Anyone who uses IG, give coach a follow!

As the whole story unfolded about Bill’s new girlfriend, I went to her IG page to see what she looked like and then I curiously looked at her following page. And I what I uncovered was something I thought I’d never ever see. Coach Belichick had an Instachat account.

At first, I uttered, “Do my eyes deceive me?”. No verification check mark, only 119 followers (brand new account, TBF), and I was surprised by the username (well played, coach). But as I dug deeper, it turns out it’s (extremely likely) true, all of it.

Bill doesn’t follow his once private GF yet, he only follows one account so far, Berj Najerian, one of Bill’s closest friends and the Patriots “director of football / head coach administration” throughout his entire tenure in NE. Berj does not follow him back yet surprisingly, however, his new GF does, as well as his long-time verified foundation account (@belichickfdn). Bill also seems to be working on an official personal website, linked in the accounts bio. The website also uses the same photo as his profile picture.

After all the years of Bill seemingly be anti-technology, it is surreal too see him actually have a personal social media presence.

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