How Intuit Dome Changes Game For LA Clippers + Fans
on today’s show an update on the in it dome I entered it on Sunday going to be talking about what differences being in the new Arena will make for the Clippers in terms of scheduling convenience for the players and most importantly The Fan Experience an update on the best arena in the NBA on today’s lock down almost going back home from Cancun Clippers [Music] you are locked on Clippers your daily Los Angeles Clippers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day yes sir you were locking in with the clips thank you for making lock on Clippers the first listen of your day your team every day I’m your host Daran vizeri born and raised in LA and finished my 19th season as a Clipper fan you can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram @ dim dropper pod And subscribe to my own YouTube channel dime dropper where I’m still talking about every single NBA Finals game and you can get more Clipper content and locked on Clippers is free and available wherever you get your podcasts including YouTube and I want you to let me know what you think of all the stuff I’m about to say about the best arena in the NBA that I was able to get an update on go inside it as a part of a Fan Experience on Sunday day so we’re going to be talking about that and this episode is brought to you by LinkedIn go to LinkedIn jobs post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply can get a job on there you can hire on LinkedIn you can do it all but let’s talk about the LA Clippers in the into a doen you know you can probably find some jobs at the into Dom on LinkedIn as well what be talking about several aspects of what what I saw yesterday relates to or how it relates to the Clippers and everything the fans the team and we’re going to begin with the schedule so the big thing about getting our own Arena was now we don’t have to base our schedule necessarily on oh the Lakers and the kings are playing on the same night so we can’t play that night oh the Lakers and the kings are playing T night and or the Lakers are playing tonight and they’re number one priority so we have to play at 12:30 and they play at 6:30 or the Kings are playing and we got to play at 12:30 and they got to play at 6:30 in the 2023 NBA playoffs the Clippers Kings and Lakers were all in the playoffs at the same time right and all three of them were lower seeds in their Con in their series the Clippers ended up playing game four before the Lakers had played game three talk about scheduling and inconvenience how about all the matina games nine out of our 41 games this past season were afternoon games on a Sunday or Saturday nine out of 41 it wasn’t convenient it wasn’t at all 15 backto backs which was tied with many teams for second in the league including with the Lakers I mean we had a pretty rough schedule this past season and it I it felt like almost this past season that staple center was just giving us like an absolute like we’re kicking you on the way out type of thing we had a really rough schedule from January 26 to March 4th they had four backto backs all on the road and I mean man that stretch was tough the January 26th to March 4th I mean we came out of that very tired and that’s when the slump kind of began and we also had a very tough schedule in March but that I remember this I made an episode about it on this channel uh on lockon Clippers when the schedule was released talking about this is the last year it’s going to be like this it’s it’s such a tough schedule we’re not getting any favors done for us so it’s it’s a real thing and it was a real thing and like there’s no I mean I don’t think you should excuse Madden a games at all because in the playoffs there are going to be some M A games at 12:30 you got to be prepared for anything but there’s just going to be less of them now hopefully and we’ll see about less back-to-backs I mean I don’t know how much of that’s going to change but the convenience in them like for example when the Clippers this past season against I think it was Chicago and Milwaukee we because of daylight savings we ended up playing two games in a span of 22 hours and then random the game the next day was at 11: a.m. or sorry it was at 12: and then the day before was at 1 so 22 hours it was just in we load manage that came in lost that kind of stuff that’s out the door with the into it dome and let me just say because I still want to talk about what I was seeing as I was going through the tour I walk up to it and it’s across from that movie theater and I’m just like what wow like I remember when I was working at Sofi stadium in the 2022 football season NFL season no sorry the 2021 NFL no yeah the 2022 NFL season I’m sorry and I kept looking at the construction from this view of the American Airlines Plaza by the South End Zone and you can see the in Dome of the construction forum is on the for those wondering how close is the Forum to Sofi to into it look if you’re walking down the street going towards the Forum uh in direction of the Forum and Sofi right behind it you can see the all three of the stadiums in one shot one ey shot and it happened to me a couple weeks back and I think I mentioned it on one of these episodes it was crazy like just seeing all that like damn so much in Englewood and such you know close proximity to one another all three of these beautiful venues and it’s a lot for the people I’m not going to lie the residents and it’s going to be probably some Mayhem after games with the Rams and Chargers it’s not going to happen that much though CU football season it’s not that many games Rams and Chargers playing the same day as the clippers but shouldn’t be too bad though it is really whack getting out of you know on Manchester and those streets outside of Sofi Stadium