This is too easy. Joe, russ, and I will just drink white wine and talk about our boyfriends. Maybe do bathroom stuff together.
7 for sure
2, that would be entertaining as fuck
Row ten all day. Cognac and shit talking.
There’s no room in row 1
10. Cuz Im gay af
Seat 3. OJ at this point is a ghost at best, I’ll sit in his seat and then Ray and myself both get some extra space.
2 all day
Russell Wilson is in the aisle doing high knees
Is it weird that I’d rather sit next to OJ and Ray Lewis than Russell Wilson?
2 for sure!
Got a window seat and I would totally chill with Rex Ryan
9. And I spend all 10 hours telling Brady “yeah you definetly didn’t fumble, bro”.
If Gruden gives any shit I tell AB to call him a cracker and to shut up.
6. Give me TSwift all day everyday
My backup would be 4 because I feel Sarah will have some stories I’d find interesting to listen to.
Can’t say which one I would do but that seat 5 between Russ and buck would be own personal version of No exit. Those two just suck as people.
Id probably sit by Ron white and Andy reid
2 no question
8. It’ll be tense and eventually AB will do/say something stupid. Might even have order something expensive (idk how it works, never rode a plane) and would even get me something just to prove the world he’s not broke
6 no question, who isn’t taking the chance to hit on TSwizzle
its tough but im gonna have to go with 3
7 all day
4 and we will find out whose game is better. I think I have the upper hand since she’s probably watched him get folded like a bitch lawn chair at least a couple times and at least I have a future in my career.
10 so I could talk shit to Cam Newton for dressing like my aunt at a funeral.
Fine, I’ll lock myself in the toilet.
Between Gruden and Butker would be crazy.
5, 100%. Wilson will be doing high-knees in the aisle, so I get some extra space. Plus, I was a former aspiring PBP announcer, so I’d thoroughly enjoy the chats with Buck.
#2 all day! But don’t kick the seat in front of you
6, a quick twelve minute flight would be great since I’m scared of flying.
Idk a ton of these. But 8
Man, I’d go 2 because those guys are hilarious and a great vibe, but realistically I just want peace and quiet and to sleep on a 10 hour flight.
I’d probably go seat 6. Taylor would probably just want to do her own thing and Carl Nassib seems like a nice dude.
9, 8, 7 would be awful.
1 and get a free pedicure.
I’d just take 5 so I can talk to Joe Buck. Russ will be busy doing whatever, he’s russ
Gotta pic unc sharpe I feel like he’d tell you a story and buy you a couple drinks. With cam in the Sam row I feel like they’d roast me a lil but I’ll live.
Right next to Rex so we can look at feet pics the whole time
Jamaal and I could sit and talk anime and story arcs.
1. Sexy Rexy and I can talk about feet.
1 and it’s not close for me. Rex is hilarious as is Andy and there is enough football knowledge and stories between them two to make a consecutive roundtrip to Australia worth it.
I sat next to Ricky Williams on a southwest flight from Dallas to Austin, he kept his headphones on and didn’t say a word
I’m sitting with Unc and Cam drinking congac and saying country shit.
If you swap Shannon and Cam, I’d pick 10.
A lot of these are funny “which is the least bad” situations, but Jamaal Williams is one of the coolest dude’s ever. I’d love to hang out with that guy.
3 then 9
You know 7 snuck weed on the plane
9, no question. Butker would probably read quietly and be a considerate passenger, and no matter how you feel about Chucky, you can’t deny he’d be fun to talk football with.
8 for the pure shit talk provided from AB
This is too easy. Joe, russ, and I will just drink white wine and talk about our boyfriends. Maybe do bathroom stuff together.
7 for sure
2, that would be entertaining as fuck
Row ten all day. Cognac and shit talking.
There’s no room in row 1
10. Cuz Im gay af
Seat 3. OJ at this point is a ghost at best, I’ll sit in his seat and then Ray and myself both get some extra space.
2 all day
Russell Wilson is in the aisle doing high knees
Is it weird that I’d rather sit next to OJ and Ray Lewis than Russell Wilson?
2 for sure!
Got a window seat and I would totally chill with Rex Ryan
9. And I spend all 10 hours telling Brady “yeah you definetly didn’t fumble, bro”.
If Gruden gives any shit I tell AB to call him a cracker and to shut up.
6. Give me TSwift all day everyday
My backup would be 4 because I feel Sarah will have some stories I’d find interesting to listen to.
Can’t say which one I would do but that seat 5 between Russ and buck would be own personal version of No exit. Those two just suck as people.
Id probably sit by Ron white and Andy reid
2 no question
8. It’ll be tense and eventually AB will do/say something stupid. Might even have order something expensive (idk how it works, never rode a plane) and would even get me something just to prove the world he’s not broke
6 no question, who isn’t taking the chance to hit on TSwizzle
its tough but im gonna have to go with 3
7 all day
4 and we will find out whose game is better. I think I have the upper hand since she’s probably watched him get folded like a bitch lawn chair at least a couple times and at least I have a future in my career.
10 so I could talk shit to Cam Newton for dressing like my aunt at a funeral.
Fine, I’ll lock myself in the toilet.
Between Gruden and Butker would be crazy.
5, 100%. Wilson will be doing high-knees in the aisle, so I get some extra space. Plus, I was a former aspiring PBP announcer, so I’d thoroughly enjoy the chats with Buck.
#2 all day!
But don’t kick the seat in front of you
6, a quick twelve minute flight would be great since I’m scared of flying.
Idk a ton of these. But 8
Man, I’d go 2 because those guys are hilarious and a great vibe, but realistically I just want peace and quiet and to sleep on a 10 hour flight.
I’d probably go seat 6. Taylor would probably just want to do her own thing and Carl Nassib seems like a nice dude.
9, 8, 7 would be awful.
1 and get a free pedicure.
I’d just take 5 so I can talk to Joe Buck. Russ will be busy doing whatever, he’s russ
Gotta pic unc sharpe I feel like he’d tell you a story and buy you a couple drinks. With cam in the Sam row I feel like they’d roast me a lil but I’ll live.
Right next to Rex so we can look at feet pics the whole time
Jamaal and I could sit and talk anime and story arcs.
1. Sexy Rexy and I can talk about feet.
1 and it’s not close for me. Rex is hilarious as is Andy and there is enough football knowledge and stories between them two to make a consecutive roundtrip to Australia worth it.
I sat next to Ricky Williams on a southwest flight from Dallas to Austin, he kept his headphones on and didn’t say a word
I’m sitting with Unc and Cam drinking congac and saying country shit.
If you swap Shannon and Cam, I’d pick 10.
A lot of these are funny “which is the least bad” situations, but Jamaal Williams is one of the coolest dude’s ever. I’d love to hang out with that guy.
3 then 9
You know 7 snuck weed on the plane
9, no question. Butker would probably read quietly and be a considerate passenger, and no matter how you feel about Chucky, you can’t deny he’d be fun to talk football with.
5 is the worst. Both those two smug doofuses.