Cincinnati Bengals News: ESPN PERFECTLY Places Joe Burrow In Latest QB Rankings | Tee Higgins Update

Bengals fans we are in a like battle against our Browns Channel as we speak a July like battle as you can see we got a little bit of ground we need to catch up on but we’ve done a great job so far throughout the month liking those videos but we can do an even better job so make sure you hit that thumbs up icon on today’s show the more you guys like our videos the more videos we can make so it really helps us out so help us catch the Browns and also help us just get more likes on our videos overall so we can keep making CC night Bangals YouTube videos lud day nation what’s going on Stone shields on hand for another edition of Bengals breakdown thank you so much for joining us on today’s show got an exciting show planned out for everybody obviously we’ve been talking about the ESPN rankings that are uh coming out from Executives coaches and Scouts from around the league and today we got our quarterback rankings it’s kind of felt like it’s all led up to this moment we’ve been excited about seeing those rankings so we’ll dive into that and see exactly where Joe burrow lands also we talked about on yesterday’s show that t Higgins is officially not going to reach an extension with the Cincinnati Bengals and will be playing under the franchise tag I will explain to you guys why Cincinnati handled this situation correctly and also some more rankings we have to get to CBS Sports released their head coaching rankings and we’ll see exactly where Zack Taylor landed and I just a little spoiler he gets a little disrespected in my in my opinion on these rankings but first we’ll start with Joe burrow and um like I said NFL executive Scouts and coaches around the league ranked their quarterbacks and Joe burrow was number two and I was very it was almost a relief to see this right because there was a little bit of worry that he was going to get docked for the injury last year uh well the calf strain and of course the wrist injury that ended his season but he stays in the correct spot and they put him at number two right where he belongs let’s take a look at the top 10 right now obviously number one Patrick Mahomes you can’t really dispute that whatsoever right Joe burrow right there in the number two spot we’ve been saying that all off season here on Bengals breakdown and ESPN and the scouts and the executives and the coaches they agree with us they got burrow at that two spot Allen is three Josh Allen of the Buffalo Bills and Lamar Jackson is four I believe they got the top four perfect in this uh from this point of view you um you can make some arguments after that but top four that’s pretty much exactly how I would have it looking at number five there Matthew Stafford that seems a bit aggressive you know he’s getting up there in age and he’s certainly capable of uh playing really good football but I think five seems a little extreme I probably would have Justin Herbert bumped up to that five spot I think Herbert’s going to have a great year with uh Jim Harbaugh Stout at seven um you know had a great rookie season it seems a little early I think we can can pump the brakes a little bit on that but um I need to see it one more year and if he does it again then I’m willing to put him up this high in the rankings number eight Aaron roders that’s kind of a wild card spot right I think at any point he is able to go out there and be one on this list but being 40 years of age coming off an Achilles you just never really know so I think it is appropriate to still have him in the top 10 like I said kind of a wild card in that area and as far as the 910 spot I find it hard to believe you’re not seeing a Trevor Lawrence or jayen Herz on this list but like I said the top four and most importantly for us here at Bengals breakdown the number two spot is correct and that is the one word that comes to my mind when I saw this list is correct um that’s what I think about when you say Joe burrow is the second best quarterback in the NFL like I said we’ve been saying it all off season long um you know the playoff wins prove it you know the fourth quarter comebacks prove it all kinds of things uh show up to the point that Joe burrow is the second best quarterback in the NFL but I want to know what you guys think with the pin comment of today’s video what is your one-word reaction to Joe burrow being the number two uh ranked quarterback in ESPN’s rankings like I said my one word was correct I want to know what you guys think let me know what your one-word reaction is in the comment section here’s what an anonymous NFL executive had to say on Joe burrow he said burrow is still probably the most consistent of all the guys a pure throw who’s in complete Command of the offense and comes up big in big moments he knows when to attack and be aggressive versus when to take the easy yards and the dude is so tough here’s what Joe burrow has done from a statistical standpoint throughout his career in Cincinnati but as I’ve said before it’s not the numbers that make him special you really got to use the eye test when it comes to Joe burrow because it’s those big moments those third Downs those fourth Downs late in the game that’s when he’s at his best and it’s when he needs to standing there and get rocked in the pocket and be able to get right back up and make the next play that’s probably my favorite thing about Joe burrow obviously we all hold our breath a little bit when he gets