BIG Moves Coming… Friedman Reveals MAJOR Leafs Update | Toronto Maple Leafs News
some big moves are coming for the Tonto map Leafs as they are beginning to finalize their coaching staff surrounding Craig baru as they recently made a bit of a surprising move getting rid of a pretty prominent coach that was on their bench last season so we’re going to break that down in this episode of the Lea stest as well as Elliot Freeman he has come out and revealed that more moves are coming for the Toronto May police you want to stay tuned for all of that on this episode but before we do if you’re a part of the 80 or so percent who are not subscribed scroll down and hit that button for Darius and myself cuz it would mean the world as we’re on the road to 11,000 Subs now Darius lots of moves lots of reports are coming out and today we’re going to be focusing on a couple things that happened over the past day or so specifically regarding Craig bre’s coaching staff because this is kind of the final pillar before the the Leafs can hopefully start to move on to some bigger moves and we’re talking about G bue and this is a guy that LE fans weren’t a huge fan of at the end of last season and really his role kind of got changed we’ll discuss all that but report gush who was once a candidate for the Leaf’s head coaching spot in 2015 indicated he wanted consideration for the gig following the dismissal of Sheldon Keef and if you miss the news Kush is out of Toronto he won’t be joining Craig buub next year in his coaching staff and a lot of that the re the reason behind that seems to be a few different things but he wasn’t really considered for that coaching spot so Darius what are your thoughts on this move gibus is out and Craig baru is kind of starting to finalize his coaching staff and he only did one season as an assistant coach of the Leafs which was last year and the Leafs finished with the seventh best power play at 24% however in the playoffs scored just once and finished at 4.8% in the first round playoff loss to the Bruins as we know we’ll get into some of the other guys who are the leaps are going to be targeting in a minute but let’s get your thoughts on this one gi’s out yeah I can’t be too surprised especially that he didn’t get the uh head coaching position or even looked at for that I think with where the Leafs are at they just needed a new voice we talked about it at length that you know even if it wasn’t Craig baru it just had to be somebody knew so I I didn’t see them hiring somebody that was already on the bench and honestly I’m not sure if he even deserved there right and I’m not saying that he’s a bad coach right he’s taken teams pretty far before and obviously he’s you know famously known for the 131 uh style of play as well in Tampa so I’m not saying he’s a bad coach but the role he was put in in Toronto he was not able to succeed in and you know they were going to have to move on from him like we all kind of knew that this was coming it was just a matter of time I think that they were you know finally going to move on from him uh but yeah pretty interesting if some leans don’t remember he was considered for the head coaching job back in 2015 and you know obviously Mike Babcock got that instead he was the uh the number one coach at the time available G Bush did interview for the job but didn’t get it so pretty interesting that he did return to the Leafs but didn’t just didn’t work out in the role uh and we’ll talk about it later too the fact that he was in charge of the power play was kind of weird and it obviously struggled in the second half so hopefully that is not the case heading into next season so can’t say I’m too surprised about the fact that he didn’t get interviewed and is let go yeah we were hoping that he was going to be you know let go after getting put in charge of a power play that was really disastrous in the playoffs and I think he can have a good role on some team as kind of a a Vibes guy locker room guy not necessarily a strategic he was kind of thrown into the fire a little bit there so I’m not exactly sure why the leaf made that change but I’m sure they had their reason seventh best power play in the regular season so like in theory on the surface and we spoke about this a ton they had games where they were really good in the power play in the regular season games where they were bad but in the playoffs it was disastrously bad at 4.8% Like A fifth or six of what the actual regular season percent was and that goes to show that really the power play I think it’s a mix of you can’t put that all on GB because everyone on the team the offense in general was just way worse in the playoffs but they need guys who can or coaches at least who can help the players produce better I hate to say that but quite frankly it was a disaster the whole experiment and it looked okay in the regular season scoring every four power plays isn’t completely terrible but it was seventh in the league so pretty good percentage I don’t know top 40% and then to just fall off in the playoffs is brutal it does go both ways though like you said like yes it’s on the coaches to help the player succeed but also on the players you got to put the puck in the back of the net right so I’m hoping that with uh the new coaching staff they kind of put the players in a better position two succeeds try something new we saw it like time and time again I think they were one for 21 was the official stat in the playoffs they just kept doing the same thing and obviously it wasn’t working pretty uh Preposterous moves there so it’s going to be interesting moving forward what they’re going to do with that position because obviously the bench not just the bench but the entire coaching you know positions in Toronto are going to look very different next year we have an associate coach now we don’t know what that’s going to look like exactly until next season so should be pretty interesting but again not too surprised with the gbo shap front I’m sure he’s probably going to end