Kel’el Ware Introductory Press Conference | June 28, 2024
e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e hey Rob thanks for the reminder it all right I’ll see you in a b see I’m not going to uh say uh okay uh other than uh you know they always say and and I’ve stole this quote from somebody else because 10,000 other coaches probably stole the same quote you know it’s just the way it is and that a journey of a Thousand Miles starts with your first up and we want to welcome uh uh Kil to this first step with the Miami Heat and his next Journey uh in the NBA uh we feel you know very fortunate that we were able to get the specific uh player that we wanted uh that we think uh can compliment our team compliment bam you know Adam Simon you know all of the the people involved in in our Eric Amsler you know Keith Askins you know C camera you know this name kept popping up all the time in front of me and the videos kept coming uh the workout was was exceptional the day that uh that he was here and we never ever deviated from where he was on the board so you know whoever was there or or whatever it was we were committed and and so I just want to introduce you to uh who I hope is going to be a player one day that will you know had the career of a Lifetime right here in Miami from that standpoint so I will no longer open my mouth and welcome thank you thank you appreciate it may appreciate I’m gonna get out of your way now it’s all on you kle since we spoke to you on draft night bam was in here yesterday and he mentioned how he’s looking very forward to having you at his side something you had mentioned on draft night to hear that from bam does that encourage you does that put pressure on you and what are your thoughts have you had any contact with bam and just your thoughts of going big big with you and Bam no that definitely it doesn’t put a lot of pressure on I would say it encourages me you know just to you know get get more energy in me get better because you know of the player that he is so I would say it definitely encouraged me to you know get better that way I will be like be able to be by his side so Tim Reynolds with the Associated Press welcome appreciate it thank you can you sum up these last 36 hours and what it’s like to have a guy that knows a little bit of ball like Pat Riley sitting next to you and saying good things about you how how just how crazy has this first NBA experience been for you uh it’s been crazy but I’m enjoying it you know especially like you said to be around and talk to Pat Ry he’s been he’s been around for he’s been around for me so I’m I’m I’m going definitely use this year my next year and have along I’m here to you know soak everything up like a sponge and learn from him the best way that I can and from you know coach SP so welcome to Miami um appr you’re you’re get right into it now travel to the West Coast in a few days what do you hope to take from this next three weeks of summer league and practices and workouts just with with the heat anything that they can teach me and you know help me learn to be a better person and a better player welcome Cooper Morehead um when you’re going through the draft process you could be taken by a team in very different stages of of where they are as far as competing and you’re joining a franchise that wants to compete every year and they also are known for their player development program so I’m just curious as to what it means to you that you’re with the heat and what do you think you can get out of this organization I mean just like you said that this is the organ organization that loves to compete and you know loves to play spot for me to to be able to you know push me like past my limits to push me past that wall to be the best player that I can be on the court so hi C welcome I have a fan question for you um the fan wants to know what your impression of heat culture is and how you think you’ll fit in I feel like I’ll be able to fit in you know nice you know I I I don’t feel like it’ll be anything crazy I mean I’ve been you know I’ve been loving the fans so far you know just by like looking at the media and and things like that so I feel like I’ll be able to fit in nice I’m I’m loving it already so yeah C you talked about your game kind of developing college is there anything you feel uh maybe you haven’t showcased yet in college that you look to maybe use a little bit more in the NBA uh I would say that I’m I’m able to put the ball on the floor a little bit more you know attack Defenders off the dribble so I’m looking to Showcase that question your transition from Oregon to Indiana you went there with a coach who we see in the room and what did he teach you or what did you learn about becoming a pro in that year at Indiana uh that it’s always it’s always more in the tank that I can always you know push past and to always give more cuz it’s it’s never really with me he always told me it’s never really like where my my skill set stops at it’s always more that I can you know prove and more that I can put on the floor and to you know be able to perform better so that’s what you tell me staying uh with your college experience you’re a freshman you’re at Oregon I know probably didn’t go how you expected but how do you feel like you grew from that experience organ helped me grow mentally I would say it it definitely helped me grow you know mentally stronger and you know mentally older quicker just having to go through that adversity that I had to go through at Oregon and you know just being there that whole year so you know I think organ for that just for helping me you know grow mentally stronger so this year I’m sure you’ve seen it by now obviously they gave Hae a pretty good opportunity right away and that’s just another example of if you’re ready they’re going to find a spot for you in the rotation how how nice is that to know that it’s kind of up to you now that they don’t they’re not going to have a rookie sitting around just because if if you’re ready they’re going to put you out there how nice is that to know I mean that’s lovely to know all you got to do is just put in the work and like hame did and I’d be in the right position that I need to be in so there a lot of lot of differences between the college and the and the program and I know Indiana you got a lot of post touches not as many Post post-ups in general sometimes in the NBA how how do you think your your offensive game is going to have to develop and project in terms of the NBA system I mean if you know if the the opportunity is going to be where it said then I’m going to be on the floor with you know bam hero uh Butler and so uh you know those guys are already scored and especially you know me going to my rookie season I’m just going have to find that role and whatever role I need to do to be able to you know stay on the floor that’s what I’m going to do so what what are your initial impressions of a coach SPO and the coaching staff here in Miami I no just by meaning them so far I love them already so you know everything you know they’ve been telling me just talking to them you know getting to know him more so questions all right thank you thank you much appreciate y’all for coming out CL e e for
Kel’el Ware speaks to the media Friday afternoon for his introductory press conference at Kaseya Center.
#NBA #Basketball #NBABasketball #MiamiHEAT #HEATCulture #HEATNation
11:34 start
Press conference starts at 11:35 🙏🏿
Super excited for this rookie to show what he can bring to the table.
Very excited to see this kid develop and hopefully become another young building block for us. Go Heat!!
I wish we didn’t trade our second round pick down for cash, the Hawks got the better 2nd rounder