Houston Rockets Trade Rumors: #3 Pick To Memphis Grizzlies Or Brooklyn Nets? Possible Trades & More
on today’s show Houston Rockets trade rumors heating up as the Rockets are reportedly interested in moving the third overall pick in this year’s NBA draft with the Memphis Grizzlies and Brooklyn Nets being mentioned as two teams that have engaged the rockets in trade talks recently what would a deal look like with the Memphis Grizzlies and is male Bridges worth the number three overall pick we’re going to un pack all that on today’s locked on Rockets this is Mission Control Houston ignition sequence St six 5 4 3 2 1 what’s up and welcome to another edition of lockdown Rockets you daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball as always I’m your host Jackson Gatlin native houstonian and credential media member I’m also the host of locked on NBA Mondays be sure to follow along wherever you listen to your podcast or on YouTube just search locked on Rockets be sure to like comment and subscribe it’s the best way you can help our show out is to go comment anything below the YouTube video even if you just go say go Rockets it helps us out a ton and as always thank you so much for making lockdown Rockets part of your day every single day whether it’s on your way to work on your lunch break in the gym thank you for being in every day making the show part of your day every single day a lot of rumors are heating up around the Houston Rockets and what they will or won’t do with that number three overall pick in this year’s NBA draft now will the Rockets stay the course make the selection number three there’s a lot of enticing prospects or could they possibly trade it two teams that have reportedly engaged the Houston Rockets in trade talks are the Memphis Grizzlies and the Brooklyn Nets this reporting coming by way of the ringers Kevin o’conor so let’s hear what he had to say really quick and kind of then unpack things and set the table for the rest of our show today the rockets at number three I have them taking Donovan kingan a two-time champion from Yukon 7’2 Center 280 lbs he has a goar esque body with a 7 fo s wingspan classic rim protector he’s really good on defense offensively he sets hard screens a great finisher at the basket he’s flashed and improved three-point jumper throughout the pre-draft process that’s important because if the Rockets take him at number three you’ll be pairing him in the front court with alperen shenon and also another guy with an iffy three-point shooter one of those two guys is going to have to improve from three for this to work but that’s why the Rockets according to my sources are listening to trade offers for that number three pick they’re talking to the Nets they’re talking to the Grizzlies they could end up moving down to number nine if it’s Memphis or out if it’s Brooklyn and then get back Mel Bridges so we’ll see what the Rockets end up doing but if they keep the number three pick I have them taking Donovan kingan Okay so we’ve got the table set there from Kevin oconor who is hearing that the Houston Rockets are listening to offers are engaged in potentially trade talks with the Grizzlies and with the Nets now the Nets stuff dates all the way back to the NBA trade deadline and here’s the thing a lot of this you know will they won’t they male I’m sure you guys are sick of hearing about male Bridges at this point every time I do a show talking about the Rockets potentially making a trade with the Nets and male Bridges names name comes up I get YouTube comments everybody’s like we’re sick of hearing about the problem is the Rockets keep trying to make things happen because at the end of the day the Rockets know that these nets picks have so much value to Brooklyn more than any other team in the association and it feels like Brooklyn is behaving really stubbornly when it comes to the idea of digging their heels in and wanting to this asinine idea of building around male Bridges if male Bridges is this tier one star that’s going to attract you know another tier one star and then suddenly going to jettison them back to relevancy it just doesn’t make sense so I understand that it’s it’s hard to under it’s hard to gauge the legitimacy of some of these rumors because you’ve got people on the net side saying oh the Nets aren’t ever going to trade Mich Bridges they’re happy with it they’re staying the course you’ve got people on the rocket side saying that the Rockets are are listening to offers that they’ve engaged the Nets consistant that they’ve been trying to refine and work out a deal here so which side’s telling the truth we really don’t know know at this point my understanding of the situation from the people that I’ve spoken to is that the Rockets are completely open to the idea of dealing that number three overall pick and that they’re open to the idea of bringing Michael Bridges back even if it costs them the rest of the Brooklyn Nets draft assets right sending them all back to Brooklyn again you got to negotiate a little bit right there maybe it’s not all the picks but at the end of the day it takes two to tango right it takes both parties to be able to come to a conclusion and my understanding of the situation is that Shawn marks and the Nets have just been absolutely stubborn on their end of the deal and honestly at the end of the