining I saw one person I think on Reddit saying the Habs have no foresight because they drafted Ryan Bacher when it was a defense heavy draft coming up I don’t buy that they drafted the player that they thought was going to make the most impact for Montreal down the road they had their reasons for not drafting mitkov it is what it is they drafted David reinbacher for a Reon reason they thought he was the guy that fit Montreal the best it’s not that he because he was a defenseman like I don’t think they were looking towards the next draft because yeah while the draft can be touted one way you never really know who’s going to shoot up the ranks right at the end of the year especially when you’re getting a top five pick you don’t know how those rankings are going to turn out so I don’t buy any of that like I get it I get the complaints that now that we see how good defensively this draft is that Ryan Bacher was the pick last year when we could have had mitov fine but Hinds 2020 right we live with ryanb we do what’s next um but I’m going to make a poll I said I was going to make a poll I’m going to make a poll um let’s see let let me just ask this if theob is gone and Lind strom’s injuries are bad would you take a dmad that’s just going to be straight up the poll uh I typed that in chat that’s not what I wanted to do I’m GNA cut that I’m going to add more I’m going to start a PO guys it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve streamed you know it doesn’t it doesn’t all come back easy we’re going to try this here oh I’m seeing some some talk in the chat here uh yeah okay so we got’s gone lindstrom’s injuries are bad would you take a demand I’m GNA put at five and I’m gonna start this poll and I want to hear it because honestly for me I would and I know the Habs probably value Becca senica very high but the thing is like gosh there’s some really good defensive talent and anyway I’ll let you guys run that Poll for a little while because I think there’s going to be a lot of disagreement I think a lot of people are saying please please no but at the same time time like I If it’s best player available let’s just let’s put that hypothetical on this if you’re still listening if the a defenseman is clearly the best player available do you do it then let’s add that caveat we’ll roll with that I’m going to read one more by ikram while as I move into the next topic he says I really trust Kent Hughes he’s made good moves rarely got us fleeced if he wasn’t fleeing based on the time of the value players we had IE Ley so I think we’ll be a crazy team honestly that Lan and trade I know people are looking at it kind of poorly right now but there was a bit where Baron looked like a very solid like almost a lock to be a top four guy and a guy who could have power play Upside while I think that’s still there it started to diminish a bit and I think for me and even for some other people Logan Mayu was probably already past him on the on the Habs depth J but I actually you know what I don’t know if I’m comfortable saying that yet because Baron has more experience but Mayu looks really really really dang good and Baron’s weaknesses his defense so is mayu’s and if Mayu can produce more offensively I think you just let that roll but is what it is I’m going to let you guys roll with that poll and argue amongst yourselves in the chat because that’s going to be it’s going to be very interesting to see and while you’re in there guys we got 266 people thank you so so so much for tuning into to this stream on a random Monday like you guys so often do and hey if you guys want to help support us leave a like on the stream I’d love to hit a 100 likes on this stream guys the first one back in a couple weeks really really appreciate all of you as we’re going to move in to the next topic and so I’m going to head back to this one here and we’re going to pop this up I wanted to talk about the later first round pick and I wanted to talk about a mock draft that was done at the athletic by Scott wheeler Cory proman oh and I forget the other person but uh I will probably link this down below actually you know what I’m going to do this right now I’m gonna do this live I’m gonna do this live for you guys because that’s the most fun right you see you see how warm it is in my apartment the AC is broken you can start seeing the sweat here the AC is broken and it’s 25 degrees in my apartment some of you might like that I’m from I’m from the East Coast you I’m from Newland so you know the cold is my home and when it’s almost 30° it’s starts to bother me um but I’m trying to bring this up now and of course with the stream running it’s it’s a little slower but I’m going to bring up this mock draft and I’m going to send it in chat for you guys right now so that mock draft is where I got this where Scott wheeler and uh Cory prman and what’s the other guy’s name Max boltman that was his name Max boltman went through they kind of did play a GM they were assigned different teams they kind of went one by one and they picked who they think would be the best fit for each individual team and when we get down to number 26 from Montreal I know we’ve talked about Michael ha who was actually at number 15 on Scott Wheeler’s top 100 rankings when most have him down in the 20s Scott wheeler is very very high on Michael ha so very interesting to keep in mind but wheeler actually got Montreal’s pick at number 26 and he has them taking Sasha Bava from the Muskegan Lumberjacks you can see here after taking Katen early that he has the Habs taking kten at fifth wheeler also picked kten for the Habs earlier the Habs are thrilled to continue to build their pipeline down the middle with bow who size developing power gam skill competitiveness and intangibles they him a natural fit as a potential 3C of the future behind Kon and Suzuki and guys waval is I got to click back in here waval is quite good like take a look at that 36 goals 68 points and 61 games in the USHL is nothing to scoff at he’s from TW he’s from just a few hours north of Montreal he’s 18 years old he’ll be 19 next march he’s a he’s very young for this draft right one of the maybe not one of the younger guys but doesn’t get much younger than that born in March of the draft year and he’s a very interesting guy and I wanted to bring this up as well I think it’s this one here yeah this one here Cory prman when he was talking about Sasha bav in his rankings of players he said about Bava he has a lot of appealing tools for the NHL he’s a 6-2 center who can skate and has legit offensive abilities he is very skilled and instinctive with the puck he’s able to beat Defenders with Pace as well bav has an excellent shot and is a threat to score from the faceoff dot now this is a guy that’s very interesting of course I didn’t know a whole lot about Sasha I’ve just seen his name being thrown out there left and right because he’s from Quebec and it just makes a bit of sense for the Montreal Canadians to take him but the more I take a look at him and the more I take a look