Trevor Linden is a regular at a restaurant I work at, and hopefully I can get him to sign it! Luckily he always comes in on the same day of the week, about once a month.

  1. Noice! Iโ€™ve got a mogilny one! Salmon skate is my personal favourite jersey!

  2. Very nice.ย  Interesting that there’s a Canucks logo where the NHL logo should be on the back by the CCM logo.

  3. I love the salmon skate so much. I hope we can do an RR using it as an inspo

  4. That’s the one alternate jersey I wish they had included in NHL 23.

  5. That’s a beauty. Do you mind if I ask where you got it? And what it cost?

  6. Cool jersey but I don’t love it. Looks a little too Flames-y for my liking. I think the flying skate’s dazzling colors only work against a white or black background.

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