this off season the New York Rangers could be a very active team looking to sign some guys in for agency make some trades or be active at the draft as well which is definitely a possibility so in today’s video we’re going to take a look at three New York Rangers trade candidates three players who could possibly get traded off this roster and kind of talk about what they could possibly get in return what their value is looking like how good of a player they are and why they should or should not be moving as well what could possible deals could happen for these players so starting off here the first guy we’re to talk about is coo kako this is a very interesting player here cuz he is in the former second overall pick hasn’t quite lived up to the expectations of a second overall pick but I think it’s still been a solid player obviously he’s been been a decent player took a bit of a step down from the 2022 2023 season to this past season that just ended didn’t have a great year there dealt with some injuries just didn’t play the best overall and did not take that big step up in his game like a guy like Alexi AA frer did so could we see kokako traded I think he is probably the most likely player on the ranges to be moved this off season and he definitely could be kind of you know enticing for some other teams to kind of go up there and Buy Low on a guy like cocko there and possibly pick him up for relatively cheap you whether is a draft pick or a prospect or decent you know kind of young player swap there we’ll have to wait and see but either way a team who looking to buy low one guy coo there to get a so pretty solid talent in there just obviously has not lived up to the expectations of a second overall pick and one trade for caco that I do think makes quite a bit of sense for the Rangers and for the Winnipeg Jets possibly is coo cako alongside the 30th overall pick in this year’s draft going to the Winnipeg Jets for Rucker mcgi a former first round pick who was a very talented Prospect we’ll take a look at his stats in a second plus maybe a fourth or fifth round pick that kind of sweeten the deal there a bit for the Rangers but this could be a decent value for both sides there there have been quite a few rumors kind of going around about the Jets trying to possibly trade away a guy like Rucker mcgi so if you were to get traded obviously the Rangers would make a lot of sense as well and Rucker is a forward who is quite versatile there as experience at wing and at Center spent the last two seasons with the University of Michigan putting up some phenomenal numbers this past season ended up having 36 games played 16 goals 36 assists for 52 total points also played for the world juniors the u20s the last couple years being the captain this year nine points seven games played there five goals not too bad and the previous season back in 2022 2023 with Michigan ended up having 39 games played 18 goals 21 assists 39 total points so had a point per game and also had a point per game at the world juniors where he had seven games played and seven points so overall he’s a very talented forward he’s the first tall guy can play wing and Center possibly at the NHL level and I think overall could be a perfect kind of guy to possibly go alongside ker in Advantage ad on that right wing side there he is a very talented playmaker so could be a decent fit alongside them I mean had double the assist that the goals this past season so that could be a pretty good playmaker to add alongside two good goal scorers in cder and zanette and with Chris jury being the general manager of this Rangers team we know that the Rangers like to go after their us you know born guys there the US ntdp program guys especially and danam Muse one of the assistant coaches from this past season who obviously Peter lavet kind of hired there to be a part of his staff he was formerly before he got you know signed by the Rangers there or hired by them he was actually the head coach with us ntdp you Juniors there where a guy like r played a couple of Seasons under a dam there who was the assistant coach now for the Rangers so it makes a lot of sense there there Rangers connection there with jury and obviously danam Muse and if a guy like Daniel liked obviously coaching a guy like Rucker there there could be a decent little trade possibility here for the Rangers and the Winnipeg Jets to make but getting back to Capo kako now I still think he is a good player I don’t think he’s a bad player by any means but if the Rangers can possibly you know use cocko in that 30th overall pick to go up there and get a guy like Rucker plus a mid to late round pick there that might not be a bad idea at all who’s a guy who could obviously make an impact at the exra level right now who’s cheap has a good upside there as well I mean he’s got a top six upside to be a very talented player at the NHL level put up some phenomenal numbers with University of Michigan and obviously they could also potentially use guy coaco there and the 30th overall pick to just move up in this draft maybe they use like kako in the 30th overall pick and get up you know 10 12 spots