obviously you guys kicked off some of Le practices yesterday you know what what have you guys been able to do the the last two days for these guys just kind of put in a base understand of our principles and you know who we are and how we do things and just like instilling the fact that like we just want to continue to winning habits that and the culture that we have here so just kind of getting freshened up on you know how we are as magic how point is it to establish that base with a rookie electric like Tristan you know kind of his first exposure to like working with te very important I think once you put in your base Foundation of understanding then it’s easy to build from there so like we don’t want to miss the skip steps and Miss situations so uh putting that base Foundation of who we are and how we do things is important what a shout out to you about his play and practice Tristan’s play I think he’s a very good player I think he he’s he’s very smart and um he’s willing to adjust to whatever’s going on and I think he’s going to be very good he’s going to be good the biggest development you this off seon from both ab and Chad um so far just more communication using their voice more and uh being willing to help others and because they’re getting a better understanding of the system and how things run so uh they’re taking steps forward in leadership which is important how important is that experience you know they’ve been through summer league before how much how much important importantance is that experience and just maybe being comfortable in what’s being expected of them from it’s big it’s big because now you know what’s coming forward you know what’s ahead of you and you can also share with the younger guys that are trying to make it as well so um it’s a good opportunity for them to have a have a uh understanding of what’s coming but also how they can prepare themselves for it as well you guys have a little bit of exposure to them from from last season what do you want to see from from a jet as you guys as you guys go through practice and get to Vegas and play just being ourselves enjoy the game have fun and um there’s no stipulations to this it’s just a matter of just doing what we do sticking to our basic some principles and being who they are all three guys today talked about the importance of Defense something you worked through today uh just you know to earn playing time for the magic organization just how critical is it to to be fluent on that end of the floor ah it’s very critical I mean that’s what we stand for that’s that’s what we do so uh that would always be the foundation of what we do and we’ll start there and uh these guys know how important defense is to our organization and like you know today I told them defense is what wins championships so we want keep building in that way and we want to keep continuing to create those habits and and that’s our culture so we’ll definitely be there for that the opportunity to serve as the head coach of the summer league Squad what does that mean to you uh it’s a great opportunity uh I’m thankful for the opportunity this the organization has been great to me and I’ve been here uh for some time now and to have an opportunity to to lead and share and you know help these young guys is what it’s all about for me so I’m thankful good everyone make it make it through okay today yeah everyone made it through we’ll see tomorrow but today they made it through all right thank you guys appreciate than you guys you know second second day of summer league action for you guys you know what what have you guys been able to take out of the first few days of summer practice um just learning the concepts uh you know we got a we got a lot of guys who aren’t in our program so uh first day we went over offense today we went over defense so um yeah we got got the basics down uh yeah we’re going from there mentioned the new guy what are your first impressions of just now that you get to go through practice with him oh yeah I mean just a good teammate um really knows how to play uh with and without the ball has a good IQ and uh yeah just I’m I’m ready to play with him going forward and and especially in summer league played in almost 70 games last year 33 strs you know what are you looking to Showcase next year now going in your sophomore league with some experience under your belt uh yeah just some uh some more aggression um you know get into the paint making plays and then uh on the other side of the ball just just continuing to to take pride in defense and uh and just doing uh small stuff to to help the team and I will say jet did say that you guys have been locked in for a month and a half this summer being in here every day they said this is the best you Senor offensive game so far that standpoint where do you feel like offensively you’ve thrown this off season um just getting back to playing off of two feet uh like I did a lot really my whole life um just finding my way to the paint and uh using my size and physicality once I get there and then and then uh from there just just making plays in the paint for sure what do you want to get out of Sumer League this time around uh just just reps honestly um it’s always fun to compete uh play basketball games so uh you know like jet said we’ve been working for the last couple months and uh it’ll be fun just just going against other players instead of just like our coaching and stuff like that what you learned last year is different approach this year or how uh I wouldn’t really say different approach uh I’m going still try to come in and just just play super hard and and affect the game in in a lot of ways but um definitely come in with more like with more of like a calm head space and and uh I feel like I kind of have a good feeling now of what’s coming up for sure how how does preing for summer when just your feel feel different so much is just a matter of