[Howie Rose] I will make sure my ears say hi to [Ingrid Andress]. They’re in rehab too.

  1. How are the MAGA guy and the reporter who eats out of old vending machines our least cringe broadcaster social media presences.

  2. I love Howie but this is a joke you make on your burner or privately to close friends, not on your public/professional twitter account.

    ETA: I also dont think the joke is particularly funny/clever either to be clear, my point was more that, regardless of how funny, its punching/kicking while down and not something a professional should be saying publicly. I wouldnt even make this joke at my office.

  3. The man is 70 years old, I’m not gonna say it’s right because it’s not but I’m not gonna log on to drag him for classic howie deadpan humor.

    It’s a bad joke.

    Let’s just move on and hope Ingrid goes to rehab and gets better

  4. Didn’t he get really annoyed at people for being mean to his own, similarly aged daughter on twitter?

    I love Howie but this seems a little off.

  5. I do hope she can get a redemption, nobody should have to endure so much mental abuse. I’m ready for a comeback story

  6. Howie’s lost a few miles off his fastball for a few years now. He’s not the same cuddly, affable guy he used to be. This is about on par for how he comes off on the radio during games these days.

  7. Utterly disappointed in Howie. This is a terribly insensitive and honestly, disgusting take.

    I’ve lost a lot of respect for a man for whom I had a whole lot until now. I hope he reconsiders his words and recognizes the wrong, and more so, the harm his words have for those suffering from addition across the country

  8. Kind of surprising to see him post this. Seems a little insensitive/unprofessional for someone of Howie’s stature. Maybe I’m being too sensitive.

  9. Come on Howie, you’re better than this. She’s got issues that she is taking action to address.

  10. You’d think a fan base familiar with fake IL stints would be able to identify a cop out rehab post, at least Howie can

  11. Howie! Mannnn I dunno about this one. Alcoholism is no joke. A light rib and a shout out for getting help is one thing, but this just comes off as mean spirited.

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