Minnesota Twins offense is led by Carlos Correa
[Music] it’s the score North Twin shell it’s a Trevor plof Tuesday edition he is Trevor ploof from johnboy media and right now Trevor the twins according to baseball reference have a 6% chance to win the World Series 13 games over 500 the highest Mark of the season and the fourth highest runs scoring team offensively on the year um are we like are we like on make a run in October watch here with this team it’s it’s it’s early I know but what are your what are your thoughts on this team right now I think usually when I look at teams that make these you know big runs in October uh they have a few like similarities um one it’s you have your guys that you’re paying playing well which the twins have that right now Carlos karea doing it you know buxton’s going off so those guys you know the center pieces of your lineup are going off then two it’s the guys that you bring up the young guys having kind of career years and that’s been a little bit of a problem for the twins but we are seeing Miranda’s been going off and then Brooks Lee looks like the real deal uh wner coming up obviously a good first few games we’ll see how that goes but you know they’ve been able to bring up reinforcements who’ve played well and then yeah how’s your Bullpen how’s your starting pitching I think that’s the biggest worry in uh with the twins right now is how does their rotation really stack up against like the elite teams I think that’s the biggest thing that I would take away but offensively they can go Toe totoe with anybody right now on Brooks Lee uh Trevor what what is your um on a scale of one to 10 how impressed are you by the fact that this kid has stepped in and it’s been pretty damn so far seamless like he looks like he belongs he can play Third he moved his short when uh kak got hurt late in the game on Sunday just the uh just the initial observations of brooksley he looks great I mean there’s no doubt about it I talked to Jay Tingler a little bit yesterday about him I said hey man like give me like what what are you feeling like what what are you seeing out of this guy and he said really like you know everyone talks about the offense and you know the the swing plays you know I think it’s a really compact really it’s a big league swing uh but he said the defense is where he’s been impressed you know he mentioned that the bunt play um him coming in on that ball at third base it’s not an easy play he made it look easy so I think everyone there is just said okay this guy like he has a good head on his shoulders it looks like the game translates really well now we I said that big time about Eddie Julian too and then he started to really uh struggle when teams got a book on him so I think we need to like you know hold off on giving Brooks Lee like a ton of like hey this guy’s going to be the difference maybe because even though I think he looks great and I think he is going to be a great ball player in the big leagues we how many times we seen this before so you kind of have to pump the brakes there I don’t think it’s fair to just put a lot on him although it seems like he he likes it um but my first impressions of him are he’s he looks like a big leager TR Jose Miranda also obviously just like continues to punish baseballs you got up and down this lineup you got guys that are just hitting like crazy I mean heck as much as I know Jud has loved what Christian Vasquez has brought at the plate all season long the last month he’s actually obvious come up with some big hits here too it does feel like one through nine this is one of their deeper lineups and of course the bomas squad one was you know prolific setting a home run record in 2019 but now this lineup is clicking and everyone is is producing it doesn’t really matter where you throw guys in you can put Brooks Lee batting eighth or ninth for God’s sakes and he’s still delivering big hits so it just feels like this is one of their more deeper lineups they’ve had in quite some time yeah I like the approach there were some quotes from Korea talking about there’s an article about Popkins I think it was in the athletic and he was saying you know I feel like this year they’re not as focused on mechanics more just kind of about approach and you know when you get to the big league Z your your mechanics are pretty much dialed in from time to time you need to make some tweaks um but it is about hey how do we approach this pitcher how how do we go in and um it can’t it can’t in my opinion be like everybody have the same approach it has to be you know doesn’t have to be individual but like you have certain types of hitters have to approach the pitcher a certain way you can’t just say this is nine versus one which is I’ve heard before um I don’t think they’re doing that right now what I do think they’re doing is look we know about the homer streak that they’ve been going on so they’re hitting homers that’s great but they’re also you know having good two- strike approaches like last night Miranda hits that ball down the right field line like on an excuse me type swing he’s protecting right there and and those are difference makers I mean like just putting the ball in play what’s batting average with balls in play whatever that is League wide it’s 300 maybe it’s 290 whatever it is 290 or 300 points better than striking out right like you just got to be able to put the ball in play and put pressure on I think they’ve been able to do that so you know the offense scoring in a bunch of different ways there’s been some aggressiveness on the base pass I think like the speed is kind of like coming back a little bit which is nice um I don’t know like it it seems like