at his stats and his size and his stature for his age I’m starting to get a bit sold right he’s kind of the perfect fit he’s actually a left-hand shot Center which the Habs kind of need I know we have Christian Dvorak and I guess technically new hook but he’s more of a wing when you look at the hab Center is kind of in their system it’s a lot of right-hand shots anyway is what it is but he is really really good he gets a lot lot of penalty minutes he he’s quite physical he likes to get into it with players and the here’s a fun fact about Sasha B for you guys I don’t know if you guys knew this Sasha Bava before the end of the season dropped the M with Martin San Lou son they fought in a game so there’s at least a connection to Montreal there whether it’s a positive or negative one hey you know it is what it is but he is quite quite good so have you guys heard much about Sasha Bava because I know we’ve heard a lot of different guys potentially going to Montreal in this range I saw one earlier someone saying Hudson that’s another potential guy who in some respects kind of seems like I don’t want to say better Lane Hudson yet but I think Cole actually has the potential to be a somewhat leveled up Lane Hudson maybe a little bit more of a physical Lane Hudson while also having a lot of that cerebral ability and that hockey IQ I mean they work together every single offseason I’m sure they work together every offseason since they were young and these two guys together well they could be a fantastic pairing for the future now Co isn’t that big either they’re about the same size Cole Hudson maybe had an inch taller regardless I think the Habs could maybe take a look at him I mean they like the brother thing right we saw the pit licks all kind of make their way through Montreal um we saw we’re seeing the Hudsons now we saw the Jacky right there’s so many guys throughout Habs history and how could we ever forget the castit that made their way through Montreal so there’s a lot of stuff there it could be a very interesting I want to hear your guys thoughts about who the have should take a 26 now I know that a lot of you probably haven’t had the chance to go look but guys I linked that in the chat go check out that chat and go take a look through this mock draft it’s phenomenal work by them I’ll read some other names like Michael ha is another guy that I think we’re talking about a lot and I saw someone say Liam Green Tree Memphis earlier in your donation you mentioned Green Tree well in this mock draft he’s actually picked by Scott wheeler at number 23 by the Toronto Maple Leaves and I think if Liam greenre manages to fall to a team like Montreal down there it’s a no risk move a guy that at one point was ranked easily in the lottery in this draft has seemed to fall a little bit in recent ranking so if you can get I know he’s a Winger he doesn’t really project as a center at all but his size and his scoring could be really really good I’m just read reading here about Liam green phenomenal stuff Trevor Connelly is another guy from the Tri City storm that people are talking a lot about he’s another Winger but still like he could really really do well and I’m reading here about him I gota I gotta read about these guys at the same time as you guys but his talent is so so so good right Trevor Connelly his numbers speak for themselves and I’m actually going to bring them up uh again because why not Trevor Connelly DB so let’s bring up Trevor Connelly’s numbers I don’t think I can put it on the screen as you guys know we’re kind of transitioning to like new moving elements and I don’t have something for web share or the chat yet that’ll hopefully be here by next stream but Trevor Connelly in the USL guys had 31 goals 47 assists for 78 points in 52 games and he’s 6 foot one he’s a left shot leftwing so I mean a 6′ one left wing who puts up those many points and don’t forget I mean we’re comparing to bav Conelly had more points than bow he had fewer goals right but still they’re both very very talented guys so there’s a lot of guys Michael ha there’s a bunch of stuff I’m seeing a lot of people saying that pick might be traded that’s also possible but you also have to brace for the fact that trading picks is not just easy you can’t just go out and do it left and right I think Kent Hugh will only trade that pick if it truly Nets him the kind of guy that really fits the Montreal Canadians long term so if that’s possible then yeah absolutely why not trade the pick but I’m personally bracing for the idea that Montreal is not looking to make a trade at least not right away unless something really good presents itself and that’s actually a fantastic segue into the next topic that I’m going to bring up here so I’m going to pop this up here from Dave pangat at the fourth period this was a recent quote from an article posted today he said while the Habs are willing to explore ways to improve their roster the word out of Montreal is that the Habs have prioritized the draft over making trades for the time being I’m curious if hes considers packaging the 26 selection in a move for a young NHL proven scorer so look there’s some stuff saying they’re prioritizing the draft over trades but he also speculates if you could trade the 26 pick of course D Pang yata master that kind of you know ranching out everywhere D Pata great great stuff that he writes anyway I’m GNA leave it there but that’s the thing when you’re looking at the 26 pick I think right now all Montreal can do is focus on the draft and here’s why I I’m basically going to reiterate what I just said but you’re never guaranteed a trade what you are guaranteed in the draft is your ability to select one of hundreds of players realistically we’re talking probably five or 10 that they’ve narrowed it down to but you can pick one of hundreds and hundreds of players that you hand selected that is available that you can bring into your organization now that when you look at the success rate of draft picks and how many actually play in the NHL past say the top 15 20 picks that number starts to go down but in the first round these guys have a very good track record of at least playing and being somewhat impactful in the NHL so unless you have the opportunity to trade a late first round pick for a kind of star like we’re talking about Mar NIS we’re going to get into that in just a minute well I guess a few minutes well if you have that kind of chance and they’re okay with taking the 26 pick I say you do it I say you absolutely do it for a young established star but that’s the thing how many young established stars are out there and how many teams are willing to accept the 26th pick in the draft as that sweetener four that young star it’s just not that common and I’ve seen some people talk about uh maybe Columbus and Patrick l we’re talking sending someone like a Jordan Harris or a Jaden strubel along with that 26 pick plus maybe something else maybe their pick of another Prospect maybe send it out for a guy like Patrick l and I know a lot of you