The very first look at Scotia Place

  1. I think it looks sick as fuck. But all you negative pricks are going to disagree lol edit: color me surprised lol I got downvoted immediately in the live thread.

  2. I think this looks actually really good, definitely 10x better than Edmonton’s shitty arena

  3. Looks great. Based on how the BMO turned out, I’m confident this will look good too.

  4. I love the implementation of elements. I think it looks incredible. I think that is a design that Calgary can be proud of.

  5. Ah the Fire Place. Looks sick. I think the top edge of the building was modelled directly off of Iginla’s forehead crease.

  6. uh… someone please tell me that top portion is going to be projected from inside with live flames

  7. Wonder how much the balcony on the 2nd tier will be used.

    Maybe the intent is to shield the line ups from our frigid winter, but definitely won’t be a gathering place in -20 temps

    Show me a rendering of mid-winter time when the Flames’ season takes place 🙂

  8. I like the fire and ice theme honestly even though I’ll always miss the Dome

  9. I gotta say, that flame design on the upper portion is pretty fucking sick.

    Thank god were going to get something iconic for the price we’re paying. The street-level integration looks amazing, so I really can’t complain about it.

  10. The guy doing the presentation called the top half, with the fire, The Cauldron. Can we adopt this name as fans instead of stupid Scotia Place? The Cauldron is where Conny does his cookin’

  11. Gonna miss the saddledome but gonna be honest, this is definitely a good arena and it’ll be nice to have a fresh one that’s not falling down. Definitely looks really nice and I’m gonna just call it by the “fireplace” now lol

  12. I love it. It still gives you that Calgary kind of vibe that I was scared about losing. What that vibe is, I’m not too sure but it looks like home.

  13. I’m a sucker for flame designs so I’m sold. This looks sick, though nothing will ever top the Saddledome in terms of charm

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