outside of the Forum after games so crowded I would I would do anything to go back and see what it was like when The Forum and Showtime Lakers were happening and seeing what like the you know what it looked like after the after the game ended in the parking lot and how crowded it was getting out and getting back on the freeway like that stuff’s interesting to me but the point is the scheduling is going to be so much in our favor but as I was saying as I was walking up to it I’m like man this building is that picture behind me you know in the background if you’re watching on YouTube that’s literally what it looks like this was the vision it’s crazy with Sofi stadium and into a dome the two Arenas that have been built well stable Center was also built when I was alive it’s just it was finished when I was a year and a half so I didn’t see the whole construction part where as with sofine into it I saw the before the construction and now the after it’s exactly like what the blueprints were like it’s exactly like the blueprints it’s crazy to see it come together the red netting is all up and those are like solar panels those gray things that you see those are like panels so I mean it’s just high tech as can be uh the they’re still you know they’re installing that big screen outside that PL you know I don’t even know what it’s called the community cord all that stuff is is yet to come there’s still a lot of work to be done definitely still a lot of work to be done but man it was just insane to see it out the outside of the Arena how far it’s come and how close we really are to this it’s crazy and just but the main takeaway from this segment to is and should be for you is the scheduling is going to be better and that is huge you know it’s just so much more convenient for the foreseeable future it’s not just this year every year after so we got our own building no second fiddle uh let’s go but coming up going to be talking about the convenience for the players the amenities inside the stadium that should make their day-to-day lives easier as a member of this improving franchise going to be talking about that coming up I got to 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like right when you walk in the stadium it’s about the same size in terms of width just for my eye test I don’t have the measurements and I even asked about it but the there’s no random pillars just out of nowhere so what as we were going through the arena we did didn’t take us to like locker rooms or anything I don’t even know if locker rooms are even are even fully built but we saw the practice facility so for those that don’t know like for all the Clipper fans I have that listen that are not from Los Angeles because I know there’s so many we had a practice facility in pav Vista and we play games in Downtown LA so I mean it’s not super far from each other but with traffic it can be annoying um um you know I don’t know if people haven’t heard of P Vista it’s like right next to Marina del Rey Clover City so kind of like Westside Mid City kind of area and it was you know it’s a different location than their Arena whereas with in Dome The Practice Facility is inside the in Dome so they can legit just camp out at the in Dome all day on a game day if they want they go for shoot around don’t have to go home take a shower at the in Dome just have all your stuff but I mean I don’t know I don’t know these guys game day routines but the point is whatever their routine is it’s probably easier than going from their house to P Vista then back home and then going to downtown like this is just and I I we walked and saw the two courts there’s two courts in The Practice Facility there’s like I saw in the room they were building the room next door like a lot of see-through Windows a lot of see-through windows so you know like they said on the right side from what I was walking in to the practice R practice courts the right side Ty L’s office was at the bottom right like you know on the same level as the as the courts and it was a seeth through glass windows so an office you can just watch what’s going on and then upstairs overlooking the whole thing kind of similar to what you see from I believe that’s Jeanie’s office but they show that Lakers practice facility office that’s overlooking the courts it’s kind of similar to that with bombers that’s bomber’s office just overseeing everything but yeah for the players they have you know right to the side of the two courts they have like where all the food and snacks will be and stuff like that and then like they were building what looked like a hot tub like a Jacuzzi area uh next to it and then apparently there’s going to be an outdoor pool like right outside the building on the other side of the windows in the practice facility and one thing I found really cool about this all was that the new logos were branded on the floors the LA the red LA and then the Clipper cursive the Los Angeles cursive exactly how you see them on our New Jersey so man I mean that was really cool to see that was really cool to see so the convenience with the players and they had side Hoops too like you know if you ever been in a gym there’s the the full course and there’s the side Hoops they had some of that so man absolute convenience for the players I’m trying to think before I get it there’s so much fan stuff to talk about but I’m trying to think more stuff for the players that they were telling us H that’s all I can think of off the top of my head but it just seems like such a sick six venue to play in you know I’ll would be ecstatic if I’m these Clippers brand new it’s a blessing it is but coming up The Fan Experience that’s what this is all about gonna be talking about that com up clipper Nation I got to tell you a little something about LinkedIn