guys hate that you guys did not like that trade idea at all even though if that’s the price I think you almost have to do it with L that’s a separate discussion I didn’t think we were going to have here but I guess I’ll toss that out because I you know Patrick L’s goal scoring is insane whether you think he’s good in the locker room or not sure and I know like I’m sure pen Hugh and then would have a a big talk with him before they make that trade if they were to make that trade I’m not going to speak too much more about that but again if you’re talking about a high level score someone with a lot of goal scoring or assist potential guy who can play on your power play yeah move the 26th pick but kentus is not going to do that for just a lateral move you’d rather bring in a guy that you truly believe is going to be talented and impactful in the coming years because then that could arguably be a better asset in the future right so that is what it is I I think the 26 pick could be traded but only only if they get a great offer and I’m going to take a bit of a break to read through the chat because you lovely people are leaving so many chats thank you so so so much um IAM saying maybe Mayu is big and strong on players he will grow into a big guy just like Arbor but better that’s an interesting take I think Arbor Arbor is interesting when you compare him to Mayu Arbor is I mean he gets that reputation of being a physical guy right one of those guys that goes out there and he messes up the other team but I think people sometimes just sleep on Arbor’s offensive potential he has one of the hardest shots in the NHL like proven by that Habs hardest shot competition not to mention he did that with a shoulder that needed surgery so Arbor Jacky’s offensive potential is still there and how many times do we see Arbor Jacky launch a random wrist or Snapshot from the point that just made its way through traffic some people have that natural ability Lane Hudson is another guy who does it very well when you have a guy like that who has that untapped offensive potential with don’t forget I think it was one of the Laval coaches said that he arguably has more offensive potential than Justin Baron I find it hard to say that Mayu will end up being necessarily better than Jacky it very well could be but I think that Jacky’s complete game really lends Credence to him being very good his defensive game while he made some mistakes for sure in his own end that’s part of the reason he was sent down to lval I think that his defensive upside along with that offensive upside probably projects him to be maybe not as like a a high-end guy pp1 guy like in you know if Mayu pans out in the way that some Habs fans want him to pan out as that like top offensive Talent level defenseman like on the right in the right situation could be a pp2 guy maybe even a pp1 which would be kind of crazy but he kind of fits that profile right could happen but his defense is just miles behind right now his his skating on defense and his stick work on defense is just not there his positioning Is Not Great Arbor is much better at that right now and while he still has some holes in his game he was sent down to lval to work those out and Arbor very much has that physical ability to mess with other players while Mayu does too I think Arbor’s a bit further ahead on that but anyway I think Mayu could also be traded I think he’s of the Habs top trade chips right now because they have so many defensemen why not move him and the 26 pick for something really big not going to not going to cause any speculation but that’s just one of the guys that makes sense to move is it not anyway I’m GNA get into the next one ikram leaving so many chats thank you ram and again guys I’m reading these in priority order of channel members uh donations first then channel members and then I’ll try to get to any other message that I can so thank you very much um I see IAM saying if Kent Hughes moves the pick it’s the icing on the cake for a proven player we’re in total agreement well look at that would you look at that if anyone’s going to make him work it’s got to be mty I’m assuming that’s in reference to Patrick l look I’m not going to claim mty is some some you know deity that can fix anyone that comes to Montreal what I am saying is that the culture he’s instilled or at least helped instill alongside kentus and management bringing in the right kind of players the right kind of personnel to make this team what it is today I think it could work with L and maybe I’m wrong I don’t remember I mean there are some locker room issues with L but a lot of it is is his own stuff and I’m not going to comment on that because I’m sure it’s very very personal and Patrick Li is going through a tough time as we all know he’s a fantastic NHL player though and you know if you get if you’re guaranteed to get a Lon that is going to give his all for you and fit in well with the culture that’s what I care about most also well what I care about most that Patrick l is healthy and and happy and you know doing what’s best for him that’s what I think we should all care about most but let’s assume that he is in that world I don’t see a reason why you can’t bring him to Montreal is what it is um rram saying uh it’s there but where do we play him I think that guy will end up playing third pairing by the time we’re fully competing uh I don’t know if you’re talking about arber or if you’re talking about Mayu and IAM saying love talking about the Habs I’d pay to be in a video if I had the money to be honest hey you know what yeah like that’s a obviously that’s a high tier of Channel membership and if you guys haven’t checked out the channel memberships we’ve fully revamped it with different perks there actually is a perk to appear in a Habs dig just video but obviously it’s a higher tier you know I’m not going to go promote Channel membership right now if you guys want to take a look do it we plan to make weekly videos for channel members we have been doing it except for this past week probably going to try and record two for you guys this weekend just to get it out to wonderful channel members just like Ram so thank you so much for being a supporter rram really really means a lot Jordan sailor leaves a Super Chat and we got to get into this he said what three defenseman would you give up for a proven score they really needed to trade three or four Defenders I see that’s a tough tough ask because when we’re looking at the Habs defenseman you got to balance something you have to balance it with what the other team wants but also what Montreal is willing to give up for their future and when we’re talking about defenseman like it doesn’t just have to be prospects right because let’s think about it David Savar is on an expiring contract right now so is Jonathan kovich I think people leave him out of the conversation but I think kovich is I actually have him like in the Habs defense to to start the season this year I think he’s on the third pairing that’s just my take David saal