Trading Up In Draft Might Be THE Solution To Suns Problems

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] does trading up in the NBA draft fix all the sun’s problems and who knows basketball the best it’s PHX Suns and it starts now MCO what’s up everybody it’s pH andx Sons I’m ASO he saw that’s flexx and that is Gerald gentlemen I’ve been thinking about our trade machine Tuesdays a lot over the last few days and Gerald this is no slight on you because I know you slave over a hot trade machine uh every every week for us but I’ve been thinking does the option of trading up in the draft actually potentially help fix the Suns more than anything else we’ve looked at getting a young Talent under under contractual control that can help now and build for the future uh moving up higher in the draft I mean it definitely can if there’s somebody that they like in particular and that they don’t think is going to fall all the way to number 22 there are a lot of teams in this draft that you look at and they have multiple picks and if you can find a way to entice them and swap there maybe move up a few spots or or move up even further depending on what you’re willing to give up um my thing is you you have to know which guy that you really want and they have to be you have to hit on that pick as well because can’t trade up for a guy that doesn’t come in and contribute for you with this team’s window being what it is and doesn’t grow into something longterm that’s really special so I think if you are trading up you got to know exactly what you’re doing and uh you’ve got to really like that player but isn’t the same thing to be said if you stay at 22 you got to hit on that guy to help you now too I mean your percentages technically should be higher if you get into the top 10 of the draft of hitting on a on a good Prospect versus 22 so yeah if they trade up you’re damn right they better know who they want man yeah I mean it’s it’s if they trade up and you get into top 10 you better not take Jaylen Smith again yeah you know what I mean you got I don’t think he’s draft eligible still you got to know what you’re trading up for you have to mean that there’s not another jayen Smith out there oh I’m sure there is another oh there’s there’s probably about 10 Jaylen smiths in this draft so the chances of you running into another one is high un select Jaylen Smith oh man forward South Dakota State yeah no this this is a tricky draft I I I don’t like this draft at the top so I think trading up in this draft is very risky because I still still think some of the best talent in this draft is going to be later um I will say I I believe the suns are really looking at significantly moving up in this draft which is an interesting Dynamic um but I also think there’s there’s other ways to look at it that you know is there a possibility of trading up in this draft and then maybe using that leverage or that ammunition to do something else later um that could be a possibility too so there’s a lot of options on the table um I know if I would GM with the Phoenix Suns there’s a couple guys that I I would be very comfortable taking in the top 10 you mean you think that there’s a possibility that they would trade up to get into the top 10 draft a player only to turn it around to get somebody different yep interesting that’s a lot of work yeah I mean if you if you can trade up from 22 and maybe move a contract and then get into the top 10 and there’s a team that loves that pick in the top 10 could you potentially trade back and take two it air picks uh for for one and still get one guy that you really like and maybe somebody that uh m a project yeah maybe a project a little more potential so you know could this be a kind of a you know we’re going to sacrifice 22 in a player to potentially be in position to get two picks in this draft and have a better chance of hitting that uh so yeah I believe there’s a lot of things they’re looking at I believe they they are looking to moveing up there’s a possibility to stay where they are and I think they’re intrigued also with the possibility of moving back so I mean I do like the fact that from what I’m hearing no rocks on turn they they’re looking at everything and they’re not rolling anything out which is why you can’t Can’t Ignore in this draft because I believe they could be in position to get one of these guys I would say that the Suns would have a better chance of trading up in the draft if they’re not offering 22 but instead they’re offering 2031 because you would think that somebody that wants to move out of this draft is just not in love with any of the prospects as much um so they’re willing to trade but trading within the same draft probably doesn’t make sense so like I would think that TW that 2031 pick would be more well you know Expendable what if you’re a team that’s around 9 to 12 and you have come to the conclusion that I’ve come to that some of the best players are going to fall to 18 to 24 and you’re saying you know what if you’re willing to give me a player that’s on your roster right now that I like that fits my system and I can still get a guy that I like down the road it’s a win- win for me instead of just sitting at eight and selecting a guy because because I think a lot of GMS in this spot the one thing they don’t want to do which I I can’t stand I I can’t fathom why people think this way but um you hear the word reach all the time and they’re terrified of at eight taking a guy that they love because the draft board has him at 18 like if you love a guy take him um James Jones has no problem doing that James Jones doesn’t and I don’t and I actually that’s a that’s listen if you’re it matters how it ends up playing out mhm cam Johnson was a reach and then if you redo that draft it wasn’t a reach now Jaylen Smith was a miss right but I actually I lean towards the guy that’s willing to do that I don’t like guys that just stick to a board and say well yeah I’m I like this guy more but I I like Saul more but I’m gonna take Gerald because Gerald on all the draft boyss is ranked higher like as a basketb evaluator that [ __ ] bothers me because I’m like yo just take the guy that you think is your guy so