hit but I love seeing him pop right back up I don’t think anybody in the league does it quite like Joe burrow obviously the issue with him is health and we’ll see if he can get back to that true form that he was a couple of years ago and if he’s able to stay healthy throughout the 2024 season all right so I can see some people making some arguments about burrow potentially being a little little too high and this is one of the two guys that you could argue is ahead of Joe burrow but I’ll tell you why he is not look Josh Allen obviously is an unbelievable player but he’s had six seasons in the NFL and I think we can all agree he should have played in at least one AFC title game by now and he has not done that and he always kind of leaves you wanting a little bit more certainly he’s miraculous and he’s brilliant but you’re always like ah I feel like you could give me just a little bit more and your team could ultimately be a a little bit better and the big thing for him why he’s not number two it’s the turnover issue right um he’s got 78 interceptions and 59 fumbles since 2018 for some perspective there Patrick Mahomes has 62 interceptions and 36 fumbles so that’s obviously a massive difference there but there is obviously a like a lot to like about Josh Allen he’s an elite leader right he’s a great guy to have in your locker room leading your franchise he’s great at the podium um you know he’s just a team teammate that you really want to be around and he had an 81.2 qbr in the fourth quarter last year which led the NFL so I think it’s only a matter of time before Josh Allen kind of breaks through to that next level but he’s by no means where Joe burrow is right now the other guy that you could argue is ahead of Joe burrow would be Lamar Jackson now when you look at the numbers here in the regular season Lamar Jackson just wins that’s what he does right and he has the edge over burrow in terms of head-to-head matchups going 4- one against Joe B but the big kicker against Lamar is his performance in the playoffs not only is his record two and four but I think and he hate to put just one game on the guy but when you think about how he played in the AFC championship against Kansas City last year I think that’s just kind of a microcosm of what you get from Lamar Jackson I mean he seemed he seemed a little bit rattled the moment seemed a little bit too big he was making some mistakes and he really lacked Poise and you saw that throughout his whole team if you remember uh the Z flower situation where he just completely melted down um that kind of is something that you saw with like the Marvin Lewis Bengals just kind of a meltdown I it’ be hard for me to believe that Joe burrow would allow that kind of meltdown to happen to his team and that’s really the biggest reason why I’m knocking Lamar Jackson here and have Joe burrow ahead of him certainly but my biggest takeaway is they got this right um like I said I was a little bit worried they were going to potentially knock him for the injury um I think you know if he were to get hurt again this year obviously don’t even want to put that out into the universe but um they probably would knock him for next year but right now they still got him at that two spot and it’s up to him to try to stay healthy like I said ultimately it circles back to Burrow’s Health if you’re not out there it’s hard for people to evaluate just so he certainly needs a very healthy 2024 season to stay where he is at currently in the quarterback rankings moving on to T Higgins here like we said um the Bengals are holding firm on T Higgins they didn’t you know it seemed like their plan the whole time was to go with the franchise tag and not reach an extension with him and that’s what’s happened and we’ll take a look here at what Bleacher Report said on the th Higgins situation they said tagging Higgins Higgins without then extending him was a calculated Risk by the Bengals but it’s one that makes plenty of sense on one hand they run the risk of losing the two-time thousand-yard receiver in 2025 free agency for nothing more than a potential compensation pick on the other hand they head into the 2024 with options on how to handle the future and that is the biggest thing for me Cincinnati has options when it comes to T Higgins let’s say for whatever reason the Bengals are not in contention God forbid Joe burrow gets hurt or they’re just not winning football games then they could be a point at a in a position where they could deal him to a contender prior to the trade line trade deadline and be able to get lots of draft compensation obvious L hopefully that doesn’t happen but it’s just the possibility that the Bengals have working for them and also what if he’s not brilliant this year right what if he goes out there and doesn’t perform the way he has been throughout his career well then his market value is going to go down and then potentially the Bengals could be able to afford him if teams aren’t throwing a lot of money at at him like they would be if he was a free agent this off season and then again what if he is brilliant well let me tell you if he’s brilliant that means Joe Burrow’s probably out there being brilliant and if those things are both happen the Bengals are probably going to the AFC Championship at worst so it’s really a win-win winwin situation for Cincinnati when it comes to how they handle T Higgins obviously if he’s no longer a Bengal after 2024 that’ll be sad from the uh organizational standpoint I think