I think will be traded before The Season’s end I think it’s very possible kovich could also be moved they could both be moved this off season because I think contenders would be looking for both of them fantastic depth guys on a contending team I know people have their complaints about kovich honestly more often than not isn’t he just solid he makes some mistakes but he has that goal scoring neack he’s just he’s just a good guy I really like Donan kovich plus he’s huge he’s the tallest guy on the Montreal Canadians I don’t know if you guys knew that Goa Sage is the tallest Montreal Canadian so that is what it is um but if you’re looking at trading for an established star when we’re talking about proven score Jordan I think we want to talk a bit about Marty NES and I’m going to get into that update now I don’t actually have a picture because I just saw it just before I went live so I don’t have the picture showing this but on the DFO podcast today I think it was Frank saravali I believe it was him it might have been one of the other hosts but I can’t remember exactly but they said that they wouldn’t be shocked if Marty NES was traded like during the playoffs if not even before game one of the Stanley Cup finals so the n’s trade talk is picking up like crazy and I know people are linking him to the Canucks people are linking him to the Bruins lots of people are linking him to the Montreal Canadians we know for a fact according to Pi LeBron that Montreal has reached out already about Marty NES so if you’re looking at him in Carolina and you’re looking at a Carolina team with a lot of big contracts coam and the rest of their guys like if Genny fetchik like Sebastian AO guys that are going to be there a long time but you still have these free agents ufas and Terra vinan in gensel RFA in Seth Jarvis in Marty NES and other guys you got Brady Shay who might just leave there’s a lot of money coming in and out that going to have to do some stuff with but if you trade Marty NIS you’re going to want to have to compete and so if you’re Carolina and you’re looking to make a trade for a Montreal defenseman you’re looking more at someone like a Mike Mat a guy that I think could fit very well in this trade now like realistically I’m not pro trading Mike Mat I think you’d have to get something that you really really value in return because mat was one of the H’s top scorers this year he’s incredibly important to the team he’s from Quebec he he’s fantastic for team chemistry everything seems great with him right there’s office stuff that you have to talk about to yes he makes a ton of mistakes in his own defensive end I’m I’m almost tired of hearing that at this point it’s as almost to as if almost to discredit his offensive potential and what he’s done for Montreal I think mat’s quite good but if you can trade mat for a guy like NES I’m not going to get into a speculative mock trade in this case there that’s how you can trade one of the hav defensemen without giving up too many prospects and then you also have David Savar who might be on the way out and you just give the Reigns for the top pairing to someone like aoui and I don’t know who else you slotted next to them on right d like do you just do Harris like I don’t know at that point right but there there’s a lot of stuff you can do but let’s say mat and Savar they could easily be moved Savar for sure and I think kovich other than that the Habs have some good young defensive prospects that I think could thrive in the right situation I think Harris is a prime example of that I think in the right situation he can be a solid second pairing defenseman and I think he’s blocked in a bit of a log Jam in Montreal I actually think strubel holds more value than Jordan Harris while he’s not as polished for sure at this point Jaden struble’s offensive potential is crazy we saw it at nor Eastern but he’s also already physical he has that NHL physicality down right so that’s something that a lot of teams who are maybe pushing for the playoffs would really value a young guy who already gets that playoff style of hockey with some untapped offensive potential in Jaden strubel I’m not saying he’s going to fetch you anything crazy but I’m saying that compared to some of the other defensemen in the hab system you could get a lot for Jaden strubel relative to some other guys other than that I would not trade Lane Hudson for almost anything I would not trade David reinbacher not until we see at least a full Pro season in North America like gosh he’s been through the ringer throughout since he’s been drafted that terrible clutton team coming over to North America playing decent in Laval got a bit injured at the end a full season and Laval is going to do him some good other than that Jacky teams have been calling for him the Habs have no intention of moving him Justin Baron I just don’t know how much value he holds so ultimately I think a guy like Harris struble and then if you’re trading with a contender you start looking at guys like Matthis and Savar as being the guys that those contenders really value at this point on very reasonable deal Saar on an expiring mat on a two-year deal with a very reasonable cap hit of like four and a half million dollars really really valuable so I mean you got guys like Adam angstrom too of course who played really really well in rogul but just doesn’t I mean he has some good upside for sure you have some young guys down in the AHL as well but like realistic I don’t think they’re really needle movers because when we talk about H’s defensive prospects not all these guys are going to make the team right but the thing is there already is a log Jam but after this year for sure Savar and kevich will be gone I don’t see either of them coming back to Montreal even if they leave and then resign no I don’t think so so you know is what it is oh I forgot about Mayu I saw Mayu in the chat there so Logan Mayu is another one I actually think he holds a ton a ton of trade value but I think his defense holding him back is going to reduce the offers other teams are going to want to give for him and I think you might as well just keep him you let him roll he was the Laval AHL allar for the Laval rocket so if you’re looking at trading him unless you get like a really good offer right you’re talking like Mayu and like the 26th pick for something really good then I think you go ahead and do it but I just I just don’t see a world where teams are going to offer enough for Logan Mayu I feel like teams are going to want to shy away from him for his past which I know is an I don’t want to say ancient history I’m not going to say what he did is good because it was quite bad we all know that not going to get into that right now but teams will use that against Montreal they’ll also use his lack of defensive play and his glaring hole in his game to not offer them what he might deserve based on what he could turn into so that is what it is I think there’s a lot great stuff there I seen Nicholas saying angstrom had a great season have you