day if the Nets want to continue to dig themselves a hole where they are refusing to make a deal that would honestly better themselves for their future allowing them to bottom out recoup draft assets all that and and whatnot and set themselves up for much better long-term success than whatever this you know mediocrity treadmill they’re currently on with male Bridges as their as their best player then by all let them do it the Rockets will reap the benefit of those rewards by way of the rest of the Nets picks that they are still owed for the next what three years two years however many years it is they got 2025 2026 2027 left on the docket so three more years worth of Nets picks and they’ve got this years’s number three overall pick to speak for it so we’re going to talk about the net side of things more a little bit later on is male Bridges really worth it why does it make sense for the Houston Rockets why are they so aggressively pursuing Mel Bridges as as a piece for this team going to focus on that a little bit later on the Grizzlies side of things though it’s real cut and dry the Grizzlies have made no secret about their desire to add Donovan kingan to their roster they are really excited about the idea of Donovan kingan he’s incredibly high on their on their draft board everybody that covers the G everything that I’ve seen coming out of the Grizzlies is that they really like Donovan kingan the idea of pairing him in the front court with jiren Jackson Jr as a future front Court Duo makes a lot of sense problem for the Grizzlies is Donan Kling is not going to be available at pick number nine so they are forced to try and trade up into a slot where they can actually get their hands on Donovan kinging and the rockets right now as it seems are the team that is most likely to be willing to trade a selection near the top of the draft now why would the Rockets be willing to trade down to pick number nine because they could potentially get a win now piece from the Grizzlies as well as still have the ability the luxury if you will to draft a young Prospect and slow playay their development cuz here’s the reality of the situation for the Houston Rockets they’re coming off of a 41 and 41 season right where they took a massive step a 19- win improvement from last year and they missed the playoffs by just a little bit but Em odoko wants to be in win now mode now that doesn’t mean push all your chips to the center of the table and go completely all in but at the same time he wants players that are able to contribute right now here and now and if the Rockets do take a player with the number three overall pick if they don’t trade it that player is not going to be in a position to help this team right out of the gate they’re just not that’s the reality of the situation but if they trade down with the Grizzlies or another team right we’ve already suggested trade down opportunities with the Blazers or with the Chicago Bulls there’s a lot of possibilities out there if the Rockets trade down in this year’s draft then they get kind of The Best of Both Worlds you can recoup and get an immediate win now piece as well as still being able to draft a prospect somewhere a little bit later in the lottery like a Dalton connect right really exciting movement shooter kle wear really exciting big man Prospect hell maybe even you take a swing on a guy like Nicola topic right who has the ACL injury that’s really concerning but maybe he could be the Houston Rocket version of mpj the Nuggets took a massive gamble on mpj with his back injury history and all that around the middle of the the first round and that paid massive dividends for them to where he was the third best player on their Championship caliber team well maybe fourth best player Aaron Gordon but he was an important part of their championship team nonetheless and that was a major swing that they took because of an injury risk going into the NBA Draft so there are a lot of options here for the Houston Rockets coming up I want to talk about the Memphis Grizzly side of things and then we’re going to get into the Brooklyn Nets side of things with a couple of potential uh hypothetical trades to discuss and why it makes sense for the Houston Rockets we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode of is brought to you by better help look we all carry around different things that stress us out could be things that are big could be things that are small and when you keep those things bottled up and you’re not talking about them it can start to affect your life in a bunch of negative ways therapy is a safe space to get things off your chest and to figure out how to work through whatever is 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fact I might be more inclined to say that this is a better route for the Rockets to go than to try and go Allin or pseudo Allin for a male Bridges trade which we’re going to discuss in the third segment of today’s show so if you’re watching on YouTube I’ve got the hypothetical trade pulled up on the screen right now but there’s an old familiar name of uh or familiar face maybe not for Rockets fans but for em OD DOA at least that currently plays for the Memphis Grizzlies that I think would be a massive addition to this Houston Rockets team and that’s none other than Marcus Smart right he was a starting guard on