confidence like like you said uh for sure um uh just having gone through it once makes it a little bit easier to to come in here and get ready for it again but uh yeah I mean uh just feel like we’re getting a lot better all three of our our new younger guys we’re all getting better so uh yeah it should be fun how much do you feel like your leadership skills are going to be tested during this week with you being the veteran of the group I wouldn’t really say tested I say more like uh I guess it’s going to be on display a little bit more um you know you should should see me with the ball a little bit uh kind of just telling my teammates where to go talking to my teammates on both ends so uh yeah I mean happy to show that for sure kind of along kind of along those lines you know summer league can struggle with organization so many new guys just getting used to the system how much as a point guard do you take that on as a challenge to get the team organized the spots Go I mean that’s that’s really a sole responsibility uh I mean you have the ball in your hand it’s it’s your job to command the floor and get everybody in the right position so uh definitely taking this time to work on that and and keep sharpening that too for sure does it feel weird at all that you’re no longer a rookie I know jet talked about that he’s like mentoring who’s older than of you yeah no I’ll say it feels good not weird definitely good feeling uh yeah but we’re we’re going to take care of Tristan for sure and uh yeah we’re going to make sure he has a smooth Brookie year you feelm um since last summer I I’ll just say probably my physicality uh on the offensive side and defense really um just just getting back to that confidence sense of of like just going at people and uh just being physical for sure that’s that’s definitely where we’ve been working the most and uh where I feel like I’ve grown what have the coaches asked you to kind of work on or focus on in somee kind of culminating maybe in some um for sure being aggressive uh getting past my man off the dribble uh kind of like like I used to do and um another thing is transition um just trying to get to the rim and transition get to the pain and make plays from there appreciate you all us through what you guys were able to take us through what you guys were able to do in one of your first summer league sessions uh we was just getting familiar with one another um you know me trist and ab all trying to you know build that camaraderie and comfortability with one another and um learn all the concepts so it was good I think we played pretty well together and it was a good second day it was pretty good how does this feel different from last year for you uh just more comfortable um know what I want to do um not really like searching as much for shots I kind of know where they’re coming from now and just more comfortable first impressions of Tristan he’s amazing um he’s killed it so far you can tell that he a little older um and you know he carries himself that way super mature and I think he’ll F him right away you’re getting back in in the groove playing this sub what do you feel like you took away most from your time in the leag looking now ahead to summer league and probably just like defense um learning that and getting better at that um I feel like I’m pretty good at that now and you know getting all the concepts down and like learning how the NBA games played um jumping from college um and I think those two things have been the bigest is defense you know obviously kind of a summer league team we know that this team defense versus defense something that you guys really focus on for sure it doesn’t change no matter if it’s summer league Oola or Orlando it’s all the same so um yeah just kind of changing my makeup to that anything specific you want to work on going in the summer league defense is that what you’re hoping to Showcase I you hoping to Showcase that pretty much is that that what was your summer like how much work did you do and what what’s the most fun thing you did this summer well the most fun thing I did this summer was probably just train with a every day we was in here for like a month and a half straight um day in and day out just working out um working closely with the coaches um has also been pretty fun and um just getting to learn I love basketball so it’s like basketball um Disney World over here so yeah it was uh probably just like my understanding for the game um just from like a mental level mental level um both sides of the ball U more patient not rushed um trying to scan the floor and read the defense more and react instead of just going um I’ll probably just say that you hear a lot of young player say the game kind of slows down for them now that you’re going through a second summer league does does it feel does it feel like more comfortable does game feel a little slower slower to you or how how does it feel different this SE last um for sure like coach Mosley super big on like you know reading the defense like reading the low man and like not just going super fast when you get the ball just kind of scanning the floor and and getting the correct spacing so like it’s more just like reacting to what the defense is doing wrong and and taking advantage of that and exporting that so when you start to look at it from that lens instead of just hooping all your life I feel like it just slows down naturally pretty much yeah what would you tell your rookie self now that you’re kind of looking back at the first year being complete uh tell my rookie shelf that’s a good question probably just like um slow down um and you know take a step back and like I just said like view view the floor and not you know shoot quick Rush shots I would say like my first Summer League last year my first game last year I felt like just rushing shots and um probably tell myself like just relax cuz it’s super exciting it’s like a dream