[Stein] “It was a crazy day. But at the end of the day I always knew I wanted to end up (with New Jersey).” – Brett Pesce

  1. I appreciate him saying this because the Rags fans I know have been melting down for like an hour because of this after saying no one wants to come to New Jersey.

    And yet multiple people have signed long-term extensions, bought into the culture here, multiple free agents have signed here, and people who have left here have said nothing but nice things about New Jersey when they leave.

    Really makes you think. 🤔

  2. Pesce seems like a really cool dude. Seemed so jovial and happy in this interview and I feel like that is so good for our locker room too. He’ll be a great fit. I’m excited!

  3. Fucking weird having players actually want to sign here now lol. I’ll take it tho

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