right now and again like we could be talking totally different about this team in in a month I hope not uh but right now the offense is I mean clicking firing one of the best offenses in all of baseball yeah I mean you’ve hit on just the strikeout thing they were historically bad striking out last year and you know like the Astros who they ran into in the playoffs the Astros during this run of seven or eight years you get all the power upside and then they also have like one of the three lowest strikeout rates every year and like in one game you know okay you know whatever’s going to happen is going to happen to baseball but over the course of of a season if like this year the Astros for instance have the second best strikeout rate only 18% strikeout rate for the Astros offense and the Mariners are going to set a record at 28% so every hundred times those two teams come up to the plate the Mariners start with 10 extra automatic outs compared to the Astros and that’s kind of where the Twins were at last year and now that they’re putting the ball in play more often it a check swing might allow for a hit if you make contact versus just like 12 automatic outs to start every single game Trevor exactly and Seattle has actually tried to address that they spoke about that we’re trying to get people out of here they Trad the yio Suarez out we’re trying to get people out of here that strike out a lot and now they’re still this year after they’ve made these adjustments still leading the league so yeah I mean that’s it’s a big part of it you know it’s we talk about all the time what it does you put pressure on the defense again I just mentioned like you put theall on play at least you got a chance and if you have a good two- Striker approach it doesn’t mean you’re just like up there like fing the ball if you would have a good two St approach and still take a healthy hack at pitches and I think we just seen that from them you know Carlos karea I I swear it was the game in Min in in at Yankee Stadium he went Oppo against strowman after that things just started to open up for the twins offense and it really felt like he was at the Forefront of that like using the whole field really you know honing in on that and as he goes the TW the team goes like everyone’s following that guy’s lead and that that contract now by the way looks like an absolute bargain right like kareah was going to go the Giants that fell through he’s going to go the Mets um and I think it’s it’s fortunate for him too because it’s worked out great here but you know you look at this guy a year ago and defensively it’s short he’s always been fantastic but with the foot problem you know he struggled at the plate grounded into a ton of double plays and now with him like he does provide he provides to me a captain type of player right like the everyone seems to gravitate towards him and his approach also impacts the entire team Trevor yeah I can’t I can’t speak highly enough about him to be honest with you you know you’re always worried about a short stop an aging short stop that you give this money to but I don’t think there’s any concerns about him the way he takes care of his body the way he works at it I mean he made a great play when was that was that in the bottom of the seventh last night ranging to his left you they got one out at second base but if that ball by him you know now it’s all of a sudden first and second nobody out like it it just changes the entire uh game but you he makes these plays look so easy and like I don’t think his defense is going anywhere like not with not within how many more years he have in his contract four more years four or five yeah four more I don’t think it goes anywhere in that amount of time just because of how he takes care of his body I don’t think the guy drinks at all which look man like we can talk about that all you that that affects I’m out now see you guys look I get it I get it like look I I probably should have dialed back a little bit during my playing days um and you know you do it responsibly it is what it is but the facts are the facts like if you’re out not out there like partying you’re taking care of your body you’re gonna age better like that’s that’s it guys mean Tom Tom Brady like slept in a hyper barck chamber and ate kale smoothies for 17 straight Tom Brady is not a bad comparison when you’re talking about taking care of your body I I being around them in the clubhouse talking to guys like he takes care of his body like Tom Brady takes care of his body he just does he’s got a chef he doesn’t go out he’s constantly trying to make sure he’s able to recover and if you got a guy like that at the helm like you said a captain esque other guys are gonna follow suit like it’s it’s I’ve been on the plane rides you know like it there isn’t like it’s changed a lot throughout all of sports by the way like there used to be a lot of beverages consumed on Plane Rides there’s like none on the twins plane ride right now and I think a lot of it has to do with because their Captain’s not doing it yeah yeah I I’ve I’ve talked to some people too Trev in in in the locker room and stuff just about how Korea approaches things and how on off days he’s in there getting massaged getting work done going into to hit like he is just incredibly laser focus throughout the entire season no distractions nothing else and even like there’s definitely as someone who’s only like been in this lock room for the first time regularly like there is some intimidating Factor but there’s also like the captain leadership factor that there is just like the natural gravitation towards but and I I don’t mean to really like completely open or this can of worms