[NBA Central] Paul George and the Clippers are reportedly “not on the same page” in contract negotiations per @WindhorstESPN (Via @PatMcAfeeShow )

  1. Let another team have remorse for paying a guy who’s best performance is a vanishing act

  2. They can’t afford PG now. He made it to the finals he’s gonna command max. Fr fr. 

  3. I get the idea to play hardball, and they should, but when push comes to shove if so many other teams want him you have to max him and trade him later. You can’t let him walk for nothing when he’s in demand and considering what you paid for him.

  4. >“not on the same page”

    No shit, otherwise a contract would have been signed

  5. However you feel about PG, letting him walk does not benefit the Clippers at all. They’re over the cap with him, and they’ll remain over the cap without him. Letting him walk for nothing means the team has no cap space to sign any notable FA whatsoever and are left without PG’s production.

  6. PG haters gonna come in here with full force and stay stuff like “he poop and they’ll be better without him”

  7. I’ll believe it when I see him leaving,really doubt he leaves. New arena, friends, family, team can offer most money, he’s not moving to the other side of the country when he was 3 kids here especially. Sucks we have to max him but all this is negotiating that’s it.

  8. Ppl keep saying clippers have no leverage… they have some. It’s called being in LA. EVERYONE knows PG LOVES being in LA. Im guessing PG wants that 4th yr and clippers are only offering 3. So… is PG really willing to leave LA for let’s say Philly to get that extra yr? We will see. I personally hope he opts in and gets traded to where he wants to go if not philly or orlando.

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