Roaring Start | Daily Faceoff LIVE Playoff Edition – June 10th
e [Music] welcome in to daily face off live your go-to source for everything hockey live every weekday at noon Eastern [Music] to another playoff edition of daily phas off live live from Sunrise Florida for game two of the Stanley Cup Final our playoff coverage of course is brought to you by bet 365 we’ve been here for three plus rounds now giving you all the lines Insight betting info and latest news in these playoffs and we’ll be here until just one team is left standing and Frank after a nice off day relaxing in the sun taking a nice boat ride together it was very romantic the time we spent together yesterday no it wasn’t no it wasn’t uh but we’re back and ready to talk a little bit of hockey and we talked about how we’re going to be here to one team’s left standing well now one team is just three wins away and that is the Florida Panthers a roaring start to the Stanley Cup Final for the hometown crowd and the cats is it as simple as this bobovski stole the game it is for me he absolutely goaled the Edmonton oers look at tripling them up in high danger chances look at possession time which is way more than the Florida Panthers had seen in their own end at any point during the Stanley Cup playoffs look at any metric that you want to choose I test the Oilers had the puck a ton they had plenty of looks they had grade A scoring chances that they just weren’t able to score on Sergey bobovski who turned in the best individual performance by any goenda in terms of goals saved above expected he was in the mid fours and he gave up zero so look um great night for Sergey bobovski here’s the tough part for the Edmonton Oilers they know that the Florida Panthers are going to be better for game two and that’s the scary part you could walk away with some probably some good uh feelings I guess if you’re the Oilers you know first off to be totally clear there is no such thing as moral victories when it comes to June and the deserve to win a meter no matter how much that’s spread to the Edmonton Oilers 90 plus% depending on where you get your stats that doesn’t deliver a gleaming Silver Chalice at the end of this that said the Oilers proved two things one that the moment wasn’t too big for them right there the Stanley Cup was um in game ahead of game one the chance to see what everyone’s playing for two of all this talk about the Florida Panthers being so much better and they may well still be the better team the Oilers did prove that they can play with the Panthers that much is for certain the thing is they didn’t give up much but what they did give up as Conor McDavid said was dangerous and that’s what ended up in the back of their net another sort of early goal against from steuart Skinner how can you find a way to limit some of these things heading into game two to give yourself a better chance to even the series because not to place too much of an emphasis on it but Oilers don’t win game two I’m I don’t think they can win the series yeah I mean it’d be really damn hard to come back from down two rip on this Florida Florida Panthers team having to win at that point what would be four of your next five the question I’ve been throwing a lot of people Frank as we’ve buzzed around the last couple or the last day or so here for the people that picked Florida I’ve been saying are you more confident or less confident in your pick and the same question of people who picked Edmonton and it really is such a fascinating answer and it’s what makes tonight so interesting because both sides are saying oh I’m more confident Florida’s going yeah I know that Panthers team can play better and look how good Sergey bosski is and on the flip side if you’re if you’re an Oilers fan or someone who did pick the Oilers to win the series you’re sitting there going okay coming into this there was so much talk about how are the Oilers going to handle the toughness of this Panthers team how are they seem to be an issue it wasn’t an issue and I think more along the lines of and I said this from the start leading up to this series and I’ll say it again I don’t think there was enough talk about how will the Panthers be able to handle the speed of this Oilers attack and I think what we saw in game one was Edmonton had no problem handling Florida’s kind of punch Florida did at times have some issues handling the Oilers off the rush well to be fair the Oilers did have their own issues and Mis handling that Florida for check I mean look no further than the Cody CCE uh what you call it a soft play that ends up to that the the second goal being put in the Oilers net and as a result Cody CCE likely to be a healthy scratch for game two for the Oilers they make the lineup change they go with Darnell nurse playing with um Vinnie de har who re-enters the lineup for the first time in a few games stretching back to round three they go with BR kulak on the left side uh with Philip broberg on the right and then of course you keep together the um Bard EOL bushard pairing and so interesting change I I wonder if what we ended up seeing at the morning skate though today we tweeted out some lines I still believe Evander kan’s playing and I think Cody CCE you didn’t see him get rinsed today in terms of a morning skate I wonder if there’s a chance that they go 117 tonight which is I still think unlikely I think their preferred method of of attack would be to have a Vander Kane in the lineup but if you watched closely in game one he he didn’t sit down on the bench at all so he’s obviously hurting but I