oka’s Boston Celtics that made it to the NBA finals a couple years ago and if the Grizzlies are hell bent on moving up in the draft to be able to pick a guy like Donovan kingan then you’re going to have to give up some significant value to make that trade happen and again they’re they’ve made no secret about their desire to pick up a guy like kingan so the Rockets from a negotiating perspective from a leverage perspective have a lot to work with here here’s the hypothetical trade Rockets would receive from the Grizzlies Marcus Smart the Grizzlies pick in this year’s NBA draft which is the number nine pick as well as a future first round draft pick now we can get really granular here and try and figure out okay well what year would the pick be in what kind of protections would the pick have all that if you’re looking at the graphic on the screen I just said a future top four protected first round draic when you look historically at teams that have traded up in an NBA draft there’s usually some level of you know a future first with some you know light protections heavy protections whatever on it and that’s usually what a team has to give up to move up X number of spots in the draft the Grizzlies in this case will be going from nine to three to get the guy that they want likely Donovan Clingan now the rockets in this hypothetical trade would be giving up Jaan Tate jock landale and the number three pick in this year’s NBA draft now we can get into the specifics of this trade and trying to hammer out different details and you know how much is too much and are the Grizzlies giving up too much maybe a future first maybe a top four protection isn’t enough maybe it needs to be fully like Lottery protected is that too much value for the Grizzlies to give up just to move up six slots maybe you completely remove the future first round draft pick just from the equation completely Maybe Marcus Smart in a vacuum by himself is enough value for the Rockets to say you know what we’re cool trading down to pick number nine because we’re going to get Marcus Smart he’s a win now piece he fits the defensive identity of this Houston Rockets team Oka is a big fan of his right he’s an incredibly serviceable guard too at the end of the day he’s an elite point of attack Defender great emotional leader physical presence uh would help Shore up the Rocket’s you know point of attack defense adding yet another elite point of attack Defender to a rotation with a a few already really great point of attack Defenders and a serviceable ball handler in a pinch right now he doesn’t exactly address the Rockets most desperate need this off season which is their distinct lack of shooting and that’s an area that we’ve talked about a lot on the show that needs to be fixed this offseason but at the end of the day Marcus Smart’s also a guy that hits him when it counts he’s hit so many Big Time three-point shots in his career and I really like the idea of the Rockets trading for him getting him and kind of getting the Best of Both Worlds right because then rather than trading out completely with pick number three and only getting a win now player for next season or for the next couple years whatever which is kind of what the M Bridges trade would be like instead you get the best of both worlds you get a a Marcus Smart who can back up Fred Van vet who can eat up some of those guard minutes who can be used situationally whatever another another veteran to add to the mix a guy with play you know a lot of playoff experience finals experience has played for em OD DOA before it makes a lot of sense and again at the end of the day the Rockets would still have that number nine pick to Come Away with a prospect because same whether they pick at number three or number nine whoever they pick at either of those slots would be slow played right their development would be priority number one and they’re not going to step in day one and be ready to be an impact contributor it’s just not how this situation is going to work out so I think that this trade has a lot of legs I think it makes a ton of sense you can get into the nitty-gritty of like okay how much value that the Grizzlies need to actually give up to move up to pick number three is Mark smart by himself enough value to get the Grizzlies up six spots in the draft and then for what the Rockets are giving up I mean J Shante Jac landale are both effectively salary filler um they’re on team-friendly deals I could see a reality where both Jack landel and J shant actually both could play a role for the Grizzlies next season depending on how the rest of their roster shakes out depending on how some of the uh injury W from this past season develop over the offseason and how healthy the Grizzlies are going to this next year both of the those guys are serviceable role players guys who can you know really Shore up the end of an NBA bench Jack landale in a pinch you know can be a very great backup big man or even a starting you know a a decent starting level replacement big when he’s playing the way that he was at the end of this past season J shant Tate yes the shooting woses are there but he’s a tough defensive presence and kind of a Swiss army knife everywhere on the floor he’d fit in with the Grizzlies culture perfectly and then they get the number three overall pick right and they can walk