Ripping 2023 Bowman cards, and having some pack rips with Ryan Dempster! | Carded

here we got my uh Topps 2023 Stadium card um I want to say it’s the first time I’ve seen it um pretty cool just uh I look a little bit skinnier in this uh put a little muscle on this off season so I mean it’s cool it just kind of makes you think about when you were a little kid how far you come all the hours that you put in and yeah it’s every every kid’s dream that plays baseball to have their own baseball card so definitely a a bless [Music] hello and welcome to another episode of MLB’s carded coming up on the show we’re going to be talking cards with my good friend Ryan Dempster what a treat we’ll also get a look at what the Vintage card appraisal process is like with baseball writer Joel Sherman but first up it’s Bowman season as the 2024 Bowman set gets released Carter dove into a box of 2023 to find out how things have changed for some of these prospects one year later check it out everybody knows I love me some Bowman and Bowman 2024 is currently out right now everybody’s talking about it but we’re going to do you one better and circle back to last year’s release so I have this gorgeous box box of Bowman 2023 right in front of me I’m going to rip it with MLB pipelines Sam dyra Sam before we get to ripping please talk to me about this cover everyone knows about gunar Henderson absolutely raking it rookie of the year but Drew Jones what’s he looking like yeah Drew Jones second overall pick a few years ago he’s kind of the poster child for development is not linear in the minor leagues there is something of a five tool player in there he can run like the wind he can cover tons of ground in center field we have some questions about the hit tool he struck out a lot last year the pieces are still there for Drew Jones to a super and that’s why I love Bowman so much because you get to watch these players develop and sometimes it takes years let’s rip into it lots of cool things we’re looking for color parallels shiny things you’re going to be the expert much more on that stuff than I am going to be educate us though I want you to educate us all right I got Kyle Harrison Bowman first pitcher Kyle Harrison Giants rookie this year has a really good fast ball a promising slider as well he could be a future like number two for the Giants if all the pieces are there Xavier Isaac is another really good one ooh Tampa Bay Rays Prospect he was actually a surprise pick as a first baseman a few years ago out of high school dealt with an injury he kind of slipped a little bit in the draft but the Rays always believed in him started to turn around became a top 100 Prospect last year this is a big one that is a big one Colton cower the Milkman himself W yeah I don’t even need to ask you Mr expert how good this guy is well it’s kind of crazy out of 125 check that out when you think about Colton cower who he was coming into the year there were tons of questions of are the Orioles going to find a spot for him he hit a buck 15 last year in the major leagues now Colton cower might be an AO Rookie of the Year favorite because of the way he’s carbed out a roll for him in Baltimore and become such a big part of their lineup and Alex I’m going to need you to tell me wait a little bit about this one cuz this looks really cool dude that’s a blue lava blue lava I don’t like the name of it’s Gavin cross that’s huge Royals first rounder from 2022 experienc some ups and downs in his first full season number to 150 only 150 of these exist yeah and I’m really interested see what he’s going to become this year there is some power in the profile he was a really good college performer maybe he takes off in 2024 but match though that works really well for blue oven the royal blue that thing is gorgeous oh our first Auto Emanuel Terrero oh that is a good one check that out top 30 Pirates Prospect Terrero has basically hit everywhere he’s played he’s reached single a so far he’s got a few years until he makes the bigs but you look at who’s in that pirat system they’ve done good job of getting guys closer uh to Pittsburgh and he’s been above League average everywhere he’s played so far okay that is a beautiful Auto I have not seen one of these yet Spotlight insert rodri Aras rodri Aras is very exciting I got to say he’s somebody who has really good upside for the Yankees you think about how they just graduated Anthony vulpi as their top shortstop Prospect he’s got power he’s got speed so and he could be trade bit he has high ceiling yeah that’s 100% we’ll stick with the Yankees we got with the Martian dude that’s Jason Dominguez Jason Dominguez five tool star I mean he was getting compared to Mickey Manel or Bo Jackson any name you want to throw out there as a five tool center fielder I think that’s an atomic refractor how cool is that yeah that’s it but how much foney do you have this is an absolute blast thanks so much for having me thanks for coming you dropped so much hobby knowledge I learned a ton I cannot wait to rip some Bowman 2024 hobby happy ripping now we go from Modern to Vintage MLB Network Insider Joel Sherman was kind enough to let us tag along as he had an expert appraiser look over a very special card collection my dad is my heaviest influence in my life honestly still never met anyone who worked harder than him whatever skill I have the most important one is I think I’m willing to work hard and I kind of learned that from him my father wasn’t a collector but he was a very good man and I suspect that somebody gave him these cards kind of like a thank you and they just got Consolidated with the cards my brother and I were buying in the 70s and early 80s I’m Michael osaki I have been an appraiser formerly for eight years