actually seen him I have Nicholas I’m actually very high on Adam angstrom I just don’t think other teams are willing to offer what he’s worth Adam enstrom’s offensive numbers on rogal correct me if I’m wrong but I believe he was fourth on the team in scoring as a defenseman as a 19yearold old defenseman one of the youngest guys on the team as a defenseman was one of their top scorers had a really really good playoffs playing some great two-way game right he’s very offensively Dynamic I love Adam angstron and if you watch a lot of the videos you’ll know that that I’m very high on him personally but he’s just one of those guys he’s just we don’t know how he’s going to translate yet a lot of great European prospects come over and there are some issues translating to North American ice or there’s this and that and you just never really know and at this point without a proven track record I don’t think he’s going to fetch what Montreal would want him to fetch a trade to get to consider moving him and I think that’s the big theme of this right like why would Montreal trade some of their guys if they don’t feel like they’re going to get adequate value that reflects what these guys could turn into in the future and when you’re talking about a guy like Mayu you’re talking about a guy like Baron you’re talking about a guy like angstrom I just don’t see teams paying a lot same thing with a guy like Philip mishar who I still think has fantastic potential I think he’ll play on the power play next year probably the first power play with the lval rocket if things go right but he had a not the best year in the OHL this year while he did kind of bounce back as we went on you know teams are going to look at that and say well he he really didn’t progress in in his draft plus two year like you know like why would we trade for a guy like this so I’m just saying that it’s not that they won’t be great it’s that the trade value from Montreal’s perspective doesn’t seem like it’s going to be there so that’s that is what it is I’m just going to let uh let some of the chats go through I’m going to read a few more I actually don’t think I have anything else for today let me just let me just double check let me go through my uh my pictures here I did the Sasha I did the mock drafts yeah I think I did pretty much everything guys so if you have any other topics feel free to leave a donation or a chat uh I’m going to stick around for another few minutes but this was this was jam-packed this stream flew by guys my gosh we have over 300 people in here so thank you all so much for tuning in and I’m GNA ask you to leave a like one more time we’re 17 away from 150 I know I ask a lot but I mean you guys know why right like YouTube is YouTube If we get likes it helps us it helps you so I really appreciate if we could try to get to 150 I’m going to read through some more chats here um we got it from Channel member again guys channel members get priority here um we got uh calling it now that we up there in dmen goals against with the ads 55 to 60 point season for Hudson 55 to 60 point season in the NHL is bold but I like bold I like bold I like talking about Lane Hudson Jesse if he were here would really really like that take because Jesse’s very much high on on Lane Hudson making an impact in the NHL this year and I think it could very well happen um I’m just not fully convinced that the Habs are gonna do it yet I think I think there’s just so much of a log Jam and that this team is not like going out to compete for the Stanley Cup this year if it makes most sense for Hudson to develop better maybe fill some of those holes in this game whether it’s defensively or what have you right some of those you know just get used to the speed of play if you can put him in the AHL I don’t mind it you pair him with rybu or something you let these guys go to work there’s no rush right while I would love to see him in the NHL and I actually do think he looked definitely at home and I think he could be great in the NHL right now I just think there’s no rush I think you just let it play out the way it is IAM saying I like mat a lot I’m really not ready to move him either until Hudson’s ready to take over I agree that’s the thing unless you get something crazy good I would be hesitant you can probably expect to see svar mat staying until at least the deadline you know honestly it wouldn’t shock me to see one of them moved this off season right I think Savard very much uh could be moved but it is what it is I’m just going to read through some of the chats not from channel members here now there’s a lot of chats guys I I apologize if I don’t get to yours I’m G try and get through some of these I think Josh gos is an absolute stud definitely no selection bias in me picking that comment best hockey channel right here well look I don’t know about best hockey channel there’s a lot of great hockey channels out there but I really appreciate you and every single one of you guys in here helping us get to 150 likes thank you so much for tuning in all the time right even despite times where we can’t quite upload as consistently as we’d like but my gosh we’re excited for the offseason this year free agency in the draft stuff like that so thank you so much for the comment you makes makes me feel good you know I exercise for a reason you go back and you watch the early videos on this channel and you watch you look at me now I’m just saying I’m just saying guys you know getting getting a nice routine helps out um let’s see what else we got hi from Toronto Habs fan Maurice Maurice Kier yeah I mean yeah I I assume you’re not from Toronto you could be with that name but uh thank you for tuning in to the stream uh let’s see let’s see what would you trade for stankoven I would trade a lot for Sten but I don’t think I would offer as much as Dallas would ask for stankoven that’s what it is why do I feel like Hughes will drop the ball and draft again at five that’s the thing we don’t know what what um dropping the ball even is right that’s the thing like Tia could be amazing and I have full faith in the team and organization to pick whoever they feel is best I don’t want to especially in this draft where there’s such a discrepancy between like three and 15 any player could really go and I’m not in a position right now to say that they dropped the ball with one player over another I know last year I was not the happiest when they picked Ryan Bacher over mitkov definitely was not happy about it but at this point I’ve learned to just kind of just be happy to be here right we’re Habs fans we’re all Habs fans we all love this stuff so I just want to see who they pick and I’m going to support them fully am I going to have my own opinions yeah do I want to get L five based on my personal feeling no but I’m not them and I don’t have the access to information they do so I’m just going to trust if it doesn’t pan out it doesn’t pan out then I’ll lose some Trust but for now they’ve done enough to earn my trust so we’re going to roll with it so let’s