away with a guy like Donovan kingan to pair with Jared Jackson Jr in the front court so this trade I think makes a lot of sense on both sides both for the rockets and for the Grizzlies so I really like this one in fact I think I’m a bigger fan of this trade than the idea of the Rockets trying to pursue yet again for the eenth time male Bridges but that’s what we’re going to have to talk about next is is male Bridges worth it for the number three overall pick what would a trade look like if the Rockets are trying to pry male Bridges away from the Nets we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel it’s win or take all time in the NBA and FanDuel is giving you a shot to bring home a big win of your own because right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks to bet on spreads money lines player props and so much more right now you can head over to FanDuel to take a look at the odds on favorite to go number one overall in this year’s NBA a draft Alex SAR right there at the top minus 170 right behind him Zachary Reet at plus 170 and then in distant third place Donovan kinging at plus500 to go number one overall in this year’s 2024 NBA draft so for all those odds and so much more visit fanduel.com lockon to make every shot count FanDuel America’s number one sports book and final segment here at lockon Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball all right let me preface this because before we get into the the Nets side of these rumors from Kevin o Conor I want to say that we’re going to later this week we’re going to have a crossover episode with the hosts of locked on Nets to kind of try and get their perspective on this male Bridges Rockets Nets picks Saga because this has been a thing for a long time now where it feels like we’ve been discussing the idea of going after Michel Bridges cashing in those Nets picks because at the end of the day it does feel like those picks have more value to Brooklyn than to any of the other 29 teams in the association so when we look at these hypothetical trades and whatnot we’re always looking at them through red tinted Shades right Rockets goggles if you will and I try my best to take those goggles off and and try to understand both sides and I I really cannot wrap my head around the idea of an organization that would choose that would willingly choose mediocrity over a clear path to bottom them out recoup top draft assets and have a much brighter future in the long term than whatever the hell it is the Nets are hellbent on doing right now so hopefully the guys from lock on Nets can help us better understand this maybe they’re going to be in our camp maybe they’re like yeah we should trade male Bridges we’ll see but here’s my hypothetical trade for what the Rockets could do to acquire male Bridges so Rockets would receive male Bridges and the Suns 2027 first round pick that the Brooklyn Nets have by way of the Kevin Durant trade now going out from the Rockets would be Dylan Brooks the Nets 2024 first round pick so that’s the number three pick in this year’s NBA draft remove the swap rights on the 2025 pick Swap and then also the Net’s 2026 pick so here’s where things get really sticky and this is going to be the sticking point for a lot of people right 2025 that’s the Cooper flag draft that’s the Crown Jewel right a Cooper flag this you know incredible enticing Prospect and while I understand that it’d be amazing to have a shot at Cooper flag I I’m really torn here because if the Nets are hung up on this deal if they if they’re saying no it the only way we do this deal is if you give us a swap back on 2025 then you know maybe that maybe that’s the deal breaker for the Houston Rockets right because maybe that like how much value is too much value for M Bridges right here we’re talking about giving up Dylan Brooks who’s still you know a starting caliber NBA 3 and D Wing right all you know all NBA Pro you know defensive team member all that so he’s an elite Defender he’s a great piece the Nets could conceivably flip him down the line for even more value in a in a in a secondary trade down the line and then on top of that you’re receiving three first round draft picks the number three in this year’s draft you’re getting a chance at next year so the Cooper flag sweep stakes and you’re getting your 2026 pick back that seems like a lot to pay for male Bridges but then on the flip side when you start talking about male Bridges as a player he’s incredible like he’s not he’s not an Allstar but at the same time he fits with almost any team he immediately helps the rockets in the three-point shooting Department uh I think he’s a better even numbers wise even though Dylan Brooks had a you know re Year from three Dylan Brooks is still not the same level of outside three-point shooting threat that M Bridges is Dylan Brooks is also not the same level of Defender that M Bridges is and at the end of the day M Bridges has showcased a lot more skills playing for the Brooklyn Nets kind of becoming their number one option by default after being dealt there and he’d be able to slot back into a role that I think is a lot more comfortable for him here in Houston where he becomes kind of that tertiary you know third or fourth option offensively and and he just gets to focus on doing what he does best which is playing Elite defense and