all right guys hot take hockey back with another video talking with my buddy here Riley eott uh work together at the Bulldogs OHL uh just big hockey guy big Sabers guy um but just across the board we’re always talking hockey so I thought we’d have that discussion uh starting with the Sabers uh obviously a huge discussion for me is that uh I was kind of just frustrated on behalf of Sabers fans for the for the Ryan McLoud trade I I was really high on seavoy uh I thought certain guys coming in seavoy Benson just the new wave of the Sabers so that was kind of My Lens but honestly bringing on Riley and and obviously talking with their Sabers fans we want to look at the positive perspective but also and I’ve kind of been like nailing this conversation is that if you make a move like this to really solidify a position in need I think you have to go for it this season which I think a lot of Sabers fans would agree you have to go for a top six forward so Riley talk about your perspective on the Ryan McLoud trade and then just in general kind of what I just talked about like the Sabers Direction here for Kevin Adams to be in good uh I would say Grace with Sabers fans oh it’s going to take it’s going to take a lot for uh Kevin Adams to be in the good graces of Sabers fans right now especially with uh big YouTubers like hot take Hawk he getting pissed you were pretty pissed about the the McLoud trade because very high on seavoy yeah all of Twitter was high on seavoy like as soon as uh as soon as you got trade at admon which I guess makes sense it’s a Canadian team everybody gets hyped about a Canadian team having a decent Prospect but I mean I’m like biased uh like when I was I was pissed that uh seavo didn’t make the world juniors two years ago I was like how is this possible and then last year he made the world juniors he got not he didn’t do very well I mean Team Canada in general didn’t do very well but he was really put in a position to do well and run with it and he did not did not do well at all um obviously in the WHL he did great but uh when you look at like what the Sabres got back um McLoud you you a lot of people tend to compare him to Middle stat which is like fine if you want to compare like oh our 3C last year was middle stad and this year it’s it’s McLoud well we had three centers that uh last year you want to have offensive zone starts if you look at like Colorado they’re deploying him in the offensive zone and and to be honest like I would love to have Middle St I’d love to put him in the offensive zone but that’s just not what we need right now we need guys like McLoud who you can feel safe I don’t know if you’ve seen like some of his hockey V cards and stuff like that but he’s one of the best defensive centers in the league so we need those guys who you can put in the defensive Zone who we haven’t had for years like we’ve had Dylan cousins as our matchup Center and you look at last year like oh he had a down year well he’s shutting down top lines all year so it’s it’s tough for him so bringing him a Cloud not only like Shores up our defense but it also allows guys like cousins and Thompson who shouldn’t have got as many defensive Zone starts they’ll be able to give those dzone starts to McLoud and and laferty the fourth line and they’ll be able to hopefully Thrive so I think it there’s so many layers to how M McLoud helps the team and there’s also so many layers to like okay yeah we gave up seavoy but where looking look at our depth chart in two years where is where’s seavo are you kicking Jack Quinn off the the second line are you kicking Alex tuck well Alex tuck is going to be UFA in a couple years but are you kicking like K is he jumping kulit all of a sudden is he jumping aosen even though asen’s probably a center like there’s just no spot for him and we need that defensive Zone uh center right now and he literally is like the perfect fit for it yeah I mean I’ll say this I would have been even though it yeah it did come off I was pretty fired up but I would have been so much more fired up and I think you would have been too a lot more sa if it was like kolich that got traded in that deal like I at least my opinion I I’m higher on kulich I think the size like I think the dominance at the AHL already I think I’m higher on kulich I do want to make that known okay well I’m just saying like I think when you made your video you were like defending Sabers fans which I totally get like it’s like what the hell like it’s especially when you go second for MST and then you give up seavoy for a third line C my thing man it’s not even here’s the thing I think the trade itself when you look at it I don’t think it’s like the most horrible thing for the reasoning like you Shore up and absolute need you bring in something that’s going to alleviate uh cousins responsibilities like I think in general your Center depth got a lot better I’m not disagreeing with like the perspective on the trade I’m getting fired up over like the asset management perspective from Kevin Adams like the second round pick for allenstein proves that like if if the first trade of this offseason was the McLoud trade I can kind of be like you know what but he’s getting aggressive at like filling a need but it was like for me it was like the value there he overcompensated to get that need same thing with manstein he felt okay let’s get like some depth younger depth on I mean malin’s his mid- 20s at this point but a guy that’s going to fit your need fourth line can play center play Wing you brought in laferty for the same thing but I just feel like you needed to give up a second for that like you needed to give up seavoy to get McLoud like yeah no I totally agree but if you look at like Edmonton like as