so I think like coming in you’re super anty just to go and anxious does it feel at all weird that you’re no longer the for sure it doesn’t it just happened so fast like I was just at the draft the other day and talking about it with my family it’s yeah like he’s still older than me so it’s still like it’s like weird I’m trying to help him out but yeah it’s a weird feeling how important is it to build that Petry with they um super important um the guys you know bought me in last year like family um showed me the ropes and helped me out um from jayen SS to Gary to Joe like all of them have been um super encouraging and and uh helping me out as vets and I’m not no no near close to where they are as a vet but um just you know bringing them in and just hoping like you know we can build like an organic relationship and get some get some knowledge from me any any way possible yeah you talked earlier about how you and ab W in here for a month and a half what have you seen from his development this summer this has probably been the best I’ve seen AB um just from like around standpoint you know defense comes naturally to him um offense also I think in personally comes naturally now and um just from like creating his own shot getting to the Lane running a transition leading the offense I think you know he’s been really good at that thanks no problem I imagine you know going through the draft process and everything feels surreal you know to just take the floor and get your first summer league practices how how does it feel as part of the process uh super exciting you know finally getting to work uh finally getting out there with the guys and uh getting acclimated you know cuz at the end of the day it’s just ho Hoops so that’s that’s what I’m here for and that’s that’s what I’m looking forward to what are you hoping to Showcase summer league uh just you know the my play style playing the right way uh you know being a being a good teammate uh fitting within the system I feel like that’s my strength um you know and helping other people out making their lives easier we we talked to you shortly after the draft now it’s been a couple weeks just how has this been process been for you and just how exciting has it yeah it’s been slowing down uh a lot you know it was it was hectic uh right after the draft and going over here uh with my parents doing the press conference meeting everybody and now you know it’s kind of starting to settle in a little more nice about that and a so far they funny they really funny um but yeah I mean uh obviously super talented guys um you know even though even though I’m the new kid on the block they’re a little younger than me so they got they got that Talent though so um they’ve been around for a years so I’ve been you know picking their brain and and trying to trying to get uh you know uh as much Intel as I can get how much is first impression important uh yeah I mean it’s important to everybody I think um so I’m trying to make you know every every minute that I have the the best what are you hoping to get out of out of play obiously kind of just getting used to being the way this team operates in the practice set what you what are youing to get out out of the yeah just getting comfortable uh you know playing the way uh playing the way coaches wants us to play um you know picking picking their brains learning as much as I can in the summer league so I’m I’m ready for you know when season comes around um whenever they they decide to do throw me out there uh I’ll be I’ll be ready to do whatever they want me to you saw the news last week that the magic were bringing in his championship pedig and his veteran leadership what are you excited about him coming to this team yeah it’s kind of crazy cuz actually when he won his ring 20120 in the bubble um I I thought like yo he got to be a crazy vet to play with like he he just seems like the guy you know you want to have on your team and he brings that experience that leadership um so it’s it’s wild to think that you know four years later I’m I’m on the same team with him um so I’ll try I’ll try to pick his brain a lot too uh see how you know Championship Cali teams operate and stuff like that I know it’s early but have you gotten a sense what the culture of this franchise this organization is all about yet yeah defense and toughness um I feel like that’s that’s a big thing here um you know bringing that every every single second year on the court playing hard uh playing fast and leaving your heart out there how are you hoping to improve the most in your season uh you know I feel like just picking up the ways uh the NBA operates I feel like that’s a big thing um you know just just having that Pro mindset and you know going to work every single day taking care of your body um getting adjusted to the travel and stuff like that um and then learning learning a lot from from every player that’s out here how important is it to build industry especially with ab and jaet going into yeah that’s huge uh I mean I I could sense that on the on the teams that I’ve been on um you know the more chemistry we had the the better the team was um and you know I I feel like that’s at every level of basketball I guess we got to get out of here n but um yeah huge yeah thank you guys that’s it that’s the WAP

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  1. Our guys and our culture is growing right before our eyes! The Magic culture is finally developing into something special. We’ve got a great front office and I think with this pick ( De Silva ) is perfect for us! Watching his highlights reminds me of Franz lol. AB impressed the heck out of me in this interview. You can tell he loves being out there everyday working his tail off! I hope Jett builds that confidence that he has in him! He can be really good for us as a pop and shoot player. LETS GO MAGIC!

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