Cubs (57-60) @ White Sox (28-89)

First Pitch: 7:10 PM at Guaranteed Rate Field

CubsJameson Taillon (7-6, 3.25 ERA)MARQWSCR
White SoxGarrett Crochet (6-8, 3.19 ERA)NBCSCHWMVP, WRTO (ES)
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GamedayGame GraphStrikezone MapLive CommentsLibera: ##baseballChannel Finder

Line Score – Pre-Game


Box Score

Posted at 4:10 PM. Updates start at game time.

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  1. Il be there wearing my cubs jersey. With sox buds but im sure im going to get chirped

  2. It’d be very Cubs ‘24 to lose both this weekend however I am going to predict that the Cubs win both games, win them big, and subsequently sneak into the wildcard by September. And I’m going to make that prediction because of the Power of Positivity. Look it up.

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