[X/Hazel Mae] New look for Vladdy

  1. He may have been overheating. This could work, and also be slightly more aerodynamic rounding the bases. Slightly.

  2. I’m genuinely sad about the hair cut, the ~~dreads~~ locs were iconic. He looks good regardless, but the ~~dreads~~ locs were so Vladdy.

  3. I hate the hats flying off. There’s a reason for wearing those hats! Protect your head. Barger can’t keep his hat on either.

  4. I was hoping it would be a new uniform. Isn’t he marketable yet? Vlad Sr. needs to pull some strings to get his boy to LA.

  5. Next is for Springer to finally give in and shave his head and follow in Derrick White’s footsteps

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