2024 MLB Draft Preview: Los Angeles Angels’ 4 Top-100 Picks with Expert Insight from Lindsay Crosby!
on this episode of lockdown Angels Prospect Guru Lindsey Crosby joins John and I and he’s going to get us ready for the MLB draft so who should the Halos select and why should they pick him we’re going to be so much smarter after Today’s Show it’s time to get locked on with Mike and John and this is locked on [Music] Angels you are locked on Angels your daily Los Angeles Angels podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day yes it is and yes we are thanks for making locked on Angels your first listen of the day you can find us anywhere you get your podcast including Apple podcast Spotify and SiriusXM by searching locked on angels and if you’d like to give back to the super Halo Bros for all this super Halo content here’s some things that you can do leave us a rate and a review on Apple podcast if you’re watching on YouTube hit that thumbs up button and if you’re not subscribed already what are you waiting for time to subscribe and become a locked on every day and whether you’re watching or listening come over to YouTube leave a comment it’s really one of the best ways to get in touch with John and I and be a part of the conversation and this episode of lockdown Angels is brought to you by booking.com booking doy the right stay can make you a fan in any City including your rival City so check out booking.com for your stay today thanks for being here for this episode of lockdown Angels where it’s your team every day you’ve got the first Brothers here with you aka the super Halo Bros my name is John and that’s my brother Mike and my name is Mike and that’s my brother John and my name is John and that’s my friend Lindsay Lindsay how you doing my friend I’m doing well thanks for having me back I I’ve missed you guys yeah we miss you too absolutely thanks Forum jumping on with us hey we’re talking Angels baseball Monday through Friday every single weekday it’s our third season here at lockon Angels we’re happy to be your Halo host hey on today’s show Lindsay’s here because we’re talking about the MLB draft a draft where the Halos have four top 100 picks this year number eight 45 74 and 81 so who should they pick in this draft Lindsay is here to help us out so let’s start with what Lindsay has for us take it away my friend yeah so the the thing about this draft is I like selecting in the top 10 pick number eight is a really good spot for the angels to be we’ll kind of get into like the the Dynamics of the class and some of that but the big story here is every draft has a top tier and the question’s always how big is that top tier last year Five Guys so team picking sixth unless somebody goes out of uh goes away from chalk you’re in a bad place you’re taking a second tier guy this draft is uh considered to be an 11 player draft the top tier is 11 guys okay so picking at number eight obviously you don’t get your choice of any of them but there’s a couple different styles of player and so depending on what you want to do there should be someone left in that type of player to go out and get as far as if you want somebody with physical tools if you want want you know the the the high octane arm if you want the great hitter like there’s multiple options here so it’s a really good place to be at pick number eight and plenty of money too it’s six and a half million dollars is the slot value for that pick yeah uh so plenty of money plenty of options to take there at number eight okay so if the angels are going to get the best top 11 player at number eight who do you suggest they go after first okay so for me I’m trying to kind of project out who the first couple picks are going to be right because I don’t want to say take the best player in the draft and they’re probably G got it number one but right if you assume Charlie Conan of Georgia Travis bazan of Oregon State JJ weather hold of West Virginia if you nick Curt’s W for us you soon they’re gone I’m thinking like if it’s me I want Hagen Smith out of Arkansas the left-handed pitcher and there’s a couple reasons for this the first one is what’s the the joke about the Los Angeles Angels in the draft it’s that they want to who can who can play in the majors this year right of all of these 11 guys he’s probably one of like two that could do that if you wanted him to now he’s a pitcher you have that whole weird thing of how long has he been uh uh resting and not throwing since this college season ended but from a skill perspective Hagen Smith could probably throw in the majors this season in like a limited Bullpen roll uh I’m not saying I would do that but we’ve seen from previous history whether it’s uh and Shan well different guys like that the angels have sometimes done that but what I like about Hagen Smith is he’s kind of unusual and and that’s the real thing for pitching now in this modern era is be a guy that does something different and he’s a lefty with a lower slot and a funky delivery kind of not a comp we don’t do comps but kind of reminds me of watching a Chris Sale right low like lower arm slot funky delivery uh throwing High 90s on a fast ball weird velocity for a lefty unusual velocity for a lefty with