I I I agree with that I also think though that if you like you’ve been talking about if you can trade back and still get the guy that you love and maybe pocket an extra asset you like you have to be able to read the room in terms of like do these guys think that he’s as high because if these guys behind me don’t think that this guy is that guy and they’re not interested in him I can get him for later and I can Swindle an extra pick or something out of them so you don’t want to be that team if you’re trading up but you do want to be the team that’s like yeah this guy is a sure thing we know that we have to sacrifice something to get this guy um because we talked about some guys that are probably going to go in the top 10 or the top you know the lottery probably not going to be there when the suns are on the board but if they could find a way to get some of these guys yeah it might be worth it and the other problem is I I I get what you’re saying Flex about you know if a team identifies a player on the Suns that they would like to be able to take in a trade because it makes them instantly a little bit better than relying on a draft pick but the suns are kind of in the similar position where they can’t really sacrifice um players that can contribute at a high level so your window is kind of narrowed to about two or three dudes on this on this roster right now that you don’t feel confident can contribute at a high level that maybe another team might so you’re looking at n or little you’re looking at nerk maybe Royce O’Neal if he gets signed beforehand you can’t trade him though can’t trade Grayson either so like there that’s basically it just those two guys just the usual suspects yeah and so like that’s that’s kind of a um a hope in the clouds for sure i’ deal 20 22 and then the 2031 pick because to me what has everybody said you need to get younger you need to find a cheap talent that can help you but you also have to have an eye to the future if you can get the right guy say you wind up in that 9 to 12 range that you said or even higher whatever and you have a guy that you feel like could be a quality bench player now and grow into a guy that could either be that next Generation to be next to Devin Booker or be an asset that that you can then trade come 2026 to find that next guy when a Kevin Durant’s gone or and a Andor a Bradley Beal’s gone I think that’s the kind of calculated move you can make because you’re not finding that guy in a vet minimum you’re not finding that guy in a trade for naszi or little like this is that’s the calculated risk I think that you can take this offseason that we haven’t really discussed to try to find that talent because you’ve backed yourself into a corner we’ve made that very clear with our veteran minimum Mondays and our trade machine Tuesdays and you brought Matt telman to try to get creative this may be the one loophole in in your CBA second apron is to try to find that guy on a controllable contract that you believe in it’s also this is why when everybody talks about like when we talk about trades and like really the last couple days and last couple weeks every time we’ve talked about trades I swear I see the same comment about oh you’re just going to man you’re just going to leverage the future for right now and blah blah blah I’m like no guys like listen this is the NBA I maybe Devin Booker does but he’s probably the one out of everybody else on that roster eventually these dudes are either going to be gone in free agency or they’re going to be traded like that’s just the reality of the business so you’re G to get back some draft Capital at at a certain point you know if if if the Suns don’t get very far in the playoffs this year you’re looking at you know a couple different scenarios where you might have to trade some some key ass assets right now for draft Capital uh coming up and so I I don’t look at it as every you have to think about these things as draft picks and players they’re all in one category they’re all assets and so whether you have one or the other doesn’t really matter because at some point you’re going to swap one for the other two right and uh it’s just how many can you get that’s the difference as you know you’re not going to get four picks for KD right like those are the things that are going to change um if you if you know as you move forward no and and another thing about this theory of moving up or moving back when I look at this I say if I’m moving up if I’m the Phoenix Suns and the position I am in financially contractually draft pick wise if I’m moving up in this draft to get into that 8 to 12 range um I am not worried about positional fit I’m taking the best player best player on best player not not based on boards just the guy you think is is the guy that’ll become a yes best basketball player and that’s what Sacramento did when they took Tyrese halberton knowing they had dearon Fox there and he turned Tyrese halberton into damont sabonis right that’s what the Philadelphia 76ers did when they took Tyrese Maxi with James Harden right in front of him like sometimes that’s what the Phoenix Suns did when they took Devin Booker with Eric blesso and Brandon Knight in front of him like I don’t get locked into well we need a backup center so we’re going to move up and take a backup center that like take the best basketball player let the cookie crumble basketball has the way of working itself out and if you take a player that necessarily maybe he’s a guard and you’re looking and you’re like I got Devon book and Brad be why would I take this guard well you take that damn guard because that guy’s going to show the potential he has eventually and may put you in a position to go get a better player down the road if you package him in the deal so for my liking if the Suns move up I’m I’m saying go get a go get a B basketball player regardless of position yeah they have needs at in the back court they have needs on the wing they have needs at the center spot so it’s not like you have a specific draft need for this team the needs for this team are everywhere right now true so you can I this is why with this draft especially we’ve talked about this before there are a