Cursed image

  1. I can’t hold being born near LA against him. No one chooses to be born into evil.

    Now if he *wasn’t* from LA and still in Dodgers gear… That would be cringe.

  2. This reminds me of when Jalen hurts wore Astros gear to a press conference while the Phillies were playing them in the World Series lol.

  3. All I care about is what CJ does one the field in Texans gear, outside of that he can wear a banana hammock if he wants idgaf lol

  4. I’m in LA right now for the Dodgers/Royals series this weekend. Fingers crossed I run into him while I’m here.

  5. How dare he still root for the team he grew up being a fan of.. lol who cares. just win baby!!!

  6. It’s acceptable, he’s from the area. If he was representing the Rangers then that’s a different story.

  7. Nothing wrong with him wearing Dodgers. He is from California, and that’s perfectly alright. All I wanna see is what he does in a Texans uniform.


  8. I remember when Kapernick was seen at a party with a Miami Dolphins hat on while he was the QB for the 49ers

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