It’s an election year, keep your eyes on what’s most important people

  1. FOR REAL, I’m getting ready to watch a Patriots football team without BB as a coach. This is what I’m living for at this point

  2. I thought Republicans stopped watching football because players were protesting police brutality.

  3. I can’t believe how many *actual* political ads are on my feed with 10k+ upvotes. Please fuck off. I’m from Canada.

  4. We’ll have just a little under 2 full months of quality Bears football before the world explodes

  5. I just want to play fantasy football, watch the games, and hang with the boys.

  6. Well politics get controversial so let’s get controversial to- I want a Seahawks Bengals Super Bowl goddamnit.

  7. I’d much rather argue over pass interference than election interference any day of the week

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