they’ve handled this pretty much perfectly to this point once again your opportunity to get involved with our show and head on down in the comments section and let us know your thoughts did the Bengals make the right call with D Higgins type y fors or type n and for no in the comments section really would like to hear what you guys have to say about this so get involved in the comment section right now of today’s show and our last topic point of today’s program where does Zack Taylor rank CBS released their head coaching rankings and had Zack Taylor at number 14 I was really happy with where ESPN had burrow uh complete opposite feelings here for how Zack Taylor got treated over at CBS Sports but before we fully dive into want to give a shout out to our friends over at Fanatics the amarius Mims rookie jerseys are available now make sure you go and get those amarius Mims that link will be in the comments and the description of today’s show so show your support for the Bengals first round draft pick and go get you an amarius Mims rookie Jersey all right so here’s what CBS had to say in terms of their top 10 head coaches look one again can’t dis that at all Andy Reid I would flipflop Shanahan and McVey personally don’t have a major issue with that however harball think he’s in a fine spot lefl seems a bit aggressive I’m really really high on the Green Bay Packers this year but um that seems a little bit aggressive putting him at that Five Spot Tomlin obviously he’s accomplished he’s been around forever but um it’s getting to the point where it’s like all right what what are you going to do you just going to keep having a winning season and that’s going to be it or you going to you know be able to take the next step for for your franchise Harbaugh um you know I think he’s going to Vault his way back onto this list eventually but you know putting him there right out of college seems a bit bold Dan Campbell I don’t understand how you got Dan Campbell ahead of Zack Taylor I am a fan of Dan Campbell I think a lot of people are but the reason they didn’t advance to the Super Bowl last year was because of Dan Campbell I understand you know that aggressive style that he has is part of what makes Detroit Detroit but still I I I wouldn’t even consider comparing ing him to a guy like Zack Taylor and Shawn mcdermit are you serious um I mean he’s really just held Buffalo back like we said it’s inexcusable that Josh Allen hasn’t played in an AFC title game and I blame Shawn mcder a heck of a lot more than I blame Josh Allen for that and if you got Kevin stefansky in your top 10 you’re just out of your mind you kidding me I mean what has he done I mean he rarely goes to the playoffs his team’s a mess they always underachieve people oh Cleveland Cleveland it’s Cleveland at the end of the day you got to be kidding me if you got uh Kevin stefansky in your top 10 moving on to where Zack Taylor is in this list McDaniel obviously like McDaniel but you know the success in the playoffs hasn’t been there and 12 and 13 I just think those guys haven’t you know proved enough yet like demo Ryan’s coming off year one yeah it was brilliant yeah they won a playoff game it seems I mean look what Zach Taylor’s done Zack Taylor has won five playoff games so um you know I felt pretty disrespected by this list I would have Zack Taylor well in my top 10 probably in that six seven range to be honest with you um but yeah this is what CBS Sports had to say once again you can hop in the comments section and let us know where you rank Zack Taylor 1 to 30 1 to 32 I want to know what you guys think maybe I’m crazy maybe maybe I’m hyping him up a little bit too much but I think he’s well inside that top 10 give me a number right now down in the comment section so this is kind of the rundown with Taylor he’s entering his six season when you look at the record you know obviously considerably under 500 3744 and one but the playoff record is 5- two and you have to understand the first two years of the Zack Taylor era what he inherited in Cincinnati was awful and they went two and 14 his first year but that allowed them to get Joe burrow uh in the following year’s draft and then that year they would have they were on a you know Pace to win several more games than they did obviously Joe bur blows out his knee and they go 411 and one now I have to credit the Bengals front office a lot here cuz I think a lot of uh front offices around the league would have got rid of him but they said you know what we’re going to give Zack Taylor another year what happened he leads the Bengals to the Super Bowl and that playoff record five and two I thought Zack Taylor in every playoff game he puts the Bengals in a great spot to win and um yeah I think that’s where he’s at his best kind we talk about that with Joe burrow the big games the playoff games The Prime Time games that’s where he’s at his best that’s that’s where their head coach Zack Taylor is at his best as well he’s completely um you know done a 180 on what the Bengals used to do in those Big Time moments so um I certainly would have Zack Taylor well inside my top 10 make sure you guys are subscribed to our channel here at Bengals breakdown training camp is on the horizon and we’re going to have some great content for you guys when that rolls around can’t wait to fully dive in to all those position battle position battles and we’ll really see where everything stands here in a couple of weeks so make sure you hit that sub button balv [Music]