up going somewhere somewhere else and finding success there just a weird fit in Toronto I think and he had like moments like you said like the power play was 50% in February right A lot of people forget about that that it was really good in February so the numbers are skewed too right like you said they fell uh a little bit they were higher up right after febr and and really tanked after that and into the playoffs so um have to take that into consideration to was very inconsistent yes it was red hot at one point but then you’re not scoring at other points so uh you have to figure that out and you need a new voice in there too yeah the drop off top 30% in the league to horrible last dead last in the league in the in the playoffs so let us know your thoughts on that and this is interesting now and again this is more info on bu by Elliot Freeman quote I think bu had indicated that if a coaching change was made he would like to be considered for the position I don’t know how seriously Toronto can it or if he was even a candidate and quite frankly he uh he wasn’t he was not a candidate this go through he was a candidate almost a de 10 years ago which is kind of crazy to think about now as a decade ago but yeah it’s not going to work out for Craig uh for gush maybe he’ll find himself somewhere else let us know in the comments down below but now let’s move on to some other potential spots that have opened so the Leaf’s bench take shape who will fill that last assistant spot we know that your associate Coach Lane Lambert they have Mike B Ryan who’s returning with the familiarity of Craig breay now the assistant coach spot is up for grabs Darius this one is going to be interesting Chris Johnson came out and said the Leafs are hiring one more guy and it looks like it’s between Mark SAR and Brian wsman or Brian wsman sorry Elliot Freeman has kind of come out and Mimi those same things in the past we covered a video a while ago uh a report that came out that it seemed to be Mark sard Brian wisman is now thrown into the mix I think sard makes the most sense for me right now I think it again I think it just works especially given who they have left in this spot yeah I think it’s Mark seard but I think the reason he hasn’t been hired yet is because like you just saw in the in the previous uh screenshot they’re doing their due diligence right they’re they’re doing the they’re doing the interview process right now like they did with the head coach right everyone kind of knew it was going to be Craig baru but it took some time they just wanted to see uh all their options so I think they’re doing the same thing I think it’s going to end up being Mark saard and that could be a good thing I liked what he did in the OHL when he coached there I like kind of what he was doing last year even though the Personnel wasn’t great um which I’m going to you know lend his uh you know none of the success that he had on the flames in the power play to the lack of personnel there so um I think he will find success here with his different systems and stuff and I liked a couple quotes we had a video on him too I liked a couple quotes he had where he said you know you really have to move the puck fast and just a couple things that he said that the Leafs aren’t doing right and I think they’ll find success uh with that so I think it’s just a matter of time personally I think it’s going to be mark sard and it could be this week and that’s very exciting because now you know once you finalize that we move towards the players right what’s going to happen with those moves so we’re very close here to finding out what’s you know what the entire bench is going to look like so that’s exciting yeah it’s been a long time coming that we’ve been I mean it started with Ben Ryan really same time as Lane Lambert and honestly they had Mark SAR here this is a pretty good um quad people that’s not the right way to put it it’s a good group of people uh and coaches like this is a lot of experience Craig breu Lane Lambert that’s a very veteran Duo uh behind the bench and who knows if he’ll actually be behind the bench cuz the associate R is very interesting but yeah let us know in the comments what your thoughts are on all of this gius is gone and like this guy said here Buu’s goat um as a defensive coach and motivator bu was fantastic but whoever made him change the power play should be fired I tend to agree with that it’s kind of what I said earlier so shout out to am 34 gloat but for that but that’ll wrap it up let us know what your thoughts are in the comments down below I think ultimately most fans agree bue wasn’t the best fit for the Leafs going in the next season I think a lot of it just has to do with the fact that they wanted a big change and a big overhaul this coaching staff and I’m happy they didn’t go with someone within but let us know that comments down below and make sure to subscribe button we’ll see you soon
Nick Gosse and Darius Domingues break down new reports circulating that big moves are coming for the Toronto Maple Leafs regarding their coaching staff, as well as discuss the Leafs making a move getting rid of one of their former coaches.
0:00 Leafs News
0:42 Guy Boucher
5:46 Who Joins Berube?
7:31 Coach’s Falling Intro Place
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Sad but good, power play and penalty kill was poor last season/post season
Berube is coach, he should be the guy choosing his own assistant coaching staff, and it is really that simple.
Boucher was HORRIBLE as a coach last year, a guy known for defensive schemes was handed the keys to the powerplay and tanked it
Since Cranberry left the leafs the power play went down the toilet
All the coaching staff should be gone.
Wasn't Boucher the one responsible for the power play that was so atrocious in the playoffs? Can't reward that. Yeah it's on the players to score, but if something's not working it's up to the coaches to change things up to get better results, and that definitely wasn't done in the playoffs.