think he wasn’t out he wasn’t out there for morning skate I think they’re trying to make it work yeah um it’s that delicate line and Mark Spectre today tweeted out a or he had something that was along the lines of Kane is walking the line of being courageous and I’m not using the right word but almost like useless right or a detriment to the team and I don’t think he was that bad in game one but he is clearly laboring so we’ll see if he ends up drawing in it feels more like a game time decision which is why Cody CC was also not skating with the scratches I don’t think they know just yet if I’m connecting the dots it’s either 12 and six with Kane or it’s 11 and seven no Kane no Carrick who was skating on the fourth line but maybe doesn’t quite draw in and then obviously no CC in that instance but I think the argument for going with the 11 and seven approach as we turn this into more of a game two look ahead now is you do have two days off and I know it’s for travel and you’re coming across a couple time zones and all of that but we saw Chris noblock in that Vancouver series during a game he cranked it up for McDavid dradle and buard right there was that one night it was buard at 30 McDavid and dradle were both like north of 28 29 minutes you have two days off this is more or less a must-win or about as close to it as you can get you go 11 and seven you have that final Wing pair would be McLoud and Fogle Ro McDavid and Dr will play him 30 minutes tonight it’s a Stanley Cup Final I’m not leaving any stone on turn I guess my point would be see how long you can go without using that break glass in case of emergency because I I think they went to it pretty early in in Period three and if barov has any kind of success against those two guys on the ice you don’t really have a lot else to throw at them right so the longer you can keep those guys spread out on different lines I think the better chance the Oilers have to be successful because to get someone away from the barov matchup is key and that’s just how I look at it let’s move along and talk about the mental side of this series and it connect nicely to a piece you had up at Daily face off yesterday Frank about George Mumford and a connection that ties in the Chicago Bulls Dynasty and Kobe Bryant and Phil Jackson and now the Edmonton Oilers it really is a cool story the way this has all come together for them and I think it also goes if you think they’re gonna cower away mentally after going down one nothing they ain’t well George mford is actually a big part of this whole story this season the 29 and one start the mindset bouncing back after that the idea of staying in the moment just for some background the the way that he linked up with the Edmonton Oilers is actually pretty amazing so Jeff Jackson is hired as the team’s CEO of hockey operations last summer and at the time he was hired he was just finishing Phil Jackson’s book which is it’s titled 11 Rings the soul of success and in there Phil Jackson has been known forever as the Zen master well the Zen behind the Zen master is George Mumford and he was mentioned a couple times in that book and Jeff Jackson who was Conor mcdavid’s a agent sitting there going I wonder if there’s any parallel between Jordan and Pippen taking seven years to win and then also Leon dry settle and Conor McDavid now in year nine is there anything that we could make a connection there so he read about George Mumford he read George mumford’s book he listened to a couple podcasts with George mford said I gotta talk to this guy so he hits him up on LinkedIn on a DM and George mford replies immediately and he’s been with the Edmonton Oilers ever since came out and train Camp uh met the team a few times a month out in Edmonton would join the team on road trips and he’s been here every day through the playoffs steuart Skinner credited him with helping the mental reset uh in that Vancouver Canuck Series in round two after he was pulled and when you talk about staying in the moment what does that mean that’s what I asked him yesterday I’ve got the story up on if you want to read it and he said staying in the moment means I was watching a track meet one time and there was a woman that was getting close to the Finish Line had a big lead and she turned around to celebrate and it was in that exact moment that someone else another competitor passed her for the win and he said it’s not how you’re doing at the time it’s how you got there meaning your work that you’ve put into that point and how you’re doing it so it’s about process and so if you’re thinking back to how this applies to right now in this series you go well the Oilers got goaled in game one how do you overcome the fear of that how do you continue to talk about your process and how do you not not worry about the Stanley Cup sitting right there as you’re watching game one Conor McDavid I noticed didn’t even glance he didn’t even look over at it yeah that is uh interesting speaking of adjustments I thought Jason Gregor made a good point today on the DFO rundown that new episode is out now wherever you get your podcast from and he talked about how um the Oilers if you look at the chances they missed early on they were trying to go low right NJ on the Breakaway flipped it to his backand Heyman in the first 20 seconds of the game tried to J at five hole on boski from far out later in the game they were trying to go upstairs NJ missed on a chance where he had an open net and was trying to pick the top Corner because you know bosski is probably going to get there to make a desperate save