soon as they trade moud it was like oh good good heaven like good grief let’s get this guy out of here like guy doesn’t go in the corners all this stuff but like for the weeks leading up to the trade it was like we need to get rid of a Vander Kane like this offensive core is like stacked which I totally agree their offensive core is stacked but nobody was talking about moving McLoud so maybe like Edmonton’s in a spot where they’re like we’re not moving McLoud and then they’re like okay well we really want them we’re giving up seavoy which that’s a whole another another topic is that smart Asset Management on the Oiler side making like I feel like what you’re saying exactly that Oilers perspective made it seem like McLoud was like not going anywhere so his value I guess goes up at that point yeah no I I agree but um I don’t know I think I think like if you look at last off season there was like no moves done at all and even this off season like people are talking about uh we’ll talk about the top six four later but people are like oh let’s let’s get a top six four and then and let’s like sh up this offense since like none of these guys have moved like the only guy that’s moved that I could even see like the Sabers wanting is like M Aon yeah he went for a second whoops but uh but you know what I mean like these guys aren’t moving sometimes you have to overpay like I don’t know what’s going on in the NHL these days like the NBA just made a six team trade and NHL it’s like still seems like impossible to get a deal done so sometime I guess that’s Evan Adam Kevin Adams thought process is like I guess we have to overpay here which I totally get the asset management but it’s like what do you want to go into the year with pton Krebs as your 3C because you didn’t want to overpay Payton Krabs is a whole another subject but yeah yeah no I I mean I agree I also think like and and being someone that kind of covers like the whole league at least I try to talk about the whole league it’s like I I always kind of I don’t know I find some humor out of like seeing both fans like completely disagree on their players value like for example right now with all like the Joel far we’ll talk about that but those trade rumors it’s like I see Flyers fans want like the sun the moon the stars and like Sabers fans think it’s going to take like Krebs in a in a mid- round pick to get it done it’s just like let’s wake up and and realize what’s going on here because again yeah what you just said like I think the zooker signing for me like I look at it in two different ways one being like did you really need to sign a guy when you have like Quinn petka Benson all battling for like those top nine Winger spots already I mean zooker could probably fit somewhere on that third line um potentially or maybe he goes on the second line to give Greenway the spot I don’t know I I feel like it’s a bit crowded there right now with a zoker signing I feel like he’s not really a true top six forward at least for what he did last year um but at the same time you got him just through free agency um and didn’t have to give him a second round pick where M aane that conversation had oh totally agree I don’t know I I I see it on both sides like you didn’t have to give up anything to get zooker uh but at the same time you paid 5 million and then you gave the second anyways to Valenstein so I don’t know I’m kind of all over the place with the Sabers right now man yeah it makes no sense like why like I don’t mind the zooker bringing in zooker but I don’t I have the same thought like what do you do with them do you put him on the second line and then Benson now a third liner which I mean he’s 19 years old I wouldn’t mind if he was on the third line I think he fits better on the second line that means Greenway is probably on the fourth line right like no it would be benenson cousins uh venson cousins Quinn and then Zucker um McLoud and Greenway Greenway is Greenway is a touchy subject in the sabers fan base some guys love him yeah some guys absolutely hate him think he’s the worst player in the world which I’m kind of in the middle I I don’t mind him on the third line especially well I guess where I’m getting at is like so that can move into this next conversation is like if the Sabers do acquire and even this is a scenario where even Krebs goes the other way you’re still potentially moving another forward that’s on your roster for that top six forward because if not like I just said zuker Greenway all of a sudden find themselves like down the depth chart uh specifically I think Sabers fans would agree it’s probably in that scenario hypothetically if you didn’t move one of those guys Greenway ends up on your fourth line with like lafy and malen Steiner lafy and Al kubel um which $3 million doll guy on the fourth line so I I wonder if Greenway goes the other way in a potential top six forward like that’s another guy I wonder yeah I don’t know um I don’t I really don’t know like right now even if you look at it we’re crowded like Krebs is a guy that like Kevin Adams has believed in like hard since the eel trade he almost has to because he’s like not by any means the main piece but he was a seen as like a top prospect when we got him so he’s a big part of the iel trade and we believed in him we’ve given him shots when he first got here he was like on the power play and stuff and he was making good passes and then last couple years like even at times when you’re like this guy has to come out of the lineup they’re not and then you trade away middle stat and it’s like they put crabs at the 3C and you’re like is do they think this is the solution here so they’re believing in crabs and then but right now if you look at the lineup like