What Is The Pistons Pathway To The NBA Finals? | The Valenti Show with Rico
good afternoon hope everybody’s having a nice day we will uh take you to 6 o’clock and I got way better things to do than talk about a team that just lost a series to the Nationals so we’re going to move forward I have a power stat because I want to build off something Jim Costa did in the morning now Jim and I are on opposite sides um and not an adversarial way of the Cade Cunningham conversation Jim thinks it’s Blasphemous to talk about seeing what the market would yield and not just blindly handing this off injured possibly non-all NBA player a quarter of a billion dollars uh who also by the way is a 32 and a half% career three-point shooter um I just think when you’re a 14- win team we have to look at all avenues so I have a a power stat because Lord knows we can’t talk NBA fin in this town no one cares well you know what we actually can Mike I was about to say I’m going to give you 30 seconds to bask in that glow no there’s no glow the job is not done tomorrow night late it’s over no it is not it’s over it is one more game I have a power stat and I want to localize is that champagne on the ice I here no hasn’t even been ordered yet okay um I’ll localize it and it just jumped out at me watching the finals last night the number is 63 three do you know what the number 63 represents in these NBA finals and how in my whacked out brain I would localize it to the Pistons see I thought you were going to say ex’s kids but no oh at least ones he knows of um the Celtics are plus 63 from the three-point line in the first three games of the NBA Finals meaning they have made 21 more three-pointers than the Mavericks over the three game spread how do I relate that to the Pistons well the Pistons are designed for a bygone era um the player that some of you think is this easy decision to max out can’t shoot the three now even this year he was barely League average but for his career he’s awful the Pistons also have no shooting around him at all and they continue to want to collect big men who also can’t shoot the three winning the NBA finals which is the ultimate goal of any team in the sport I am simply looking at it going all right what do I have to do to get the Pistons on a roadway a pathway to playing in in in this series MH and whether it was the Celtics here whether whether it was the Nuggets last year whether it was the unbelievable run of the Golden State Warriors look it’s pretty established you have to shoot the three in the NBA Finals just to build the case a little more and then I’ll land the plane in each of the first three games you are averaging 73s taken per game between the two teams yeah and the Celtics are averaging a shade of over 40 of those okay here’s my question if you have to get to a point where you are taking and making more threes than your opponent which is analytics defined where you are a on a nightly basis plus 12+ 15 plus 18 from the three-point line what do I have to do if I keep Kade what do I have to put around him in order to make that happen so like I said Jim and I are not adversarial about this we just have a different way of looking at it I’m not mad if we extend Kate I understand he’s my best player okay thank you for the nuanced analysis people the point is you won 14 games number two he’s never healthy and number three over a three-year spread not one or three months he’s an awful three-point shooter so my question is if you see what’s on the big stage and look and I don’t want to minimize Dallas while they don’t take the level of three-pointers the Celtics do Luca Kyrie PJ Washington some of their role players I know you’re not seeing it from Maxi kba but good three point shoot shooting everywhere except the center position the Celtics it speaks for itself so my question is Rico hearing that stat in the NBA Finals plus 60 in three game there is a chance the Celtics could sweep the NBA finals and have outscored the Mavericks from the three-point line by 90 points in a Four game spread okay I mean that that is just an average of 22 and2 points a night you’re trailing because they’re taking and making more threes than you can possibly keep up with so if I keep Kate no you’re you’re right because last night as I’m watching and you know the Mavs had this big lead I was like yeah they won’t they won’t keep this this your Celtics are going to take this game and sure enough they did right because all they do analytics driven Jack three after three after three find the open guy look at a lineup That features Horford both Jays Derek white and Drew holiday all five guys can shoot the three all five now if I sign Cade already one of my guys really can’t and if I put Duren out there well now two of my guys can I got Ivy out there well three of my guys can Thompson four of my guys can’t so here’s here’s my point the the middle ground and I I talk talk to Jim about it off the air and I I I said look I’m I’m going to do this thing I understand Jim’s point and he’s he’s not wrong but the what Tran Langdon is going to be charged with to me is going to be nearly impossible you for all intensive purposes have to get rid of the entire roster the entire see roster if you’re going to keep Cade right and for me if you keep Cade it’s one of those it’s a purchase that you’re GNA end up regretting it’s your Trey young it’s your Zion it’s that guy that you were forced to resign and then you hope and pray they turn out to be good and and you look like a genius but you know deep down I’m gonna have to deal with this guy at some point and I need somebody to eat some of this salary because I can’t keep him around for the next five years because we’re not going to win with this person so if you keep Kate and James Edwards the athletic 99% he’s getting the max extension the five at what is it 220 plus incentives to 250 whatever it is fine what is your pathway to getting into the NBA Finals take me through that just real quick like what are the players I have to put around Kate Cunningham because here’s the other problem if you notice the Mavericks Luca is a Turn Style Kyrie’s a subpar Defender you know what the Celtics are doing on offense Luca hunts for fouls the Celtics hunt for matchups mhm and all they’re doing is finding Luca or dragging Lively away from the basket and they’re running three screens and engaging three players at the same time knowing Lively has to take one of them and they’re attacking I bring it up because kade’s not that good of a defensive player so when I start to look at what we need to build around okay Cade scores a decent amount of points in empty gyms in meaningless games all right cool I think Kade physically has the ability to get to the free throw line and be a physical guard that’s a positive but the negatives outweigh the positives when I am starting at the bottom I have to pay him like a max player and I have to in an expeditious manner put Talent around him before his representation Demands a trade I just would like to know what the pathway is and again if you don’t like the correlation or the relation I’m making between plus 63 from the three-point line