eight spots whatever it is I don’t know exactly what it’ be but you know move up in this draft possibly to get a better higher tier Prospect and what they get at pick 30 while saving $2.4 million in cap space to go with there and sign some other players or possibly get a guy like you know Brandon othman who could be a nice fit there on that third line and take the spot of Copo there you know save about $1.5 million in cap space that might not be a bad move at all or we could possibly see like a young player swap as well someone in like kind of cocko situation there who’s hasn’t lived up to expectations maybe and looking for a move there maybe we could see a young player SW with kcko and another player and the next trade candidate I have here fourth of New York Rangers is Ryan lingren I think he could possibly be moved away and if he were to be moved away I’ll be okay with it as long as it’s for the right value back in turn he is a fairly Valuable Player he is a really good defensive defenseman there not an elite one but a very solid defensive defenseman very tough player he’ll block shots he’ll hit he’ll scrap a bit he’s very just tough and physical player for the most part and definitely not afraid of much you know he’s definitely a good team player there in that sense he’ll block shots he’ll battle in front of the net they’re battle in the corners he’s a very tough player and I think could overall be a pretty good player to trade away possibly now I don’t necess want to see it happen but if were to happen as long as we’re getting the right value back in return I could be okay with it he’s probably going to make on his next contract something around a $4 million cfit he is an RFA right now so he’s going to get a contract at some point this off season if he does get signed it’s probably going to be something around $4 million per season and if the Rangers were to trade him away I think he’d be a fairly valuable player to most teams out there it kind of depends on the team obviously but he is a true you know top four caliber defenseman a more defensive guy obviously than an offensive player very tough physical player good team guy on the ice as well and I think it’d be a good fit for most teams out there he’s going to make about $4 million so if range can trade him away for you know maybe it is just a first round pick or something like that you get off that kind of money there you don’t have to pay a guy like gling 4 mil and you also trade away a guy coaco right there that 2. you know 6 mil and you know the four M you’d have to pay guy linger there who obviously eat it in your your cap space right now and that 2.4 extra coming off the books that would be about enough to sign a guy like Nikita zador out there who’s probably going to make you know that you 5 and a half mil range something around there maybe up to six at the very very most I don’t think get more than that but something around like kind of 5.5 mil Mark maybe a little less or a little more and you also would have enough room there to pretty much call up a guy like Brandon off in there to put him on the cap there as well and have a guy zadorov signed those two players their Offman and zadorov would be about what lingren and kak would make next season so that might not be a bad move at all there if they can get a first round pick there kind of replenish some of the prospect pull there and also you know kind of replace guy lingren there with sedora to pair alongside a guy Adam Fox that might not be a bad move at all for the Rangers there so definitely a lot of moves they could make but trading away gu linger would definitely not be the worst idea in the world and now the third trade candidate that I have for the New York rang is to PA to be trade away this off season and that is none other than Captain Jacob trouba he’s making $8 million right now for this year and the next one as well and I think if we could possibly trade him away it would not be a bad idea at all there is obviously the possibility of a biot as well which wouldn’t be the most expensive thing in the world for a bio it is a $4 million capit for the 2024 and 2025 season this year coming up and the next one after that and the two years after that starting in 2026 2027 and 2027 2028 is a $2 million capit for those Seasons so four mil for the next two ones and then 2 mil for the next two after that so wouldn’t be the most expensive thing in the world there at all but it definitely would be a little more than what we’ like to see and if we could trade him away or Poss just you know retain half on him there have that four mil cap it for this season and next and then obviously not have to worry about that kind of anything going after that cap it wise with a bio that would not be a bad idea at all but in general there he’s not going to be some guy who we can just wave and get off for nothing like we did with bar clay gdo who ended up you know getting waved and the Sharks picking him up for absolutely zero assets which I’m kind of shocked about I figured they’d get something in return because you take a look at what the Sharks just actually did and I know they’re