Heyman did the same thing so I do think in the game as well the Oilers made some good adjustments and I think mentally there should be no concerns about their state even if they’re down one nothing look this is a team that never LED in the second round yeah I don’t think going down one nothing after as well as they played is going to cause them any concern but like I said you lose this game and you’re down two nothing going home you’re in big big trouble absolutely uh we’re going to get back into the Stanley Cup Final in a little bit Josh clipperton is going to join the show live from right here in amarant Bank Arena but a couple of offseason things I wanted to touch on with you first Frank and yesterday we got news of uh the sale of the website cap friendly I think if you’re occup fan watching this show you’re obviously very familiar with cap friendly but the Washington Capitals are purchasing it take me behind this kind of or behind this news and why this kind of move makes sense for the capitals well first off it’s a sad day for the hockey world that in a few weeks from now less than a month from now we’re going to see the closure and end of cap friendly and so um that part is certainly tough this is a resource that I personally use 20 to 25 times a day more importantly this is a resource that 31 other teams will use multiple times a day general managers agents whoever it might be players any stakeholder in the game that’s the go-to website that’s the that’s the site of choice and so um the two guys the two brains behind cap friendly Dominic Zim and Jamie Davis have done such an unbelievable service to the hockey Community to Fantastic people that I couldn’t be more proud to have worked alongside on different projects and various things over the course of the last number of years and um I’m really on a personal level I’m sad to see it Go and we’re all going to have a huge hole in our game trying to cover the game uh because there really is no close comparable to cat friendly but your question is why does it make sense for the Washington capitals well first off I don’t know all the details about it because everyone has been super quiet but if I were looking at it from the the Washington Capitals perspective I’d say how can I find a way to tap into the brains of these two guys that have done an unbelievable job with cap friendly behind the scenes two would be uh we probably have to take it down because that’s probably the best way to gain a not just a competitive advantage against all the other teams and have that backend sort of part of our world and then the third part would be how do we find a way to in this entire environment gain the trust of everyone so um I think all those things you take them and you kind of smash them together and you go okay that’s something that makes sense for the caps and honestly I’m shocked that it’s taken this long for someone to step up and do this because this should have happened years ago you mentioned using it uh all the time I use it to prep our summer ahead segments Frank also just one more note on cap friendly uh it’s going to be sounds like maybe July 5th the website’s actually going to be gone so we’ll still get hockey fans that is will still get to use it leading up to draft free agency all that good stuff thank God yeah we can we have we have some time and who’s going to be the next person that steps up to build the next big resource I’d love to raise my hand I just don’t know that I have the the uh the the be the ability to tackle that right now uh we’re going to get like I said to Josh clipton in a couple of minutes here but first our summer ahead segment for the day focuses in on the Detroit Red Wings Frank in an interesting group here heading into the summer they only have six forwards under contract for next season but Lucas Raymond’s in rfas you kind of say it’s seven they’re moider RFA moider in RFA as well so a couple of big contracts to tackle for Steve eer interesting to see Bridge long term all of those years I think with both of them too and I think try and buy as many years as you can the best years of Lucas Raymond and moider yeah without a doubt and then outside of that this is a team desperately trying to get back into the playoffs they are no longer at the point where you know it’s okay to be sitting one two spots out and oh we made some good pushes so when you look at what else Steve Eiserman needs to add to this core in Detroit to me I think they need another good forward like top six kind of quality and they probably need another really good defenseman like top two quality sure I mean yes I mean IDE um they tried with Patrick Kane last year obviously didn’t you know were this close to having that success to make the playoffs to me I I I think it’s all about their defense look Simon edon’s coming he’s going to be super impressive uh all the scouting reports that I’ve received from people that have watched him closely have been so impressed with what they’ve seen from him he’s ready right now he will be on that team in training camp and moving forward but to me it’s you need more depth their defense just isn’t cutting it for me you’ve got cider and you’ve got Edinson but one of the things that I’ve been talking about and I talked about it on the DFO rundown last week this theory that I came up with that you need at least three really good defensemen to get you over the hump and get you into the playoffs and then actually go on a run to get there yeah they got two you’re counting Edinson in that group already already yes but shro Walman