take a look I see who’s the dude in the thumbnail that is Sasha Bava that is Sasha Bava this uh that’s uh oh oh shoot yeah let me pop that up that’s him that’s that’s wow I don’t have another picture of him but well the picture in the thumbnail is different but that’s him and I think it could be a very interesting sneaky pick for the Habs um thumbnails pick from Josh from a few years ago I actually got to get this hair cut off don’t I I really maybe that’s why I’m so warm all the time I mean not just because it’s 26 degrees holy you know what live on stream turn it on air conditioning I turned it off because it gets noisy and so I didn’t want it to to hurt the stream but I regret that so much so any turning that back on now um yeah I need to cut the hair off maybe that’s maybe that’s not help oh we got Jordan sailor joining the hat trick tier thank you so so so much Jordan we’re going to play the Super Chat animation for you guys yeah if you’re in the hatrick tier you get a shout out in the base bar as you can see we already have George we got Sly ryer and uh we have Deni I don’t see Deni here today but they’re all going through the base BRS I’m sure you’ve seen now Jordan well you will be added to that list thank you so much priority response to all your comments really really appreciate it and access to members only videos which we will be back to doing this week guys we have a couple of really fun ones we projected the Habs lines this year heading into night one we talked about our history how we became Habs fans myself and Jesse and some of our favorite players of all time Jesse highlighting krie price myself highlighting Andre marov spoiler I guess you don’t need to watch the video now I recommend you do if you’re a channel member seriously go check it out Jordan thank you so much for becoming a channel member we really appreciate it we’re trying to add content for you guys right like you know it’s tough cuz me and Jesse work full-time schedules right like I get off work and I come here and I immediately we we both prep for videos and then we do our videos and right so it’s a bit of work but we really appreciate like seeing that kind of stuff the support from you guys just makes everything worth it so again I I can’t thank you enough it’s genuine like this is just end of the stream rambling like always happens we got 270 people in here but like just just a thank you I got to thank you guys every now and then because we don’t really I mean we do it at the end of every video but like to have you guys hear and me say this anyway like yeah I I don’t take take this opportunity for granted and I really appreciate the fact that you guys allow us to have the platform that we do to just talk about the Habs right one thing I say is like you look around other channels on YouTube and like for what we do for the for the size of I guess the english- speaking Habs fan base it’s absolutely incredible how you guys have rallied around us so I’m not going to get too too much into this but just wanted to say thank you I see plco plco you’re always here thank you so much for always being here uh I have this feeling this draft is not as crucial for a rebuild as the last two that’s interesting and I kind of like that take now I would follow up on that question by asking what your thoughts are on David Ry bacher’s future because I understand SLA was an amazing pick it was not an off theboard pick but a pick that had a lot of habs fans shocked but it ended up turning out amazingly and hopefully I’m almost sure we’re going to see it turn out even better in the coming years Ryan Bacher is still very much an unknown commodity and the news of mitkov coming over very very soon people are kind of upset about it I think that pick is going to age very well I think Ryan bacher’s going to age well and if you guys saw mckeen’s hockey actually recently did their top 30 Prospect rankings Ryan Bacher was 17th Lane Hudson was 207th which is way too low Ryan Bacher was actually below Dimitri sashev who was picked after him and was actually mocked in the 20s even though he ended up getting picked excuse me sixth overall and then he also had uh Ryan Leonard mat mitkov above Ryan Bacher as well so there’s a few guys picked after him that uh of course were in this in this ranking above him but I think with Ry Bacher the big thing is like I mean like with Ry Bacher he had such an unlucky season whether it was injuries and also his cloon team being historically bad on offense you know while Ry Boger himself wasn’t playing Amazing he was doing the best he could based on his situation and I think that you I don’t want to say you can’t I’m going to say it’s difficult to determine what his future impact can be based just off what happened in clutton and then him coming over to Laval with a small sample size I think we need to see David reinbacher have a full season in North America before we can comfortably rank him among these other NHL prospects because it’s so uncertain at this point his character is amazing his compete level is amazing his skating is phenomenal guys why not I’m not saying you’re saying this here in in in the chat I’m just saying I see this so so so much Focus right now why am I the only one that sees this why does it feel like some Habs fans and some fans around the NHL treat Ryan Bacher like he’s it feels like people treat him like he’s six feet taller like 5’11 and just a skill guy that’s not what he is right he’s not just like one of these guys that’s going to dangle you he is an extremely solid all-around defenseman who’s an incredibly fluid skater and is 63 210 lounds he is massive he’s 63 210 at the age of 19 he skates phenomenal he’s one of the smoothest skaters on theal and you could notice at the second he came in there he’s not one of these guys that’s going to dangle you he’s not going to go out there scoring a bunch of goals setting up a bunch of goals but he’s a guy that can play pretty much every single minute of every game and I feel like some fans of other teams just don’t treat him that way they treat him like he’s a somewhat smaller skill guy I don’t know why maybe I’m crazy in saying that but I I I feel like Ry bacher’s perception by the public is very different from what he actually brings I feel like no one talks about his size he’s huge right he like oh like I saw a guy my buddy earlier was like oh Dimitri sashev is huge that’s why he’s so I’m like Dimitri sashev is listed as like depending on the source one inch taller than David reinbacher and like 10 to 15 pounds lighter and like people are talking about SE oh yeah okay I know he had a great season in the KHL and he’s going to be great I fully agree but when you you can’t how do you look at seev and say oh he’s huge that’s why he’s higher than Ryan Bacher like what it doesn’t make any sense anyway anyway I’m not going to get too too much into this I’m just saying like the rycker talk is is is crazy umam saying I think Dr I assume that’s David rycker I assume I assume Dominican Republic’s ceiling is Victor