I feel like I have the best job in the world I get to travel the country and review usually larger Collections and assess a value for them Michael I can’t tell you how much my brother and I are appreciative that you’re here this car collection has been in the family for probably a half a century or more when my father passed away in 2021 and we’re going through his stuff it’s like oh our cards it’s my job to review all of the cards and then write a formal appraisal report you have to look at it with a critical eye you can’t just say my father gave this to me 15 years ago it must be worth a fortune that’s not the way to go into this without further Ado I would love to see your baseball cards yeah I wish it was her medically sealed envelope uh and kept perfectly over time Michael it’s not it’s this after my dad passed and I took the cards I put them by year and by the number on the back one through 600 or 700 let’s take a look at some of these so these cards would be anywhere from probably uh fair to good a couple of them are probably very good condition now 56 is a great year I mean there’s a ton of Hall of Famers in this set I found what I was looking for this is card number 135 of the 1956 Tops baseball card set so now what I have to do is assess the condition when I’m talking about condition I’m talking about a few different things how sharp are the corners what does the centering look like do we see any bubblegum stains on the back do we see any print dot bubbles this card would be in a retail setting $1,000 to 1,200 bucks what we have here is a 1956 tops Sandy kofax someone put a pencil Mark there as we talked about cards are graded on a scale of 1 to 10 if there is a mark like that it’s designated as MK for Mark overall value for this car would be about 250 bucks this 1962 tops number 18 you have both woolly Mae and Mickey mantel on the same card if you look at all of your cards most of them have you know white borders this wood grain border is very very difficult to find any c from this set in high grade because any little Nick shows as far as value goes it’s in good condition this card would be about $75 I was going through your package of Bowman cards here and I stumbled upon one which is super interesting these are all yiki players Mickey mantel Yogi Bara and Hank bow and they’re all in the Dugout all three of those guys they were around especially old-timer days you think about what they meant to like a fan base who grew up on these guys so I imagine if there’s still people around right like who Nostalgia wise this might mean a lot today Joel this is a fantastic card collection I look forward to getting my hands dirty digging in and figuring out exactly what the value is in the entire collection well don’t get too dirty they’re not in great shape to start with but honestly we really do appreciate what you’re doing here because this feels like archaeology a little bit to us like we we found this Relic in my dad’s house and now we have somebody who’s a great archaeologist to help us through it well it turns out that Joel was wise to call in an expert because his collection appraised for over $10,000 thank you to Joel and Michael for giving us a look into the appraisal process the pitch swing and the Miss Cubs wi and Dempster goes the distance he’s a co-host of intentional talk he’s a two-time Allstar a World Series champion one of the great characters of our sport Ryan Dempster joins us now on carded demp good to see you buddy H how’s life right now I see you’re surrounded by beautiful items on your desk yeah some memorabilia over my shoulders here I got the uh the runner up me and malar for his membered guests there my cleats for the 0 2000 All-Star Game actually my 08 ones are Harry carries and a plethora of you know dolls and I got I got a few cars to show youg I knew you would bring it I knew you’d bring the merchandise before we dive into that I do want to go to baby DM okay little Ryan started collecting baseball cards at what age and what got you into baseball cards um so probably like five years old I would say I started collecting and then really it was the stickers at first that was the big thing it started with sticker books where you could collect the stickers and you fill them in and I collected that and then that went to baseball cards and I actually like when I got into High School Greg I worked in a card shop I was I would go right after school and I sold cards yeah so I sold baseball cards hockey cards mostly baseball and hockey and occasional basketball I was about to ask because of your Canadian Roots were you 6040 hockey for the first five years of your you’re collecting life more like probably 8020 I just think there there was such a demand for hockey cards like if you the only baseball cards he was Blue Jays and Mariners maybe um but that was about it expose did this hobby transfer over to the big league Ryan Dempster no and I and I’m I wish it did because I the hobby itself like the memorabilia hobby did like I collected baseballs and jerseys and bats and helmets and hats like I up here I got like you I can reach up here you know stuff like this like you know Trev Trevor Hoffman from the All-Star Game right there signed that’s his gamer hat from the 2000 All-Star game I was like that’s cool hey dude can I get the you know like stuff like that so I was always collecting um the card stuff I just kind of I think I was so busy playing that I just kind of got away from chasing down cards um but they were always like if I if I was out somewhere and I saw ran by a card shop I’d pop in i’ grab some packs you know just stuff like that and then they’re saved in boxes is all over the place all right so what are you grabbing right now to show me and our audience