Michael Brandsegg-Nygård: Becoming a Red Wing
what do you feel your best attribute is as a player my best skill yeah yeah probably my [Applause] [Music] shot welcome to an NHL draft like no other we are live in 100° Las Vegas we are live at fear Las [Applause] Vegas with the 15th or r pick from MOA of Haw Al San Michael BR seg Nar that is a historic pick that’s the first time in NHL history gentlemen a Norwegian has been picked in the first round so congratulations to him as he heads the hockey [Music] town it’s so cool yeah so unique Arena it’s pretty cool to just be in Vegas too it’s it’s the first time in Vegas but it’s second time in the US the first was in the combine and I’m so excited to be a red ring and uh it was a dream come through and uh see you guys soon perfect yeah perfect yeah thank you so much yeah it’s pretty cool to like it’s original six team has a lot of history you think the fast learn last hopefully maybe can you pronounce it for in the region two new records the First new region and the longest [Music] name looking [Music] fresh like come on the smile looks so good okay your phone blowing up 11 on messenger now on SMS and 73 on snap and 100 and 21 on Tik Tok and I don’t know how many on Instagram was so cool I heard uh my four coaches was sitting like maybe 50 m uh behind me and I heard them when they almost started laughing the N ducks are proud to select from Norway Steen sber what a night for Norway right a player selected in the first round and now this is their second player taken in the first round an unbelievable night there’s only been nine players in the NHL history to you know suit from Norway here we are such a lost guy [Applause] thank [Applause] you I’m big buddy thanks thank you thank [Music] [Music] youut don’t foree foree spee juste [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh original [Laughter] oh better this is cool hey hey there nice to meet you welcome to Detroit thank you thank you oh hey hey nice to meet [Music] you really good [Applause] welcome to Detroit thank you thank you a lot of us yeah um Sunday morning 6:00 in the morning already book so you’re all set we’re going to pick you up at the airport when you arrive this [Music] mine where you guys from me I’m from San Diego yeah Chicago Chicago norian yeah man you good yeah hey nice to meet you nice meet you Subway took an hour and they had nothing nice they had no chicken no turkey no ham no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] cheese is it under the arena or just it’s like have to take an elevator to get down the practice hop under the ring okay I thought it was a room [Music] card after a week around Michael BR sigard what what did you think of his game well I learned learned his nicknames taxi so we’re I thought that was a unique story I like his [Music] [Applause] game he didn’t have an edge on his skate the first day or [Applause] two um but you watch him out there play you can see you know uh strong can protect the puck and obviously he can shoot it very well and I think his skating uh he’s he you know for a guy he knows he’s got to work on it I think and he’s driven work on it and those are the ones that will will get better [Applause]
Follow along with the Detroit Red Wings first round selection in the 2024 NHL Draft, Michael Brandsegg-Nygård, as he is drafted at Sphere in Las Vegas and soon after travels to Detroit for his first Development Camp experience.
LETS GO RED WINGS!! You can tell he is happy to be in the NHL but more importantly for us, he proud to be a RED WING!
ok i f'n love this guy, he's giving all the love to Detroit already.
As a Norwegian hockey fan I'm really happy this historic event happened 2 Norwegians drafted 1 round for the first time ever on top of that 4 players drafted first time ever this is a breakthrough for Norwegian hockey 🏒, but more importantly this will hopefully pave way for more Norwegians drafted in the future.
Mikey content – 😊
*opens the box
Priority 🚚 patch – 😢
Fanatics 🤡💩 jersey – 😱😡
he smells like Swedish meatballz…and coffee…wait… that's my kitchen… and I don't know any Norwegian food. I assume they eat Swedish meatballs. I hear it's like burgers in America
Pretty cool little video, will be exciting to see what all he can improve on and then what he can bring to the team in the future. Lot's of strong talent starting to build in the organization, wish this was EA Sports and Detroit was a more appealing area to live in, so they could get more top end talent now, but the organization is getting much better overall and exciting to watch. LGRW!!!
So awesome!!!!🥰😍
As of right now, we could potentially have him under contract for a Max of 5 years
It says nothing about his on ice play and I know nothing about his on ice play, but the dude just has the look of an NHLer, has the boyish face you look back on and think "oh my god he's so young" once he is a grizzled veteran in the league.
Maybe we’ll see you in about 4 seasons.. have fun 👍
So excited for this upcoming season