and like throw this on someone but do you think there comes like a maybe like a come to Jesus moment or some type of moment between Korea and maybe Roy Lewis and I know Lewis has just had some fluky injuries that’s going to happen sometimes in baseball but do you think there is something where maybe Korea can pull Royce Lewis aside or is there anything that would come from that that could maybe make I’m not saying Royce Le is taking his preparations seriously cuz I’m sure he is prepping appropriately but do you think that there is something that could happen where kareah and Royce can get together and maybe Roy can see what it’s like to literally take care of your body and take all the things that you have to to be a complete baseball player I don’t think that’s far off at all I think if Roy should be seeking that out like if you have a guy that’s staying on the field consistently you know you understand the work ethic and what he does I mean that’s as a young ball player which Roy still is you have to those guys to guide you you don’t really I mean Royce hasn’t navigated a 162 yet that’s the bottom line so you have to go and figure out okay how do I do it I don’t know if they’re going to be you know hand inand the entire time but I would it’d be crazy if Royce didn’t seek out advice from Carlos like I I and and knowing him he will he’s he’s that kind of guy he’s got a good head on his shoulders I don’t think that guy parties either what’s going on with all these guys not partying anymore don’t party yeah what they doing you’re only a rich major Leaguer one time you got to get out there was out of the game at 32 so um yeah no I think I think all these guys you know you want to bounce ideas off each other and again it’s it’s really hard to be that leader if you’re not on the field all the time having success and Carlos karea you know he has had a ton of success in his career and I know he’s got the Astros thing um you know following him around a lot but I think I mean again I’m in the clubhouse I’m talking to guys like and I was I played against him during that 2017 season I held a ton of ill will towards the Astros because of that um but my take on Carlos has always been like he was a young guy he was the only one coming to anybody’s defense during that time he was actually the only guy speaking to the media and I was very impressed with that aspect of it I don’t hold anything against him because know if you’re a young guy in the clubhouse you just do what the veterans do I blame that whole thing on Alex K on Carlos Beltran on you know the veterans in that Clubhouse so um I don’t think that they anyone even holds that against him you know he gets booed everywhere he goes but in that Clubhouse there’s nothing like that except except this last weekend where we’re standing ovation for our guy Carlos but then when Altuve comes to the plate boo cheater and altua didn’t even use the system which is crazy so yeah so you could could you like deny like if you wanted to you could just say I don’t want any Trash Can bangs I want to I want to hit 320 the the right way that’s what Altuve supposedly did yes yeah there and there’s audio to support that you know like there there’s a guy named Tony Adams that went and just like logged every single game and and there were times where you could hear the bangs during his abat and you could see him look in the Dugout and like shake his head yeah didn’t want it and and he didn’t use it but he gets the brunt of it him and Carlos get the brunt of it and Carlos did use it yeah but again if you’re a rookie on a team you just do what you’re told is what’s going on so hey just on a different note you Miranda’s name came up a few minutes ago can you at all put in well there’s only three guys in the history of baseball that can put into actual context what what it’s like to get 12 hits in 12 straight up bats but um and they all have very funny sounding early 1900s baseball names right like remember I have in front of me but like you I mean baseball’s really hard man like the players we’re talking about that are leading one of the best offenses in baseball are still failing like seven out of 10 times even during their best seasons can you put at all into context 12 hits in 12 consecutive at bats in the major leagues I honestly don’t know if I can I don’t know what my streak was maybe five and if you get if you go five for five or something like that you feel like a God yeah to go 12 for 12 span over how many games was it four games three was it three games four four it started at the end of a game and then went through three more yeah honestly it feels really good but you know when you go on streaks like that you just you know they’re going to come to an end and you’re just like man how long can I ride this thing out and it seems surreal it really does you go up there and you’re seeing the ball well obviously like you’re he is seeing that ball so early and it’s looks so big to him and he’s not missing it when he gets it pitch I mean so you just try to ride that out as long as you can then we saw last night a couple you know that two- strike hit then you had the Looper into center field and you’re kind of like man like I’m doing something right like somebody somebody out there’s looking out for me it’s just it’s it’s a good feeling but again I think you just you know it’s going to end but you’re just trying to ride it but while you’re in it I don’t know if there’s a better feeling in in all of baseball to just know he’s coming to the park at that point saying I’m going to square up the baseball three or four times today and we’ll see what happens uh but the 12 hits in a row it’s nuts it’s nuts was