Cincinnati Reds Get Encouraging Injury News for Key Players

the Reds gave updates on several injured players which makes us believe help might be on the way we’ll tell you who’s back and when on today’s locked on reds you are locked on red your daily Cincinnati Reds podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome to locked on reds my name is Jeff Carr his name is Steve offenbaker and we are glad that you’re alongside us here today we have both loved the Reds pretty much our entire lives as much as they don’t love to love us back but we are all in on this team every single day here on the lockdown Reds podcast that is part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every single day and on every episode we try to bring you the biggest thing that every Reds fan wants to talk about we’re going to look at geeky numbers we’re going to overreact to the Daily Motions of the MLB ocean because we love these Cincinnati Reds and I mean this is my sixth season hosting the podcast this is now a couple of Seasons that Steve has joined me as well he hosted a podcast solo about these Cincinnati Reds we’re just crazy about him and we’re glad that you’re alongside us here today because on today’s show we’ll talk about a frustrating loss to the Colorado Rockies by the Cincinnati Reds last night 6 to5 uh very preventable mistakes caused this loss kind of a theme about this red season we’ll get into what those were there were a couple of interesting notes from the game though including one slump that may be coming to an end we’ll we’ll look at that a little bit later on plus hunter green is an Allstar we’ll we’ll celebrate that right toward the end of the show but we are going to start first with some great news for the most part some great news about uh some injured players and when they will be returning that’s all coming up on this episode of lockdown Reds that is brought to you by booking doy the right stay can make you a fan of any City even your Rivals check out for your stay today and where we’re going to start today here Steve is uh there were a lot of updates that the Reds relayed most of the positive and it could be important to a late season playoff surge for this team it could I I find it really interesting that the Reds dumped all of this at once just like a whole like just vomiting of information where they don’t ever tell us anything and then here’s something about everybody so let’s try and work our way through these because there’s not a lot of surprises here I want to start with that Jeff there’s not a lot of surprises other than it seems like every everybody’s on track from what we were told when last we heard so let’s start with with the The Little Engine That Could Matt mlan uh we have been been just waiting to hear if we’re gonna get to see him this year or not and what we’re hearing uh lines up with what we were told at the very beginning he is slated to start a rehab assignment on August 12th and barring any setbacks Jeff that lines up perfectly for a September 1st Maddie mlan back in the lineup at the big league level if there are no setbacks um that is huge timing uh if the reds are still in this whole crowded pack of wild card chasing uh they could definitely use a Matt mlan especially since if they do find a way to maybe we’re gonna bring back hashtag sneak on in they don’t get to take Noel V Marte with them so it would be nice to get Matt mlan back to replace Noel V Marte and it goes on and on but I’m excited that Matt mlan is on track and he’s right where he said he was going to be doing the things that he said he was going to do this Red’s lineup could definitely use Matt mlan yeah he’s been ramping up with some different baseball conditioning activities and the latest word from David Bell he said this on Monday or on Wednesday sorry get my days all mixed up there um but he was talking with reporters before the Rockies game on Wednesday saying all these different injury updates and he said that Matt mlan has been doing baseball activities including swinging a bat now and he still looks like he is on track to begin his Rehab St and to be clear with the swinging of the bat he’s not taking batting practice right now guys he’s just dve swinging the bat getting the range of motion in that shoulder uh it will be it’ll be much closer to that rehab assignment before he actually starts seeing batting practice I think Jeff we got other good news good news for another infusion into this lineup a guy that you can run out there to the top of the order the captain of chaos himself TJ fredel is set to return about a week to 10 days days after the All-Star break so basically two weeks from now which is huge because this Outfield as we have seen has just been in flux and has badly needed anything that’s why we’ve been so excited about Reese Hines and his amazing breakout after his call up hopefully Austin Slater can figure some things out oh that we’re gonna about his his his beginning to his Reds career um but yes the Reds badly need TJ Fel he’s been on and off the injured list all season long his return will be huge uh we did get some unfortunate news about Nick Martini he had surgery on his thumb he’s going to be out till September uh that that was kind of the word is that he will be out until September I wonder if that means he will need rehab although I cannot remember if September he might be triple I would be I would be surprised if we see Nick Martini back yeah I think so too in in in during this season I think this surgery is what prompted him to go make this