lot of players that we feel like the best player in this draft probably it might not come from the top 10 it might come from the teens or the 20s or something there’s still going to be role players available that can help you so for me I feel like sitting at 22 you’re in a good spot and if you need to trade up there are a couple of teams that have multiple picks in this draft that you can kind of Target or even if you want to move down like Utah has number 10 but they also have 29 and 32 so like you have some flexibility there depending on how draft Knight is shaking out to get a player that can help you at any position so for me like trading up I worry about attaching that 231 pick unless it like the proof is going to be in the pudding if you do that the guy that you get better be a fixture in your organization for years to come uh because otherwise you just lost a first rounder to move up in a draft that is not as star heavy as most drafts but I also wonder we talked about the coaches yesterday and that they have gone with guys with more college experience some G leag head head coaching maybe that is in part because this is part of the plan we’ll find out I want to say hi to some of the people in the chat we got Leo Eli uh Lucas ogre Ashley seantel thank you all for being here let us know what you think about uh the idea of trading up in the first round we want to hear from you we did get a super chat on the topic of draft from St [ __ ] our favorite there thoughts on Tristan dilva for us here for Phoenix so we’re gonna talk about him more in depth tomorrow because he’s gonna be on my list I know Flex likes him but yes I I like him so we like him but we’ll talk more about him tomorrow there’s a fun thing uh so much I I want to I want to take a second here obviously one of the legends of basketball passed away uh this morning Jerry West the Lakers Legend both on the court and in the front office passed away peacefully today at the age of 86 a Hall of Famer obviously the logo uh in the NBA four 14-time Allstar two-time executive of the year uh what he meant to this game is is immense so I wanted to just take a second to talk a little bit about him I mean again one of the legends of the game one of the he was the logo because I mean that jump shot was was pretty money man it was it was beautiful and so like yeah his his role in basketball was was vast it wasn’t just as a player it was also as an executive uh a mentor to so many players uh you know Kobe has mentioned it Magic’s mentioned it like so it’s it’s sad um you know rest in peace we’ve lost two legends in the last couple weeks man it’s man getting old sucks man it really does yeah listen the word I think is God basketball God this sky is incredible player coach general manager evaluator Talent um I mean I I I just grew up watching him every level of it and and the respect he got across the league was crazy so um yeah man Jay West OG like basketball God Savant is it’s tough yeah I mean he’s he’s accomplished more at multiple levels of the game than I think anyone in NBA history in terms of being a player uh who’s in the Hall of Fame being a part of that Team USA basketball team that’s a part of the Hall of Fame just as that team being inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2024 as an executive like he’s he’s been a legend of the game at every level and one of the cool things is that you’re hearing all the stories come out about what a kind person he was on top of that a guy whose ego could have been his as the moon um I saw from one Clippers beat writer that was saying when he got laid off that Jerry West had called him up a few times asking him like what can I do to help you how can I help you get back on the horse just little stories like that are really cool to hear about somebody that was an all-time great at what they did so um rest in peace to one of the Legends I think it’s unfair that in a young generation of basketball players know him probably from that portrayal in winning time which doesn’t sound like it was a fair portrayal necessarily of the overall man I hope I hope that people of a younger generation that don’t know about Jerry West do the research kind of learn a little bit more about his impact on the game in totality and what he really meant to the Lakers becoming that kind of team over the years and what he just meant to the sporting I think that’s probably the I don’t think anybody’s going to think about the the winning time thing because that’s just so dramatic but I do think that most people will associate Jerry West as an executive rather than the player um hell I’m sure if you told like you know when you guys have kids or you went home and told Ro like hey that logo is Jerry West they probably that the first time they ever heard that right so um he was he was awesome man he was a legend it’s it’s too bad that we don’t get to hear stories about how awesome people are until after it’s after they’re gone I know that that’s just kind of the nature of it but man I wish you know we could hear these things beforehand because I know some people they just don’t want to they don’t want to be acknowledged in that way they just want they want to just keep it on the low do their their their thing on in in quiet and in peace and I appreciate that but man you don’t realize how amazing some people are when you have them and sometimes they deserve to be thanked for the work that they do I think I think one of my favorite stories about Jay West was the Kobe story um just him watching Kobe for the first time as a teenager and then after the workout going to the lake of brass and saying y that guy’s going to be one of the greatest Ty of do it like if y’all don’t y’all don’t find a way to get this kid it’s a mistake um stuff stories like that blow my mind because when you have that much basketball in your brain and you could just look at a kid and say man I’m putting my reputation online here for the 17y old kid from low Maran you know Philadelphia M this guy’s going to be great trust me and and it ends up being the way you know playing not the way it did that’s uh like I said it’s it’s it’s it’s like God it’s like basketball God to me so yeah