Brendan Dillon Is Set To Hit Free Agency…Should The Winnipeg Jets Try To Keep Him?
Brendon Dylan looks set to test free agency which isn’t ideal for the Jets but perhaps is what the team needs we’ll dive into all of that on tonight’s episode of lock on Winnipeg [Music] Jets you’re locked on the hockey Jets your daily podcast on the Winnipeg Jets part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey friends and welcome to tonight’s episode of Locked on Winnipeg Jets part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day I’m your host Harrison Lee an avid Winnipeg Jets fan and an online blogger you can follow me on Twitter at H livlo and at lore winipeg Jets as always thanks for making locked on Jets your first listen of the day every day if you like what you’re hearing be sure to like follow And subscribe on all of your favorite podcasting platforms and YouTube doing so of course is always free of charge and in ch you never missed another episode most of all though we just love and appreciate app your support tonight’s episode like I said we’re kicking off with a pretty uh uh interesting lineup of discussion points probably some stuff that’s going to hurt just a little bit for some of you who are big Brendan Dylan fans but of course you know as it is time moves on and sometimes players have to depart despite being uh pretty good contributors and I think that’s where I’m sort of that with Brendan Dylan who is now rumored to be testing free agency we’ll dive into the lications of that in just a moment before we get further though just wanted to let you know that tonight’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more because right now new customers can get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet Mr lockon to get started now like I said uh for the Jets obviously um Winnipeg’s roster is going to have a bit of a makeover this offseason whether it’s just letting guys go or uh promoting some young Talent perhaps even acquiring some new players which uh I have a lot of feelings about and we’ll talk about some free agents and stuff that maybe Winnipeg should avoid here um towards the end of the episode but one guy that I think wouldn’t really be somebody that should necessarily be avoided but perhaps should not be prioritized to bring back is Brendan Dylan and I feel really strange saying that because he’s one of the few expiring free agents that I think has been a fantastic contributor to the Jets it’s really rare that I say Winnipeg should let a a UFA go that’s been as good as Dylan has um and I think it it really should be prefaced that if he came back on a reasonable contract I really wouldn’t have any problems I’d be pretty okay with that uh in fact that I arguably even be happy about that but I think for what Dylan is going to look for and what the Jets probably need to do with some of the roster consolidation and opening up spots for some of their young players unfortunately the Jets have a lot more left-sided depth than they do on the right side and so unless Dylan suddenly becomes a right-handed expert uh or right side expert which he’s not um there’s just not really a great fit here where the Jets can afford to uh give him a a healthy contract especially at his age he is a little bit on the older side and I think with you know likely age related decline over the next few years and the fact that the Jets have talked a lot about getting younger and getting faster and focusing perhaps more on some young internal players and Prospects who might be able to step into the lineup I think for all of those reasons Dylan was sort of destined to be one of the odd guys out and it’s not really because he didn’t live up to his potential in fact he was great for the Jets like I said I want to keep hammering home that point he was awesome for what Winnipeg needed uh and really this is more just a business decision and a long-term development decision than it is anything to suggest that Dylan wasn’t good enough for this team he was great and I think whoever he goes to next is going to love him uh I think he’ll be a fan favorite if he goes to Vancouver I think Canuck fans will enjoy what he does I think he’s a great player and really this has nothing to do with his performance so much as it is just needing to change some things up stylistically and give you some roster flexibility while opening up a free spot on the left side and also arguably uh passing on the mantle to Samberg I think Dylan has more than proven that he is capable of top four minutes he’s been a great steadying presence on the left side arguably one of our top uh two Defenders on the team and with him continuing to grow in in importance on this team uh continuing to take on more and more responsibility it just makes sense that this is the handoff that you see uh and again like I said really no slide against uh Dylan and I know I keep saying that but I really feel like I want to say it because I I think it says a lot about the kind of player and character he was he’s been a great great guy for the Jets and I think it it’s actually a pretty big void for somebody to step in and Phil a guy who can