Raiders QB Competition Just Took A MASSIVE Turn
[Music] [Applause] all right let’s talk about the Las Vegas Raiders the Raiders the biggest question this off season obviously who’s going to be the starting quarterback of this team we did a couple stories about it we think Aiden mconnell is looking really good but then at times Gardner muu he’s shown some bright spots as well but I think the Raiders they have a plan they have a good idea we have some corroborating evidence of who actually might be settling in as the guy let’s get into the article and we can talk more about it on the other side this is from Silver And Black Pride it says Rick skaro I could probably have butchered that but you know I’m going to do my best I’m just call him Rich from now on isn’t being obtuse about the Las Vegas Raiders quarterback situation the position coach is well aware that either Aiden oconnell or Gardner menu will eventually emerge as a starting quarterback but with the silver and black still at early stages of the off season mandatory mini camp is slated for next week from June 11th through 13th rich in his second St with the Raiders is eager to see how the competition plays out between the two signal callers under his charge the quarterback coach knows the challenge of preparing both oconnell and menu equally while having say in the decision who is going to be a leader of the offense because that’s what the position boils down to being a leader and often the face of an organization I think that is the key part here Nick I’m curious what your thoughts are on the Raiders situation here but before we get to you Raiders fan in the comment section below first phonetically let me know how to say your QB coach’s last name and secondly who’s your favorite Raiders quarterback of all time I think there’s some really interesting names on that list but let us know who’s your favorite Raiders quarterback uh of all time but Nick what do you think about this QB competition for the Raiders well first of all I think you need to spend some more time around Italian people because I that was that was pretty rough but uh yeah when you look at the quarterback position right this is a situation here where I think people when they sit there and say okay they brought in Gardner mchu is he the stop Gap he’s been that before is he the guy for the future is it Aiden no Connell are they buying time until drafting a quarterback maybe in 2025 like what’s the overall strategy here and if you look at those comments there we’re looking for a guy to be a leader that’s our number one priority which obviously aligns with what Antonio Pierce has talked about numerous times this offseason well that leads us into another interesting report talking about the people being in the building the most in earlier this off season let’s go ahead and pull this up M this from talking about early participants and here’s the report one of the participants was the team’s leader on offense second-year quarterback a no Connell me and my wife are both from the Midwest so I think a big part of it was we just didn’t want to go back to the cold we just wanted to stay in Vegas okell told reporters on Tuesday but obviously just to be here with our strength coaches in our facility with the resources we have is awesome and so yeah we love this area we love to be here and live here and so we wanted to stay and also get some great work in our facility so you talk about again the first comment the first article right we’re looking for a leader we’re looking for a guy to be there be the face of the franchise be the guy to be the first one in last went out and here you have Aiden oconnell earlier earlier this offseason talking about hey I stayed here with my family stayed in Vegas working out the facilities being literally not the first one in like on the morning being the first one in the off season right the first of the first coming here and putting in work right that sounds like a leader to me that sounds like a face to the franchise to me now obviously oconnell has to perform as a quarterback and a pastor and do all those kind of things as well but I think from a leadership perspective perspective from an you know from a being the face of the franchise being being the guy that the team can Galvanize around them being the coach on the field kind of thing I think we’re seeing one man jump into the clear pole position and that’s a no Connell yeah n and when you talk about a team you talk about any kind of organization throughout history when you’re new you have to put in extra work when you’re established it’s a little bit easier to do things probably you don’t have to always be the first one in last one out when you have established and you have a good foundation underneath you but a new head coach this is you know he’s inter room head coach but this is first time first year head coach uh for Pierce this is first time that oconnell potentially could be the full-time starting quarterback of this team there’s a lot of new players around this team as well there’s a lot of new coaching staff