rest in peace man it’s just it’s crazy rest in peace to the logo no easy transition here so we’re not going to try to make one uh we have got just one day until our uh phnx Mercury takeover so if you want to see some great basketball you’re looking for something to do this summer we’ve got a great event coming up tomorrow uh it’s a pregame party uh plus the game lower level tickets Mercury versus Aces going to see Kelsey Plum you going to see that Powerhouse uh in Las Vegas but you also going to see one of the most fun teams in the WNBA in the Phoenix Mercury with uh Diana terazzi uh copper BG all of them playing great so come out head to go get your tickets and then check out our new uh Valley collection some great shirts that we just dropped yesterday at the pH andx Locker uh some of my favorite shirts that we’ve done so go check them out pH andx uh but you know what Saul I got to tell you about a great product right I i’ I’ve been looking we live in Arizona and there’s so much sun out there right I’ve been looking for something to help me with with my eyes and I found more you know what I found the most amazing product it’s it’s Shady Rays yeah amazing Shady Shady RS yes high quality some of the best sunglass you’re going to find but you know what sa what some of the best prices you can find too tell me more it’s unbelievable our friends at Shady Rays uh are the highest quality and Saul I got there is more I got a deal just for you I mean that’s why I said tell you want to hear it all right let’s tell you 35% off when you use that promo code ph& X at that there’s nothing better than than getting 35% off you got glasses I do let’s let’s put those on I’m going to do the old man right over the glasses trick here too look at that I actually a prescription sunglasses too so I can see double good right now but yeah you got to check them out they’re the sunglasses that over 300,000 people have rated five stars right it’s exclusively for our listeners like I said Shady Ray is giv out their best deal of the season right sa yeah it’s 35% off when you head to Shady and use that promo code phnx uh to get those polarized sunglasses again try for yourself the shades rated five stars by over 300,000 people let’s go it’s a lot of people that is a lot a lot of people all right so Illegal Pete’s also on the docket today I’m not doing any weird transitions we got to keep it professional that’s what we’ve been told so you got get go to P you got damn yes profession you’re seasoned Meats PE your goto your go-to place for for Meats Pete and get your meat look look man illegal pet pets Meats they are they are legendary Right absolutely beats now he’s big he small now we know why they’re illegal uh illegal pets my friends is where you want to get Mexican food here in town uh they’re down in in Tempe and it’s really really fantastic to go down there spend a little time at their great location you’re going to get the best in Mexican food bowls tacos salads burritos I like the quesadilla Sal outed me on that and I’m willing to admit it right I love the quesadilla with that meat stuffed in it so check it out they’ve also got custom cocktails and beers piping hot queso but the best deal that they got it’s their sound check deal you bring a ticket stub from any ticketed event it says any ticketed event so any ticketed event you bring it in you need a draft beer or house Margarita for a penny so you can enjoy your Meats while you get drunk illegal pizs wants you to celebrate with with you whether it’s pregame or postgame they got you covered on all your game day needs must purchase an adult entree to redeem illegal Pete sound check deal illegal Pete your go-to spot for burritos buddies uh beef and beer just direct your Feats to Illegal pets there you go uh so the rest of this program we are going to determine who knows basketball and other random things better than anybody else I wait real quick has everybody else out there seen our our last competition on Valley Vibes here we go have we yeah I hope you all I need you all you all everybody out there to to try and gas up my man Flex because we right before we get into every competition he just like wants to take an L right off the bat before we even started weird you’re not you could do this this is not hard Mr positivity goes I’m GNA lose this loser oh man I can’t do this it’s like positive about everything else but except myself hey this this time it ain’t spelling everybody sorry for me this time it ain’t spelling so dyslexia ain’t gonna g to crush you in this one well dyslexia also applies to reading yeah I mean it’s fine he’ll be fine I’m bu aball and all this stuff man we we’re gonna welcome in our friend White Noise aka Big [ __ ] from the a what what a great onew combo white noise and big [ __ ] Eric you’re Alex tbec or uh who is take it away this is your show now we will buzz in with our voices or with our names right I’d like to give a quick shout out to the mustach behind the Mac Shane debach who helped put this together did a lot of the work at and all this so that’s why fish facts is on here gentlemen your categories are fish facts sunspots schools out words in three-pointer and solar eclipse now if you want any clarification on these go ahead and ask well words and three-pointer are words that are spelled using the the poin correct okay I’m assuming sunspots is Sun stuff yes so sunspots are people who’ had brief one two or threee stin with the team oh schools out is guessing the school of a son’s player wherever they went to in college okay um and solar eclipse is very obscure Sun’s trivia because a solar eclipse obscures the sun okay W very clever do it all right who starts Eric you choose let Flex startle go ahead it’s called pity go ahead damn sunspots for 100 a starter in the 2024 NBA Finals go for it who is Derrick Jones Jr Derek Jones Jr is correct espo you’re going to be team one okay Saul you’re going to be team two Flex you’re going to be team three J going to be Team Four so so far espo now has 100 points congratulations espo you are now on the board I will take so Sol eclipse for 300 a current NBA exec that was on the sun’s bench Sean who is Shawn marks that is cor congratulations