Hedman level or I well not assume I think Dominican Republic ceiling is Victor Hedman level I’m gonna make this a thing Dominic no that’s not that’s not a good idea I shouldn’t do that that’s just what I read man I’m sorry um okay well I think that’s a it’s a it’s a bold take itrs full of the Bold takes today I like that um the thing is there are very few Victor Hedman style players the dude 66 one of the best defenders in the league well also having amazing offensive Talent can run your power play can do absolutely everything I think if every single thing pans out for Ryan Bacher I still don’t see him being on Victor Hedman level maybe I’m being too pessimistic but I see him as like that tier below I maybe I’m being too pessimistic on Ryan Bacher like I I’m sure his ceiling is is somewhere it’s just a ceiling okay I I get that okay you know what I like that I like that I get that I still don’t see a ceiling that high and I’d love for you guys to call me out if you disagree and I know Aram you probably disagree with me right now but I just I see Ryan bacher’s ceiling as more of a multi-time Allstar but that guy that every single team needs when you’re trying to make that Cup finals run that almost like a almost like a sub Norris tier if that makes sense like I know his numbers are there close to Yosi and H though I mean you know what screw it why not let’s put Ryan Bacher in that Norris caliber ceiling tier I don’t think he’s going to get there but in like the the 0.01% of ceilings let’s say he does it because why not that’s fun and I think it would be great let’s put Ryan Bacher up there but but yeah I guys I think that’s Al a second uh so a second third man like more like that I think he can be the guy that leads your team in ice time but like effectively is not like your your I I think he’s not necessarily going to be your power play quarterback and a guy that’s on your penalty kill while leading your team at nice time I think he’s just going to be that guy who’s kind of always out there he’ll be physical he’ll always make the right play um so like maybe like yeah if he had a Norris caliber defenseman next to him he would be an elite number two um with the ability to take over number one that’s kind of where I see him but hey you know what you never know you never know what these guys we got to still see him play in the NHL so there’s a lot to come but guys I think I’m going to call it there that was an amazing stream it went longer than I thought it was going to it’s just want to thank you guys again thank you all for tuning in held on to 260 people through this the AC’s finally kicking in I’m cooling down it’s all good here you guys are going to see the Red Face In The Stream the lighting is what it is but thank you so much for tuning in plco saying will you all right bonus question this is the last thing plco I swear you almost got me again I almost always do the outro and then we’ll have someone no no no we’re not saving it we’re not saving it you sent it before I started the outro so we’re answering it we’re not saving it for a week because we don’t know if we’re going to remember that in a week I could try my best it probably won’t happen bonus question which of our prospects do you think we get to see on the NHL ice this year other than Hudson does Joshua walk count I don’t think he does we already saw are you talking like are you talking like full on NHL are you talking like one game I mean like Beck already played a game but like Lan pp1 Dominican Republic pp2 aror pk1 May pk1 Mayu pk1 rram are you crazy I you was not playing penalty there is no shot why he was playing penalty kill not yet not yet he needs to fix up some some problems before they put him on the penalty kill anyway is what it is I’m gonna give you answer uh plco I’m GNA give you a a quick answer my guess it you know what okay we’ll hold you to this we’re can I is there a way for me to bring this up okay you know what I’m going to try this I’m going to try this guys we get silly at at the end of streams because it’s fun because it’s more fun to be silly than it is to be serious sometimes I like being serious too all right let’s bring this in so oh my gosh look at that oh that quality baby Lane pp1 DAV Rucker pp2 AR pk1 telling you trust me the future right write it on that wall behind you this image is say you can’t see me renaming this I’m call it rram Mayu pk1 I’m calling it this and I’m going to hide it and we’re going to save this because this is something we’re probably going to come back to the hottest take of 2024 if we see Logan Mayu play penalty kill I’m not going to say play one second on the penalty kill because you’re gonna you’re going to get tricky with it because if he plays in the NHL sometimes at the end of a penalty kill guys will Hop Off the Bench to transition I’m not I’m not saying one second on the penalty kill because he probably will by accident if he plays more than like say like a 15 20 second like an actual shift on the penalty kill I don’t know what I’ll do I’ll like eat a sock or something that’s insane but no that’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine um but I gotta go back and answer Blanco’s question before we cut everything off and we lose every single viewer because I I said I was going and there’s probably a lot of people who have already left because they’re like he said he was going and I got a meeting in 15 minutes guys that I got busy busy fella I got a cook I got a I got a meeting uh anyway so it if it happens then put ikram online you know what you know what Joel that’s a fantastic idea if that happens rram you won’t have to pay to be in a video we’ll bring you on to talk about your you don’t you don’t have to pay for that channel member tier to be on a video we will bring you on a stream or a video to talk about that prediction um I you know what is what it is I’m I’m saying that now come come back here M am I like I feel like I’m going crazy what if this happens and you know what it is what it is I think a lot of people are are are are more on board with me but it is but it is what it is okay rram I have 1:15 a.m. it’s late for you yeah galaxy level fan that’s the thing you guys got to tune back in this is GNA be a thing that comes up every single week I’m gonna try and I I don’t know maybe we got to get like we got to convince Marty sandle to try this I don’t know plco I got to get back to your question it’s 1:15 a.m. for you you’re probably getting sleepy I’m sorry um your question is which Habs Prospect is most likely to play in the NHL this year um uh this is like an interview question right you know you know when you’re in an interview and you tell them let me just think for a minute and they respect that they’re like this guy wants to think about my question instead of just answering immediately that’s what I’m going to do for you right now so you got to respect me for taking my time to answer this question because it’s actually difficult I mean like Joshua W I think is gonna play a lot but I don’t think he counts I