As Rourke returns, the stars are shining in Vancouver, but who’s the brightest?

With Nathan Rourke’s return to the BC Lions, the stars are starting to pile up in Vancouver! Blake and Jeff Paterson go over the day’s poll question on the local teams’ best players and wonder where each ranks in their league, plus, what it might mean to championship aspirations for each team. TSN’s Frank Corrado stops by to discuss the hockey news of the week, including the Oilers offer sheet conundrum and what the fallout will be, plus changing captains mid stream, and early PTO announcements. Then it’s Lions Head Coach Rick Campbell paying a visit to discuss the chellenges ahead for Nathan Rourke as he jumps back into competutive football in a massive game at BC Place on Sunday. He takes us through the week at practics and how Rourke and Adams have already been teaming up in preparation for gameday. All that, plus some notes on the Whitecaps and C’s as well!
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