a really good slider that he can put pretty much wherever he wants to and a change up like it’s it’s a really good package right now obviously you want to keep developing him right you want him to get you know get a reliable fourth tool and things like that but it’s a package that can miss bats right now he’s got great velocity and it’s just a matter of if you needed him now he could do it but give him a year or two in the miners with some good development and this could potentially be a frontof the rotation type of arm and it’s really hard to get that in the draft and I don’t think anybody outside of the top 10 is probably gonna get a guy like that we’ve we are with you normally but it feels like that desperation to get somebody who can help the Angels now kind of goes away with the fact that you know they’re double digit games under 500 they don’t have oton and trout that they’re trying to get to the playoffs so we’re hoping that they make the right decision here now if there’s somebody position playerwise within that first tier Who falls to the angels at number eight who would you expect them to look at so it’s gonna have to be somebody who falls right but what I would kind of hope for would be one of the really quality hitters somebody like a JJ weather Hol or a Travis bazan I think they’re probably gonna go in the top four but there’s enough questions about weather Holt with his injury that he had this year if one of them Falls you’re both kind of looking at second base you know middle infield profiles so it’s not as valuable as a shortstop but you have Zack Netto yeah and being able to add a quality hitter somebody in there like one of those guys would be really useful at the same time some of these power tools are really really exciting uh whether it’s Charlie Condon who not sure where he’s gonna play Outfield Third Base somewhere like that but I mean Nick CTS is a first baseman but massive power bra mtgy from Texas him is that but in the Outfield uh Jack kagon is probably a hitter and not a pitcher the next level but like there’s guys with really really good power and so it’s tempting to say that’s the highest ceiling if you can get the rest of the tools but something we said all the time on the old Prospect Podcast Unlocked prospects your power tool is only as good as your hit tool so weather Holt and bazan are guys that would probably be quicker to the majors would probably be give you more defensive value at second than a guy at first base would and are probably more likely to become a major league regular because of the quality of the hit tool and so at a certain point you just need talent right you need Major League talent to raise the floor and that’s the type of guy that can do that your issue is do you want to settle for a guy that can raise the floor at pick number eight or is that something where you want to go with the best possible outcome if it works out knowing that could be more risky and kind of a uh individual decision based on what the organization’s comfortable with from a risk perspective so I I had seen a few comments about the Angels possibly going under slot with pick number eight and so I I wonder if there’s somehow you might be able to reassure us Lindsay that maybe that’s not a bad thing considering what happens after uh in the remainder of the draft considering they have other picks in the top 100 like can you explain that just a little bit and and maybe there’s like a a silver lining there I don’t know what do you think okay so so back it up a little bit for everybody uh yeah every single pick in the draft has a estimated or a projected value this is the average amount that we’re expecting that pick to go for anybody can sign for over or under and the angels have like last year uh Nolan Shan will got full slot at that pick but the next five spots combined to save about 300 $100,000 right so that was picks all the way two through the seventh round and then the ninth and 10th rounds combined they saved about $340,000 and they used all of that money to give Barrett Kent in the eighth round uh was it $791,000 it’s the equivalent of of a early third round pick like 87th overall okay and it’s a situation where there’s still players to like in this draft and we’ll get more to that in a second but it’s going to be harder that’s way to find those guys and I think saving money a little bit of money early and using that later isn’t necessarily a bad thing because it gives you more opportunities to find an impact player in the draft versus just taking the best player you think on the board at that time coordinate with some guys let some guys fall down the board overs slaugh them if you have to rather than let them go to college it it can pay off and in a draft that maybe not isn’t as good in an organization that kind of needs some Talent that’s probably the right way to go interesting interesting so if you looked at some of the mock drafts from uh I’m sure you’ve looking at all that there’s uh former lockon Angels host uh Taylor Blake Ward who had JJ weather hold at number eight um is that a likelihood with him still being available there or if you had to from your from your prospect gut who who are the Angels picking or did you already