other than Hudson I think Mayu I think I think Mayu simply because I think think that it’s like I think a lineup spot is most likely to open up on the right-hand D Spot I think that sard could very well he will be traded at some point and I think kovich will be traded I just think it’s Mayu um I know he’s only playing one played one game I think it has to be him W I’m not counting because for obvious reasons think he already kind of established himself in some ways um and I’m not going to say Owen Beck spoiler for our Channel member video Jesse actually has Beck in his opening night lineup so that’s something interesting I think Owen Beck is great but I just don’t see a world where he fits in the lineup down the middle right now when you have Suzuki you have doc you have new hook you have Evans and you have Dvorak like you have five guys who can legitimately play center and who who are you going to cut to replace him with Owen Beck like unless you trade Dvorak like I know we don’t like Dvorak but he’s an NHL level guy he’s the H’s best face off guy this year like how do you do that right so I just don’t see a spot opening up for Beck sooner than I see one opening up for Mayu so that’s my answer I think that’s my answer I think it’s Logan Mayu this a crazy end of the stream I mean I don’t know if you guys have anything else like if because I’m about to do the outro again I could do it again okay tell you what I’ll give you guys until 7:20 Eastern which is two more minutes and if you if we get a donation I will answer that question otherwise even if it’s a channel member I’m not going to answer it and we can save it for next stream aram’s gone crazy Beck could be really good someone has to move it I think dvo gets traded soon if they like Beck a lot you know what mirroring my thoughts on some things not so much on others but yeah that’s that’s interesting all right I’ll give you guys one more minute I know the stream’s delayed G to give it one minute and if there’s nothing there’s no donations by then I’m just going to end the Stream So I really appreciate every single one of you for tuning in today because I wasn’t sure what to expect but we had over 300 people at our Peak which is on par with some of our best streams so I really appreciate this especially with just me today I know we’re missing a lot of character with Jesse not being here and I know a lot of you guys miss him I miss him as well it’s been it’s been too long since we’ve made a video together his move will be settled very soon I’m done my travel I’m fully back on here and I think we’ll have a great few months to come uh I don’t know how much more time on a Monday well you know image One Nation every Monday every single Monday we live stream except for last Monday but last Monday was an exception and I and I warned you guys to be fair I gave the community post I don’t know how many of you guys see those Community posts I assume a lot of you I always wonder like what percentage of the fans see the community post but um yeah every single Monday 6:15 p.m. Jerry says get a haircut butt yeah I know it’s getting unruly isn’t it look at that you know if I put a hat on it looks better but you know I do need one there’s a there’s a a bunch Around Here solo is better IMO Josh absolutely not absolute one this channel was built on Duos this is built with me and Jesse and honestly I got to tell you there was is nothing I like more than hopping on a video or a stream with my buddy Jesse so I appreciate that you really enjoyed today but uh you know solos will come every now and then for sure but having Jesse on the stream this is not Habs digest without Jesse and I wouldn’t want to do Habs digest without Jesse so it is what it is built on Duos until my take becomes true then it’ll be trios we did a trio once with Drew Deeks and also we’re gonna get hockey junkie on the channel soon I’ve been talking with him fellow newy you know can’t grow hair on top of my head anymore keep your hair Tom well you know what Tom maybe I can put it in a drawer and save it for later maybe I can help fill in this awful I mean well the Beard’s not bad the goatee is not bad it’s just I can’t F in anything here anyway guys it’s 7:20 really appreciate you all for being here thank you for tuning in to this episode of habs digest if you enjoyed leave a like comment subscribe to the channel subscribe now if you haven’t already you got to subscribe to leave a chat in the Stream so we’d really appreciate if you guys haven’t done it do it now I’ve been your host Josh gos I’ll catch you in the next one
0:00 Montreal Canadiens News
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Enjoy June 3 edition of Montreal Canadiens News or Habs News today!
Josh Gosse goes LIVE to chat about the recent Habs news surrounding recent prospect ranking and mock drafts and the impact they have on the Montreal Canadiens, some crazy trade rumours picking up, and a Habs prospect update.
Josh Gosse breaks down the latest Montreal Canadiens news involving Arber Xhekaj, Kaiden Guhle, Sean Monahan, Edmonton Oilers, Juraj Slafkovsky, Josh Anderson, Alex Burrows, Cole Caufield, Nick Suzuki, Kirby Dach, Joel Edmundson, David Savard, Habs Defencemen, Kent Hughes, Martin St Louis, Jake Allen, Sam Montembeault, Cayden Primeau, Kaiden Guhle, Arber Xhekaj, Boston Bruins, Toronto Maple Leafs, Winnipeg Jets, Owen Beck, Filip Mesar, Jayden Struble, Adam Engstrom, Luke Tuch, Sean Farrell, and Lane Hutson,Timo Meier trade,gurianov trade.
Josh Gosse analyse les dernières nouvelles des Canadiens de Montreal concernant Shane Wright, Jesse Puljujarvi, Eeli Tolvanen, Arber Xhekaj, Kaiden Guhle, Sean Monahan, Edmonton Oilers, Juraj Slafkovsky, Josh Anderson, Alex Burrows, Cole Caufield, Nick Suzuki, Kirby Dach, Joel Edmundson, David Savard, Habs Defencemen, Kent Hughes, Martin St Louis, Jake Allen, Sam Montembeault, Cayden Primeau, Kaiden Guhle, Arber Xhekaj, Boston Bruins, Toronto Maple Leafs, Winnipeg Jets, Owen Beck, Filip Mesar, Jayden Struble, Adam Engstrom, Luke Tuch, Sean Farrell, et Lane Hutson,dadonov trade,dadonov gurianov,gurianov trade.Join the Digest Media Discord!: #nhl
Oilers in 5
Panthers in 4
Catton 100%
If Demidov and Lindstrom are out and Silayev is available at 5. Habs probably should consider him or trade down.
Catton or bust
Kent Hughes draft day trade confirmed.
Tij Iginla would be a solid pick.
Good luck Jessy!!!
Forget about Boisvert. I've checked a few prospects list and Boisvert is often between 18 and 23. If Habs really want him, they're gonna have to trade up a few ranks.
We miss ya Jessy Good Luck with the move !!! Moving sucks very stressful at times ! See ya soon buddy !!!!!!
Is a next Tkachuck with a slice of Suzuki.
A little something for Jesse’s move. All the best!
Montreal better pick Lindstrom if they’re not taking Demidov or Levshunov. We have a habit of reaching with this pick. Just take the guy
Sennecke for me! Hé was the best player in the OHL series this year before his injury. Montreal need talent and he his miles ahead of Lindstrom IMO