when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals that are just right for the rule that’s why you have to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has the tools to help find the right Professionals for your team faster and for free I got my job that job I actually referenced in this episode working for the Rams on LinkedIn but you can also try 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place I saw a basketball game it’s the site of where the Clippers have had their best seasons in franchise history and have become from a poverty franchise to a respectable franchise that was contending for playoff appearances every year making the playoffs every year had the most exciting team in basketball at one point and was able to attract the finals MVP at the height of his powers we did all that in the Staple Center we broke the curse of the second round of the Staple Center broke the first round curse in the stap center but this Stadium man it’s so much better for us more than anyone else it’s about us and of course about the team winning but balber had a sense when he came into the stap center he was like man this scheduling is whack the Kings they built the arena for anybody doesn’t know the stable Center was initially built with the kings in priority uh priority they needed a new Arena it’s technically labeled a hockey arena it’s built for hockey if you’ve been to staple center they all the seats that are like built in only the amount that are for a hockey game are built in the basketball games they literally bring retractable chairs like in the court behind the courtside seats like those people you see that are behind Courtside those first like 10 to 15 rows behind the basket at Staple Center those are like retractable seats foldable chair type things like they’re not very comfortable the other ones are actual the built-in seats for a hockey game perfect proportions for a hockey game because obviously the ice is longer than a basketball court so it is a hockey arena and the way the noise just when you’re at a hockey game at a Kings game you just feel like okay this feels right to me the only thing I’ll say though my biggest complaint about Staple Center is the three I could do a whole episode on just this part of this comparing stable Center into it but three levels of sweets because it’s so corporate three levels of sweets makes the upper level the 300 section and the lower feel like you’re in completely different Arenas completely different right I’ve never sat in the 300 section for a hockey game but I’ll just say this about being in the 100s it feels a lot more like this is what this stadium was built to be a hockey stadium and I’m not a Kings team It Feels Right Lakers and Clippers it doesn’t because the sound I don’t know the sound just travels too much it’s too big it’s such a huge Stadium it’s so tall and the sound just travels and goes everywhere and also I didn’t realize this was the first Stadium I’d ever been to but that 300 section thing I mean it’s very unique to Staple Center Washington and I don’t mean in a very good Way Washington Wizards Stadium the cap it was called Verizon Center when I went but now it’s the Capital One Arena that had three levels of seats cuz the the 200 section and the premiere are barely above the 100s I don’t consider that a second they’re not separated by a sweet level so the wizard stadium has three tiers it’s the only Stadium I’ve been to that has three tiers so that was pretty tall too um but I don’t think it was that great of a stadium Boston New York and even Phoenix which is the other three stadiums I’ve been to MSG TD and it’s called footprint now those ones the the upper level the second level is way closer to the 100 section than staple center is right at the into Dome and by the way I talked about the concessions and like walking in The Concourse oh if you uh there’s balls basketballs on the ground that when you have a when you see a basketball on the ground that’s telling you that it’s an entrance to the arena when you see I forget what it was what the other thing was there’s another emblem or something that’s going to represent food and drink so I thought that was cool they released a menu and some of the food sound so good like they’re going to have your classic chicken tenders and Fries they apparently went to Austria and have some pretzel recipe a sushi hot dog yes Sushi dog apparently I mean e hot dog it’s going to be next level a Detroit style pizza and that’s one thing about stable Center the food dropped off massively massively they don’t even have McDonald’s anymore to have at least a safety net you know what I’m saying you need that Mickey D’s to have that safety net because the line at Blaze Pizza is too long the only other thing that’s impressive in that spot is the the Ludo bird which I like by the if you ever been in a stable Center the lud bird is pretty quality it’s kind of pricey which everything is but it’s a little it’s pretty quality to me dirt dog is whatever and everything else is just mid that’s putting it nicely at Staple Center it’s declined foodwise this sounds amazing this sounds A1 Steve balber big money balber he said we you call this a poverty franchise we got the most bust down beautiful stadium in the league son what are you talking about and here’s the other thing so I walk walk out there right obviously my breath is taken away I’m seeing our new court with the logo and of course it’s not the most beautiful logo in the world but I’ll take it that Dojo looking thing we’ve had for the last seven eight years oh my goodness it’s such a breath of fresh air then I’m looking around the arena and the first thing I’m seeing is man at the end of the day it’s still an arena it’s still round it still has seats it still has two levels of seats but