mention him with that pitcher who who you thinking they’re going with at number eight uh I’m expecting him to be one of the guys that goes early and it’s just it’s just simply because so many teams now are so good at looking at the underlying data and kind of ignoring um a minor injury kind of ignoring uh you know overall okay stat lines and going with the information that they have and the data that they have so I would expect somebody like him to probably go early if he’s there at eight absolutely jump on him that’s a very valid and good pick um it’s possible he could play Short Stop we didn’t really he was supposed to do that this year at West Virginia then again got hurt after the first year after the first week the hamstring injury was like the second major injury he’s had in 12 months there will be some teams scared off by the injury history question’s going to be is it enough to get him down to eight if he’s there you absolutely take him at eight because the upside is I mean a probably a borderline All-Star player there just because of his his skill with the bat he’s like maybe a mini version of Louis arise that can actually play defense interesting hey thanks for making lockdown Angels your first listen of the day of course we’re happy that you’re here with us talking about these potential picks with the Halos you know the angels are playing the Mariners tonight at 6:38 Pacific time you can catch every pitch of the Angels Hometown broadcast on SiriusXM with the sxm app just search Angels coming up more with Lindsay Crosby including how are the Angels so lucky we’re going to talk about what that means here in just a minute this episode of lockon angels is brought to you by booking.com with Summer travel heating up especially travel for baseball games it’s time for you to explore the United States cities that you’ve always secretly wanted to go to with hotels bed and breakfast vacation rentals Resorts and so much more booking.com is here to help you out you’re going to find your perfect stay even if you go to your baseball rival City from hotel tells that Overlook stadiums to familyfriendly Resorts booking.com has so many choices across the United States for your summer travel this MLB season so the right stay can make you a fan in any City so take the guest work out of travel flex your books and power and be our friends and our friends with booking.com book.com is the website you can go to booking.com also has an app booking.com and booking.log on Angels is brought to you by eBay Motors 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in the draft this is really a once you get around pick 55 or so the talent in this draft drops off pretty significantly so so getting two picks in that span whereas some teams picking in the back half of the first round are gonna have that second pick go outside of 55 unless they buy a guy down by offering him more money versus slot they’re not going to have that same caliber Talent available to them with that second pick and another thing that’s working out well for the Angels I think is is the weaknesses specifically of this class kind of go line up well with I’m going to say the strengths I guess of the major league roster because this is one it’s not a very good cep uh prep class just at all it’s the quality of the prep players in this draft is very low they’re just they’re talking about in the industry this could be one of the lowest number of preps drafted in the first round in years W I possibly decades like it’s they’re really not thrilled with the quality of the preps in this year compared to previous years um but it’s especially weak in defensive Talent at some of those up- the-middle positions you look at catcher you look at shortstop you look at center field and the defense the caliber of Defenders there isn’t quite where it should be and obviously at the major league level at those positions you’re kind of good for a while uh like catcher Logan o Happ is great I’m loving like one of my favorite players to watch when I’m you know having a chance to watch a West Coast game you look at shortstop Zack Netto is fantastic and like you have guys at these spots center field uh once Mike Trout is healthy he’s one of the best players in baseball and so you’ve got players at all of these positions that it’s going to be harder to find a replacement for them in this draft so the skills kind of I guess the skills the skills that are lacking in this class you can mitigate that somewhat by the skills that you have on the major league roster and then even some of the prospects in the organization like one of your top prospects center fielder Nelson Rada like you have a center fielder there one of your top prospects shortstop denzer Guzman you have a short stop there catcher Dario lde is like a top five pick or top five Prospect in the system like you have prospects at those positions so it kind of frees you up to go more for the best player you can get or going after specific traits that you like and it’s like I’m going to take that guy and we’re going to develop him into a major leager so that’s it works out well for you compared to a team like Atlanta team that I cover every day they love college pitching right the college