here on carded you’ve got some goodies there right you’ve got stuff that you’re excited to show I got lots of stuff here um you know like different different like I mentioned the griffy here’s just a little kind of sample of you know uh you know the Ken Griffey Jr rookies right oh wow so different different different ones going through there this one’s really good I like that’s actually that’s that’s autoed right there right that’s high-end product you’re holding your hands right now yeah and then it’s funny like you go through I have things from like this guy’s really hot in the league right now by the way Alec bomb yes Alec bomb patch Auto from Immaculate which is a really popular product that’s awesome um but you you know I was going through a box the other day Greg and like I’m going to take this out and I got like everything from you know a lot of Larry Walker cards Fergie jenin autos and stuff like this so I’m going through this card and I find this card right and I can’t see it him to zoom in on this can we zoom in on this card right here and it and I honestly had no idea I must have had this cuz this is a little bit older from tops archives but it’s an autograph show he Otani one of one you can see in the top corner where my finger is and I’m like it’s a picture that’s his very first home run hit as an angel and they made a card out of it and I’m like what one of one what in the heck and I was like whoa dude so I obviously put that away and wait did you stumble upon this card or did you shot completely no stumbled upon it in a box of cards I had I was deep diving up in my attic and I was like oh let me find what I got put away here you know who doesn’t love this guy right here right like just right here that’s one of the best looking you know that one yeah give me a Ricky Henderson any day of the week oh that’s a beautiful baseball card so I actually just sent in three Ricky Henderson to get graded because I thought they’re worth it but I you can go all the way back I got some Harvey hacks in here if you’re looking for it you know and you are engaging with your fans you have so many Baseball fans that loved your career and watch you on intentional talk every single day and they know where to find you because you’re you you engage and sell and you buy right you’re you’re in the industry right now yeah I I do I I actually go hang out at Elite sports collectibles um here in Chicago Ronnie who owns the shop I’ll I’ll hang out there we’ve done breaks from there we we did a charity break from there I’ve actually been a seller I’ve held you know sat there at night and just told stories and people want cars and stuff like that they’re opening a box of uh of Freddy Freeman’s rookie your Topps Chrome and I got the Braves and I actually pulled a Freddy Freeman rookie no way that they’re going to send they’ll send to me in the mail I was hoping for the auto but I I know a guy who might be able to autograph that for me so I’ll see if my former teammate with Team Canada yeah but that during the break the guy pulls a Ryan Dempster and I just like break he pulled your card dur yeah and I just in the chat I just typed in I was like oh you pulled my card and I and I said Ryan Dempster and he goes oh you don’t have the Cubs and I said no it’s me I’m the guy on the car that’s so good all right two more for you because we got to run give me your favorite Ryan dster baseball card your least favorite Ryan dster card okay uh favorite one I have two there is a uh well I’ll go just go one favorite one is the a blink and tops they made a set and in there there’s certain players if you go to the checklist who actually have an a Lincoln in there and by the meaning I say I’m throwing and the third base umpire which in the normal base card is an Umpire at third base it is actually Abraham Lincoln standing behind the third base it is it’s awesome my least favorite one and this is a great story so you know baseball cards are awesome and I love the different versions that come out and and you know but I per personally love the action cards as much as I love the Ken griffy Jr because it’s iconic with the m hat and you know he’s Young I love action cards where there’s really cool stuff happening and I’m taking spring training pictures for for Tops one day and at the time I was pretty basic with my my look in for a sign I wasn’t this big peer over my glove you know I wasn’t Max Sherer or anything like that and the guy goes like you’re looking in for a sign and I said I am looking in for a sign it’s how I look in for a sign and he goes no like you’re really intent like you’re looking in for a sign so I do this card and I’m just like you know and I’m down there like with my face you know and that was the picture they used and it was like it is the most ridiculous picture it’s nothing like anything I’ve ever done like severe overacting or is it just like yes completely I just overacted the heck out of it it’s so good awesome hey Ry thank you so much for hanging out and talking baseball cards with me you you know the two of us have chatted about this topic so many times in my office we both love this hobby we’re so excited that the industry is back and on fire right now you’re the best appreciate your time thanks for joining me man you bet man anytime dude I’m glad the Hobby’s well and Alive you may know Tom candotti as a broadcaster for the Diamondbacks or from his illustrious 16-year career as a player or from his portrayal of Hoy Wilhelm in the movie 61 or maybe from the international Bowling Hall of Fame it’s true I swear the point is the Candyman has done a lot of cool stuff and now we can add baseball card critic to that list hi there I’m Tom candotti a former Major League ball player um some know me