really be a studying presence on the left side and who at times has even been able to help Pon uh handle some of his assignments a little bit better now as much as I do love him like I said I think it’s probably time for the Jets to to look internally you know hinala is probably ready to step into a third pair roll Samberg is ready to take on the number two mantle and you’ve got your number one left side sorted out so um really the biggest question is how you handle the right side and I think for that the Jets are going to need some cap flexibility my guess is they might have to make a trade for somebody because there’s not really many free agents that I think are going to satisfy what winipeg is looking for and like I said there’s a few guys that I want to talk about the Jets needing to avoid later this episode and that’s that’s going to include some Defenders if we’re being honest there are plenty of guys out there who could probably fit the mold but the Jets are most like looking to do some stuff internally first and then they’ll sort out how to handle the right side especially if they maybe process a buyout or two uh obviously I think pan is probably not going anywhere so my guess is it’s looking more like Nate Schmidt might get bought out but maybe Winnipeg runs it back for one more year just to let those contracts expire so that they don’t add additional dead cap hits in the Years following I don’t know I think Winnipeg has plenty of options here I honestly think a buyout really wouldn’t be too much of a B decision to make I think doing so for at least one of their Defenders would be a good idea because it opens up um some some flexibility this offseason to try and move some stuff around so you know for the Jets lots of options lots of movement and uh unfortunately it just means that you are going to lose one or two quality players and I think Dylan’s probably one of the best players that we’ve ever had uh go into free agency but the other thing that is is also worth acknowledging is that as he’s getting older you know his style very physical he was not really the fleetest of foot to begin with and so as his age starts to maybe catch up to him a bit you you do wonder how much longer he can keep doing this I mean Dylan Dello is a little bit younger and look at how his game has kind of progressed um he is starting to get up there in years uh he’s been a great great player for Winnipeg but you know as a Defender I I think you know the the lack of foot speed on Dello has kind of been noticeable I think his ability to keep up with some of the play has declined a bit and uh I I just think with how things are moving for Winnipeg prioritizing guys who are a bit more Fleet ofoot a little more mobile and on the younger side who can start to grow with this team would probably be one of the best decisions to make um and I know that that does uh technically include Logan Stanley in that category but I think we all know that the Jets should probably part ways with him rather than uh keep him around so lots of fun stuff but of course uh the Jets have oh any number of decisions to make over the next few weeks and months it’s going to be a busy off seon and if the Jets are really serious about getting this right uh this is a really crucial time for Winnipeg to take stock and inventory of what they’ve got in the team and make sure that they don’t commit themselves to something that’s not really worth investing in which is part of the uh the free agent to avoid list we’ll get into that later but before we head into that I also wanted to talk a little bit about last night’s cup or Saturday’s Cup finals game game number one it’s last night as of the recording because uh I am recording on a Sunday but you know the game last night still fresh in my mind thought I’d focus a little bit on that for just a a few minutes but before we head too much further though just wanted to shout out our friends and partners at fandu summertime means baseball the NBA finals and more and you can bet it all on FanDuel obviously for those of you who are following the Cup finals like I was just talking about the Oilers are facing off against the Panthers and now that the Panthers have won game one suddenly you find yourself looking at some pretty good odds for a cup finals uh favorite but perhaps you think the Oilers have a few tricks up their sleeve if you’re really willing to put your money where your mouth is and win big you should do so with FanDuel because right now new customers can get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 200 bucks that you can use to bet on everything from Finals MVP to who’s going to hit one out of the park all with FanDuel uh maybe you’re looking for a hat trick in this Stanley Cup finals maybe you’re thinking that somebody’s going to hit a grand slam for your favorite 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though but uh you know regardless of who you’re voting for maybe you think you you prefer the Oilers because they’re like a a c a Canadian team that might bust up the cup drought for Canada can’t imagine a lot of you are really on that but maybe some of you