crazy crystal ball time the trade deadline three weeks from today at 5:00 pm what do you think the twins might do I don’t think a lot he’s gonna Buzz he’s gonna Buzz I’m gonna Buzz I don’t think I don’t think much of anything to be honest with you maybe a backend starter for some depth um which there’ll be some of those guys available again I think the starting pitching Market is going to be it’s so scarce like for like top end guys yes um that I don’t think that the twins will approach that I mean and maybe maybe they’re maybe they’re going to pull something out that I’m not expecting but I don’t think they’re going to be after the front front of the line guys I don’t really think they need Bullpen help so that doesn’t really make sense to go out there and get that um and the lineup’s been kind of going off so and they can draw from within for like more like bench help I I don’t think they do much of anything unless you guys got some crazy idea maybe a b maybe a starter uh that can you know quote unquote a bulk guy I could see them doing that yeah wait someone’s phone is next to their microphone I think I think I I think it might be PLS might be Trev that is off and I don’t think it’s necessarily a phone I think it could just be a loose loose cor thing could be the twins front the twins off with a loose cord is that it we good twins front office is uh they’re they’re they’re trying to end this conversation yes what do you I mean do you guys think they’re going to do anything crazy they need a they need a starter right like you can’t ride Chris Paddock for three months you know the Innings thing so don’t you you’re going to go after uh right that’s the question boy yeah quantrol of the Rockies are you gonna go after exactly like crochet you’re not going to get they’re not going to give up to get him you’re not g to get FL lot is Kikuchi a guy that you look to I mean you don’t have any left-handers so maybe you go for him how about I think I think Patrick royy brought it up on his podcast today let’s get the Dober up here let’s give Randy dobnak a second chance all right he’s got he’s got the contract change of pace Tyler Anderson’s a guy that a lot of people are talking about he’s been pretty dang good he’s had a really good start you know so he’s with the angels they’re out of it it’s I I just think it’s going to cost too much are they going to be engaged in discussions for a starting pitcher yes are they going to be able to that’s the thing you could be willing to give up something but the other team has to accept it as well and I think I think the Padres are going to be after a starter um you know there’s teams out there that have GMS that are more willing to wheel and deal than the the twins the twins have done in the past yeah I mean they’ve the other case to be made here is that you’ve got this incredible stable of young infielders Brooks Lee looks like he’s here for the second half of the season and you’ve got Edward Julian who’s 25 years old who’s kind of blocked right now and and then Luke keshaw who Brooks Lee was going to go to the Futures game and khaw winds up he’s a top 10 twins Prospect having a great year so like you could make the case that at some point whether it’s in the next three weeks or in the next year or two that they have to make a trade anyways right so AG agreed no I’ve been saying that like there is a log Jam of of position players um whether the twins are willing to deal or not I I I don’t know I don’t get that sense but I would love to be surprised I really would if Texas continues to fall out of the race I would look at Nathan abaly who’s one of the most a lot of guys down there sucessful postseason pictures like lowkey over the last seven eight years like Nathan naldi in the playoffs is a different animal um I look at avaldi I saw someone threw in our YouTube comments on one of our videos Kevin gausman of of Toronto but he’s owed a lot of money and I just don’t know like Toronto could swallow some of that and make that a little easier on the twins but given the twins current payroll restrictions I don’t see them committing to $46 million of Kevin gsman through the next three seasons essentially um but they they need another starter because like right now if the playoffs started today Joe Ryan starts game one right Trev I think so yeah and then after that like do you trust Pablo or bayy over to take game right now the evaldi idea is so he’s he has a vesting option for next year so I don’t I don’t know what probably going to hit so it’s 300 Innings between last year and this year it’s probably gonna hit he needs like 70 more Innings this year how much is this contract next year 25 something like that 20 20 20 20ad starting pitcher with his with his pedigree uh look and the thing is Chris Young came out and said yeah we’re looking to wheel and deal unless something crazy happens I believe they won four in a row so and they’re only like five back in that division yeah that’s the other thing man you know the other team that was out of it was going to be the Mets and they were going to deal everybody now all of a sudden they went on that run and so yeah I guess there’s still time for teams someone’s gonna have to make a decision like are the Cubs gonna start dealing um I think they probably have to they’re so far back there’s a bunch of teams in front of them so you could look at their rotation and see what they’re willing to give up but I agree I think there’s if there’s one spot that the twins need to make an an upgrade on it’s it’s the rotation whether that’s I mean look everyone would love like a front- ofthe line guy to come in there very hard to get those guys yeah I don’t at worst they need