move with Giants and bring in Slater um I I think that I I think that we probably won’t see Nick Martini back well in quite frankly let’s let’s put it this way if we see Nick Martini back the reds are not in this because if we see Nick Martini back they didn’t go and get an outfielder like we’ve wanted them to since last October they they are out of this race and they’re just trying to get some guys some at bats we’re probably still talking about injuries to TJ Friel and maybe somebody else so if Nick Martini is back it’s probably not the best assign for the Reds playoff hopes and there were also some pitching updates as well when it came to all of these injuries Brandon Williamson uh he’s he’s going to be starting a bullpen here in a couple of weeks it’ be interesting to see if we see him at all this year so if we if we remember when last we saw Brandon Williamson he was on a rehab assignment which the Reds returned him from because he had a set back so I imagine they’re going to bring him along slowly these first bull pins in July uh they’ll they’ll build upon build upon with barring any setbacks another September infusion which I really think that this team is going to be looking for question is will we see him as a starter or will we see him as a bolstering to this Bullpen with the fact that he’s coming in September I guess a lot of that will depend on how nicolo’s workload has been how uh Andrew Abbott is holding up uh he’s going to surpass his in Innings totals uh that he had last year as long as he keeps pitching the way that he’s pitching so the the timing for Brandon Williams is very good you could actually use him as a starter through September to give everybody a break to miss a turn to prepare for a postseason in a six-man rotation exactly uh yeah I’ve never seen a team that likes to make wonky roster moves more than the Cincinnati Reds and we saw this speaking of people who could be in the bullpen later this year correct we saw this with graham Ashcraft uh Graham Ashcraft was sent out we talked about this the other day demoted back to Louisville but wait uh apparently gram as has been pitching through elbow problems and uh that doesn’t seem to have come as a surprise to Nick crawl uh but once he got down to Louisville apparently Graham Ashcraft went and got some Imaging on that elbow and it revealed a problem so the Reds have cancelled his option to Louisville and instead placed him on the injured list I have so many questions about what Nick craw knew and when he knew it yeah because it was a direct quote I I read this in it was in Charlie’s tweet and in an article written by Mark Sheldon that he has been dealing with elbow tightness for the last week or so and that is a direct quote from Nick crawl and it’s like which means they knew about it before his last start so they knew about it before his last start which I think is problematic that that’s that’s problematic on a number of levels it’s just like okay you’re going to let him pitch through this you know what’s going to happen he’s a pitcher it’s an El though I mean this is 1 plus 1 equals 2 this isn’t just like well Graham ashcraft’s different literally every pitcher that has any problems with the rbow whatsoever should not be on a mound trying to pitch in a Major League baseball game I’m sorry and then the other thing the other question that I have where is this SRI that he apparently hit between 71 in between Cincinnati and Louisville because like before he got down there they’re like oh yeah place in Florence is there like an MRI is there an MRI machine or something like are we are we hitting the the exit that you’re supposed to get off and go to Buffalo Trace was that on that same exit too I I I don’t understand where they found this thing at but yeah like they were able to recall the option so that they don’t use the option and they just put him on the injured list so that that’s how he’s gotten away and then iano real quick note on him as well he is going for the still here yeah said that still plays for the Reds I got to talk to him like what feels like six years ago no sorry that was two months ago but talk to him in and he had a bunch of setbacks he set for a bullpen on July 16th with a possible mid August return um you know queue up the trade deadline acquisition uh headline for him but the whole point of this is guys are getting closer but they’re not close they’re not going none of these guys and I’m looking at the notes that we have yeah none of them are back before the trade deadline go make some trades go make some tra yeah you know what this is this I I consider this to be positive updates on everybody nobody has had further setbacks everybody is moving forward these are positive injury updates that could be important when we get late into the season for a playoff search but that’s later in the season as you say and that’s why losses like the one we had last night sting a little bit more because the Reds need to win every game that they can and there were two preventable reasons why the Reds lost last night we’re GNA get into that coming up next you know that instant confidence boost you get when from an outfit that makes you look really really good that’s what I get from Stitch fix easily upgrade your wardrobe this year with a professional stylist that helps you find new on Trend favorites that will work for you I just give my stylist my size my style and 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it streams 247 on YouTube or for free on the Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day