where is he going to go are you are you g to take out o kubel who is like one of the best defensive fourth liners or best defensive forwards in the league right now are you going to put Krebs in because of him so right now we’re already overloaded you take you take a spot where you uh trade for a top six forward while now like yeah I 100% probably Greenway has to go he makes the most sense to go the other way I don’t know how much value he has at that $3 million price tag but yeah um apparently he’s got a that’s that was an overpaid last year we gave a second round pick for a guy who probably should have been a cap dump and me $3 million in the cap is not like yeah easy for a bottom six guy that’s not producing and that’s why I was gonna also say like if you have a combination of Greenway with and he’s not scoring for example with McLoud I would say Au kubel laferty like that’s those are guys that are not going to put up a lot of production on the board like good defensively for sure like three of those guys I just listed um but I think that’s maybe the one concern for the Sabers is like um yeah you’re probably going to give those young guys the opportunity in the top six which is fine but I think that’s where Sabers fans really want that top six Edition because as you said it slides down a guy like Benson who I mean that would be a really good third line if it could be Benson McLoud zooker as your third line so I think that’s where SA to look into perspective get a top six forward have zooker and Benson as your Wingers in the third line and then either move Greenway or he ends up getting stuck on your fourth line like that’s at least my perspective I don’t know if you disagree or not with that no I I agree that’ be sweet but at the same time like if you’re looking at um my perspective on it is I don’t believe we need to acquire a top six forward right now obviously if we’re looking good and uh yeah I know my my opinion on it is if you look at last season look at our penalty kill like our top penalty kill usage was Thompson Tu cousins and Greenway like Thompson broke his hand blocking a shot on the on the penalty kill and this is your first line Center your power play specialist like not specialist but your power play weapon like these guys are getting injured on the penalty kill blocking shots like and they’re they’re getting defensive Zone usage I think their numbers are just going to boost by having menston lafy McLoud Greenway on the penalty kill instead of them also that fourth line of um MST lafy and O kabell and the third line with McLoud getting all the dzone starts and then you put cousins and Thompson in the offensive zone starts I think that alone will boost their offense and all these people saying like oh we need a top six forward well we like we kind of got one because we’re replacing Victor Olson who played most of the year year in the top six some he got dropped down at the end of the year and like got healthy scratched at the end of the year we went into the into last season with petka cousins and Olson as our second line now we’re going in with Quinn instead of olon that is like such a massive difference I think Quinn is like one of the most underrated players in the league he he is so good he came off an ACL injury and like scored like right away like there was no hiccup no nothing I think he could have a huge year and I just think the the usage of the players like we were asking cousins and Thompson to do it all last year and Tuck we’re asking them to do it all last year and now we’re saying we got guys to check we got guys to fight we got guys who are going to play in the defensive Zone we got guys on the penalty kill go up there and score goals and I think that is going to like do major like it’s going to make a major difference yeah man thanks for coming on give your shout for uh what you got going on and uh taking at the end of the video guys I’ll definitely get Riley to to look at some of the comments we’ll shoot a message on Twitter things like that but uh yeah Riley give your uh give a little plug yeah so my my Twitter account is buffal litics so if you want to chirp me come at me on there I’m happy to defend myself most of the time I find myself uh leveling with people but uh yeah I’m starting uh an Esports uh Community event um brand in in Branford Ontario so we’re going to look to to uh maybe have some NHL events get get uh like 30 people 60 people 100 people who knows and uh start building community esport events and uh bring people together so if you’re interested in uh any video game um follow uh at next genore cancan on Instagram and Twitter and uh we’re looking to get the ball rolling we’re looking to probably get a event going in the next couple months so yeah thanks John hey of course man thank you for doing that and thanks for joining uh some Sabers talk we’ll do this every once in a while to kind of catch up uh it’s definitely cool to kind of I mean I doing a lot of Lea stuff but I I like going across the league but it’s cool to kind of bring on a on a perspective right from the team and right from the fan base and um I think uh yeah Sabers fans will will enjoy this chat so from Riley myself John make sure you guys subscribe like comment make sure you guys hit up Riley and uh we’ll talk soon peace

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  1. B4Savoie is no big deal hes not Benson ,id be pissedif they got rid of our new 9 #24 ,is a beast youlle see ,#77 ,72,89,look at them go and thats not the fun line hope we can retap those days ,Quinn needs to stay healthy verry essential to the team ,i wonder if well pik up Farabe im all for it Krebbs and Greeny for,Farabe

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