a bolt guy yeah what’s your faith on Pablo because like he’s had a we weird year he had the bad start again on Friday against the stros ER is over five again but like as Phil talked about on the show yesterday the underlying metrics are not terrible like it doesn’t point to he he but the starts are still like you beat a okay that’s cool you beat the M’s okay but as we just discussed they can’t hit right then you get the Astros and you get knocked around what’s your faith that that this is all going to come back to him actually being a semblance of what what we saw you know which was part of an ace tandem at least last season I’m pretty I’m pretty confident that he does because you know the the foreen fastball is still a plus pitch for him it’s been the off speed stuff and I feel like nowadays they can tinker and get and get the grip back get get the movement back that they want and Pablo’s a guy that will be willing to do that and he’s and he’s a smart dude and understands that he needs to make some adjustments it wouldn’t surprise me if we heard you know one day oh Pablo threw a bullpen and changed his grip up or something like that and all of a sudden here comes the sweeper again because right now the sweeper is uh 261 batting average against 500 slug against it and last year it was a 173 batting average and a 287 slug against it those are drastic drastic changes in numbers that usually don’t happen from just you know that won’t continue so there is some sort of you know uh positive uh regression to the mean that I think P the P will see during the second half I I think he’s just too good to continue on this path I do I just want to commend Trevor for the proper usage of positive regression to the meme right there people think regression is only downward but regression is gravitational it’s like a magnet yes see I I I don’t think I think positive regression to the mean is redundant but in this context I think you needed to say I don’t know you have no it’s you’re overe explaining for baseball for a good cause I think yeah uh I actually have a dumb baseball question just so yesterday Miguel son was DFA by the Angels former teammate yep and so he was out of baseball in 2023 he’s one of the most puzzling cases as a player to me and then he he comes up crushes when he’s like 2223 you know then the strikeouts kind of plag him and then there was 2019 offense was inflated across the entire league but he’s hitting 30 homers in 100 games in 2019 entering his age 27 season pandemic year and his career just plummets for the next five years at a time where most players are getting better and like what happened to him do you think I he’s 31 now he’s without a job again and he’s uh I I know if he’s going to get picked up by somebody else I mean he could be out of baseball at age 31 basically I I don’t really know to be honest with you I mean I have some thoughts I guess that I’ll share and again I don’t this is just me thinking about the situation um young guy coming up all the talent in the world he’s a big guy like he can’t control that like he and if he wants to control he’s got to work like a Carlos karea like he has to really take all that super super seriously and I’m not saying he didn’t work hard um I’m just saying that at that point when I played with him and towards you know uh when he was you know 2018 2019 things were starting to go that way where they were really honing in on your what you were doing off the field and and stuff like that and what your diet was I think that he probably could have done a better job there you know keeping himself in really really good shape because it again it was going to be harder for him than it is for Korea I guarantee you that like Korea has a good body to start were like a nice slender frame like sow’s just a big dude so I think a lot of that happened where you know it’s he’s just he’s just big so that’ll affect your baseball play for sure and then I don’t again this is just me just thinking you you give a guy like that who you know by all accounts and I talk to him comes from from nothing you give him some money and then the motivation like that’s a lot of money for yeah for anybody the motivation I think goes away and you you see that a lot like I don’t want to say you have to be careful who you give these extensions too I think you do um but the self motivation I think is something that like it’s not everyone has it you know like I I never got the multi-year deal I’m curious to see like what how I would have been if I got you know four five years guaranteed like would I have worked as hard I honestly think probably not it’s interesting because you spent and especially if you come from nothing to begin with and this is the this is your first you know your first whatever eight figure contract or what we know whatever the contracts would be nine figures in some cases you’re set you’re set so like what is it’s guaranteed and you know now it’s like hey man I can kind of like have some fun with my life it’s it’s it’s a real thing I’m not saying that’s exactly what happened to Miguel this is just me yeah from a bird’s eye view really talking about it but I think he’s just one of the craziest what if cases cuz if you would have sort of paused time in the middle of the 2019 season said okay he’s he had a couple weird years there but now he’s back he’s for the third time he’s in the best shape of his career and he’s going to be 27 years old is this going to be the end of his career basically and like most people would have been shocked if he would have gone back five years ago I mean it was him and buckton and they were the ones that were going to they were taking the torch from Mau and