are uh before we dive into what I’ve thought of game one though just wanted to let you know for for those of you who are ESPN or Fox Sports Watchers if you find yourself having to turn down the volume because there’s too much shouting you should make the switch to lock on sports today a free 247 sports streaming Channel programmed for you daily to bring you the biggest stories without all the screaming lockdown sports today brings you C Miss analysis opinions and news streaming 247 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app all part of the locked on podcast Network your team every now like I said uh game one between the Panthers and Oilers kicked off and obviously uh Edmonton ended up losing a very close game I think if you’re a Panthers fan uh you’re probably feeling pretty fortunate that it panned out the way that it did let’s be real right uh Edmonton was the much better team I I think the Oilers controlled everything from 5v5 to even some special teams play but the single biggest reason that the Oilers lost was that Sergey bosski decided he was going to pull a full hellu and go absolutely insane for a game uh this was one of the best individual goal tending performances we’ve seen in the playoffs and there’s been a handful but like by every statistical model whether it was like the uh the was it money puck or puckpedia deserved to winow meter or expected goals models whatever you want to say Edmonton had the clear and decisive Advantage even from just like a shot clock perspective the Oilers almost doubled shots on uh on Florida so it was a pretty crazy game and bosski made you know tough reads on uh scramble go mouth plays deflections tips whatever it was he somehow just had it and it’s amazing to say that because um you you look at his career and how the last few years have gone and like bosski was sort of on the outs it seemed you know he’s what like 3536 now and you know until recently he wasn’t even the starter you know this past season he finally got a spot back but you think about how he got to this point and it looked like more than anything he might be needing to retire at some point and instead bosski has apparently turned back the clock uh to his prime years he’s been almost unbeatable during the postseason and you marry that with a really good Panthers team that has generally played really well throughout much of the playoff run and it’s a bit of a match made in heaven it’s something that I don’t think Paul Maurice had in the uh magical Jets cup run where you know both parts of the team worked really well you know the goal tending from heluk that series uh or or that that cup run was solid but perhaps not spectacular when you needed it to be and here you know the Panthers have both a really good team in front of bar bra I and bosski playing excellent hockey I know last Cup finals he did kind of slow down towards uh the middle point of the series but it seems like this year he’s locked in I don’t know what it is but this dude is just on another planet and with the Panthers having some really big contract you know expirations coming up um including hey Sam Reinhardt that’s a big deal to really try and push for this Victory and to survive game one and get through it is a tremendously helpful thing right obviously winning game one for any playoff series massively increases the odds that you come out on the other side but more than anything I think it shows that you can play poorly and still come out of this series with a huge Victory both of Florida’s game or goals uh uh you know without the net pulled or without the goalie pulled came off of a a nurse CC pairing mistake uh we saw I think nurse or CC get rubbed out along the wall for the second goal against and um the other like the first goal was a Veri thing where I think C turned like a decent odd man situation into like a almost like a three-on-one and that uh read where he crossed over was a really poor decision he missed shutting down the Crossing Lane or the passing Lane and ended up exposing Skinner to a a super high danger chance that he really had no chance on uh I know Skinner has gotten a lot of flak over the past couple of seasons for his playoff performances but this time you really couldn’t fault him for any of the goals that went in against him he basically had no shot and it would have taken a miracle for him to make those saves so uh you know for the Oilers I’m sure it’s incredibly frustrating and it sort of feels like one of those games where sure you know it’s only the first game and you’ve got six more opportunities to try and turn things around but when you lose like this it can be a morally dispiriting crushing uh blow to your confidence especially when you’re talking about a Panthers team that played pretty poorly I mean they really didn’t generate too many offensive opportunities they had to really opportunistic and you know you you think about how they came off of like just a handful of mistakes from Edmonton and you think to yourself man we still lost to that yikes um not even getting you know much of anything through uh bosski has to be a very frustrating experience they had