all right Jeff last night was one of those losses that just really gets under my skin because first of all it’s a team that they should handle easily and the fact that they lost the game boils my blood but to lose it the way that they lost it uh you can point to a couple different things I’m not sure where you want to start on this uh let’s start early in the game you know we saw the debut of newly acquired Austin Slater uh making his Red’s debut we feels like we waited a week for him to get here from San Francisco and take over one of the Outfield positions and he gets here and he did not look good he did not look comfortable really um credit to him he did eventually get a hit later in the game but he didn’t look great in the field no there was a key play where he kind of misreads the ball off the bat he it flies over his head which that’s fine maybe he doesn’t get to it but after it goes over his head bounces off the wall a little bit he tries to glove it and then transition when he should have just picked it up with his bare hand but he kind of the way that he was approaching this he was kind of like yeah I’ll scoop this up and get it thrown in real quick the guy’s running all the way around he turns this thing into an easy triple and he ends up scoring a couple of batters later because the Reds were able to get two quick outs but they couldn’t get the third out and keep him on third it was just a very annoying sequence and plus he also had the flyball from Jake cave that he he lost in the Sun and Jake cave was on base whenever um there was there was a home run hit and it was just a very annoying sequence of events that kind of began this game and this was in the middle of the the Reds lineup just getting dominated by Kyle Freeland so that that that kind of got this all started here yeah and then there’s another play later in the game and and and listen I I’ve had some complaints from time to time about how J.R house coaches third base and and and most of those like you know I don’t know what I would do if I’m over there in the moment and have to choose whether to send a runner or not and especially for a where the manager telling me we’re going to be aggressive but this is what I do know with my catcher at second base on a double I am not bringing him on over no with no outs you have to know the limitations of your athletes so I wish we had some audio from Jr house we’re not GNA get any audio from Jr house because I would love to know what he was thinking did he forget that it was Tyler Stevenson did he forget that it was a catcher over there of the slowest guys on the team that you’re going to try and get over there to third base and here’s where it really gets super annoying Jeff because if he had just held him up he would have scored on the very next play very next you know he would have scored so and that could have been the difference in the ball game the Reds end up losing this game by one run uh with a rally that fell short that could have changed the whole course and tenor of the game if they started scoring runs then with no outs versus one out and nobody on you know what I mean and that’s the thing too because I I I’ve seen some folks and and I’ve had these thoughts as well when I look back on this game and I say well could could David Bella pulled Frankie Monas earlier could David Bell have picked a different relief pitcher than Bren Suter could David Bell have done this could they managed this differently and quite frankly these were the two things that just stood out in my mind that it’s like these were preventable mistakes the way that the ball was played off the wall from Austin Slater and the way that you know Jr house and and thankfully Bal Sports got a good camera angle on this they show clearly that Jr house is saying come on to Third and and and when you watch it too I you I kept watching that replay just be like why why did he think this Tyler Stevenson didn’t even think he was going to go to third because if you watch how he’s running as he is taking his last like step and a half into second base he slows his stride up a little bit so that he’s you know going to hit second base maybe round it a little bit and take a look and see where the ball is and and then you’re good to go but his momentum is dying at that point and then he’s seeing Jr house saying come on in and he’s like okay I got to get the momentum back up and go in and he’s not Ellie De La Cruz he’s not even Jammer candelario when it comes to speed so he’s not going to get that momentum up in time and he was thrown out plain as day at third base and Jake cave which it was interesting because that play in right field Jake cave like errant Dives for the ball I think he’s going to make a catch and so the Reds were gifted an opportunity here and they hand it right back it’s things like that that in this game were frustrating and led to a loss and they’ve been doing that all season and it just feels like there’s little things like that that as much as we want to get into the nitty-gritty detail of existential ideas and thoughts and philosophies when it comes to running a team there are these obvious things that they need to fix as well let me ask you this because you brought it up you talked about the the usage of the pitching Frankie Montas bringing in Brett s when they did did it feel to you somewhere around the fourth or fifth inning that David Bell decided that this was a throwaway game I kind of got that fuel a little bit when they when they when it was clear that it wasn’t dominant