Is it safe to say that Tyus taking 3.3 is terrible news for Kennard and other free agents? Saw someone else appropriately state that the CBA is killing off the NBA middle class.

  1. The CBA had nothing to do with this. Washington didn’t want him and nobody else with cap space did either. He chose a minimum deal with substantial playing time over slightly more money elsewhere.

    I swear the “new CBA killed the nba” have never paid attention to free agency before

  2. People are so reactionary.

    The reason the new CBA is leading to less middle class salaries, is because teams are being punished for “bad contracts”. Things don’t get fixed in a year. Over time you’ll see a shift away from three max contracts on a team, to where you’ll give two max contracts and a bunch of middle contracts. The NBA had become so top heavy where everyone either gets a max or a minimum with a couple of MLE’s in there, in 5 years you’ll see it spread out more, once the last round of bad contracts expire

  3. Nope different positions and players. Everybody needs 3 pt shooting. Kennard will get decent money.

  4. Oh, it’s awful for sure. This poor millionaire will only get paid $3.3M in a year rather than… rather than whatever other millions he was hoping for. I mean, he’s practically a pauper now. **Like he’s basically making what WE make, amirite??** Like, can you even keep up payments on a McLaren making that sort of chump change? What a broke loser!

    *”Killing off the NBA middle class.”* That’s a new one. He’ll be fine. He may have to do some belt tightening and not get *quite* as fancy of a condo while he’s in Phoenix for a year but I’m betting he’ll manage…

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