Other than feeling like we were on the surface of the sun, training camp was a blast. Got to meet Shaq which was cool. Bryce stopped signing about 10 feet from where I was 🥲. I get it. He was tired.

But I tell you what did happen…

Jack Plummer, I swear to God, walked up to me and grabbed the sharpie out of my hand to sign my team roster poster they gave us. Like legit took it out of my hand without me offering it. I did not ask for his autograph. I did not want his autograph, but I did not have the heart to tell him no thanks lmao. I got a funny story out of it.

Shaq could not have been nicer. Such a good dude and came up to us unprovoked.

And to all the Bryce haters: He looked REALLY good today. Made all the easy throws look easy and took some deep shots down the field that looked really easy too.

Great day!

  1. Man I hope Bryce comes out firing this season like he is in camp. Would love for him to shut up all the haters.

  2. Jake Plummer: I WILL sign your poster. Idc if I’m on the team in a few weeks, you WILL have my auto

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