you now have 400 points espo you are still on the board uh solar eclipse for 500 please this player led the Suns in free throw percentage in the 2013 2014 go for it cor d is that is incorrect my bad the the four-fingered Assassin Gerald Green my right I will make sure to give you guys the chance for the next one okay nobody gets points on that board stays with me I’ll take solar eclipse for 400 he’s hunting for that Daily Double this 67 Ford was the only player to start all 82 games on the Suns who is truck Robinson that is correct wow that fastic grab ESO my goodness ESO right now 800 points everybody else with zero clips for 200 please this player had the second most points per game with 18.7 Saul you were first uh who is Chris Paul oh 1923 uh who is Kelly UB I actually don’t know the answer who is DeAndre is actually Kelly so here’s the thing with Shan making these is I don’t have all the answers you can’t see them over there no I that makes this a real difficult game then Shane Shane should probably be out here for this Shane is currently talking to Kenny Dillingham so all right so Gerald you are now on the board Team Four you get 200 points all right uh let’s just close out solar eclipse solar eclipse for 100 a guard draft damn it Saul who is El aobo that is correct Saul is or Ellie that doesn’t [ __ ] matter Saul you are now on the board oh let’s go schools out for 500 schools out for 500 Sabin Lee’s College Saul go for Vanderbilt who what is Vanderbilt that is correct congratulations yeah this is his cat cook school’s out for 400 school’s out for 400 fad young and Jos College go for it uh what is Georgia Tech that is correct Saul on a heater right now now leading with a th000 points espo with 800 school’s out for 300 Drew EU banks College damn I don’t know that one uh I feel like I should ESO Oregon State great right was one of the oron I didn’t know which one espo moves into the lead at 1,100 points uh let’s go with fish fax for 100 now this is one where I’m just going to show the answer after you guess because I I don’t know okay a fish that is famous for its healthy qualities what is salmon here correct that is correct Saul you now are tied with ESO with 1,100 points in back on the board school’s out for 200 school’s out for 200 bull BS College Saul you go again Oregan that is absolutely correct Saul you are now in the lead by 200 points where you going next school’s out let’s close it out absolute shocker here School’s Out There we go one Texas that is correct you do that I yeah you can if you read it you can do it as fast didn’t even read it [ __ ] was on the board soon the yeah of course he was on the board I don’t know what the hell I can’t predict it I mean I didn’t even see it come up yet and you was like so Saul you are it’s a buzzer man hey I was distracted ebach was calling me during words and three-pointer for 100 a rubber covering typically inflated or Gerald go ahead what is a tire that is correctd words um let’s go uh fish fax for 200 fish fax for 200 the biggest fish in the world flexx Flex Megalodon see I don’t know the answer is going to roll with it it is not true a whale shark I am getting a call from Shane hello what’s [Laughter] happening this production value is so great that this is what happens when your producer is on the ASU show right before your show well at least we know why Shane was calling me during the show now okay okay so let’s uh who’s on the board is it you Gerald still I mean I don’t know he’s covering up the whole screen this sorry slack um yeah so let’s do fish fax for 300 then all right fish fax for 300 the fastest fish in the ocean and give me a second to pull up the answer so you could really chew on this one if you guys don’t know ASO a Marlin a Marlin okay here’s the thing I’m going to just go and give you the answer so we’re going to figure that out it is not is a sailfish okay none of us were getting that any guys we are on the Absol fish is just the most useless category we are on the absolute fly here guys okay on the absolute fly here uh let’s go to words and three-pointer for 200 words and three-pointer for 200 come or go into so oh God pause I don’t think that’s it I don’t God I don’t know uh we don’t have Gerald Go For It Gerald enter enter I’m just going to let it roll let’s see that is correct Gerald congratulations all right let’s give a second here guys I’m going to go back to you on the screen why don’t why don’t I go to our next ad break because I’m G to get this set up look look I mean I think Eric’s out of our Inner Circle because of what’s you know that’s but you know who is it he said Megalodon that’s right but megalodon fish it is you know uh hell yeah it is it’s a type of like shark I think yeah I mean many around no more but it was around one time but you know what is what Circle K Circle K is in my inner circle right I love Circle K the inner circle is a free program that you can join by downloading that Circle K app it’s super simple you download it you join and then you’re going to save 25 cents on your first five fill-ups and then three cents after that right but the best part is Saul do you know what the best part is I tell you you get you get Polar Pops or you know or frosters for 79 cents but unless unless you’re an inner circle member then you get it for 69 cents nice you can also get meat NPR voices guys yeah we’re doing NPR This is for sundus all right we’re going this one goes out to you Sun yes just for you so so you can you can stop at America’s thirst stop I almost read that as America’s thirst trap which is much different new new free the new free membership program the inner circle is fantastic join the interner circle for free by downloading the Circle K app today terms and conditions apply at participating locations visit for details should I do the NPR again for Desert Financial Credit Union I was going to ask about the dulet tones there well go a little NPR uh I’ll tell you what I accidentally uh I accidentally inverted to the initials of this company earlier and it it hits differently I’m just going to say that but uh DFCU is my favorite Credit Union uh here in the valley it been around for 84 years so again it’s been 