as a knuckleball pitcher he struck him out a swinging a Miss on a knuckler well out of the strike zone away I’m going to take a look at some of my old baseball cards and then I’m going to rate them all right first up the 1984 Topps rookie card of Tom candotti it’s got a little shot of me pitching right here but there’s there’s a little picture down here that makes me look like I have the hugest nose of all time so on the candy meter I would probably give this card probably a three 1987 tops my worst card why why I was ever growing a mustache I have no idea I got off to such a horrible start that I shaved this thing off so quickly it was ugly and now every time I get these cards sent to me for an autograph I look at it and I make the biggest tea right through the face of this card because it’s horrible I will give a zero and I look at this card it doesn’t even deserve a ranking 1990 tops now I do like this card and the reason I like it is when you look at this card the grip I love the grip that I’m throwing it’s a knuckle ball grip you it has kind of looking in there like I’m getting the sign on the candy meter on this one this is probably about an8 1992 Topps Stadium Club and I kind of like this card again the knuckle ball grip I’m just getting ready to release it um complete uh in-game shot but when you turn it around here is that picture of my rookie card once again if you can’t see it as much but there’s that mug shot with the big fat nose so this drops my card down to probably around a number four next up two cards the 88 tops and the 92 tops now what’s similar about these cards I love them because they’re action shots I always love action shots you know I think I’m we’ve seen a couple of really bad ones um face shots obviously but the action shots I love so on these two particular carbs you just look at their delivery and they’re almost from the same point they’re both with the knuckle ball grip between those years not much really changed with my my mechanics or my delivery which is kind of cool when you look back and and uh take a look at I will go up to a number seven on these cards I love these cards just because I love action shots and I just love the way you can see my grip the knuckle ball grip on the ball [Music] the worst card of them all see it’s this card I’m telling you you got to have low [Laughter] light well it’s been fun but that’s just about it for the show I’m going to kick back and dig into some of these new 2024 Topps Heritage packs I’ve been waiting for this 1975 design to come to Heritage so this is really a treat for me if you want to rip along at home then scan the QR code and get your own we’ll also leave you with a retro pack rip from my buddy Ryan Dempster thanks Ryan and thank you for watching we’ll see you next time uncarded I’m so excited for this you never know what you’re going to get you never know oo Junior cero look how great the border is on that um Cedric Mullins I’ll take it seya Suzuki of the Cubs I’m all in reys Olsen this kid’s talented right-hander for the Tigers I found myself a nice little pack of 2007 tops and by the way before even having to open it who’s on the front I know this guy look at this this is going to be fun I love opening baseball cards it’s a huge hobby I’m an avid collector I will probably eat the gum at some point to kind of play around get it get it out you can always bite too right there we go now the fun part about opening baseball cards to me was obviously L just what you might get it was never about the big hit I think Co made that all happen everybody wanted the big banger to me it was always the player I was going to get the fun player and I don’t know any more fun players than this guy Ryan Dempster right here oh Reed Johnson yes look at that one Reed Johnson right here teammate with the Chicago Cubs made some unbelievable catches Washington DC where he slid head first diving catch in the left Center Gap hat against the wall came up looking like a skateboarder Reed Johnson and of course thank you for the catch you made in Milwaukee against Prince Fielder Sunday Night Baseball Robin a grand slam thanks Reed now heck of a youth baseball coach oh wow what a good pack teammates World Series champ Mike Napoli this is with the angels way back when right here Mike Napoli rooftop that’s my nickname for him slight little blemish on the corner but that’s okay another teammate Ian Kinsler what’s up kins great second baseman remember when we picked off Carl Crawford at Fenway Park when he was 3 ft off the bag that was a good play H John Smoltz small is it a o smeltz John Smoltz I don’t remember him I think he was with the Braves or something a good player Edgar renaria Edgar renaria and I this is with the Atlanta Braves Edgar renaria played together Florida Marlins you know you remember him Mr Columbia won the World Series of the walk-off hit we took a limo in uh in 1998 to Kevin Mar’s house and they caught on fire Edgar renia was in that limo Bronson this is a good looking card by the way the Bronson a Royo full leg kick up that’s a beauty man we like that one that’s really good ialo jenez rookie card o that’s a good little one I’ll tell you what the year he went 14- one before the All-Star break absolutely unbelievable and then Travis hner half what’s up big power hitter going to take you deep yep listen I know this is a pack of 2007 but the way they package this gum do you think chalky or do you think you think like gummy I don’t know almost looks like a like taffy not bad actually I don’t know what kind of preservatives they use but tops nailed it with this gum well I already have it opening up baseball cards right here 07 I love it let’s do this again sometime

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