Going to enjoy these last few years with America’s Ballpark 🍊

  1. Years from now, they’ll still be talking – the Polo Grounds, Ebbets Field, The Trop…

  2. I spent a lot of my child hood here, from games with my dad, to birthdays with friends, even my high school graduation was in the Trop!

  3. Other fans love to knock it, but it’s always dry and 72 degrees inside! Play ball!!

  4. There’s something about watching baseball in what looks like a giant ashtray that’s truly special. And then you go inside and you look up at the roof and it looks like there’s smoke damage/dirt all around.

    You just can’t re-create this kind of magic 🤷🏼‍♂️

  5. When I move to the area (yeah I know, new people bad), I really want to put together some Reddit group game outings at the Trop before it’s gone. I love being there and hate being so far away from it.

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