Indianapolis Colts Projected to Lose Former Starting QB and More!
what’s going on it’s Elijah from Sports Talk Indie and we’re talking today about a predicament that the Colts have that’s kind of unique to them um in that they signed a lot of their own players and they also welcomed in some rookies but it means that they’re going to have to say goodbye to some key veterans and some guys who’ve had some big plays in their career with the Colts that it might be time to say goodbye to um all that and more on this video If you haven’t yet liked and subscribed or subscribed to the channel be sure to do that if you’ve watched a few of our videos and you decide that you want to be a part of the community you want to be here as the Colts Rise um back up to the top uh that we’re seeing if you believe in that be sure to like subscribe be a part of the community we would love to have you um but today we’re talking about three key veterans that the Colts are going to be saying goodbye to that might not seem like a big deal but honestly when you spent any amount of time uh with with a team like this I mean it is a big deal it is it is unfortunate so um we are talking about that this comes to us today from a toz sports in the first we’re going to talk about is uh Colts veteran quarterback uh Sam Ellinger now Sam Ellinger has been with the team um now since 2021 and if you remember you know to go back two years ago to the most hopefully forgettable season of all time you look at um the Indianapolis Colts and where they were and what we had to endure going through the Matt Ryan era having so many Prime Time games just absolutely ruined because uh of just bad a very bad football team injuries plagued but in that time Sam elinger was randomly promoted to starting quarterback and he honestly didn’t have terrible games um but I definitely think that we looked at that which it was that was the most can we just talk about how Bonkers that was uh of how they was promoted Matt Ryan was benched and it Frank Reich was fired Jeff Saturday was brought in I mean it literally felt like a circus for a season but in all of that we saw we got to see what s Sam Ellinger had and what he was made of uh and then fast forward to next season and Sam millinger wasn’t even the backup quarterback uh he was quarterback three Gardner M was the backup Anthony richon was the starter and so now I think in my personal opinion that it’s time to say goodbye to Sam minger um this is one that I feel very confident in saying uh ariva de and and goodbye to because I I just don’t think he’s got a spot especially when you look at kenin slavis Jason Bean um and I think both of those are like he says here both are real competition for Sam mellinger I would say that in my opinion and obviously you see it here uh K saas is probably the Clear Choice at at quarterback 3 but don’t be surprised if Jason Bean makes the practice squad or even makes it on the active roster we saw that before where he’s being brought in as not only as a quarter or as a quarterback but as a quarterback and wide receiver with there being more spots open for the wide receiver position don’t be surprised if he makes his way onto the roster as a wide receiver that could provide some really really fun Dynamic plays going forward into the future but all that to say I think Sam Miller’s time is done with the Indianapolis Colts and don’t be surprised if you see him on the list this is also his last year on contract um and so I think it’s just a natural time um to say goodbye to so the next one on this list is uh Mo alyx and Mo Cox has been with the colts for a long time um he’s had some really good plays with theiapolis Colts obviously this guy being an absolute freak of nature um I being 67 uh and just having some really really good hands Molly Cox is also battled a lot of injuries though and so with that you see is he worth the extra spot is the question then you have to ask yourself is this guy who’s going on his age 30 season is he worth the roster spot and in my opinion no especially when you look at the tight endend room that he has around him and the salary cap that he brings with him pause for a second on the salary cap that doesn’t matter if we’re not ever going to sign any free agents um like we’ve seen still waiting on that DB signing that everyone has promised it’s I don’t think it’s coming I think that they’re content with who they’ve got in the DB room and it doesn’t matter who’s going to get hurt or anything since then okay back to resume I don’t think that that Mo Cox has a spot on this offense going forward I think that this is a team that um has five really good tight ends and I think that kylin grensen I think if he can stay healthy he’s got a real shot um gelani woods I’ve said it before and I say it again I am a galani Woods believer I think galani Woods is going to have a really really good monster season but even you look further will mallerie had some good catches last year Drew ogal tree had some good catches last year all of these guys have come in clutch and it was all in the absence of Mo Cox and so I think when you look at his cap hit at $6.8 million or whatever that figure technically is I don’t think that Mo Cox has a shot but I also think that Mo Cox can be really dynamic in another offense you think of him in an offense like the Ravens offense that’s that could be really exciting and they could you know use him as a as a tight end to but when you look at specifically where the Indianapolis Colts are and do we need him I don’t think that he has a spot in this room going forward and again that would be really sad because I’ve lik Mo Cox again you like so many plays come to mind of so many like reach over the guy touchdown catches from Mo Cox and really he’s kind of collateral in this whole thing that we have uh which is that the the Colts don’t have the Colts have a unique situation and we see it every single year go like Sam Ellinger is going to appear on Graphics all throughout the season season of the amount of starting quarterbacks the Indianapolis Colts have had Mo Cox has been collateral in that and that he is played with Andrew luck Philip Rivers Carson Wentz jacobe brassette Sam Ellinger Matt Ryan uh Garner mchu he he played with with I I don’t remember if he even had a snap with Anthony Richardson but again these are guys that like he’s played with so many quarterbacks never having that consistency neheim Hines talked about it and just the difficulty of playing with a different guy every single year MO Cox has fell victim to that but I think he could still be really good on another team probably at a different cap hit okay so last one on our list for veterans that will probably not be making it to pass the cut time uh is Danny Pinter um Danny Pinter has been good at times and he’s been really really catastrophically bad at times um Danny Pinter he missed all of last season um due to an injury in training camp and the year before he was on that offensive line that looked like they had no idea how to block and I’m not saying I could block any better but I’m saying that if you threw me in that offensive line I might be able to do a half decent job um in comparison to where they are obviously that’s a joke um but Danny Pinter um he’s struggled when he’s asked to play guard um which is really difficult because the Colts need a guy who can play guard or Center and or guard or tackle they need some Dynamic guys in those those offensive line two spots they have their starting five and I think it looks good I think their starting five looks really really good especially you look at um big Q you look at Ryan Kelly all those guys BR Smith I’m excited to see him back from injury but I think you look at a guy like Danny Pinter and I think that it’s time is come and gone especially when you look at the PowerHouse that they signed in Tanner bortolini we talked about Tanner bortolini a couple videos ago but I think that that goes without saying that when you have a guy who can play comfortably at guard and center it’s probably time to put him uh in a position to to be able to Excel and to say goodbye to Danny Pinner again after the injuries and after what we saw when he did have to play a starting guard position um and you know even Matt Ryan and Sam Ellinger that whole season it looks rough it looks really really bad so I think you look at all that and it’s time to say goodbye to to a guy like Danny Pinner and these are guys that I think they’ve had their time as Colts Mo Cox is really the only one that I’d be really sad to see go um but again it’s just kind of like the natural e and Flow of NFL teams and especially as you get to this place uh in the season so those are the three let me know if there’s any more that you can think of that you think uh are going to be on the chopping block come this um come this you know regular season 53 man Drop um and yeah let me know if if you have any more in your head that you’re like these are guys that are going to go that are going to make your predictions in the comments below and we will see you on the next one
Indianapolis Colts Projected to Lose Veteran Tight End
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1 comment
I disagree… Sam knows the offense and always plays really good football in camp and preseason… I don't care who started the year Ryan was traded for the result would've been the same… I watched Slovis a lot in college and the guy had one good season and then sucked the rest of his career…