Who was Rated the Worst on Here (AKA Too Low)?

  1. Boswell at 81 is kinda a travesty. He’s not the best kicker in the game but he’s gotta be top 7 at least

  2. I feel like JPJ played better than an 81 last season and he’s only going to improve this season. Boz also feels a little low but kickers don’t get a lot of love in Madden

  3. I’ll say it, 89 feels high for Highsmith. Need to see him produce without TJ just a little bit more

  4. Bro Jo being in 70s is wild

    Najee is definitely higher than 83 (stiff arm and break tackle ratings low)

    TJ obvi 99

    Boswell should be one of the higher kickers

    GP should have 99 spectacular catch

  5. Not pictured but Keanu Benton is egregious at a 75. We have rookies on the team rated higher than him

  6. Boswell and Watt. Highsmith seems a little low but the rest seem pretty fair. That said let’s not put too much stock in this trash.

  7. Queen at 85 is low – if Cam is accurate then Queen should be there too. Apart from Boswell the rest seems ok(ish.)

  8. Out of these guys the most miscalculated ovr is between Boswell, Joey Porter jr, and Alex Highsmith. They are severely underrated. Boswell should be damn close to Tucker. Porter is easily worth an 89, and highsmith is at minimum 90/91.

    Pickens is talented but due to the last couple yrs and a lot of uncertainty still I understand his rating. Najee and Warren should probably be a couple ticks higher, and I think they should have the same ovr, if anything Warren seemed to be the more successful back last year(idk about numbers, but seemed more productive to me)… tj is underrated but 97 is damn high so I can’t complain, he should have the best ovr at his position, worst case should be even with miles Garrett(even though tj is fucking better)… Minkah has been a little off and 93 is understandable, he’s an elite talent who came off and cooler year than usual. Cam is old, 90 makes sense to me. Patrick Queen should probably be a point or two higher, always thought he was good and intense.

  9. Believe it or not I think najee and Patrick Queen are rated little low I think najee should be 86ish and Patrick Queen should be 88 but Boswell is the worst rated should be higher

  10. Kickers don’t get high ratings. Boswell is the 3rd highest rated kicker in Madden. I don’t feel he should be on this list.

  11. TJ is too low. Should be 99. Najee is too high IMO. I’d place him at like 77-78. I think Jaylen is accurate. Pickens somehow had 1000 yards in last years offense. I’d put him a bit higher.

    Muth is an amazing TE who suffered injuries. He’s performed well despite being on one of the worst offenses in the league. I’d put him at like 88. JPJ I’d put at 86. Keanu should be at least 80.

    Boswell is good, at least in comparison to his peers. I’d put Tucker at 90 and Boswell at like 86. Minkah, Cam, Highsmith, and Queen are all pretty solidly rated.

  12. +1 on Boswell

    But man… I still maintain Warren has more talent than we’ve even seen yet.

  13. what more do they expect from TJ? GP and muth being low 80 players is also a travesty, i feel like steelers have been consistently underrated on madden since forever. AB is the last 99 i remember

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