there’s there’s a lot of new people to get to know and really to establish relationships with and that’s what a good leader will do when there’s so many new things you have to put in the extra effort to build your solid foundation so then the regular day-to-day things can go on and it sounds like that’s exactly what oconnell is doing he’s coming in early he’s staying through the offseason to get better relationships get better relationships with the strength coach their other coaches make sure that people know that he’s around that he’s going to be the guy that is always there you know it’s the off season NFL is a brutal business you go through a whole season you deserve some time away but I think okon he realizes the importance of this situation and really just buckles down stays in Las Vegas he he’s you know jokingly says I don’t want to go back home it’s too cold but you know everybody wants to go back home do do some stuff with family I think it’s him you know doing a little in just but he wants to be a leader he wants to be the starting quarterback of this team and he knows to earn that position he’s got to put in the extra effort so I love what’s happening from mconnell here and I really think uh the earlier comments talking about the leader in the face of the team that’s who the quarterback is he’s showing right now that is the guy that he is and I’m excited about oconnell and you know who else notices this too guys like Max Crosby that have been working there too this offseason right this doesn’t go unnoticed right when you’re in a transition era and you’re looking for your next quarterback your next guy to be in there to be the future of your franchise putting in that extra time putting in that effort right the people in the long room notice it just as much as the coaches and that’s really important that’s why all together right you’re seeing you know it’s early right I understand it’s just June at this point but I think right now we’ve seen a clear guy emerge as the leader and you saw it in one of the reports there as the leader of this offense and maybe the leader of this team as a whole and young second-year man Aiden oconnell and a lot of quarterbacks have the physical talents Aiden oconnell certainly has his but the leadership at intangibles usually is what caused talented quarterbacks to bust out of the bust out of the league they never perform okono doesn’t have that problem I think if he fixes some of his you know things at the quarterback position gets more experience in that he could clearly emerge as a quality quarterback in the NFL because he’s already got the incand really solid
The Las Vegas Raiders have made a lot of massive changes this offseason. But one decision not yet defined is who the Raiders starting QB will be. The latest reports out of the Raiders indicate their is a clear favorite. Fans of the Las Vegas Raiders should be really excited by this new.
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Ken Stabler, Rich Cannon!
Jim Plunkett, and the snake KenStabler.
2 things stand out with the ota videos. Aidan has more zip this year and is really accurate. Gannon
Wasn't around to watch " Snake" Stabler but Gannon was my favorite Raiders QB. Our defense will take us to the playoffs and AOC will bring us a championship 🏆
Wasn't around to watch " Snake" Stabler but Gannon was my favorite Raiders QB. Our defense will take us to the playoffs and AOC will bring us a championship 🏆
Hey guys, this shows Leadership and Initiative and under Center before the Season Starts. I like His early Vision.
First Raider QB I watched play; Shroeder.
Personal favourite; Gannon.
Personally most revered; Snake Stabler
Hopefully I can soon add a third #12 to my list of great Raider QBs. ☠️
AOC will take the Raiders to the AFC Championship in 2024 against the Ravens. Ravens 27-24. AOC takes the Raiders to the Superbowl in 2025. Raiders 34-Texans 24.
Rich scan deleggo lol
I butchered it too bro lmao. RN4L
I’ve watched Ken Stabler, Mark Wilson, Jim Plunkett, Derek Carr and everyone in between. By far the best was the snake! We were never out of any game with him on the field!
Jim, the Snake, and Gannon in that order. Carter Bradley reminds me of the Snake, I hope he makes the team.
Ja'maruc Russell was my favorite, as a chiefs fan
Scan ga rello (ga like you’d pronounce go with the G – rello like you’d say mellow)
1 Ken Stabler AKA The Snake 🐍
2. Jim Plunkett
3. Rich Gannon
4. Darrell Lamonica AKA Mad Bomber
Excellent analysis and solid points, thank you. Favorite Raiders qb for me is Jim Plunkett. Awesome story of being on this third team (after the Patriots and 49er's), and beat up physically, then winning two Super Bowls with the Raiders.
Ken Stabler
Lamonica, Stabler Plunkett!!!!!!
My favorite Raider QB of all time is still Kenny the "Snake" Stabler. (Raider fan since 1965) Plunkett delivered 2 Superbowls, but the snake provided more big games and big plays. I believe Aiden O'Connell is our QB1. If he should be unable to take to the field, Gardner Minshew will be there thankfully.
Ken stabler Daryl lamonica