in the NBA Finals to the Pistons tell me why because the sport is not changing guys it’s not you know Rico you always say toothpaste solid too so if these are the rules I have to play by it’s like the NFL I don’t think you get to play by I’m just not going to have a quarterback those days are done right so I wanted wanted to throw it out there and ask the question because I think the easy topic not a shot at Jim but the easy topic is you know clapping like a porpus and just saying what a great idea it is to sign him I I don’t know that that’s the case because I can’t keep Ivy I can’t keep durren I can’t keep assur Thompson I have to essentially liquidate Pennies on the dollar the entire last five years and then overspend on flawed players to bring them in to supplement what I’m trying to do you’re almost held hostage because they’re going to sign K but you already know before the ink is dry I am going to regret this deal because I’m now stuck with him and yeah I mean I look at once again Atlanta with with Trey young you don’t think that they really wanted to but they had to because he’s our guy we drafted him let’s see how far he can go Dian was going to be this great player didn’t he never wanted to be in New Orleans New Orleans was kind of forced I guess we got to resign him even though he doesn’t want to be here see you’re nailing something and this I agree with you people are have been lulled into what I think is a false argument the idea of a max player well it homogenizes what being a star is not every Star is equal give me an example Rico just broke brought up Trey young Trey young Steph Curry well they’re both max players well one is invariably different than the other including a tragic hairline but yet in the NBA the way it’s designed is Max’s Max Max’s Max I I I just think a lot of bad franchises hand out max deals to non-max players because as you put it Rico you become a victim of your own futility you become insecure and go well oh my God it’s my best player what whatever will I do can’t let him walk and you know what would the fans say and I got to do something so my question is oh I’m sorry oh David you about to say something please what I was going to say Mike it’s it’s it’s because of what you’ve always said that every rookie has gotten this extension and so every team I think out there thinks well when it’s time yes because if I don’t they’re never going to want to play for my team right so they they just hand it out like it’s candy but if I’m langon yes exctly I didn’t draft Kade y you know and again I unfortunately we we don’t know if Tran langdon’s a real person or a chat GPT creation I would how do we know that tran langon loves Kate Cunningham I don’t know what he thinks of him but if I were taking this over and my professional mortality was based on a guy who shoots sub 33% from three I don’t know that the first thing I’m doing when I walk in the door is handing him the better part of a quarter of a billion dollars see and where he comes from is key to that relationship because they dealt with Zion different situation sure it is but we don’t know how would he feel about giving it out again when they gave it out New Orleans right but at least when Zion feels like playing he looks like he’s worth the money for 10 games a year that that’s the other question look if you believe Kade can be an all NBA player you sign him because you need an all NBA player to win the NBA Finals you don’t believe me just go look I just I question the wisdom and again I don’t blame the writers I’m not mad at anybody I just I I kind of smirk at the whole like slam dunk of course their EXT really CU kad’s three years here I won a grand total of like 58 games and he played out of a possible 246 games he played like a hundred of them 138 right like I I just I don’t know guys I kind of factor those things in when I’m moving my family here and my entire life I’ll never get another job like this again if I fail I I I look at what look I’m watching the NBA Finals I know you’re not and I’m not mad about it you have to understand what we’re watching here and you have to show me the pathway to getting to that game last night yeah I don’t know how I’m doing that with Kade man when you only won 14 games and almost set the the NBA record everything’s on the table nothing is given nothing is guaranteed and this is truly one of those sell me this pen if I’m Trent sell me why I need to resign Kade right and again if you do which I’m not and Troy is not allowed to be in the room no and I’m not mad if they sign him I’ll go along with it what is the pathway and the roster composition have to be that if Kade doesn’t ever become a 37 38 39% three-point shooter in volume not not not not taking one or two in volume yeah what is the pathway to that cuz here I can tell you the first thing I have to do duren’s gone assur Thompson gone you have to do something that the fan base does not want to hear I’m not even gonna make you wait you got to gut this team and just say guys a lot of mistakes were made I wasn’t here for that we have to start from here and I think Lead You In a direction for the draft less than two weeks from now and I’ll tell you what it is next oh got him
How do the Pistons build toward making the NBA Playoffs? #pistons #nba #basketball
They are not getting to the finals . They would be lucky to get to the play in tourney in the next 5 years
The Pistons' pathway? Spirit Airlines…
The finals? Let’s start with the play in please 😂😂
Cade’s shooting shouldn’t be a concern, he attributed a lot of his early struggles to his season ending injury last year and just put up 35% this season (same as Jaylen Brown). You can call him injury prone but he’s had one year cut short to season ending surgery and plays 5-10 games less a season because we’re tanking for a pick. You 100% extend him and try to build a viable roster around him
What pathway?
pathway includes a vivid imagination and a crack pipe
I feel like this team can pull a Sacramento and just trade their good young assets and STILL resign Cade. If he wants out of Detroit while we're gathering assets and developing young talent (Which is what we should have been doing but haven't) THEN you can trade him. Just build around Cade and look for 2 way players not just shooters. I'd love for us to fire Monty and hire Chris Quinn to bring that Miami Heat Culture here to Detroit and focus on developing guys.
This franchise is horrible. I stopped caring
I Care more about the 90s Bulls
Cade is a piece….now we need 4 more. Tatum has his five pieces, Brown has his pieces etc Boston has a full piece of pie. The Pistons have only one so far let's get Cade more pieces to the puzzle. Then we can have this conversation.
One piece to the puzzle can only get us 14 to 15 wins. We need more talent facts Mike.
So you want to trade the one #1 pick that we actually got, that we havent built around adequately…for…picks that we always get screwed on in the lottery anyways and/or other unproven young talent worse than cade. Ok….
Who cares? Basketball died shortly after the 04 team. Just a 3 point contest now and not allowed to play D.
6:30 That's just nonsense!