so many chances where there was an empty net but somehow the puck just either went wide or they couldn’t get it through a sea of bodies after that you know maybe they release a shot guys you know flop around and manage to to cover the empty net it didn’t seem to matter whatever it was there was just some sort of invisible force field preventing the Oilers from scoring so as much as it does feel like a blow to the confidence I guess the Oilers can probably take heart that they played really really well I think the biggest thing that I’m looking for is to see how uh the Panthers respond in game two because I don’t think you want to play like that in the second opportunity against this Oilers team you keep playing like that and you are going to find yourself in some really bad straights here as you to approach the midpoint of this series especially once it goes back to Edmonton having bosski be able to steal you a game is nice but I don’t think you want to make a habit of that uh you’ve got to show that you are a team at even strength that still plays really well and that’s still capable of doing what it’s done throughout Mo most of the Season against an Oilers offense that look it is topheavy but that topheavy happens to have like three or four of the best players in the league so you just have to be wary of that be you know confident and your ability to uh respond in a big way you know despite winning I think I would actually be thinking the Panthers are the team that really needs to respond they didn’t play well I’m sure Maurice was probably not thrilled with that performance I know that they won and that’s the most important part but how you get there sometimes is still a bit of a big deal especially when you’re not closing out the series this is just the start of the Cup finals and so for U Maurice he’s going to want to establish a a clear Improvement on um you know defensive commitment off of creation transition the Oilers were dancing around them repeatedly and pulling off some really great plays and so for Edmonton uh I think you just kind of keep doing what you’re doing and at some point it’ll probably start to pay off for the Panthers they’re going to have to have a much much much better game than they did in the first opening of the series uh on Saturday so a lot of fun stuff to consider I guess if you’re a Panthers fan you’re still feeling pretty good uh you remember that Paul Maurice coached a Jets team that had games like these frequently against the Oilers and they swept them you know in 2021 so will history repeat itself probably not I think the Panthers are likely to play pretty well and I would expect the Oilers to at least win like two games in this series but hey crazier things have happened maybe this really is the Panthers team of Destiny let me know your series predictions from the remaining games in the comments below or at my social medias at HL living Loco and at lore Winnipeg Jets I’ve got Panthers in six for one it is worth now like I mentioned earlier I wanted to spend the last few minutes of this episode talking about uh well free agents to avoid I’ve talked about players that I want to um sign and and there’s some guys that I would actually prefer the Jets avoid which is weird to say because well you know uh typically we focus on on great free agents but I think there are some guys who are actually pretty decent but might be worth avoiding because of the fit and what the Jets need we’ll talk about that in just a little bit hey friends and welcome back to these closing thoughts on tonight’s episode of Locked on Winnipeg Jets part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day every day thank you so much for rejoining us on tonight’s episode as we’re just uh wrapping up with some free agents to avoid which is kind of a fun way to uh approach the free agent discussion usually we talk about guys the Jets should really go after but these are players that perhaps have some decent value but maybe just aren’t really good fits for the Jets the first two names are very obvious because we’ve talked about them a lot it’s Tyler tiole and Shawn Monahan as much as I think that they played really well during the regular season during the playoffs they were unfortunately pretty clear liabilities Monahan leso I thought Shawn played okay but he just wasn’t great enough against Colorado tooli though was basically a non-factor throughout much of the playoffs uh it’s a shame because I thought he would be a much better fit and certainly during the regular season both guys played pretty well but unfortunately when you really needed them to stand up the most and really show up in a big way neither guy was really able to elevate their games beyond what you saw um in the regular season and in fact I would say it was much worse than what we saw in the regular season they just weren’t really factors uh for much in the you know any of these games at all so really disappointing I thought they were going to end up having much better playoff runs than they did but it you know perhaps just really showed why the Jets uh needed to to make a change this off season and move in