like these ma it’s a lot of go bear he he had a good year last year don’t know if he’s coming back probably not got a lot of work to do is my point those guys are nice sort of uh four five6 defenseman yeah and and everyone says oh Frank you continue to sleep on Jake Walman and that’s fine if you want to include him as the three maybe but my point is you’re reaching yeah because you asked the question about Edinson I think you’re already reaching and you need more to be taken seriously as a contender to not just be a playoff team but then to break through to that next level it’s almost impossible without that and then there’s also the question to ask about the Detroit Red Wings in their goal tending at least right now whoo lion ryers appending free agent kosa kosa is coming the former Edmonton Oil King I mean he’s just a monster of goalie if he yeah if you want to try and make room for him but I mean you got to do like I’m I like lion or um yeah I like Lion but like you need more yeah I think that’s totally fair another team again fascinating in the East there are so many teams trying to just take that next step not a lot of teams that look like they’re taking a massive step backwards to make room for them uh let’s move along to our big segment for the day and dig back into the Stanley Cup finals with Josh clipperton of the Canadian press hey all right back with another edition of the all 32 a pleasure to be joined in person by Josh Clipper T andk before I ask you the question I’ve been asking everybody what was your pick coming into the series and then are you more less confident in it after game one I picked the uh the Panthers and six um I’m still confident that I mean I thought the O Oilers played a great game I’ve also never seen a team more pleased with a loss you in a series I understand what you’re saying um so they’re confident I mean maybe I shouldn’t be as confident um but I thought that you know the Panthers are are going to start coming and the Oilers are gonna have to match that but I I still say six but I mean I’ve been wrong so many times that I don’t think anybody should be taken that bet was there anything that surprised you about game on Josh oh what what surprised me was like sort of I mentioned after after the fact yesterday how how positive the Oilers were but I I I thought that the uh that the Panthers just never didn’t never got to their game until the the third period and maybe that’s because of the of the Break um but it was it was something that we probably should have expected because you seen they’ve been slow in starts the series they lost the Bruins right like um but uh yeah other than that like I I was I was impressed by the Oilers I mean there’s a lot of talk I mean you know I know that they Bolton board material about how they thought that you know everyone’s against them and and they they they came to play I was I was impressed with with how the Oilers showed up and uh you know it should be a long series I I I say still say six but I wouldn’t be surprised if it Go seven taking a longer View and perspective Sergey bobovski two vzet trophies has gotten to a final last year if he’s able to play at anywhere near the level that he did in game one what kind of Legacy are we talking about in terms of Sergey Bovi in the pantheon well man he’s he’s going to be right up there I mean when you you look this guy this guy’s career who sort of resurrected in a lot of ways right like there was a lot of talk about that contract on there’s biot talk when he signed on it it was it was an albatross of deal and now you know he’s standing on his head he got them to the final last year um he’s gonna be right up there in the conversation of you know top top 10 I’d say Frank and he’s he’s he’s if he gets this he gets the km probably if they win as well right so I mean he’s going to be right up there with with the big names and you know at 35 it’s a really impressive thing Josh you are a km voter you know just give us you know some thoughts on where you’re at in terms of uh your process and what you’re thinking yeah I mean like you say it’s I mean bosi is obviously in there I mean I I look at at the try to look at the the playoffs as a whole but at the same it’s not like the NBA Finals where Finals MVP this is the MVP of the whole playoffs and so the conversation is a little different exactly exactly exactly so there’s lots of guys that that are there I mean obviously I mean almost always it’s the winning team as you well know but I mean you know you you could argue K Chuck You could argue um on the olders there there’s multiple guys um with with the Panthers uh like I said bosski is is up there um but but you do have to take the the the whole the whole yeah I think so too man like like 10 goals that that’s an impressive impressive uh output for anybody and and and a guy I mean his career especially it’s a great story right um so but but it is it is the uh the sum of all parts when it comes to this this process and it’ll be interesting because uh you know there’s still probably six or seven names that I’m I’m Bing about right now depending on who wins Josh may or may not have drawn ver hay in the game-winning goal full before the game the other night so he did he’s my he’s my guy now but I asked Frank that question last week like again it’s play MVP so the question of how you wait what they do in the finals to what they do for the first three rounds like Frank did you say 5050 or 6040 like weighted heavier towards the final you get a little bit of extra juice from the final and how you play and