Frankie Montas he was doing fine it was weird you you said this on our press it was kind of more like death by a Thousand Cuts versus him getting blown up but it was clear that he was just not quite right he was a little bit off they were getting to him a little bit and I feel like David Bell made a decision somewhere along the way of you know what screw it this is a throw throw away will win this series tomorrow and cool but this team’s not in a position to throwa away games no and and quite frankly I I I don’t know that it was a throwaway but I also kind of got the vibe a little bit that there was a point in about the fourth inning whenever they the Rockies had scored just again and it almost seemed as though David Bell and and they had this camera shot of him where like he like drops his head in the Dugout shakes it and then like you know shakes it off and then he’s back to watching the game I’m like did he just switch to all right we got to save the bullpen for the rest of the week because there’s no days off like I I kind of wondered that a little bit I’m not going to lie I I’m with you on that but yeah and the reason that I say Death By A Thousand Cuts Like obviously there were some homers hit by the Rockies here but Frankie Montas this year when he has been bad it’s because he’s had these Innings that just are just huge Avalanches 35 35 pinch five runs yeah yeah he didn’t have that in this because when he got to the sixth no when he got to the seventh inning he was still under 90 pitches like I remember you texting me you were just like they’re just going to run him to death and you know in you know shoulder recovery and all and I’m like he’s he’s still under 90 pitches it’s just because he would give up a big hit and then you go get three outs but it was the big hit that scored the Run anyway and they did that four innings in a row so it was it was a very annoying start overall and I think that you could definitely question the management style a little bit but Still Point back to these two plays that had they just went the other way and it wasn’t even like a what if scenario if he made a different decision it’s like literally if you don’t play the ball bad off the wall and if Tyler Stevenson stays at second the Reds probably win this game so let’s real quick before we get out of this uh segment Jeff just for a second talk about the day that Tyler Stevenson had and more importantly more importantly the last several days that Tyler Stevens has had you can kind of go back to you know we did that uh live show over at smoke Justice with the folks from late night Reds and our our guy Walmart Jeff Tim Daniel said that maybe it was time to move on from Tyler Stevenson Tyler Stevenson has no never Tyler Stevenson has blown up since then folks my countdown’s down to 32 on the home runs folks Tyler Stevenson is hitting the ball hard he’s hitting the ball well and I love to see it um I I I I’m happy uh this is the kind of production that they need from him is it five extra base hits in the last three games or something I know it’s a lot he is hitting the cover off the ball right now and he has been a big reason I mean obviously resigns but he’s been a big reason that the Reds have continued to score it’s not as if it’s just one guy hitting the cover off the ball Tyler Stevenson has been doing that as well which also makes me wonder a little bit um there were a couple of other guys that did some hitting in this game one of them could he be coming out of a slump we’ll discuss that coming up next this episode of lockdown Reds is brought to you by booking do yeah because with the baseball season Rolling Along we’re getting into the All-Star break and then we’ll be in the stretch run headed toward the playoffs you’re probably going to want to follow along with the Reds kind of like I am doing later this month going down to Atlanta and is going to make that so easy to do whether you’re going to Atlanta or you’re want to go to your rival cities or whatever makes it easy they’ve got hotels they got airbnbs they got condos they got all kinds of resorts and stuff like that that are centered around you know where you can find your baseball stadium of choice whether you’re going to see the Reds face the Cardinals or the Brewers or the Cubs or even if you’re going to go see them face the Marlins later on this month as well can help with all of that and they’ve got the easiest way to figure it all out what you’re talking about you Google the stadium on their site and you’ll find hotels near the stadium because the right stay can make you a fan of any US city even your Rivals so go to on their website and book today or you can use the app you can take the guest work out of buying MLB tickets with game time you just got to download the game time app create an account and use the code locked on MLB for $20 off your first purchase if you’re looking to score a deal on tickets look no further than game time Jeff and I tell you all the time this is our goto app we head down to the banks we find our favorite restaurant we grab a bite to eat we have a couple Beverages and right about the time we need to head in to first pitch we jump on the game time app and score a great deal if you’re going to a venue and you don’t know that venue they’ve got views from your seat you’ll be able to see exactly what it’s going to look like when you get to your seat they have all-in pricing no surprises you just go you look for your all-in price that’s exactly what you are going to pay uh deeply discounted T tickets and again if