a different direction now another guy that somebody in the comments uh has been asking about is of Genny ketov and I I did reply to that but the long and short of it is that ketov at this stage of his career is bad uh I don’t think he wants to be a fourth liner either and for what you know the Jets typically ask of their fourth line which is to be a really solid defensively minded two-way attacking unit he just doesn’t fit like I I don’t think that he really has much left in the tank and I say this to somebody who’s watched him for years I I did like him several years ago I think that there was a version of him that was super fun super Dynamic and a great player but at this stage of his career a lot of that magic just seems to have gone away I think when you saw him with the canes there was a lot of fancy work some really good skating and and movement but you know something that kind of stood out was how often it just didn’t result in anything he still has all of the flare and Technical skill to be a very Dynamic player but the actual part of him converting That Into You know decent scoring chances actual uh points and and quality linkup play with his teammates it really didn’t result in much and maybe that’s just a a fault of the canes but I think it’s been a thing with um with Koozie for many many years and when he’s in his own end he’s a huge liability right you’re basically looking at an even less uh scoring um a guy who has weaker scoring rates than Kyle Conor who has many of the same defensive lapses and lack of 5v5 game that Connor does so at this stage of his career I just don’t even know what he is I think he’s probably below replacement level and it’s a shame because there was a time when he was a good player but at this stage uhuh no I would really stay away from that I think you’re going to find yourself really disappointed in what he does and I know that he looks like a fun player but in terms of any actual impact on the ice it is negligible now one player who’s about to get a huge contract extension and I think a lot of people keep uh suggesting the jet should go after him is Philip bronic and I gotta say right off the bat stay away from fonic uh honic is a fun Defender and I think a guy who suits Quinn Hughes well but honic is asking for like I don’t know seven or eight million and I can just tell you he’s not worth that ronic has traditionally been like a decentish second pairing guy but I look at him as more of a of a a Neil pan type that’s gonna eventually crash out I think this season is a huge statistical anomaly from him and the last thing you really want to do is Bank a huge contract extension on a very short sample size because prior to this konic really wasn’t all that impressive in fact there were Seasons where he was just bad and I think relying on Hughes having a a Norris season uh and and making honic look like a top pairing Defender to be your sole source of evidence for a massive contract extension just doesn’t feel like a very good CH like a good gamble now there is a chance it actually works out but I don’t think the Jets should be that kind of team to really pursue this uh I don’t even know if the Canucks are going to do it they might have to trade his rights like he is a fun player and like I I think that he can play a decent role but I certainly would not want to be the team that finds out that as you know like two years into this contract you’re already thinking about a buyou Winnipeg has generally had to avoid a lot of those over the years and I think that they’ve dodged quite a few bullets but ronic as as tempting as it is to try and Chase a really top pairing Defender he’s not that guy uh John kingberg also not that guy and I think everyone sort of knows you know at this point anyways but kingberg has really aged out and I think it’s shown ever since you know the the tail end of his Dallas days he’s just not the same guy that he used to be uh there was a time when he was a dominant attacking top four Defender at times even top pairing those days are really far behind him and as as much as it would be nice to see him resurrect his career I I don’t think he’s going to be doing that with the jet so um that’s a free agent I AV void Matt Dumba also guy also a guy to stay away from Dumba really hasn’t done much of anything recently and with Tampa not really interested in bringing him back and Dumba just not being that good anymore uh I would say he is a a huge pass defensively not really impressive offensively very little going on for him so there’s just not enough that he’s bringing to the table other than being a bit chippy so yeah unfortunate you know there was a time that Dumbo was more fun for the wild probably earlier in his career than where he is now so man you you look at the free agent pool and you just realize that there’s not many players that are worth uh signing and and giving you know contracts to which makes it very attractive for the Jets to make a trade rather than a free agent acquisition that’s where they should be focused anyways uh you know outside of drafting I think trades are are more likely what Winnipeg could win because