also depends on how dominant you are like if bobovski plays that at that level it’s going to be hard to not give it to him but I try and blend it because think back to the first two rounds Bovi was just okay he was hovering right around 900 like not to say he was an issue at all but he wasn’t lights out like he was in game one and he just found a way to get to that next level that I find that’s the hardest thing to do in Pro Sports yeah it’s I mean that’s the thing it’s when it’s when the when the when the brightest lights are on and and I I think yeah 6040 is fair maybe even 7030 I mean there’s been years where there’s been talk with guys on losing teams and guys that that that Carlson playoffs when people were saying maybe you should even get it they didn’t even make the final right but but the finals where where you have to to show it and a guy like barosi I mean we all know how important it is to have a guy like that in increase and if they can get it done I think that he’s probably going to be the pick going back to the oiler side of things the word is Evander Kane is walking around the arena right now telling people he’s in so sounds like the will to go with a 12 and same guy who said he was hurt before the playoff yeah telling everyone he’s in he’s in I was just down there he’s in so I think we can connect the dots like we kind of did earlier Frank and go 12 and six CC’s out Kane’s in Evander Kane not at his best but actually did think he there’s a lot of talk coming into the series about how the Oilers are going to handle the mean tough Florida Panthers I thought Kane for all the things he didn’t do well did a good job of kind of punching back a few times he got a good run in on Sam Bennett how did you make of the way the Oilers handled the physicality of the Panthers I thought they was fine and I think there’s a lot of talk about that I thought it was completely fine I mean they’re bringing day har in he was very excited to to to come in the lineup we just talked to him downstairs uh you know we called him in Herman Darnell nurse the the Twin Towers looks like Cody CCE is out uh I thought it was fine I mean obviously Conor took a couple hits but yeah Vander came with the push back I mean I I want to see more of it to be honest if I’m if I’m an oers fan I want to see more push back I you know the Panthers not they Lo them to sleep but I think that they’re the way the Stars it’s between the whistles but I I think that if the it’s in the older’s interest to to muck this up a little bit sometimes you know get get get in boki’s Grill I mean I know himman brasi’s like five feet out of the crease and he and he but still I mean that’s a that’s where you got to go right and I think it’s a it’s an important part of the game like the dark arts I like to call it um the things that that go unnoticed and I think that that’s that that that can be a great equalize you got guys like Cory Perry like the ultimate accidentally on purpose player like in league history right I think this is this is this is where the this is why you get a guy like that and and Evander Kane’s that guy too looking at maybe even each side and I’ll throw this one to you Frank and then come back to you Josh but hold up yeah the rats rats rain and there’s a couple of them stuck in the net behind us too I don’t know if people can can quite see that but uh give me a player on each side Frank that maybe you’re zeroed in on tonight maybe you want to see more from for each team well I mean let’s see how nurse reacts playing with de har there’s a reason why the Oilers kept going back to nurse and CCE because obviously there’s a comfortability there that had Darnell and de har worked before they probably would have stuck with it and from the Florida Panthers perspective not that many people talked about how Matthew kachuck ice time was so down in game one how healthy is he he wasn’t not to say he wasn’t a factor but he wasn’t as big of a deal as I thought he’d be to start off this cup final is he anywhere near as hampered as he was last year and if not maybe the fact that they only got for 15 minutes out of him maybe that says enough about the Panthers and what they do well yeah I mean I I I agree with the kruck thing I noticed I didn’t I didn’t notice the at the time but afterwards looking at that and and especially after having a week off you wonder because that it’s not like they play you know they played you know three games in five nights kind of thing like he’s had time to time to repair um I I’m I’m curious about uh a guy like Sam bannett when is he gonna put his mark on on the series he’s you know at Oilers fans know him well from Flames days he’s a nasty piece of business I cover the leaves dayto day and you know last year was a major reason why they why they why they kept going and they moved on um Oiler side I mean I and we know we know of Vander Kane’s heard it’s one point in eight games like if he’s in there he’s got to produce it for me and I I think that that’s that’s a a guy that needs to step up for them Josh clipton of the Canadian press appreciate your time enjoy the game and enjoy the Trek up to Edmonton it’s going to be a long one thanks for having me guys thanks uh let’s move along to our daily Faceoff inbox question it is brought to you by Douglas mattress you can sleep just as good as I do when I’m back home I’m excited that game’s three and four back home because I’ll be sleeping on my Douglas head to and free bedding bundle our pal Jeremiah was in the YouTube chat Frank and when Jeremiah asks the question we we listen he