“Coleman is a star, they’re better without Diggs”

wins against Arizona at Home Jacksonville at home weeks four to six on the road are brutal bounce back with a win over Tennessee still good enough to take Seattle on the road defend the rock pile versus Miami roadwi versus the Colts and then skip down and finish with a sweep of the expected to be lowly Patriots a floor of eight wins which would trigger lots of change miss it man miss it spray yourself with mustard and catchup and then jump on a table and you’ll come up with their ceiling Coleman is a star they’re better without digs if that’s the case give them a huge statement win over the Chiefs at home and add a win over the Rams on the road and beat the Jets at home late too bringing their ceiling to 11 and six Allen in this scenario has an MVP type year cook is a Monster yeah game preview guy guess N9 and eight I suppose I’ve heard of the addition by subtraction concept but I failed math so I don’t know how that works and I don’t think it will in their case either

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  1. Nếu bạn có thể dịch câu này, hãy để lại một lượt thích

  2. You can tell when someone is a fan. Forget about Diggs, the bills literally got rid of everyone. No way Diggs was that negative to the culture that he's gonna make the defense and offense better by not being there😂😂😂. Y'all are delusional.

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