> McCullers remains a “no-throw” after spending the season building up from major surgery last June to repair his flexor tendon and remove a bone spur. McCullers had progressed to the point of throwing in the bullpen in late June before the Astros shut him down. Manager Joe Espada said McCullers visited a doctor for a second opinion and was told him there’s no structural damage to his elbow.
> “It’s just getting him back to where he bounces back well after he throws a side or he plays catch,” Espada said. “Right now he’s no-throw and then depending on how he feels the next couple of days, then we start ramping up his throwing.” (Last updated: July 19)
I mean, nobody expects him back, right? Feel bad for the guy because he keeps working to get back but he’s done. Hopefully he can find a place within the organization.
This is pretty much the MLB version of what we already heard. Sucks,though.
Blud got the easiest payday ever
Wooooow. Entering Forrest Whitley status
He just needs to call it quits at this point. His long term health isn’t worth this
He’d be back sooner if he started learning to throw left handed.

This has been news for awhile now.
Where does it say No Throw Ststus? Just says setback. Hyperbolic post.
Everyone get the shovels… we got a burying to do
> RHP Lance McCullers Jr. (right forearm surgery)
Expected return: TBA
> McCullers remains a “no-throw” after spending the season building up from major surgery last June to repair his flexor tendon and remove a bone spur. McCullers had progressed to the point of throwing in the bullpen in late June before the Astros shut him down. Manager Joe Espada said McCullers visited a doctor for a second opinion and was told him there’s no structural damage to his elbow.
> “It’s just getting him back to where he bounces back well after he throws a side or he plays catch,” Espada said. “Right now he’s no-throw and then depending on how he feels the next couple of days, then we start ramping up his throwing.” (Last updated: July 19)
I mean, nobody expects him back, right? Feel bad for the guy because he keeps working to get back but he’s done. Hopefully he can find a place within the organization.
This is pretty much the MLB version of what we already heard. Sucks,though.
Blud got the easiest payday ever
Wooooow. Entering Forrest Whitley status
He just needs to call it quits at this point. His long term health isn’t worth this
He’d be back sooner if he started learning to throw left handed.

This has been news for awhile now.
Where does it say No Throw Ststus? Just says setback. Hyperbolic post.