84 years it’s basically flex’s age so and uh I mean he’s only been in Arizona for for a year but 84 years on the you did say you watch Jerry West [Music] girl you know what desert desert Financial Jerry West was two years old when desert Financial Credit Union came in I watch Jerry West as an executive like you know like I followed him I didn’t mean like I was watching if you have dreams that you want to fulfill in your life you can do it with our friends at Desert Financial Credit Union they’re going to help you start that business they’re going to help you start that checking account savings account so you can save up for your child’s education whatever it is they’ve got you taken care of because they are investment experts and money experts dedicated to helping you reach your goals so uh you want $200 for free always all right well let’s make that happen when you open a free checking account online get 200 in bonuses get started by visiting 20000 all right Flex we got to get on the board now okay let’s go all right guys hey man I got I got better now I have now the answers up on the other screen now so here we go he guys first time for everything over here as well all right uh do we remember who was on the board Geral Gerald you were on the board all right let’s do words in three-pointer for 300 words in three-pointer for 300 translate orally or into sign language the words of a person speaking a different language uh this is a tough Saul Saul interpret damn it that is correct you us to do that that is there we go Saul you are in the lead 17 let’s take uh sun spots for 200 sun spots for 200 a small forward who spent his lone NBA season on the Gerald who is Deontay Christmas yes yes yes just say yes correct yes that is correct sorry guys fig all right Gerald you are on the board let’s go back to words and three-pointer for 400 words and three-pointer for 400 an immeasurably or indefinitely long period of time Saul infinite no that is not correct ESO eternity no that is also not correct I guess there okay that is it that is over we can’t sit here for is Eon all right uh Gerald you are back on the board let’s close out words in three-pointer the uppermost part of a tree Gerald Gerald top I’m sorry that is not correct espo espo the tippy top no that is Notre Sal branch no that is also not correct Flex I have [ __ ] no idea well that’s also not correct jald you were close but the answer we were looking for was Treetop one word Tre I feel like I think TIY toop was closer than tree toop I’m giving it to neither of you just to reset the scoreboard saw you’re in the lead 1700 points espo in second with 1,100 Gerald you have 700 Flex high it’s higher than your betting score zero you’re right you’re right this is a this is a win today Gerald you are win the all right let’s uh let’s do fish facts 400 fish facts for 400 the longest fish in the world there’s no no way you guys are kidding espo espo your mom no you are wrong and muted even sense is anybody want an answer for this no the answer is the orish how did you guys not get that Gerald you are on the board fishs for 500 this fish known for their unique ration technique of shooting down landbased insects and other small frame with jet of water spit from their specialized mouth what is this Shane is [ __ ] B what is this espo the box fish no you’re incorrect damn anybody want any fish we don’t lose points no the answer of course oh is the Archer fish of course all right CH are still on the board sunspots 300 sunspots for 300 a French espo go ahead foro that is incorrect damn H anybody else hold on a frenchorn small forward drafted to the warriors on the 2010 2011 roster I’m G to make sure I say that for our Audio Only listeners oh my God he’s in my he’s the face is in my name I mean the name I’m going to give you guys five four hold on three two one can I say can I the lastet yeset it is true but said it was already out that is nobody gets points soal I just saw French born I was like I’m jumping in I see his face Gerald you are back on the board 400 all right for 400 a power forward in the ‘ 056 season that shared a last name with a center on the roster again these sunspots are players who spend a very short amount of time with Phoenix oh uh Flex go ahead Tim Thomas and Kurt Thomas that is correct Thomas and Kurt Thomas Flex you’re on the board baby I miss I thought that was the A Center on today’s roster I was like there’s no Eubanks or nkit on that I still got it wrong cuz I didn’t say the who got it right you said both them you got it right Flex you were on the board sun spots for 5 damn okay go ahead Flex this is why you should take away points when they get it wrong yeah asbo all right good go ahead Marco Milich that is correct I want to read question my favorite obscure son of all time a Slovenian board guard Ford who played two years in the league both with the Suns from 97 and 99 now an assistant coach for the Dallas Mavericks espo that is correct Marco michic and now we go over to our Milich now we go over to our next board’s more oh there is more two rounds buddy plus the d uh the whatever the final Final Jeopardy who’s that player okay you got to you got any explanations who’s that player man I will show you guys a picture of a silhouette and you have to guess okay what are the categories Eric Shane did not tell me these for audio people true solar nicknames record store I’m assuming that’s going to be Sons records and words in technical okay uh nicknames for 500 nicknames for 500 Gerald I think I beat I beat both of you I think I’m going to give Gerald that one who is Dario Char that is correct Gerald you are on the board that wasn’t a $500 oh did we did we reset the board uh it’s a different one so I will keep track of the points and add them up at the end uh nicknames 400 nicknames for 400 Big Daddy W espo javil McGee who is javil McGee that is correct congratulations forg about I actually did not know that that was his nickname at all nicknamed for 300 why nicknamed for 300 Westy Saul you got first that is correct congratulations Saul you are now on the board let’s go record store for 500 record store for 500 Sons career leader in value over replacement or play