being one of the best role players in the entire MBA you need players like that to win championships if you’re telling me that the Rockets can upgrade that M that Dylan Brooks slot to a m Bridges I think that’s a pretty significant upgrade like I I don’t think Dylan Brooks is as close to male Bridges as maybe some would have you believe um and I get that I don’t know it’s tough because I feel like when you sit here and you start discussing these hypotheticals and and the idea of giving up that much draft capital for a guy like Mel Bridges you start thinking oh man well the Rockets are giving up you know all these enticing draft picks down the line and and the fact that they could you know very well be have this pipeline of young Talent you know for years to come and here’s my my argument against that is if the Nets are hellbent going down this path of building around male Bridges and maintaining mediocrity and all that yes the Rockets got lucky with this year’s pick they absolutely did jumping from number nine all the way up to number three they got lucky with the with the NBA draft lottery but let’s say the Nets maybe maybe the Nets do pull off a trade for a guy like Donan Mitchell or some other win now type star player that does suddenly make them a much better team in the Eastern Conference which is already the weaker of the two conferences there’s a realistic possibility where if the Nets decide to cash in on those Suns picks and trade for a guy like Donovan Mitchell or Lowry marinin or Brandon Ingram or whoever then they could for the next few years for the remainder of when the Rockets own their draft Capital be like a top six top five top four team in the Eastern Conference and then suddenly those picks are not anywhere near as valuable as we thought they would be with the Nets in turmoil in the aftermath of dealing James Harden again and you know losing Kevin Durant and blowing up the big three with Kyrie Irving all that stuff so there’s a there’s almost a shelf life on these picks where if the Rockets don’t cash on them sooner rather than later I feel like the Nets might be able to swing something to where those picks are no longer going to have anywhere near the value we think they will have so that’s an important thing to note here and on top of all that at least in this hypothetical the Rockets would be able to get back one of those Suns picks now we know from reporting from Jonathan Fagen at the Houston Chronicle that the Rockets did reach out to the Nets and inquire you know in the past about trying to turn the picks into some of the Suns picks that they got back from the Kevin Durant deal to Phoenix because right now those Phoenix Suns picks are probably the best assets in the entire NBA landscape because the suns are in a very precarious situation right now it feels like a powder keg ready to blow they are one like Devon Booker trade request away or a KD trade request or whatever from that entire situation toppling over like a house of cards and so being in control of those Suns picks does give the Nets a lot of Leverage and gives them a lot of power in potential trade talks with you know disgruntled you know star players or teams that might be looking to deal for you know a hall of draft assets that’s what they have to work with so in this trade yeah you’d be giving up your chances at the Cooper flag draft in 2025 yeah you’d be giving up this year’s number three overall pick three first round draft picks for male Bridges but you’re getting back a potentially really juicy 2027 son’s pick that could be even better than any of those Nets picks ultimately become because if you’re talking about the Nets as a team that’s going to be hovering around 500 and that pick is going to be floating near the back end of the lottery each and every year for the next few years versus a Suns pick that could very easily be one of the where the Suns could easily be one of the worst teams in the association in 2027 if things end catastrophically over there then I think I’d rather take my chances on that as well as the immediate upgrade and tangible benefit that M Bridges provides to this Rockets team here and now and they WR they’d have male Bridges under contract on a very on a relatively team-friendly deal for the next two years because male Bridges is under contract for the next two seasons he’s making 23.3 million this next year and he’s making 24.9 million the season thereafter so he will be up for a contract renegotiation an extension what have you a little bit further down the line but for for a guy that provides what he provides that contract is relatively fair value and I’d rather have if you’re telling me in a vacuum I’d much rather have male bridges on this roster than Dylan Brooks we saw towards the end of this past season some of the downside some of the ugly side of Dylan Brooks right we got we got best behavior Dylan Brooks for what felt like about half the season but then that back half of the Season things started to you know slide and not in a good direction for Dylan Brooks and if that continues the Rockets are on the hook for the next three years of Dylan Brooks so if this can not only be their way to get out of Dylan Brooks upgrade that small forward spot cash in on the Nets picks as well as getting back a really juicy asset in the 2027 Suns pick I’m all over it and