you just download the game time app and create an account and use the promo code locked on MLB you’re going to get $20 off those already greatly discounted tickets download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed you can catch every pitch of the Red’s Hometown broadcast with SiriusXM wherever you go just download the sxm app and search the word Reds also get written content about sorry Jeff I was just gonna say you know I was hearing from a bunch of our everydays uh were messaging me on social media uh I guess our ads have ramped up on uh this sxm app they’ve been hearing they’ve been hearing us over there our ads for over there so appreciate you guys using the sxm app to listen to the Red’s Hometown broadcast absolutely always love hearing a little bit of advertisement getting the word out because we love talking Red’s Baseball we talk Reds baseball with every Reds fan out there and maybe even if you’re not a Reds fan we we’ll talk some Reds with you too um and and why our team is better than yours I’m just kidding there’s a lot of times where we’re not so that that happens too uh but there were a couple of performances that I wanted to look at in this game outside of the annoyances and outside of the couple of mistakes that really sunk the game um Rees Hines took him three games to hit a single are we worried about that that it took him that long to hit a single listen I’m I’m so excited about some of theats that he had last night Jeff one this bat that led to a single you know he sat back so they figured it out you know and and we saw this with ER Zino I’ve seen you guys by the way I’ve seen the comparison a lot of that there’s been a lot of that but what arist Zino could couldn’t do is hit the breaking stuff and you knew it was coming with resigns and what he was able to do last night was sit back slow down his swing and push the breaking stuff the other way that single was to right field and then he had an bat later in the game where I think It ultimately ended up being an out but he battled back yeah he he he battled and battled and sat back and didn’t just try to kill the ball and knew and understood what was going to be coming his way and made the pitcher work and and that was I honest to God Jeff that was a relief for me watching the bats we saw out of him last night because you know there he’s a young guy and I think there’s a tendency to think that he’s going to go out there and try to a aino the thing and see if he can hit 20 home runs this month uh but I was so encouraged by what I saw from his at bats last night against the Rockies yeah and that at bat that you were referencing the ninth inning one where he battled and battled he ended up hitting a pretty nice line drive into the Gap in in right center field they just kind of had him faded over a little bit and so the right fielder was there to catch it and it ended up being an out instead of a hit but it was an impressive at bat that yielded hard contact and if he can use that if if we’re talking about this where it’s off speed and breaking stuff and he is still figuring out a way to put it in play maybe get a few hits here or there then teams are not just going to be able to key in on him and be like all right just don’t throw him a fast ball and we’ll get him out because that’s what we’re worried about right that’s why everybody is giving the aristes aino uh comparison because they’re just like yeah once they stop throwing fast balls to aino he was useless um and and that’s what everybody’s expecting from Reigns right now I’m like come on man like let’s just enjoy what’s going on why do we got to I was so I was so excited to watch how his approach shifted last night in that rock against the Rockies it was great but you know we are going to project somebody else because Noel V Marte went three for four he had a double and two run scored the slumps over right we’re done with this he’s going to be completely useful and a middle of the order hitter from now on right easy there easy there but I’ll tell you what I’m sure it allowed for Noel V Marte to have a great big sigh of relief and ex and relax a little bit if you want to see the definition of a player that’s pressing watch him last week that is a player that was pressing and trying to just will their way out of a slump and you’re not GNA get out of a slump that way I was glad to see what he was able to do last night hopefully he can now build on that momentum and relax a little bit and get back to the fundamentals of hitting and have some success I think it’s funny because like there were some bats he had last week where he was early on like 98 M hour fast balls it’s like dude chill and when you chill things work in especially in baseball because you could tell he was really trying to think through a lot of that bats and that’s what gets you when you play baseball and there’s something else I want to do real quick because we are going to talk about hunter green making the All-Star Game for just a moment I was happy to see that but I want to do this blind comparison because I was thinking about this in the ninth inning because there was a guy that got a hit in a big situation and there was a guy that didn’t and I’m curious about this because I want to see if you know blind comparison with runners in scoring position and two outs so a little bit of a situational statistic here but I want to see if you know what you know batter a in this situation has eight hits and 27 at bats which is just under 300 for a batting average and he has nine RBI batter B