pitching in this draft especially in the back half of the first round very thin and very risky compared to usual and so I’m writing a piece right now that’s going to be about are they gonna have to go and go get a position player which is just not a thing they’ve done since like 2019 wow that’s crazy because the strengths don’t line up for them but it lines up well for the Angels so how can they take advantage of this below average class like you mentioned they they’ve got the position players that they be the position players at the major league level of course already are areas of a lack of need I guess you could say because they they’ve got that covered so in that in that 45ish area can they can they maybe find somebody who can do third base or you something around there or is there another pitching arm that might be useful in that area the the back half of the first round once you get out of that first tier there’s only really about two College pitchers that are considered to be first round talents right okay and so because of that I think you’re going to see a lot of arms uh probably either a lot of teams swap to prep pitchers or maybe overdraft some guys I think the best strategy for the angels in this draft both at eight and at 45 are going to be let’s see Who falls and let’s know that we can probably save a little bit of money when a guy falls and we can use that later in the draft for somebody and I’m thinking later in the draft like 18th 19th 20th round yeah one of those prepsters that has a strong commitment to uh to college let’s get let’s throw a stupid amount of money at them to get them to sign uh that it feels like that’s going to be the best strategy here for the Angels at eight again 11 guys somebody good probably from each of those different demographics right or those archetypes is going to fall at eight 45 if you look at that there’s a lot of really talented players um thinking about Vance Honeycut out of North Carolina he was discussed as a potential first-rounder entering the season great power um couple defensive question some swinging Miss concerns like little bit flawed but the potential is there um catchers none of the catchers are really outstanding as far as well-rounded they’re all very defensive oriented or offensive oriented so if you wanted to go out and get a guy like that you’re going to be able to find a Jacob Kart from NC State or somebody like that because nobody’s banging down the door to draft a guy in the first round Caleb Lov California would be a great offensive option at catcher at 40 at 45 if you wanted to do that because they’re not going to get overdrafted because nobody’s really thrilled about the quality and then finding some of the projectable arms or finding a guy got injured and you are confident he’s going to rehab and come back Atlanta’s done that a little bit recently and we saw the Phillies do that last year with uh prep infielder Aiden Miller he bro he broke his hand missed a good portion of his senior year of high school they took him blade in the first round and if we red the draft now he’d be a top 10 pick wow so I think there’s some options here if the angels are willing to be patient and say we’re not attached to any one specific player but we’re going to wait and see what’s available on the board and we’re going to see who should have already been drafted that wasn’t and we’re going to swoop in and take them maybe save a little bit of money and get a better caliber player than maybe if we were rigid and said we have to get a pitcher or we have to get an outfielder John and I did an episode where we looked at the slots over the last 10 drafts to see if we recognized any names and and so it was limited it was really limited so in your in your expertise you’re the guru here um 45 is that a potential Major League player how how many years are we waiting for that person to show up and play in Anaheim with the angels so typically a second round pick like that is gonna be a guy that like a lot of first basemen are second round picks because it’s a less valuable defensive position right uh I feel like in this draft you’re going to have less second round picks make MLB than usual it’s usually around I want to say it’s just under 50% in the second round and from there it falls off significantly right it’s usually I want to say it’s just under that but I do think you’re going to find quality talent but everybody in this draft at that point compared to last year is going to be a little bit flawed so I wouldn’t expect the second round pick to be up early next year I think at best you’re looking at late 2025 but probably 2026 simply because the average player outside of the top 11 really is more flawed than they were last year in what was a generationally great class or even two or three years ago it’s just the overall quality especially once you get out inside that 55 are is just down today’s episode of lockdown Angels is brought to you by our friends at tax Network USA listen just because tax season is over doesn’t mean the IRS is not going to stop coming after you for those unfiled taxes they can garnish your wages they can Levy yours accounts they can even seize your property so don’t let the IRS Target you