10 Hour Flight pick your seat number

  1. This is too easy. Joe, russ, and I will just drink white wine and talk about our boyfriends. Maybe do bathroom stuff together.

  2. Seat 3. OJ at this point is a ghost at best, I’ll sit in his seat and then Ray and myself both get some extra space.

  3. 9. And I spend all 10 hours telling Brady “yeah you definetly didn’t fumble, bro”.

    If Gruden gives any shit I tell AB to call him a cracker and to shut up.

  4. 6. Give me TSwift all day everyday

    My backup would be 4 because I feel Sarah will have some stories I’d find interesting to listen to.

  5. Can’t say which one I would do but that seat 5 between Russ and buck would be own personal version of No exit. Those two just suck as people.

  6. 8. It’ll be tense and eventually AB will do/say something stupid. Might even have order something expensive (idk how it works, never rode a plane) and would even get me something just to prove the world he’s not broke

  7. 4 and we will find out whose game is better. I think I have the upper hand since she’s probably watched him get folded like a bitch lawn chair at least a couple times and at least I have a future in my career.

  8. 5, 100%. Wilson will be doing high-knees in the aisle, so I get some extra space. Plus, I was a former aspiring PBP announcer, so I’d thoroughly enjoy the chats with Buck.

  9. 6, a quick twelve minute flight would be great since I’m scared of flying.

  10. Man, I’d go 2 because those guys are hilarious and a great vibe, but realistically I just want peace and quiet and to sleep on a 10 hour flight.

    I’d probably go seat 6. Taylor would probably just want to do her own thing and Carl Nassib seems like a nice dude.

    9, 8, 7 would be awful.

  11. I’d just take 5 so I can talk to Joe Buck. Russ will be busy doing whatever, he’s russ

  12. Gotta pic unc sharpe I feel like he’d tell you a story and buy you a couple drinks. With cam in the Sam row I feel like they’d roast me a lil but I’ll live.

  13. 1 and it’s not close for me. Rex is hilarious as is Andy and there is enough football knowledge and stories between them two to make a consecutive roundtrip to Australia worth it.

  14. I sat next to Ricky Williams on a southwest flight from Dallas to Austin, he kept his headphones on and didn’t say a word

  15. A lot of these are funny “which is the least bad” situations, but Jamaal Williams is one of the coolest dude’s ever. I’d love to hang out with that guy.

  16. 9, no question. Butker would probably read quietly and be a considerate passenger, and no matter how you feel about Chucky, you can’t deny he’d be fun to talk football with.

    5 is the worst. Both those two smug doofuses.

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