Mike Shildt is pissed at Acee about the usage of his best relievers

Mike Shildt is pissed at Acee about the usage of his best relievers
byu/SDOki inPadres

  1. After a good win this dude needs to take a chill pill lol. The reporter not Shildt

  2. Acee wanted Spanos to take him to LA with the Chargers so bad. How has he not burned his bridges in SD yet. Don’t think Melvin liked him last year either

  3. Acee after Schildt tears him a new ashole.


  4. Acee the voice of every doomer on this sub. Lol! People complain about only having 1 hit, yet the Padres were winning. This is the same energy from Acee.

  5. He’s just trying to provoke a catchy sound bite or quote. It’s silly to think we on the outside have a better idea of who is being used too much than the coaches, trainers, and athletes themselves 

  6. When a manager gets that defensive it’s either a great question or a terrible questioner

  7. I hope Acee in his article writes, “and at the end of the game, a shit report (aka me) asked a dumbass follow up question to a manager that has managed to win a franchise best 18 of 21 games.”

    Traditional local journalism, especially sports, is dead. Leave it more nuanced and passionate people online who have much more knowledge about the game to give critical analysis to how things are really going

  8. Kinda out of context. That clip cuts out the previous question where schildt talks about how they determine who’s available every day. But acee keeps going and that’s when Schildt got ornery.

  9. Best way to get on San Diego fans good side is to shit on Acee. That’s my coach right there!

  10. What a dumb take by the reporter. Got nothing else to write about huh? Gotta make up some drama.

  11. I understand why Manny chose to walk through the clubhouse perfectly normally instead of giving him attention . Good lord.

  12. I’m convinced that Kevin Acee has a job solely because Preller and Machado enjoy clowning him

  13. Perhaps these post games press conferences should end. I really don’t see a purpose for them.
    Also, Acee is so damn irritating. Wish the chargers would have taken him to LA.

  14. The team just keeps winning tight games. Really weird time to question the manager on BP usage. I mean, I have concerns about the over usage of many of these arms, but it’s not like there’s any other option. We’re playing a lot of tight games right now, which means using the high leverage arms a lot. That’s just how it is.

  15. There was a discussion today about how there may not be a 100 win team this season and how that might be OK/by designed. I think in this era managers understand that resting players is more important than games played streaks or wins, since you need something in the tank in the off season

    The more nuanced question Acee should’ve or could’ve asked it it’s worth the win now given the risk later?

    It’s close enough in the division and wildcard to make that an interesting question

    He didn’t do that.

  16. I love Shildt as much as anyone but his postgame pressers are pretty brutal a lot of the time. I don’t really blame Acee for leaning on him to try to get something he can write about

  17. Acee misses Bob Melving putting in Luis Garcia in a 1 run game to keep Princess Hader fresh for his big payday

  18. Good lord, Kevin Acee just walked out of the press room with his tail tucked between his legs. Too busy being a total hack to actually report on one of the hottest teams in baseball, apparently.

  19. Acee is having Hader flash backs but our Dodger Killer Suarez is the real deal who will show up day in and day out. We also have an amazing supporting cast for Suarez when he’s conquering the mound.

  20. I’ve stopped watching his post games because Shildt either says nothing meaningful, or is antagonistic towards reporters just doing their job. Was this question worded great? No, but also I don’t think it warranted this kinda response either. Acee isn’t exactly one of those “gotcha” type of reporters.

  21. What are we 18 and 3 since the break? Shildt can do whatever he wants as far as I’m concerned. Let the good times roll!

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