San Diego Padres vs Washington Nationals [Today Highlights] June 26, 2024 | MLB Highlights

presentation of the San Diego Padre’s one of a three game set coming your way and an opportunity for the Padres to alongside of Mike pomerans and I tell you what it’s been a great homeand for this really tough Hall when you drop five in a row you want to do something with a spark able to Padre’s with the flare for the dramatic in this series and it really is all game one just flicks this ball out to the warning track P at his gesturing so in game two first at B Kar Ru the cast ball on the foot but both teams have been worned but McKenzie G the pitcher was not been such an emotional roller coaster for these clubs I said by the way that grand slam because the final score in yesterday’s ball game is 9 to worth this series you can only imagine what’s going to happen today now jxon proar as you you know I like to play baseball that’s me you know yesterday after after that celebration I I don’t really care about those stuff and then you get yes what did you think and we we have a really good team and we We Got Each Other’s back yesterday like I said they told me that he was one thinker say something to you too before the first AB yeah but it wasn’t it was care do you think that like you said last night that you kind of let the emotion was trying to come through for my team welcome through he did of the San Diego Padres we got some chirping going on at home play lined right down towards the corner the pole fashion as the Padres continue their hot stretch at home with a nine Nationals and the San Diego Padres baseball presented by Major League Baseball it was very exciting and I tell you what the Ruiz chirping Manny tries to be the punches were thrown pieces made built wasn’t want anything to do about it game last night that the Padre’s needed him up for jerks and wraps it around start let’s punch his ticket for the there’s no place like home first runs and then after it’s all said scanland joins us the O Padres by here s tquan Casino Resort official Casino scandin Don thank you so much things ruffled some national feathers when it’s cleared here’s what jeren had to say about that there were players up about those stuff know you can you know I got to be smart and I love it I love it we have a really good team and we to bring the heat again and Dyan seats is they want an injection no that his man jks in Pro fire the plate fun night of the year and the Nationals as Dylan ABS leading it off with Lane Thomas in Nick senzel is at third Dylan CE on the mound today for the eighth into righties for CE into the Lefty seven with the slide presented by Val VI Casino doing the catching for CE he’s in the first pitch of this one pitch all three games and Johnson that’s a good way to start Dylan CE ni wouldn’t it yes straight away on Thomas who two for six two pitch pitchers in the wind up play some music two swords right the bad hacks from the hitters so was own and two and and the first base runner to reach today time through the order the first AAR and the opponent hitting nearly well the one thing that Dylan has been working on between Outside Inside middle also another thing working on more Winker with a swing two strikes to Winker with Tom 314 and a swing and a miss vintage Dylan cease and heers there goes at first a swing and a miss the throw down there that they do Lanning [Applause] [Music] certainly earned it did not score in the top of the first to face DJ Herz getting the left-hander featured by the netzel plays the high hop and there’s out number DH Conor at second K getting L for Manny Machado W it’s a fat change box Machado at first and here see what happens here today in game three talk about guys having good home stay 11 for 25 with two home runs and S he’s there to make the catch bill of the cap High presentation of the San Diego Padres one of a three game set coming your way and an opportunity for the padr to alongside of Mike pomerans and I tell you what it’s been a great homand for this really tough Hall when you drop five in a row you want to do something with a spark able to Padre’s with the flare for the dramatic in this series and it really all game one just flicks this ball out to the warning track at his gesturing so in game two first at bat Kar Ruiz the cast ball on the foot but both teams had been warned but McKenzie G the pitcher was not been such an emotional roller coaster for these clubs I said by the way that grand slam because the final score in yesterday’s ball game is 9 to7 worth this series you can only imagine what’s going to happen today now JX and pro far as you you know I like to play baseball that’s me you know yesterday after after that celebration I I don’t really care about those stuff and then you get yes what did you think and we we have a really good team and we We Got Each Other’s back yesterday like I said they told me that he was one say something to you too before the first AB yeah but it wasn’t it wasn’t care do you think that like you said last night that you kind of left the emotion I was trying to come through for my team welcome through he did presentation of the San Diego Padres we got some chirping going on at home but lined to right down towards the corner the pole fashion as the Padres continue their hot stretch at home with a nine Nationals and the San Diego Padres baseball presented by Major League Baseball it was very exciting and I tell you with the Ruiz chirping Manny tries to be the punches were thrown pieces made buil wasn’t want anything to do about it game last night that the Padre’s needed him up for jerkson wraps it around start let’s punch his ticket for the there’s no place like home the first 20 runs and then after it’s all said B scanland joins us he had the O Padres by S tquan Casino Resort official Casino scanland Don thank you so much things ruffled some national feathers when it was cleared here’s what jeren had to say about that there were players up of all those stuff you can you know I got to be smart and I love it I love it we have a really good team and we to bring the heat again and Dyan SE they want an ejection no jks in Prof far at the pl fun night of the and the Nationals as Dylan Abrams leading it off with Lane Thomas in Nick senzel is at third Dylan CE on the bound today for the eighth into righties for ceas into the Lefty seven with with the slide presented by valy View Casino doing the catching for CE he’s in the first pitch of this one pitch all three games and Johnson that’s a good way to start Dylan cees us wouldn’t it yes straight away on Thomas who two for six two pitch yeah pitch in the wind up play some music two SWS right the bad hacks from the hitters [Applause] so was own two and and the first base runner to reach today time through the order the first eight and the opponent hitting nearly well the one thing that Dylan has been working on between Outside Inside middle also another thing working on more Winker with a swing two strikes to Winker with Tom look at 314 and a swing and a miss vintage Dylan SE and heers goes at first a swing and a miss the throw down there that they [Applause] do certainly earned it did not score in the top of the first to face DJ Herz getting the left-hander featured by the netzel plays the high hop and there’s out number DH corworth at second Kim getting line for Manny Machado about it’s a fat change box Machado at first and here see what happens here today in game three talk about the guys having good homee 11 for 25 with two home runs and and he’s there to make the catch bill of the cap High for [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Music] strong

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San Diego Padres vs Washington Nationals [Today Highlights] June 26, 2024 | MLB Highlights

San Diego Padres vs Washington Nationals
Washington Nationals vs San Diego Padres
Nationals vs Padres
Padres vs Nationals
Washington Nationals
San Diego Padres
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Washington Nationals highlights
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Padres highlights today
San Diego Padres Highlights

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