obvious trying to get up to the cat floor and stuff like that but the Sharks literally just picked up a bad contract or not great one for a draft pick who has pretty similar cap at there 3.4 million cap fit for the next two seasons Bar Le Dro was at like 3.64 for the next three and they ended up getting a second round pick in this year’s draft number 53 overall for Jake wman who is a you know all right defenseman maybe a little more expensive than what You’ like to obviously pay him but that’s pretty surprising there they ended up getting a second round pick 53 overall for Jake wman there but didn’t get anything at all for bar cro who’s on a worst contract I think barlay is a fine player he’s won two Stanley Cups they were trying to get to the cat floor there you know good veteran guy obviously had a good playoff R this year but in general I think barley Joe’s contract is probably worse than Jake wallman’s which you know them getting a second round pick for wman there good for them I think that’s a good deal for the Sharks but obviously getting nothing for Bar C drill was a little surprising to me so in general there I think troop was going to cost a decent amount to get off of it’s not going to be too cheap but if we do retain you know half that money or at least you know like 25 % you know you have like 2 mil or something like that off that contract it would be a little cheaper it might not cost too much to get off of especially if it’s a team you know like these Sant sharks for example who have a lot of cap space available are in kind of a a rebuilding mode but trying to get out of that maybe a guy Trooper there could be a good kind of leader tough player to add into the back end there and provide some solid stability so there are options here though for the Rangers you know whether they want to buy him out trade him away trade him with some retained money on him there are a lot of different options we could possibly see you know trading him away is probably going to cost an to whether a prospect a pick or or one of each it’s going to be a decent amount there it’s not going to be for nothing I can’t imagine and I really do think though that getting him off of the the books there opening a lot of cat space could really help this team kind of compete here for the next couple years before we have to pay a guy like you know La forer next off season or whether it is you know eigor this off season and obviously his money will kick in you know next season in 2025 2026 they’re going to be some guys who we going to get more expensive in the next couple years here you know kandre is going to need a new deal fairly soon there are a lot of guys going to need new money here and getting off of trouba’s money here and trying to compete and have a better chance of winning a cup by opening up cast space and getting rid of trouba there could really help this team at a ton but obviously there is a chance where we come in next season with trole on the books there which is not the worst thing in the world I mean obviously he has nowhere near worth 8 mil but he can be a serviceable you know bottom pairing defenseman at times he’s a solid leader it seems like in the locker room I’d imagine and can play that tough physical role sometimes it can cost us yes but the penalties in general there he’s a decent B and pairing guy and definitely at moments can be a pretty solid player for this Rangers team but obviously they did not have a great playoff run there and has been a liability of moment so there’s the good the good and the bad with trouba there a little more bad at moments than good but for the most part he can be a solid serviceable defenseman in the NHL just nowhere near worth $8 million anyways thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed this video please smash the like button it helps with the channel a ton I would really appreciate it if you are a New York Rangers Fan don’t forget to subscribe for daily New York Rangers content I post every single day and also comment down below your thoughts on possibly trading away Jacob trouba coo cako and or a guy like Ryan lingren as well but would you want in return and what would you be willing to trade away these guys thanks for watching I’ll catch you in the next one see you

New York Rangers front office should be very active this offseason in free agency, at the draft, and throughout the rest of the offseason looking to make moves to make this team better than what it was last season. Rangers are a very good team who won the Presidents Trophy last season and also made it to the Eastern Conference Finals 2 of the last 3 seasons.

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  1. Would be awesome to get that Rutger McGroarty kid somehow. We need to trade Kaako while he still has perceived value. If he has another season like last year, we won't be able to trade him for a new ice machine.

  2. "IF" the Rangers make a trade it's going to be a multiple player deal, which I honestly don't see happening, nor have I heard any legit rumors regarding that over the past week or two.

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