Dodgers (63-46) @ Athletics (45-65)

First Pitch: 6:40 PM at Oakland Coliseum

DodgersGavin Stone (9-4, 3.34 ERA)SNLA570, KTNQ (ES)
AthleticsJoey Estes (4-4, 4.92 ERA)NBCSCAA's Cast, KIQI (ES)
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Line Score – Pre-Game


Box Score

Posted at 5:40 PM. Updates start at game time.

Remember to sort by new to keep up!

  1. # GO DODGERS!!


    Final trip to Oakland Coliseum.

    Thanks for the memories! 🥂

  2. Wait…..what’s the point of trading for Rosario if we’re not using him? He’s batting close to .300 against right handed too

  3. Remember when the Snakes fans were trolling our thread when we blew the lead to SD the other day. Well they just blew a 5-0 lead to the Pirates lmao.

  4. Since it’s not yet game time, Judge just hit one 477 feet for his 40th. 

  5. Attending tomorrow’s game. I really hope most of y’all behave yourselves. I have a special place in my heart for the coliseum. Did my undergrad in the Bay Area and eventually made my way to Sacramento.

    Going to A’s games pre-COVID was a goddamn hoot. In many ways it felt like grabbing a beer at the neighborhood bar after a long day of work. Riding BART, going over the bridge and grabbing a $5 hot dog and modelo from street vendors. The kooky and eclectic fan base; I’ll never forget all the people that took me in as a scared Dodgers’ fan far away from home. I wish the circumstances were different and MLB would have gone the way of the McCourts but alas, Fisher wins.

    RIP Oakland Baseball

  6. Oakland isn’t actually a bad team this year, or at least they don’t seem set for 100 losses again. A win here would mean a lot. Let’s go Dodgers!

  7. Seems like this starting lineup is choosing defense over offense as Rosario not in the lineup.

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