let the licensed professionals and tax experts at tax Network USA go 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feel bad for whoever this I was gonna say which poor unfortunate soul is going to be taken at 74 and have to live up to all kinds of hype because they’re the pick that the Angels got for show Otani walking away he’s gonna have to pitch he’s going have to hit he’s going to have to manage everything yeah everything right run run the Angels yeah yes yeah okay so having looked at like a lot of draft boards and doing a lot of the college baseball work that I did before the season started this year um I like some of the college pitching options there and I think that there’s a group of left-handed pitchers that there’s questions about them that’s why they fall into the third round but I think that as long as you’re confident in the Medicals and you you’re comfortable when you talked to them I think that there’s some quality here that’s better than maybe their stats showed this year so Carter Holton out of van out of Vanderbilt Josh hardle out of Wake Forest and uh pton tol out of TCU like three lefties that looked that like they could have been back half of the first round or second round picks had a little bit of stumble in this final year and should still be available and I think are better talents than most usual third rounders uh one of the big caveats here that’s making this draft really tough to evaluate and I think part of the reason why uh evaluators are down on the pitching is college baseball’s offensive environment this year they scored tons of runs and and and we people don’t really know why it’s the same bats they’ve had for years and all of a sudden I mean exit velocities at the College World Series were rivaling some of the hardest hit Balls by not just Major Leaguers but sh he Otani J Carlos Stanton Aaron judge there was 110 plus Mount hour balls hit regularly it’s freaking climate change man that’s what’s going the Omaha was hot the bats were rolled or something but I do think that there is a little bit of a market inefficiency and I think you kind of see it on draft boards around the third round of college pitchers who are probably better than their stats but because of their stats like major college pitchers I mean uh G Gage Zeal from Miami right-hander not a left-hander but another guy that didn’t have the year you thought he was going to have that he was capable of and I think it’s because of the offensive environment Tyson neighbors of Kansas State another righty like I think there’s an inefficiency here to go get some pitchers a little bit in that you have 74 and then you’ve got the third rounder at 81 I really think especially if you take your first two guys are position players I think you can double up on College pitching there and feel good about we got a good value at this spot despite the overall weakness of the class because there were some mitigating factors here on the stats for these guys and then obviously the Medicals have to work out and and your injuries have to go well with them but I do think that’s a dynamic that we haven’t really talked a lot about as an industry I say as an industry I’m no longer hosting a prospect podcast but I’m still doing this all the time and talking about this and and watching prospects and so I feel like we haven’t talked about about that a lot but College pitching’s hard toal valate this year so will it be kind of the same philosophy at 81 then since the picks are so close it’s treat these as as not quite back-to-back picks but yeah if you have two guys that you like maybe figure out which one you like more and take him first but this is all kind of the same tier guys right I mean you’re once you get past 55 this is a good tier that goes to about uh 90 or so you’re just taking the guys you like in this tier with your two picks obviously like I said think about it which one do you like more take him at 74 but same thought process here for both of these as far as what guys have fallen what value can we get because their conventional stats don’t look great so the Angels really haven’t had the reputation of developing guys that’s why they’ve really thrown up a lot of guys at at the major league level right and then there are names you mentioned one of them uh Nelson Rada and then there’s Kaden Dana who’s in the minor leagues as well so what is your perspective and what are you hearing about the angel Angels minor league development are we are we in a position where we can draft somebody that’s not major league ready and we can let them develop a bit in the minor leagues would you be confident in the Angels being able to do that I think I would be hesitant about taking a high seiling but low floor prep player early in this draft simply because of kind of like you’ve mentioned some of the past development I guess misses or questions a lot of the industry outside of the Angels organization thinks that some of the promotion decisions and some of where what levels prospects get put at is a little bit aggressive a lot of prospects skip the complex level and go straight to single a a lot of young guys go straight up to double a and I understand keeping them out of Triple A because that offensive