oh boy it ain’t the same that second level is very close to the first there’s one level of sweets the seats are right next to each other everything that Steve said it would be the fans I am so excited to hear the same fan base in a new Arena built for basketball and built for noise I turned around I was in the wall right everyone’s talks him about the wall the section that’s all Clipper fans only that’s uninterrupted 56 rows I believe straight to the top I turn around and look at it and it is so steep it is nothing like I’ve experienced at Staple Center that goes outwards it just goes up right on top of the other like apparently Utah was the inspiration for it and I give them a lot of you know is but the one thing you can’t deny about the Utah Jazz they have an amazing atmosphere in that in their Arenas at Delta Center um and they’ve had it in so many different iterations of their team it’s just been consistent so that’s what the Clippers looked at and this in to inspire this and man I mean it’s just so different than stable Center in terms of how close everybody is to each other no separator really for the second level I mean oh my God I can’t wait to make noise in that place I just can’t wait it’s so much smaller people wondering if it’s bigger it might have more seats but it’s smaller it’s not as tall and that’s a good thing that’s a really good thing and I went lower to like the 10th row they said that the 20th row at uh into a dome compared to the 20th row at Staple Center 45 ft closer to the court I was standing there in like the 10th row and it felt like I was right on top of seeing you know that right corner I’m sorry that left corner on the court I mean you’re so much closer to the action it’s unreal it’s unreal and that so if everyone’s wondering what about the so what is the wall right so apparently it’s all Clipper fans you can’t resell your ticket because they could fall into the hands of another fan base right for people wondering what about that thing you did last season that 207 that uh Super Fan only section or whatever ever you have the standing only section that will be in the heart of the wall so it’ll be like right behind the B one of the baskets in the middle about 300 seats it’ll be like standing room only so they won’t even put the chairs down so you basically if you the only thing you can do is kind of lean on them during timeouts I asked about so again I don’t have season tickets next year um we’ll see what I do I might try to get a credential but uh The Fan Experience man like they were still building that outdoor Plaza that Community Court there’s also a court inside a third court inside that’s specific to community events and stuff like that and each Court had a different Clipper logo on it which I thought was amazing the main Court had our this new sailboat Compass logo one of the courts had the red La I think the community Court did and then the two practice facility courts had the Clipper cursive and the Los Angeles cursive so it was just so cool and the outside they’re building that big screen to watch games on for Clipper fans that want to chill and apparently they’re going to build some bars and restaurants outside there too so that block I mean it’s going to be Clippers Central now I wonder with that big screen are we going to be able to watch games from other sports like is it going to be used for the World Cup and stuff in two years are we going to watch Rams games on it and stuff cuz that screen outside stable Center they don’t use to put on any games we don’t have anything like what Toronto has with Jurassic Park or the deer District in Milwaukee you know people watch games at Tom’s at stap Center that’s what they do but what if I mean are people going to congregate to a Clipper location it is Englewood though and it’s by Sofi it’s a community stuff it’s it’s a good it’s a good conversation to be having it’s all this is a great conversation to be having I just wish the team was a little bit more on the up and up es we’re just a very solid team that’s just like what what’s is quet g to be healthy but man that arena is special come out anyway that’s all I got for now gonna be doing an episode on clip next by the way probably clip the show go watch it on Hulu before I talk about it it’s going to be interesting Lawrence Fishburn has Glenn Rivers talking about our Lob City clips and the Donald Sterling stuff really entertaining first two episodes I’m going to get into it may have one of the production assistants come on the show and join me and maybe a beat writer so check that out before I talk about it it should be good stuff talk relive some of those days and talk about how accurate the story is from uh what’s you know what actually happened so yeah it’s stuff it’s always nice for me to talk about Lob City and share memories and stuff like that at least for me you I know a lot of the stands don’t like it because you’re not a real Clipper fan I love you if you guys just stayed Clipper pants after this after you guys leave or retire because let me tell you something you Paul George kawhai Russ and Harden fans they won’t be here for that much longer so we’re always recruiting but anyway that’s it for me in this one you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at Dime dropper pod subscribe to my own YouTube channel dime dropper for even more LA Clipper LA Sports and NBA content and lockon Clippers is free and available wherever you get your podcast including YouTube let me know what you thought of all the stuff I said about the in Dome the best arena in the league the agel proverb continues go Clippers
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Great video bro
I've been a Clippers fan since 1992 👍
"In To Me"
Easter Egg if you can catch it
Anyways I can't wait for the arena to open!