He was the biggest niner fan I’ve ever known, and he made me a lifer. I hope we win it for him this year. Love you dad.
Sorry for your loss. Super Bowl losses aside, in his later years he got to see a team that 95% of the league (maybe all) was afraid of. Not bad for a fan!
So sorry for your loss.
this is why we love sports, brings us great memories, even emotional memories. i’ve got lots of memories with my mom who fell in love with the team. have a blessed day OP.
Sorry for your loss. I hope he left you the jacket.
I’m sorry for your loss
May god rest his soul. Condolences to your family. We’ll do it this year for your pops ✊🏽
My condolences. It’s hard losing a parent but losing a dad you bound over a sport team is difficult. My pop passed away 6yrs ago and we always had the Niners to root for. This past SB, I was getting emotional because I really thought we had it, and how much I would’ve loved to have him there next to me to enjoy….then we lost and I got emotional for other reasons. It’s a hard process, but with time it gets a little easier. You’ll have moments of sadness, anger, then you’ll start to have moments of pure happiness that you got to have such a great dad.
Sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss OP. That’s great you had niners fandom to enjoy together, I’m sure he’ll be right there over your shoulder each game this season
sorry for your loss brother. Niners for life.
I love that jacket. I’m sorry for your loss.
My condolences man.
Sorry for your loss. Go Niners
Sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss.
That being said, take some solace in the fact that your dad’s Niners drip was second to none.
I’m sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace. 😔
I hope you mean something like the bar exam.
Your dad had great tastes in jackets!
I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope that you have some truly great memories with him to revisit. You can tell him how our next SuperBowl win went in your dreams.
Sending energy. Losing anyone close to you is never easy. Remember the life, not the end. We have great team and a chance to get back to the big game. However, just appreciate you’ve already won the best game of all, the bond of a son and his father. Cheers brother.
Sorry for your loss. Super Bowl losses aside, in his later years he got to see a team that 95% of the league (maybe all) was afraid of. Not bad for a fan!
So sorry for your loss.
this is why we love sports, brings us great memories, even emotional memories. i’ve got lots of memories with my mom who fell in love with the team. have a blessed day OP.
Sorry for your loss. I hope he left you the jacket.
I’m sorry for your loss
May god rest his soul. Condolences to your family. We’ll do it this year for your pops ✊🏽
My condolences. It’s hard losing a parent but losing a dad you bound over a sport team is difficult. My pop passed away 6yrs ago and we always had the Niners to root for. This past SB, I was getting emotional because I really thought we had it, and how much I would’ve loved to have him there next to me to enjoy….then we lost and I got emotional for other reasons. It’s a hard process, but with time it gets a little easier. You’ll have moments of sadness, anger, then you’ll start to have moments of pure happiness that you got to have such a great dad.
Sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss OP. That’s great you had niners fandom to enjoy together, I’m sure he’ll be right there over your shoulder each game this season
sorry for your loss brother. Niners for life.
I love that jacket. I’m sorry for your loss.
My condolences man.
Sorry for your loss. Go Niners
Sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss.
That being said, take some solace in the fact that your dad’s Niners drip was second to none.
I’m sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace. 😔
I hope you mean something like the bar exam.
Your dad had great tastes in jackets!
I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope that you have some truly great memories with him to revisit. You can tell him how our next SuperBowl win went in your dreams.
Sending energy. Losing anyone close to you is never easy. Remember the life, not the end. We have great team and a chance to get back to the big game. However, just appreciate you’ve already won the best game of all, the bond of a son and his father. Cheers brother.
Sorry man.