environment is just not emblematic of what actual baseball really is right but I would be a little more hesitant about going after a prep during this class and I think to kind of to kind of answer your question and part of that is because it’s not a great prep class this is the class of kids that lost a lot of their freshman year of high school to pandemic related cancellations uh and and different mitigation measures right so I’d be hesitant about taking a prepster I’m not as worried about taking maybe a a a a Collegiate player even a junior college guy or a lower level guy because I think the doublea organization I know a lot of the folks there in Rocket City I think they’re really good they know their stuff um I would just be hesitant about getting a prepster from this specific class and then trying to get them into lower level baseball right now with one the lower Talent level and kind of the instability with the rule changes with the elimination of different seasons um I’m if it’s me I’m sticking with college talent for the most part one you can get some of them for cheaper your senior signs you can save money but then two so I can get them high a doublea and let them develop in Rocket City Lindsay you got yourself a big weekend ahead of you you’re about to get on a plane and head to Texas where can people follow you this weekend and keep up with the latest and greatest and what are you up to this weekend what are you gonna be doing by the time this comes out I will be in Arlington Texas I’m there for the Futures game on Saturday the prospect allstar game also there for the MLB draft on Sunday we have a prospect meet up Friday night so I’m on Twitter at Crosby baseball you’ll see all of the videos and tweets about the prospects and the draft stuff this weekend and then my baseball writing a lot of that brave to writing for athlons sports but all over the Athlon Sports Network where I’m covering prospects Major League Baseball for all of their different team sites hey Ken Dana is going to be in that Futures game so can you get us a a little video or you know some maybe some conversation or something like that send it on he he is actually he is actually on my list of the guys I’m gonna try to get pregame and chat with for a few minutes we’ll see what happens I love it love it Lindsay thanks for being here with us we appreciate you we uh miss having you around but we are so grateful that you decided to take the time and and jump in and help us understand the needs and what the Angels might do this weekend we appreciate that man thanks for having me back guys absolutely hey thanks for making lockdown Angels your first listen of the day the Angels play the Rangers at 6:38 Pacific time and you can catch every pitch of the Angels Hometown broadcast with SiriusXM on the sxm app just search angels and you can follow us on Twitter lockon angels and you connect with John and I superalo Bros on Twitter and Instagram and we’re going to be back on Monday we’re we going to recap all four of the games against the Mariners you may have shown up and said hey you didn’t talk about last night’s game right we’re going to recap all four of those games on Monday so for my brother John and our friend Lindsay thanks for joining us at lock on angels and we’ll see you on Monday
The Los Angeles Angels have the good fortune of having 4 Top-100 picks in this year’s MLB Draft, and today, we’re talking with baseball expert Lindsay Crosby about the Halos’ outlook for the draft this weekend! Lindsay, the former host of Locked On MLB Prospects and prolific baseball journalist covering the Braves and several other teams provides his unique insight into who the Angels will pick in the first round at #8: will it be J.J. Weatherholt or an arm like Chase Burnes? Why does Lindsay believe the Angels are lucky when it comes to their draft order? And, who might the Angels pick at #74, the pick they earned from not bringing back Shohei Ohtani? Lindsay answers all these questions and more on today’s 2024 MLB Draft Preview on Locked On Angels!
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Probably end up drafting 1,000,000 players and none of them will pan out lol 😂. I’m well aware I’m being a pessimist. This team just pisses me off.
Angels fan: “It can’t get any worse”
(Team with batting average under .220 scores 11 runs)
Angels fan: “I should probably just shut up.”
Talk about an ass kicking by a first place team 😮…. the halos look pathetic 😞😢
Every draft day, Halos fans should celebrate Eddie Bane. On draft day 2009, Bane was the guy that convinced the Angels to draft a lightly scouted kid from Millville NJ. In 2009, the Angels were loaded with picks, getting comp picks for the loss of K Rod and Teixeira in Free Agency. They had both the 24th and 25th picks overall. The Yankees were the only other team that had aggressively scouted and ranked Mike Trout as "the chosen one," and were sitting at #30, certain that a kid from a small, southern Jersey town would fall to them. Almost as if Bane wanted to torture the Yanks, the Angels drafted Randy Grischuk with #24.. and Then used #25 to take Trout, and, legend has it that at that precise moment Brian Cashman pooped his pants. Thank you Eddie Bane!