The Indianapolis Colts Get Great News Ahead of Next Game

The Indianapolis Colts Get Great News Ahead of Next Game

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  1. I will say it. We will always seem to struggle at a position. You know what will happen. Look at what happened to the last safety we had. We didn't pay him and then he went to another team. The thing is he wasn't amazing but again he was asking for a lot of money but he just was getting good for our team. Now if this happens with another safety what do you think will happen. It's not about just getting a guy especially what if Simmons gets a injury like a groin injury. No one is safe from the injury bug. These guys we have need to see play as we got them for a reason and it will feel like we are wasting their potential if we just get a veteran and had the play second behind them. You can never see what you need to work on if you don't see if these guys can grow. If they see the struggles and never see growth then they will draft or get secondary help next year. This year it's to give these guys a chance to grow and see the field.

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