so V don’t look at me like that there’s only one there’s only one damn person on this thing I don’t use I mean if we’re not losing points Gerald Gerald uh Shan Maran that is correct let’s go it was him or Mark West two gesses all right Gerald you’re back on the board uh let’s do record store 400 record store for 400 son’s career leader in minutes per game Gerald Gerald go ahead Flex Alvin Adams no that is incorrect um Gerald you chimed in yeah I did and then I changed my mind uh who’s M bridges that is also incorrect any other guesses five four ESO go ahead who is Kevin Johnson that is incorrect Saul three two one the answer is Gail goodr oh he played one season here in 1968 really Hall of Famer but you know all right uh Gerald I believe you’re on the board uh record store 300 record store for 300 Sons career leader in triple doubles Flex go ahead Flex Jason kid that is correct congratulations Flex Flex you are now on the board uh nicknames for 200 nicknames for 200 the Brazilian whoa that was that was close that was that that was close uh Saul with your followup go ahead I will do uh lean oh who is Leandra Barbosa that isre big Miss you’re so confident driving Saul you are on the board all let’s finish out nicknames for 100 nicknames for 100 ESO go Adams that is correct congratulations espo getting 100 points why was that the why was that the 100 the Brazilian blur is pretty damn obvious espo you are back on the board oh who’s that PlayOn for 300 all right for 300 guys I’m going to be showing you this player this is great for audio by the way this this category is fle this is flex go ahead Josh Jackson that is correct [ __ ] showed it before the show started guess I don’t think fle I don’t think Flex saw that I’m not saying that that’s why you got it but you did show it you get your 300 points so you are on the board with 300 all right sorry he said see picture it is Josh Jackson Flex you are on picture player M for 400 all right let me pull up the player for you real quick so for 400 this is the player Flex go ahead Flex Dario sarage that is correct another one DN I thought you were half blind you can see the [ __ ] if it ain’t words invol I’m dyslexic man y’all read [ __ ] quicker than I do so Flex you are back on the board uh play a mom for 500 all right let me pull that up for you again for 500 espo espo go ahead Oliver Miller who is Oliver Miller that is incorrect [Music] anybody else Saul go ahead saw uh who is Quinton Richardson that is correct I knew I was going to say when you answer all right I tell the giant JY sign so that 500 so I’m just going to make sure that you get your points there s all right sa you are on the board uh let’s go who’s that player M for 200 for two 100 all right we’re going back to the picture for 200 this guy Flex you were first Kevin Durant that is correct congratulations Flex you get your 200 points and we’re going to give that to you real quick and now you are back on the board go ahead flex play him out for 100 all right back to seeing the picture and well you’re going to have to see the you’re going to have to see the picture first you’re going to have to see the picture first flex Flex go ahead Booker that is absolutely he going to say that anyways that is have to see the my game’s over now I got to start reading [ __ ] again you got yourself right back in it yeah all right Flex on record store for 200 record store for 200 Suns crew leader in games go ahead espo Alvin Adams that is correct congratulations espo you are now back on the board uh true solar for 300 true solar for 300 this planet has the most moons in our solar system espo go ahead what is Jupiter that is correct congratulations espo all right back on the board uh record it’s not hard dude true solar for 500 true solar for being here a earthlike exoplanet orbiting within the inner edge of the habitable zone of a sunlike star 1,800 light years away I mean this one we all know espo go ahead F Shane debach uh that is incorrect just show us nobody’s guessing this well of course it’s Kepler 452b duh who doesn’t know that guys we’re all aware of kep 452b 1,800 light years away ESO your back true solar for 400 true solar for 400 The Entity circles Earth 90 minutes espo uh what is the moon that is I don’t know that what that’s not right not correct what the hell circles the Earth every 90 minutes Saul Saul uh what is a satellite that is incorrect anybody else your mom and that is correct no I have no idea nope all right we’re just going to move on that is the International Space Station the [ __ ] satellite the same thing no it’s not people don’t live in a satellite there are many satellites there are only one intern come on man hey why not true solar for 200 espo all right a trip to this planet would take more than 800 years espo espo Neptune what is incorrect sa Saul uh what is oh man Venus that is also incorrect Gerald or Flex what is Uranus not true hilarious I ain’t even trying do one guess on a planet it’s Pluto take it up with def that’s why I didn’t say Pluto exactly why I didn’t say Pluto I said Uranus take it up with def okayo back on the board word to technical for 500 dick for not finishing out these goddamn categor for what how much 500 500 a sharp pointed and L two-edged surgical instrument used to make small incisions Gerald go ahead Gerald what is scapel that is incorrect oh wait technical never mind I thought the same anybody else no nothing all right that is a Lancet a Lancet all right espo you are still on the board record store for 100 record store for 100 son’s crew threes made Gerald Deon Booker who is Devon Booker that is correct congratulations see that’s why I don’t do it you lose control of the board if you’re not fast enough when you do that J you’re back on the board let’s go words and Technical 400 words and Technical for 400 denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people whatever that means whatever that freaking means man all right wait oh Gerald do you have something Gerald uh Native what is native that is not correct the answer is no V and Technical ethnical ethnical all right Gerald you’re so I didn’t hear you say [ __ ] [ __ ] ass well thinking letter technical I’m working on