ESPN has released QB rankings from scouts, executives and coaches around the NFL. On today’s edition of Bengals Breakdown we discuss Joe Burrow’s placement and if he was ranked in the right spot. Also, host Stone Shields explains why the Cincinnati Bengals handled Tee Higgins and his contract situation correctly. Plus, CBS Sports released their head coach rankings, where does Bengals head coach Zac Taylor fall?

The Browns Report is ahead of us in our like battle – make sure you LIKE today’s video!

Amarius Mims rookie jerseys available now:

ESPN’s QB rankings from coaches, executives & scouts around the NFL:
#1: Patrick Mahomes (Chiefs)
#2: Joe Burrow (Bengals)
#3: Josh Allen (Bills)
#4: Lamar Jackson (Ravens)
#5: Matthew Stafford (Rams)
#6: Justin Herbert (Chargers)
#7: C.J. Stroud (Texans)
#8: Aaron Rodgers (Jets)
#9: Jared Goff (Lions)
#10: Dak Prescott (Cowboys)

Anonymous NFL executive on Joe Burrow: “Burrow is still probably the most consistent of all the guys. A pure thrower who’s in complete command of the offense and comes up big in big moments. He knows when to attack and be aggressive vs. when to take the easy yards. And the dude is so tough.”

Bengals news and rumors you might have missed in our latest Cincinnati Bengals YouTube videos:
– Bengals Rumors & News: No Extension For Tee Higgins + Colin Cowherd’s BOLD Joe Burrow Comparison –
– Top 4 Bengals Roster Battles On Defense Ft. Dax Hill, Jordan Battle, Myles Murphy & Joseph Ossai –
– Bengals Rumors: Chase Daniel RIPS Joe Burrow, ESPN Surprise Rankings Of Trey Hendrickson, Geno Stone –

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Bleacher Report on Tee Higgins: “Tagging Higgins without then extending him was a calculated risk by the Bengals, but it’s one that makes plenty of sense. On one hand, they run the risk of losing the two-time 1,000-yard receiver in 2025 free agency for nothing more than a potential compensation pick. On the other, they head into 2024 with options on how to handle his future.”

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CBS Sports’ NFL head coach rankings:
#1: Andy Reid (Chiefs)
#2: Sean McVay (Rams)
#3: Kyle Shanahan (49ers)
#4: John Harbaugh (Ravens)
#5: Matt LaFleur (Packers)
#6: Mike Tomlin (Steelers)
#7: Jim Harbaugh (Chargers)
#8: Dan Campbell (Lions)
#9: Sean McDermott (Bills)
#10: Kevin Stefanski (Browns)
#11: Mike McDaniel (Dolphins)
#12: Kevin O’Connell (Vikings)
#13: DeMeco Ryans (Texans)
#14: Zac Taylor (Bengals)

2023 Bengals Stats Leaders (Defense):
Logan Wilson: 135 tackles, 5 TFL, 1 sack, 4 INT, 9 PBU, 2 FF
Germaine Pratt: 118 tackles, 7 TFL, 2 INT, 2 sack, 3 PBU, 2 FF
Dax Hill: 110 tackles, 6 TFL, 2 INT, 1.5 sack, 11 PBU
Mike Hilton: 84 tackles, 11 TFL, 2 INT, 9 PBU, 1 Sack, 1 FR
Sam Hubbard: 58 tackles, 7 TFL, 6 sacks
Cam Taylor-Britt: 50 tackles, 4 INT, 11 PBU, 1 FF, 1 TFL
Trey Hendrickson: 43 tackles, 16 TFL, 17.5 sacks, 3 PBU, 3 FF

Jump into the comments section and let us know:
– One word reaction to Joe Burrow being #2 in ESPN’s QB rankings
– Did the Bengals make the right call with Tee Higgins? Type ‘Y’ for Yes, ‘N’ for No
– Rank Zac Taylor among NFL head coaches

Zac Taylor rundown:
– Entering 6th Season
– Record: 37-44-1
– Playoff Record: 5-2

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  1. Are you part of the Noti Gang at Bengals Breakdown? Only about 14% of you actually are! Change your notifications from "personalized" to "all" by clicking the bell icon!

  2. Maybe, but I think he’s better than Mahomes. Mahomes has had a better team around him previously. We will see what happens this year. I think Burrow will take it all this year!!

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