has six hits in 35 at bats which is a batting average of 171 but he does have four doubles a homer and eight RBI eyes so you get extra base power you just get a lot less hits while the other guy doesn’t have as many opportunities but he has taken advantage of them can you guess who these two players are not a clue player a player a eight for 27 again with Runners and scoring position in two outs is Santiago espanol player B with a 171 batting average a homer in four doubles and eight rbi’s is ell De La Cruz I think it’s funny it’s very situational and very circumstantial but there has been some folks with espol is interesting because that’s seemingly the only time that he hits if you get him up there in any other situation he just doesn’t hit the ball but get him in there with an opportunity to drive in a run and and he’s doing well and you know what the stuff with Ellie uh I I think some of what I just had to say about noi Marte applies I think when Ellie comes up in big moments and the opportunity to be I exi think that’s exactly right Jeff I think he he tenses up he clinches up he’s trying to will something to happen and he changes the way he approaches at the plate uh if you watches it bats in critical moments runners in scoring position game on the line he looks a little bit different in the Batters box and I think that that’s just something that time is gonna have to correct that’s experience that’s time that’s the coaches talking to him that’s Ellie figuring out that if I just sit back and relax and play my game good things are going to happen I don’t have to make them happen yeah his first swing there with two outs and you had a couple you had will Benson on second he was you know Ellie’s the winning run will Benson’s the tying run the first pitch that he gets is a fastball in the zone and he looked like he was trying to hit it to Tennessee because he was early on a 96 mph fastball and you’re like dude you can you can just hit it to Kentucky that’s fine you don’t have to hit it to you know the equator uh but that’s what it looked like he was trying to do but let’s let’s end Today’s Show with a little bit of cele because I feel like whenever hunter green was not selected to the allstar team there were some people that were like like saying I Told You So and stuff like he’s not as good as he should be and all this other and I don’t understand that take because I thought it was a snub from the get-go and and then the Los Angeles Dodgers put Tyler glas now on the injured list which made him ineligible for the All-Star game so the first guy that they called hunter green because they knew he was deserving of this he’s had such a great season and and and especially from the fact the the opening day snub and we said we’re just like look this is a good thing because he needs to take this the right way I think he’s T I think he took it the right way and he continues to take it the right way yeah and there was also some people on social media um yesterday Jeff that went back and dug up a couple of my takes on X about when uh Hunter was bad in April and you know I was saying things like he’s got to get consistent he’s got to improve approve on this he’s got to get more if he’s ever going to be considered an ace all the things you know what good bring him back up to the surface because he did those things he did exactly what we said he needed to do he stopped being a thrower he started being a pitcher and he has elevated his game to the point that I’m ready to say he’s the Ace of this rotation and you’re absolutely right Jeff when we talked about who was going to represent the Reds at the All-Star Game the only two names that were even in considering was Ellie De La Cruz and was hunter green and at the end of the day they went with Ellie because major baseball is on a on a concerted effort right now to make Ellie De La Cruz one of the faces of baseball him in the front they’re they’re just putting him right out there so it does not surprise me at all that they picked him first I’m very happy to see that the very first alternate was hunter green um that makes sense to me uh that that he was that high on the list and I want him to go and I want him to pitch I know I’ve been hammered I’ve been hammered for my takes in the past when I didn’t want Alexis Diaz to pitch in the All-Star Game this is a different scenario I want Hunter to go and Pitch his inning of work and have a a big bad showing a big great showing not a bad showing I a big big big showing I want Ellie day La Cruz to come into the game as a pinch Runner and steal a bunch of bases and then stay in and get a hit and steal a bunch more bases I want the Reds to be successful and I want David Bell to get tossed I want him to get ejected that’s what I want his contribution to be to the all-star game yeah I think there’s a lot of people that are big mad that David Bell’s going to the all-star game but he is he’s one of the coaches on that coaching staff it’s going to be a lot of fun to see but that’s next Tuesday we still got some more games we’re going to be with you all throughout the rest of this week the Reds need to win half to win I think it’s weird to weird to say this against a team like the Rockies but the Reds must win today if they don’t win today we’re not gonna have a fun conversation tomorrow we’re not it’s gonna be a whole different conversation you can trust that we’re going to be here with you every single day because we are what Steve we’re locked on reds each and every day David Bell’s gonna get tossed I can feel it