between these two trades I’m really not sure I I think I I like the Grizzlies one quite a bit but the more that I consider it and the more that I sit here and think about a male Bridges trade possibility for the Houston Rockets the more that I’m sitting here thinking why hasn’t it happened yet right like it’s staring us all in the face it’s felt like for some time now it’s not a matter of if it happens it’s a matter of when it happens and the longer that the Nets hold out and try to grind their heels into the dirt and maintain stay the course refuse to deal with the Rockets it feels like the Rockets continually are getting more and more leverage in these possible trade negotiations so at the end of the day it’s all just rumors who knows what’s true which trade would you want to see the Houston Rockets complete are you in the camp of just don’t touch the number three overall pick take one take Reed Shepard take klling in take whoever at number three do you want to see them not trade the pick which trade do you like better between the Grizzlies hypothetical trade and the Net’s hypothetical trade let me know in the YouTube comments I’m curious to hear all of your thoughts but as always thank you so much for checking out the show if you haven’t done so yet please consider subscribing wherever you listen to your podcasts Apple Spotify Google The Odyssey app free and available on all those platforms and on YouTube just search locked on Rockets like comment subscribe all that good stuff but as always thank you so much for watching thank you so much for listening we look forward to having you back right here at locked on Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball [Music]
Houston Rockets Trade Rumors: #3 Pick To Memphis Grizzlies Or Brooklyn Nets? Possible Trades & More
Host Jackson Gatlin (@JTGatlin) discusses the latest Houston Rockets trade rumors concerning Houston engaging the Memphis Grizzlies and Brooklyn Nets in trade talks centered on the #3 pick in this year’s 2024 NBA Draft, possible trade offers from Memphis and Brooklyn, why Marcus Smart would be a huge addition to this Rockets roster, how much is too much to trade for Mikal Bridges and more.
#Rockets #NBA #Trade
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COMMENT: Which hypothetical trade do you like better, Grizzlies or Nets?
Only way I would trade with the Nets is if I get some of the Suns picks back in return. We have no obligation to help the Nets out at all but if they want their picks back then we need to get the Suns pick back to get some picks back.
But the Nets are probably unwilling to give up those picks so that trade is not going to happen the rockets need to give up on Bridges.
As for the Grizzlies pick I’m 50/50.I like Marcus Smart but he sort of like a guard version of Dillion at times where he takes unnecessary shots at times but at the same time he would add another good defender on this team and he could back up Fred.
Out of the deals I would say I would be ok with doing a deal with Memphis.
But at this point man I’m just ready for the draft man 😅it’s going to be a interesting couple of weeks for the rockets that’s for sure
I’m not a fan of either they both not bringing anything we can’t get from what we have already
It makes absolutely no sense to give BK their ‘25 pick back. they have no money and barely assets to improve. They will be outbid for any star and 25 draft is great. Fire stone immediately if he only gets bridges for all those picks
Mikal Bridges will do nothing more than add a few extra wins and the assumption the Phoenix Suns picks will be more valuable than the nets is speculation. What we do know is the rockets jumped into the 3 spot this year. 2025 is next year and there's another chance the nets will not be good. That allows the rockets a chance just like this year to walk away with a high draft pick again in a good draft next year. I will take my chance on next year vs 2027.
8:21 The Nets #3 pick, 2025 pick, and 2026 pick back is too much!! They can have Brooks, #3 back, and MAYBE 2026! Bridges definitely isn't worth three first rounders even if we are getting the Sun's 2026 pick!💁🏻
Reed is arguably the best player in the draft and addresses our greatest need. This is such an easy decision. Makes no sense to pass a generational shooter when we can’t shoot at all.
Our team is good at defense and sucks at shooting. And we fix this with Marcus smart??
That 2nd proposal is ridiculous — there has to be a more realistic hypothetical.
If the nets don’t trade bridges now and use him all season, then next summer he is in his final year. Trading him then will get even less of an offer unless they’re in on giving him a max.
God I hope we just take Reed. I don’t want Smart who can’t shoot.
Why would we trade Dillion brooks ? If we could throw in jaeson Tate, jock landale and some other contract fillers along with the picks to get bridges here , if giving up our nets picks that would be enough
As a Nets fan I don’t think a trade is happening as the 25 swap is a sticking point for both teams and in world would the nets trade MIkal AND Sun Pick(s) to get their picks back, you would be asking Sean Marks to use the KD trade package to undo The Harden deal and that would be a fireable offense
Reed and nothing more. Hope Rockets don't throw this opportunity away with either trade.