when it comes to spending money the Jets are going to have to pay more than most teams to attract top free agent talent and like a lot of these guys are you know 28 29 you know early 30s their best years are probably behind them there’s not many of these players that are going to be worth the the huge contracts that some of them are going to be asking for Manta might be one of the few that’s of interest and he probably wouldn’t be too expensive but I don’t know what mana’s plans are anyways he had a mediocre run with the Knights I don’t know if he’s really interested in coming to Winnipeg but if he is and it’s a reasonable contract ask uh I would be a little more inclined to look at that but you know otherwise there’s just not a ton of of uh centers or blue liners that are really worth chasing after you know you’re not really wanting to pick up a Jeff Carter or you know a scandel um Carter is what retiring after this year I hope uh he’s probably well past the expiration date but somehow has managed to stick around despite being 40 uh one of the biggest guys that I would say the Jets really need to avoid and the reason I’m saying this is because I think he’s going to be one of the hottest Commodities it’s Chandler Stevenson Stevenson at this stage of his career he is basically like a bottom sixer and the only reason that I think people still like ascribe a top six role to him is because he keeps doing it for the knights and because Stone was able to carry him for a long time when he’s away from stone or even sometimes when he’s with him this year it just wasn’t very good and I think you’re starting to see why for me Stevenson was a fun fit alongside Mark but not really somebody who creates much of his own offense he’s fast he can pull off some decent finishes but in terms of his own individual Talent levels uh he he’s not really on the level of a Mark Stone and certainly not what the Jets are really asking for to fill that second line Center role they need a really quality um top six player like a middle Stat or something and unless one of those materializes somewhere that they can afford I just don’t think that a guy like Stephenson is really GNA fill that role especially because he’s gonna ask for a pretty big uh contract extension it’s the same thing that I think about Monahan although I would say Monahan is arguably a better player but you because he’s so slow I just I feel like that is a bit of a knock against him so man that’s just a a bit of a a thin free agent Market but if if the Jets could find a way to bring in somebody like I don’t know Daniel sprong or something I would be pretty happy about that there’s a couple of other interesting names but we’ve already covered them so we’ll have to keep an eye out to see if anyone else gets released or if there are some players who uh teams are are interested in parting ways with sha Dy might be worth a look if he decides to uh Test free agency or something um obviously his rides are still controlled by the by Utah but maybe he wants to S it out and wait for another team to take a chance on him dery is a very interesting player I would like to see him in you know like a a second pairing or third pairing role for the Jets I think he could be what you know we all hoped Neil Pon would be dery does have his moments where he’s a little bit of a loose cannon but if you’re looking for a fun Puck moving attacking minded D who can pull out some pretty nice shots dery could be a very interesting trade Target if he’s not really intending to stick around with Utah but given that Utah is probably going to be a pretty good crowd I don’t think he has that much incentive to to try and force his way out so lots to consider but for the Jets you know plenty of names that I think Winnipeg should be staying far away from let me know your top trade targets top uh free agent targets or maybe like me which uh free agents and stuff you would prefer the Jets to avoid drop your thoughts in the comments below or at my social media living loo and lore winnipegjets on Twitter for tonight’s episode though that’s going to be all the time that we have thank you so much for making locked on Jets your first listen of the day every day we’ll see you here tomorrow so don’t go anywhere have a great night and as always go jets go
On tonight’s episode, we chat about the ramifications of Brendan Dillon heading to free agency. Should the Jets be keen to retain the veteran blueliner’s services? Why might it make some sense to let him go to the open market? Is cutting Dillon loose about his performance, or about the roster depth of the team? How have the Stanley Cup Finals been so far? Is Maurice any closer to claiming his first Cup as a head coach? What free agents should Winnipeg look to avoid this coming off-season?
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1 comment
Panthers in 5 or 6 games looking pretty good right now. Oilers with only 7
shots on Goal in Game 2, and not near good enough. Jets should sign Brendan
Dillon, as they need his size and physicality. Trade Heinola — too small and weak
In my opinion. Tiny Heiny is not what the Jets need. ( soft )