wants to know what are some of the sticking points in a potential Martin NIS trade I don’t know that there are any think the canes are just trying to get the best deal that they can possible I think everyone probably has a pretty clear idea of what the next Marty NES contract looks like if it’s not exactly seven times 75 it’s probably pretty close maybe the canes can help you out and do the old sign then trade to get the eighth year but either way I I don’t view the contract as being incredibly problematic this is a guy that’s 25 years old already has a 71o season under his belt so I think it’s just about finding the right blend for the Hurricanes between roster pieces between draft picks which one do you lean more towards if you take the draft picks can you package them to get something else and then of course the Jake gensel question about you know trying to get something back in return for a signing RS let’s move along to our daily bets for the day it is game two of the final tonight our daily bets brought to you by bet 365 the lar largest sports betting platform globally you can sign up today use the promo code daily 365 to get in on a huge range of markets Frank I’ve been watching this Oilers team enough to know it is hard to stop Conor McDavid and Leon dry Sidle once it’s exponentially harder to stop them two games in a row so my same game parlay tonight at bet 365 has the Oilers money line has Conor McDavid two plus points and it has Leon ddle finding the back of the net I really got a feeling this series is going to be tied up one one going back down and I’m hoping so for the drama of it all I don’t want this tough it’s a tough Cup Final if this is two nothing going to Edmonton I think everyone’s feeling some Doom and Gloom at that point including the NHL including the NHL PA as I wrote over the weekend that uh players are hoping to get all 6% of the escrow that was withheld from their pay this year back the longer the series goes few more million bucks pumped into those coffers so everyone’s rooting for a long series unless you’re the Florida Panthers yeah obviously unless you’re the Florida panther by the way what is the line tonight for the I didn’t take it take a look at uh so here how about this the line in the series has shifted it was plus 115 to open for the oil they’re now all the way up to plus 210 and they are underdogs again tonight so what is the line for tonight’s game I believe the Oilers are plus 125 on the M line oh plus so the the wow the cats are still favored wow yeah the cats are still favored tonight I was gonna say I was thinking if the cats had flipped to a significant Underdog for game two that they might have been the play I think so again just kind of the way things have usually gone in these playoffs s it’s plus 110 tonight for the Oilers minus 130 for the Panthers and I would imagine just cuz Florida the favorites coming in no matter what when this series show SP Evon I think it’ll be a pick them for the home games usually about the 20 cent difference is is the swing for the home side there’s no incentive to take the Panthers tonight no there’s no um let’s move along wrap up the show with a little bit of garbage time brought to you by our friends at Wendy’s they only ever use fresh never Frozen Canadian beef in all of their burgers whether it’s a Baconator a Dave single or a JBC that meat has never seen the inside of a freezer download the Wendy’s app today take advantage of the latest deals Frank uh the Calgary or the is the only Canadian team left in there’s always talk are they Canada team are they going to support and then the Calgary Tower is being lit up in blue and orange and they sent out a funny little post going oh whoa whoa whoa whoa not about the oers to be totally clear those are the best lines in this and then uh they you know they go on to say like this is the cause that we’re supporting anxiety day nothing to do with the admon Oilers we just want to let everyone know because I’m not sure the Calgary Tower would survive if that were the case but you know there are so many people driving around Calgary who aren’t on social media who are seeing that yeah what the hell is going on right now um but either way the Stanley Cup Final will be shifting back to Alberta a little bit more north than the Calgary Tower in Edmonton for game three and four of this cup final will it be all tied up or will it be the eventual home side down to nothing in this one should be an excellent hockey game tonight from amarind Bank Arena that’s a wrap on today’s edition of daily Faceoff live appreciate everybody tuning in live on the YouTube Frank and Colby will be back with you tomorrow at noon Eastern chat with you then thanks for tuning in to daily face off live make sure you hit the Subscribe button to never miss an [Music] episode e e
Following Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals, Frank Seravalli & Tyler Yaremchuk discuss the series opener. The guys will also be discussing; the Washington Capitals decision to acquire CapFriendly, and the offseason preview for the Detroit Red Wings. Josh Clipperton will also be joining the show to share his analysis on the Cup Final during the “All 32.”
0:00 – Opening
1:47 – Roaring Start
7:59 – The Mental Edge
11:47 – Caps Friendly
14:17 – Offseason Ahead : DET
18:15 – The All 32
25:54 – AskDFO
26:53 – Daily Bets
29:03 – Garbage Time
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1 comment
The NHL coverage here in the SC finals has been disappointing to say the least. Anyone know where both teams are spoken about?