monno and they were going to carry the franchise and you know and and buckon for different re that’s another good topic here is cuz we talked about him last week dude he’s back man like he’s batting his average is back up the power you know he’s legging out doubles again and he’s he’s going to he’s going to wind up I think playing his 60th game in center field which is the most he’s played in like five years so that continues to be an awesome story yeah his mindset is so good right now like he’s he’s where he needs to be mentally the the physical gifts have never been a problem we know about the injuries and whatnot but like he’s always been as physically talented as anybody in the big leagues it’s really about does he feel comfortable you know does he feel like I don’t want to say like wanted or like he needs to be in the right head space than he is right now he looks like he’s if this word makes sense unburdened right now um the the most positive thing I I think I’ve seen from buck in the past month is on Sunday I believe early in the game against the Astros he hits a dribbler right and and it’s a buckton play like he’s got that speed and he Sprints down the line he is safe but I he went he just kept going down the the line once he ran past the bag obviously and I was looking and I thought okay this is where he usually comes up lame like this is where he usually limps this is where and he was fine and I thought you know what that is the most positive thing because it Incorporated his speed it’s a type of a ball he beats out um but most importantly what does he look like once he you know completes that and I thought this is the this is the buck that when we watch him we’re like wow he looks unburdened he does he looks great out there I mean doing it doing it all like just the ability to use his legs is such a big part of his game and and how many Stone bases does he have I don’t think he’s got a ton doesn’t have a ton and they were like kind of I feel like they were hesitant to send him early this year like he has five he has five stolen bases all year I’m curious to see if he gets on a rooll with that at some point this year I think he did it last year they just they were talking about him if I remember correctly I was in Seattle or Oakland they were like hey we need you know bucks is gonna he’s gonna take it easily and then he just started running uh and then Rocco was like I don’t know what’s going on so I don’t know if they’ve really told him to stop but I’d be curious to see if like he say hey guys I feel good like let let me take some extra bases here he’s doing it like he’s taking the extra base while he’s hitting yeah like he’ll hit you know the ground ball to you know you know left Center He he’ll leg it out for a double like what’s the difference yeah by the way he’s only been caught stealing 12 times in his 10year career no he has he’s not playing 162 games but like that’s pretty wild man like a guy that is that fast and you know he’s he’s got a 90% success rate he’s only been caught twice in the last three years so maybe we unleash it in the playoffs maybe it’s a a secret October weapon or something yeah it’d be nice to wouldn’t that like if you just add that element again like the offense clicking the way it’s clicking then you can take even more extra bases it’s it’d be a sight to see so well we we got the All-Star break coming up next week and a lot of baseball left to be played but the the the bones of a really good baseball team are there for these twins right now and we’ll just have to see we’ll have to see what big moves at the trade deadline Jud they’re going to trade for Edward Julian they’re going to trade for for uh Brooks or um what’s his name Brock Stewart going to trade ma going to wave his no trade to come here they need look you guys got me convinced now that they I’m I’m going to start throwing some stuff out there maybe it’ll catch fal’s ear uh for a starter for sure I mean Festa came up and yeah two starts what are you gonna draw off that lot of lot of off speed in the middle of the plate didn’t love that he was supposed to be like that’s what I thought they were G do hey bring this guy up he’s you know let’s just insert him into the rotation I don’t I don’t know if that plays in a playoff scenario so no I’m GNA start pushing for that one starter one one really established good starter let’s send a list we’ll send a list you can you can send it to fvi we’ll make it together and we’ll we’ll see I’ll just like be next to him I think I’m am I gonna see him before the deadline I think I am like right before deadline I’m gonna put like a piece of paper I’m gonna write like Max Scherzer and a couple guys like twins wish list and I’m gonna drop it in front of them oh pick it up oh sorry what oh he’ll look at it some good ideas there coach Trev I never thought of any of these things Le let me let me pick up the phone here let me send a fact so all right he’s he’s Trevor ploof from johnboy media you can also find him on various twins broadcast on balet Sports North and on Trevor ploof Tuesdays here on the score North Twin show for Jud the sports dad for Dex the resident beat podcaster I am Phil we’ll see you guys later
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#MinnesotaTwins #Twins #MLB
Lets go Sioux🎉
Sano doubt about it.
Nice Malbon hat on Trevor!
Imagine a series vs Baltimore with no left handed pitching vs that stack LH lineup
We know what the offense can do when it's clicking. It has shown it can be real good. It will struggle a bit like they all do from time to time like all offenses but this is what I envisioned. Now you through Lee to the mix? They are who we are seeing right now.