The Cincinnati Reds got some encouraging injury updates, including the potential return of key players like Matt McLain and TJ Friedl. Jeff and Steve break down a frustrating Reds loss to the Colorado Rockies, highlighting preventable mistakes and questionable decisions. Plus, celebrate Hunter Green’s well-deserved All-Star selection and dive into the recent performances of Tyler Stephenson and Noelvi Marte. Don’t miss out on your daily source for everything Cincinnati Reds!

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#CincinnatiReds #MLB #LockedOnReds #HunterGreene #MattMcLain #TJFriedl #TylerStephenson #NoelviMarte

00:02:38: Reds’ Injury Information Dump

00:04:04: Matt McLain’s Rehab Assignment

00:05:04: TJ Friedl’s Return Timeline

00:05:50: Nick Martini’s Surgery and Impact

00:06:46: Brandon Williamson’s Rehab Progress

00:07:45: Graham Ashcraft’s Injury Revelation

00:10:29: Positive Injury Updates and Their Impact

00:14:35: Analysis of the Reds’ Loss to the Rockies

00:15:41: Austin Slater’s Fielding Mistakes

00:16:38: JR House’s Coaching Decisions

00:18:50: David Bell’s Management Style

00:19:35: Questioning the Throwaway Game Strategy

00:21:13: Tyler Stephenson’s Recent Performance

00:25:22: Rece Hinds’ Performance Analysis

00:27:08: Noelvi Marte’s Slump and Recovery

00:28:50: Blind Comparison of Situational Hitting

00:32:45: Hunter Greene’s All-Star Selection

00:34:20: Expectations for Reds Players in the All-Star Game

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  1. I wish the best for this team going forth
    Just need to tie a few more hits together
    Fraleys return helps A LOT
    TJF next and MightyMattMcClain soon
    Imagine if Krall&Co had inked SethLugo instead of NickMartinez….. Grrrrrr
    Have a nice day Jeff, Steven,Everdayers, etcx

  2. Lots of silly baserunning this year for sure.
    Much of the poor baserunning was clearly not J.R. House issues.
    Too many to mention, many from our fastest runners
    including far too many pickoffs.

  3. Elly , Elly , Elly , once again can’t get it done in the most important bat of the game .. Elly to often at critical times in a game becomes Elly De La LOSE …. Yeah he’s great and amazing at times , but he has had so many chances in key spots just like last night in the 9th and he doesn’t deliver…

  4. Elly has not matured yet , he doesn’t have the killer instinct yet .. it’s bothersome watching him being chummy with the opposition during games , he needs to want to destroy the other team . Turn off the nice guy routine.. Sparky is rolling over in his grave .

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