it in real time dick words and Technical for 300 words and Technical for 300 a distinctive mode of pronunciation of a language especially one associated with a particular Nation Saul go ahead oh [ __ ] no this is wrong um damn it e no I don’t know all right no for Saul anybody else social CL a distinctive mode of pronunciation of a language I do know one associ a particular Nation locality or social CL this is a very common can I answer it when they don’t get it which should be honestly they don’t even have it so it’s what is an accent uh that is correct God damn it what is it I’m not going to give you the points there so you correct all right Gerald back on the board 200 words and Technical words and Technical for 200 a connected flexible series of metal links used for fastening or securing objects and pulling or supporting what is a chain damn that is correct congratulations Saul and then Saul you’re on the board two options left words in technical for 100 relating to or denoting beings supposedly from other worlds extraterrestrial Saul Saul what is an alien that is correct Isanti alens baby okay s you’re on the board I was sitting there looking at the letters in technical because I didn’t want to mess up and have Z my throat all right true solar for 100 this planet Gerald was Mercury that is correct all right guys so see Flex you beat me this this round and only cuz there’s no words in that category all right guys so uh I’m going to add up your scores here real quick and uh then I’m I’m going tell you what they are is flex still there I mean he ran the whole category did through Final Jeopardy you guys are allowed to wager uh up to I believe it’s a th000 points okay um es you can actually wager your entire wager okay you can wager your entire espo you have 2600 Saul you have 3,000 Flex you have 1,700 Gerald you have 1,900 okay okay so think about it for a second and the Final Jeopardy question for you guys should we text you our dollar amount how much we’re yes you can text me your dollar amount okay do you guys hear the question wager question first or no yeah you hear the question first for the the category in the 2002 2003 Phoenix Sun Season who was last on the team in minutes per game 2002 2003 who was last on the team in minutes per game when you text me can you please text me your original number and how much you would like to wag it I want to remind everybody but we’re waiting here to please like And subscribe uh we have some amazing events coming original number yes your original number and how much you are wagering uh next Thursday we have trivia event over at chicken and pickle from 7 to 9 p.m. for free if you want to come have some trivia fun with us as well see if you’re better than us for jackasses yeah cuz uh am I texting you the answer too uh no oh we’re not wait should text text me the an the question one more time the questioning on in the 2002 2003 Phoenix Sun Season who was last on the team in minutes per game and the sweet Silence of thinking right yeah I sent my answer all right and my wager hold on yeah I have no idea man all right I already sent it so I kind of want to look it up cuz this is going to make this going to annoy me go ahead we’re going to find out like you’re going to find up once uh a I am sitting here I’m waiting on Flex actually we’re gonna get sued we probably shouldn’t do this oh yeah don’t want that to happen go ahead man I’m I’m not Ryan says that sucks so you’re you’re wagering nothing F basic what I’m saying I’m not just going guess okay okay the answer is Alton Ford yep 2.8 minutes per game 2.8 minutes per game none of you none of you got that Gerald you wagered $100 of your $1900 dropping you down to $1,800 bucks espo you wagered 500 of your 2600 you guessed Casey Jacobson so you’re at 2100 Gerald you guessed Randy Brown Saul you said who is holes you only bet $1 of your 3,000 and flex you chose not to participate uh so you only lost a dollar or nothing as well which means the winner of this very chaotic and completely well put together game of Phoenix Suns Jeopardy is Saul Bookman well done good job s i I knew I had to bet to get ahead of you and I had no chance of it so I’m mad because I wrote Randy Brown and he was the second least minutes played per game on that roster ncol Nicholas aosta had guessed Alton Ford or Casey Jacobson so nice somebody actually anybody who got that that’s an absolute poll I mean Randy Brown is also a great Po and then he adds the the little context Alton Ford was a high school all American good to know all right then well that is another edition of the pH andx Suns show I don’t think we’ve proved anything today other than Shane debach is an [ __ ] I learned a lot about fish I will not remember any of it so you can follow Gerald Borg jald Borg you can follow Flex at Flex from Jersey you can follow Saul at s _ Bookman the underscore is there so you can put the trivia championship trophy in there you can follow the Suns show at phnx Suns you can follow me at espo and remember if you know that much about fish you’re probably a complete loser Oho [Music] ho we all like the May

We’ve talked A LOT about trades so far this offseason, but we haven’t really discussed what would happen if the Suns moved UP in the draft to take a top prospect. The PHNX Suns show dives into what that could mean for Phoenix + play a new edition of Suns jeopardy!

0:00 Intro
1:00 Should the Suns trade up in the draft? + remembering Jerry West
22:00 Playing Jeopardy

An ALLCITY Network Production

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1 comment
  1. The idea of trading up is intriguing, but not confident anyone wants either nurkic or little. We should be okay where we are at 22. You could take missi, edey or holmes and that would be a win. Personally, I'd take Tyler kolek. His nash-like playmaking and shooting ability is what we've been missing since Paul left. Players will come to the suns in free agency to play with someone like that. Maybe we can flip either nurkic or little for a second rounder and add a big or an elite defensive wing like Ryan dunn. That's what I'd be working on if I was the suns.

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