Not long ago the Arizona Coyotes just dropped this statement. In regards to the land Auction.

  1. There’s three ways to do things, son. The right way, the wrong way, and the Alex Meruelo way.

    What’s the Alex Meruelo way?

    The wrong way but slower!

  2. *Puts on tinfoil hat*

    Meruelo had no intention of bringing back the Coyotes and was counting on this to unofficially sail away with a cool 1 billion in his pocket.

  3. And a fringe few were saying Bettman should’ve waited until the June auction result before deciding the fate of the Arizona Coyotes.

  4. Crazy to me that Arizona is the party that says no here. Honestly not sure what their angle is.

  5. Meruelo can blame Arizona all he wants but my understanding of this is even though he originally didn’t need a special use permit to bid on the land, he would have needed the special use permit before he would be able to do anything on the land if he won the bid.

    If Meruelo had any sense as a business man and if he was ever genuine about starting work on the arena the second he won the auction he would have already had a special use permit application that would be pending final approval after the final sale. (Arizona saying he’ll need the special use permit first leads me to believe that in Arizona he could have gotten the special use permit before the sale was finalized)

    Arizona knowing he doesn’t have a special use permit changed the rules on him but they can only do it because he hasn’t bothered with a special use permit.

  6. Play stupid games for years and win stupid prizes like this one! Brutal and sucks but that’s how it goes.

  7. Can we talk about how Arizona is forgoing millions , potentially billions , or $2b on the nose for schools ?

    Pick a number , or even a rage.  That sounds ridiculous. 

    Enjoy your billion, cause NHl franchise owners you will never  be again 

  8. For a guy whose second business was real estate development, something like this shouldn’t even be a thought for him. This should’ve been a formality.

    He is either a scammer who isn’t as wealthy as he says he is (until the NHL handed him $1B) or never had any intention of going through with it. Either way it was never happening.

  9. Here’s a free statement that is better than the hot air they just put out.

    “The Arizona Coyotes are extremely disappointed in the ASLD decision to cancel the land auction so close to its planned date.  The organization has followed every step required in order to purchase the site of our future arena.  The Arizona Coyotes and their owner Alex Merulo remain committed to seeing that NHL hockey return to the desert as quickly as possible.  Thank you for your continued and loyal support.”

  10. Does Murello have the rights to NHL hockey in Arizona, or is it just the Coyotes name? If the latter, just dump the previous name, find an actual owner with an actual arena, call them the Outlaws (it fits better here than in Utah), and embrace the return to Arizona hockey.

  11. “By cancelling the land auction, the state is forgoing.. potentially billions of dollars”

    Yeah, that definitely sounds like something that could’ve happened.

  12. You’re a shitty hockey club owner. No one wants to do business with you. You were voted out of your city. The NHL has went as far away from you they legally could cuz you were halfway into the time you had and the ball wasn’t even rolling yet. And maybe your state doesn’t want to do business with either.

  13. I have no clue whether the AZ government did something unethical or illegal here but all I know is that the inconvenience and embarrassment this caused couldn’t have happened to a nicer asshole than Meruelo

  14. This will cement Meruelo as the biggest POS to ever walk the desert. Yotes fans will hate him from now to eternity.

  15. “Hey ASLD, I’ll give you 100mil of the 1bil if you tank this auction for us so I can walk away and your the bad guy”
    “Say no more”

  16. I know he still has 5 years to bring back the Coyotes but what happens after the 5 years?

    Does the NHL regain the name? Does it revert to Utah? Are we just never allowed to refer to them?

    Will it be like how we currently have Nordiques merch and Whalers merch but no Thrashers merch.

  17. Hey, Utah is technically a desert, so hockey is already in the desert! Get fucked Merulo!

  18. He wants to have the coyotes in Arizona, it gives him gambling rights for casinos. It is very clear, however, that the state of Arizona has zero interest in working with Alex Muerelo. None at all. I don’t think this is a hockey problem, the dude seems shady AF and has burnt all his bridges in the area.

  19. Time for me to pull my Nordiques sweater out of the closet. Just kidding; I WISH I had one.

    But the Utah Nordiques had a nice ring to it.

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